Helloooooooo *waves madly*....I'm back. The magic of Interwebs means I can once more join in the weekly mayhem that is WOYWW!

It's been a frenetic fortnight but thanks to sterling efforts by family, friends and some very nice removal men, we are now ensconced in our temporary home. It's a comfy place, very close to Julia and we are extremely happy here - it's like being in a permanent holiday home. Most of our boxes remain unpacked and stored but I did keep some of my crafting kit out (otherwise I'd be showing a blank desk for the next six months and I think my numbers would tail off a bit....)

Anyway, the Jan Cave has relocated here:
I am going to have to move this stuff, it's way too hot in the conservatory - my cutting mat has warped in the heat.

I've made a start - this is the dining/craft room! It's a bit cooler here :-D

Some new stash bought with a birthday voucher - it's going to be another blanket as I'm quite enjoying the mindlessness of zipping along the rows.

And I've enjoyed using my gorgeous pencils too, they make shading so easy. Gordon has made me a playlist on the iPod and I was enjoying listening to it on random selection. Some real golden oldies appeared! I shall take my time with this colouring and really explore the tones...

If you are kind enough to comment, I may be late in replying as today is a busy one. But I will get back to you!!

Have a great crafty week - it's good to be back :-)


Nikki said...

Very Bright space you will be enjoying soon enough and that page is wonderfully coloured hugs Nikki

Helen said...

love the look round your new (temporary) home... hope your permanent one isn't too long in coming along! Great box of wools, the blanket will be great - but WOW those pencils.... good choice of gift that, G! Have a great week. Helen #1

okienurse said...

Great looking new crafting stuff. Hope you can get it unpacked and ready to play soon. I love the yarn and coloring book. I just bought a couple new ones too. I remember a couple hired hands of my grandfather used to color with me I always thought how awesome they did. Coloring is fun and not just for kids! Have a great week Vickie#5

misteejay said...

So lovely to see you back and it gives me the chance to say a VERY BIG thank you for the goodies you sent for the RNLI. They have been so well received. The colours for your blanket look super and I'm so pleased you are getting to sit and do some crafting & colouring after the hectic few weeks that you have had.
Toni xx

Sue said...

Hi Jan, Glad you are getting settled. Have you actually found another house or are you still looking?

Loving the wool.

Sue #12 (at the moment:))

Neet said...

Made my day seeing you on here. Love the colourfulness of your photos the pencils and the wool, and the quick look around your new abode. Hope it is not too long before you can settle into the Real One. Good to see the 'main things are opened, music and crafting.
Bet it is good living so close to Julia now. Can see lots of 'ladies lunches' on the horizon.
Hugs, Neet 10 xx

Annie said...

It's good to see you're settling in to your new home. I'm not joining in this week....no crafting has been done cos I've been playing nursemaid to my daughter in law who's been in and out if hospital having probs late pregnancy (she's back in at the mo with a reaction to the antibiotics they gave her!) fingers crossed little Bert won't be much longer.
Annie x

Judys Lace Creations said...

Glad your temporary home is comfortable enough.Yes you Must have some crafting supplies to use to De-stress. Even if the move wasn't too bad, it IS a stressful thing to happen and adjust to. Glad you and Julia can catch up and share lots of laughter and Creativity.

Diana Taylor said...

So glad the move went well and you are settling in to your new nest. Shame the conservatory is so hot as the light looks wonderful for working in. Love the colours for your new blanket, that rusty deep orange is my absolute fave colour. Loving the colouring - those rainbow colours are delicious and irresistible! I saw in blogland someone using a watercolour colouring book, the drawings are looser and more scribbly and it's ideal for practicing painting techniques - I thought it was a great idea as I have the paints but I only have about 5 crayons!
Hope you have a lovely week,
Diana xx

Morti said...

Welcome to your new home, and welcome back to WOYWW! We did miss you last week....

Ahh yes, the curse of the conservatory. Too hot in summer, too cold in winter. Seems a tad pointless really! My sister used to have her dining table all laid out nicely in hers, and discovered that candles should NOT be kept in a conservatory until you actually need them. They all looked very sad.... LOL

I feel the need to pop up for a cuppa at some point - hope your card arrived ok?

Kathyk said...

I couldn't craft in a conservatory for the same reason! I'm ALWAYS too hot!!! Looking good, glad you are in. Loving the sneaky peek at the colouring book .. I have pencil envy!



Chidkid said...

Fabulous to have you back. So pleased you're happy where you. I will look forward to seeing what you get up to over the following weeks. Elaine. No. 16

buterfliecrafter said...

that's one big tin of pencils, I can imaging that that is very relaxing just sitting coloring and listening to music, my husband makes mixes for me to listen while I sport. hugs, Vicky

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I'm so happy to see you again Jan! Missed you last week! Loving the berry coloured yarns - they will make a wonderful, cheerful blankie! The coloured pencils are awesome all laid out like that! Enjoy your time in your "holiday" home! (that's probably the best way to think of it!) I still can't believe how quickly you managed to sell your house! zsuzsa #25

Inside the artists shed said...

