I think that I was slightly worried about this Crop as it was a smaller gathering than usual. Well, that was stupid huh, as it turned out to be a lovely day with more of a chance to chat! Seeing Shaz looking so well was the high point of the weekend for me - thank you for coming down, lovely gal. You did really well! Sam (Hettie) was poorly and couldn't make it, which was a shame as I was looking forward to seeing her.....

As usual there was chatting, cake (thanks Fiona for the famous Lemon Drizzle) and actually quite a bit of crafting....Heavens to Betsy :-)

The good folk of Burbage were having a Spooky quiz in the hall that evening and, after asking my permission if they could decorate the hall the previous day, did a fine job...it was very atmospheric!!

Some very spooky characters were lurking..

This made me laugh......looks like me after a bad day!!

It was great fun and added to the atmosphere :-)

The girls started arriving and quickly got down to business (they're all fooling you actually, there was lots of chat and cake at this point.....)
Way too mischievous...this was the Naughty Corner! Yes, Fiona and Lisa-Jane...YOU!
I rest my case, M'Lud!!
Margaret and Debbie managed to create some really beautiful items whilst chatting away like the great friends they are.....
 Debbie was making these gorgeous flowers to adorn the mixed media hearts she does so well...they were sparklier in real life.
And Margaret was doing parchment craft...I thought this was amazing but then she showed me what she does with it...
How beautiful is this? I just couldn't get over it...so delicate in appearance. Margaret must have loads of patience as this takes quite a while to complete...so worth it though xx
Shaz!!  Looking awesome in her witchy hat!  I did wonder over the past month whether we'd see her at the Crop, but she is one determined woman and it was fantastic to see her doing amazingly well. Doug is perfecting his shading technique!
I love this photo!  It just sums up the day for me :-D  I had just told them a really rude joke though, which explains the sniggering!!!! Love you Helen and Cindy ;-)

Dolores came all the way from Kent and bought Lizzie with her....a first timer to the Crop, but she follows WOYWW every week and reads our blogs but is unable to comment. Come on Lizzie, you've got to get your blog back up and running then we can return the honour!  Seriously, thanks for coming and being such a good sport. Both these lovely girls had made amazing tags...
Lizzie's.....they were really good!!
And Dolores...honestly, I loved these so much. Great pic of you as well, Dolores!
This was Lizzie's pencil collection....I could have happily walked away with these but will content myself with putting them on my Christmas list for Santa.....ooooh, those colours, they're just so tempting :-)
Kyla was looking Fab-u-lous!  And was a good sport when I asked her to pose for this pic, lolol!!
I love our crafting friends...they're just wonderful :-)
Kyla commandeered the tables at the end of the hall where she was putting her quilt top, batting and backing together...I was impressed that she'd bought her iron. If I'd have known, I'd have brought my ironing pile over for her.... ;-)
Fiona was busy handsewing some patchwork hexies....so meticulous...
Lisa Jane was creating some funky Scrapbook LOs...I loved that in your face paper....
A general view...it looks quiet here but that definitely wasn't the case on the day...
Dolores had bought the AWESOME quilt she's made and wanted some advice on how to square the edges properly.  So we had a committee meeting and lots of thoughts were bandied about about. Can you believe this is the first big quilt Dolores has made?? It is gorgeous....
....as were her nails!! Lol....
Can I give a shout out in praise of Doug Silverwolf? He played a blinder through the day, helping us set up with my menfolk and packing up at the end of the day as well. You're a star...
It was fantastic to see Mary Anne looking so great after her recent health issues too..she was knitting a cowl in this lovely autumnal yarn and had some crochet to show me....
...with a skull pattern in! How clever is that??  I really must try to attempt some more complex crochet...it's too easy to stick with the tried and tested sometimes.

I'm not entirely sure what IS going on here, but it obviously needed two pairs of hands to do it!
Morti and David rocked up at lunchtime...gosh it was so good to see these lovely folk again..it's been too long. Morti was doing the teeniest cross stitch I've ever seen...it was miniscule...she must have amazing eyesight! And David was cross stitching away merrily as well :-)
The usual Rent-a-Crowd photo had to be taken...we were smaller in number but still had a really enjoyable day...
...but there's always one.... :-D  And it's the quiet ones that are the worst, eh Fiona??

Some final images from a wonderful day...
The Goth Quarter!!
Inky mitts are the sign of a great day's crafting....
Extra visitors add to the fun!  My mate Helen and her mum popped in to support my fundraising stall...good to see you, lovely gals!
This made me laugh every time I needed the 'Facilities'!!

But most of all, it couldn't have happened without my Bestie.....
Love ya :-)

So many thanks...to everyone who came, who did all the setting up and unloading of cars (I've had real problems with vertigo and balance recently) and especially who supported my fundraising stall. The profits from your donations for all that craft stuff together with a small amount of subs money left over amounted to £200, which is astonishing. THANK YOU!!