Ah the heat of the conservatory - I paint in mine and the oil paints ooze out of the tubes in the heat. What a super pencil selection - how can you choose?. Have a lovely week x Jackie 28

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Congratulations! Your new place looks beautiful. Enjoy!

Julia Dunnit said...

Ahh we're so happy to have you so close, it's a right old novelty isn't it! Despite moving house, you're doing more crafty stuff than me!

BJ said...

WOW that's loads of coloured pencils! Glad you are sort of sorted for a while. As for geocaching trackables you put them in a cache where they are at the mercy of other cachers who should move them on and log accordingly. They just didn't or haven't and trackables get lost. Oh well. BJ#15

Twiglet said...

Oh so glad you are managing to get a little crafty corner organised. That yarn is fab - it will make a gorgeous blanket. x Jo

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, pleased you have settled in. The conservatory should start to cool down soon and the light will be good for your crafting. Have a great woyww, Angela x 17

Lynne Mizera said...

oOh what an exciting post... Your piled up boxes make me smile because they bring back all the memories of our recent BIG move. Your lovely coloring page and huge box of pencil crayons gave me goosebumps and make me want to go play in my coloring room! Thank you for popping by earlier today, Smile Scrapbook Lynne WOYWW#9

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I so enjoyed moving to a new house with new opportunities (and more space) this year but I think I would have wept to have to be in a temporary space knowing that it's all got to move yet again. More kudos to you for doing it. It's good to see that you are making time for your crafting. Your coloring is lovely and I'll bet relaxing! PJ #36

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Glad you're settled for now and close to Julia, what a bonus! Lovely colouring and just the thing to relax a busy mind. So looking forward to catching up with you next month xx

Fiona #40

StampedbyChris said...

You're castle is really pretty. Just think in no time flat you will be settled in~
Chris P #30

Anonymous said...

Your new yarn is very pretty and looks so inviting in the container that it's stored in. Glad you are prioritizing the important task of deciding "where will the crafting take place." If you should feel so inclined, please give Julia a hug from me. My arms don't seem to reach across the Atlantic. :-) Happy WOYWW from Laura #34

Caz said...

Love the yarn, love the colouring. Great that you're close to Julia too


glitterandglue said...

Yay! Brilliant Jan. Glad to see the piano is one of the first things to be out in your new home!! (Tell I'm a musician, can't you?!) Thanks so much for your visit and kind words. I just felt I couldn't miss the post this week. So mny people have prayed for John over the past months since he was so very ill at Christmas. But, oh boy, did we pack a lot into the last 8 months!! They were very precious.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4

Elizabeth said...

What a surprise, Jan! I've just been catching up on what you have been up to during my absence. It's lovely to see your piano has made it to your temporary accommodation and it must be really nice to live so near Julia. The colours of the yarn are beautiful. Have a good week. Belated Happy WOYWW! Hugs, Elizabeth x #41

Christine said...

soo pleased you have your feet under a table so to speak!
An that you have your priorities right, keeping the wool to hand.
Have a good week
Bishopsmate #23

Paper rainbow said...

Glad I dropped by Jan! Is all happening at your place! Nice to see you get straight to setting up your craft area. Glad things are going well for you.

lisa said...

Hi Jan
Lovely to see you back and happy in your new home. I had to smile at you getting your craft space organised, well it's the most important obviously!!! We are still eating your green beans by the way, they are still delish. My mum tried to give me some of hers and she couldn't understand what we were laughing at!!
No desk from me, busy with stuff this week but hopefully back next week.
Hugs Lisax

505whimsygirl said...

Hello Jan!

A warping cutting matt tells me that was a very hot room! Glad you found somewhere much cooler to make into your craft room. Since I've been out of the loop for so long -- are you having a home built?

For some reason I thought the move in Julia's neighborhood was permanent. For however long it lasts I'm sure there will be a well worn path between the two.

Happy belated WOYWW. Not joining in this week but maybe very soon. Time management - as Julia's latest post pointed out, is quite important.


Unknown said...

Hello Jan Glad to see you are kinda all moved it and how wonderful to live so close to Julia to be just minutes away. Sorry to here about your cutting mat and glad you have moved to a cooler room. I just took a few minutes admired your fabulous coloring and that beautiful rainbow of coloured pencils. Have a wonderful weekend and glad you made it back also. Hugs ~Anne L#5

Kyla said...

So glad to see you are settling in and managed to keep some essentials to hand.
Thanks for visiting my desk already
Kyla #18

Darnell said...

And, wallah, I see that you did get sold and are now renting near Julia! That must spell trouble for the husbands, Shirley? But must also mean lots and lots of laughter which is good for the soul! Your temporary home seems very filled with light, too!! Enjoy!! Love and hugs, Darnell


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...