WOYWW - just wonderful....... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Helen said...

Brilliant photos Jan, and yes, it was a very rude joke! Great day as always, smaller in number but definitely not in quality. Great total for a good cause. Love to you and here's to the next one! xx

Annie said...

What a gorgeous post Jan. Your photos are fab...just sorry that, yet again, I couldn't make it. There will come a time I'm sure but I had a fab time at Phoebe's 7th birthday party though and may have exciting work on the horizon from meeting the female magician who enteratined all the children [and adults!!]. Having worked for a magician in a former life she was very interested in commisioning me for some projects she had in mind :-)
Thanks for sharing the crop.
Annie x

Kyla said...

Great photos. A fabulous day, I loved it and love the fact that through WOYWW I have made so many new friends in the real world as well as virtual.
Good food, good cake and good company, what more can you ask for?
Kyla x

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, what a fantastic bunch of photos, they really capture the spirit of the day. A fabulous time was had by all, and to echo Kyla, I've made some wonderful friends in the real world, not least you and Julia, thanks to our virtual world of WOYWW. We both had a great weekend, and thanks for having us, lovely family that you are. Xxxx

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, what a fantastic bunch of photos, they really capture the spirit of the day. A fabulous time was had by all, and to echo Kyla, I've made some wonderful friends in the real world, not least you and Julia, thanks to our virtual world of WOYWW. We both had a great weekend, and thanks for having us, lovely family that you are. Xxxx

Lisa-Jane said...

Goodness don't you two look like you are up to something?! Love you all! xx

Julia Dunnit said...

Absolutely fab post girly, you made us a lovely lovely day. So nice to show off the work of these lovely people, so varied and skilled. Great great pics...the one of Mary Anne is ace isn't it! And as usual, thank you. From the heart of my bottom. Love you. Xxx

Twiglet said...

Aw Jan - what a fab post - so lovely to see you all and know what a happy day you had. Well done to you both for planning and delivering!! The decor was perfect!! How did they know!! x Jo

JoZart Designs said...

What a lovely read about a lovely day I missed. I keep saying that I'll join you and life gets in the way. We need a Northern Crop for those far off like me.
Great pics and lovely to see everyone, especially Shaz, looking so scintillatingly gorgeous. Well done you!
Jo x

Sue said...

Thanks for sharing all the lovely photos from the crop. Nice to see so many happy faces and variety of crafting.

Hope you have a good week. Sue

Anne said...

What a wonderful time you all had. How good it would be to join you- maybe one day. Good to see Shaz and her DH there as well. X

Anne said...

What a wonderful time you all had. How good it would be to join you- maybe one day. Good to see Shaz and her DH there as well. X

Morti said...

Awesome awesome awesome. You've said all that needed to be said, and got some fabby pics too..... Luvs ya lady!

Cardarian said...

Oh my! What an awesome post! It captures all the fun we had! Thank you Jan! We had a really lovely time!!!
Lots of love and hugs,

Lizzie J said...

Thank you for making me most welcome. I had a wonderful time and it was great to meet everyone. The stalking days are over! The password is sorted and I will be joining you tomorrow.
Lizzie J.

Bridget Larsen said...

There is always a naughty corner at every gathering, I'm usually in that naughty corner tee hee. Love all the photos, next time can we have live link up so we can enjoy it from far away lands??? pretty please
Bridget #1

Unknown said...

Great post and photos. The cake sounds divine after reading all the rave reviews. What I like best is the fact that there is such a wide range of crafts within the group. Makes it that much more fun! So wish we could all have been there.

sandra de said...

Fabulous pics and always lovely to see woyww in action.

Diana Taylor said...

Fab photos - it looks like you had a great time - wish I'd been able to get there!

Diana Taylor said...

Fab photos - it looks like you had a great time - wish I'd been able to get there!

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Lovely photos! Looks like you had a fab time! I'm at a loss at who's who, but will try to work it out!

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

WOW...what a variety of activity. Loving all the fun projects. I need to go back and review it all this afternoon. I would love to be able to attend sometime. Great time of the year for travel and your theme. Maybe when I win the lottery.

505whimsygirl said...

Hello LLJ,

Thanks for sharing the day with us that couldn't make it. Maybe the first year I'm retired I'll be able to join in the fun. Sometimes smaller groups are more fun - easier to visit with everyone and a bit more intimate. So good to see Shaz there!

I also read your WOYWW post. I'm wondering about those squares. You sewed them together and then put batting on the back of the squares then sewed the grouping of squares all together? You know I don't sew but have a thing for fabric. I just bought a Moda square pack but can't remember the name of it. It would make a very fun lap quilt.

I don't have anything to share this week but wanted to stop by and say hello.


Kim said...

Thank you for the wonderful pictures: Next best thing to being there!!


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...