Hello, lovely peeps - hope you've had a good week, filled to the brim with crafty goodness! Thank you to all those who made me laugh by calling me an Old Bag last week... the winner was....drum roll......
Yay, well done Lisa!  I still have your snail mail addy, so will get the bag off to you Toot Sweet :-)

I apologise for what's on my desk...but really, it's for a good cause so I hope you'll forgive me.

Christmas bunting. Yes, I know....it's still October and all things festive shouldn't appear for a while yet. But all the Christmas goods are now on the shelves in Oxfam where I volunteer and the window will be changed this week and I offered to make some bunting to help with the decorations. I'm frantically justifying myself here, can you tell?! 

I still had quite a few triangles already cut out so the process was quite speedy...
I made one length of larger and two of smaller flags - hope they'll fit the bill :-)

I'm determined to make a dent in the stash of double knitting yarn I have, so have started to make large granny squares bordered in white, which I'll join to make a blanket or bedspread. This one is about 15" across - it doesn't look much at the moment, but I got the idea off Pinterest and the overall effect when the squares are joined was really funky. We'll see....but if it reduces my stash and keeps me out of mischief then it's worth doing!

Someone asked to see the other bag I made from the Bicycle fabric last week....
I put deep pockets across both sides...you could get a water bottle in there, for example. As much as I liked the fabric, the pattern repeat was bl*%$y awkward - I just couldn't get a decent layout of two or more bikes. They were too far apart to be completely satisfying.

I made a doorstop with the leftovers and the problem was the same, except the image was too big now:
Ah well, the recipient can always give it away if she doesn't like it!  Two large bags and a doorstop out of a metre and a half of fabric. I'm so mean when it come to cutting carefully, lol :-)

And finally, some Happy Mail arrived from Kim Young as a thank you for something I'd made for her....
Some funky cards to use and a pretty butterfly one from Kim...that made me smile and do a Happy Dance!!  I'm still doing it...look....... :-D

Right, now I've finished this post, I'm off to do the food shopping for this weekend's Crop. I may be some time......



Nikki said...

That Bunting is so festive it's going to look wonderful hanging up and great use of the material to get that much out of only a meter and a half . What a cute door stop too
Happy WOYWW hugs Nikki
My Space

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I wouldn't say mean at all. I like to get the most out of fabric. Dressmaking patterns so often overestimate quantities by miles! Those lovely bicycles were far too good to waste. Your bunting will look fab dressing that festive window. See you soon :-)

Unknown said...

I love your bunting Jan, I still put mine up every year that you kindly made for me. All your projects are great as usual. I'm trying some festive sewing too! What fab cards to recieve. Hope you all have a really great time at the crop!
Lynda B

Helen said...

I feel your pain - it's gorgeous fabric and you want as many bicycles for your £ as you can, lol! love the door stop, great idea (my door stops tend to be boxes of craft supplies...) See you Saturday, looking forward to a great, fun day as always. Helen 3

Judys Lace Creations said...

I just love bunting, and it always makes displays look good!

Neet said...

Oh Jan, how I wish I was coming to the crop. Hope all goes well and you have a lovely time and are not too tired out with all that you do.
Love that bicycle fabric and the bag. The navy stripe is so effective against the background - that is one truly perfect bag. The doorstop, well, that is fabulous too, not sure which I prefer so maybe I should just like them equally.
Have a wonderful weekend, will be thinking of you all.
Loadsa Love, Neet 17 xx

Sue said...

Love the bunting. I think virtually everywhere have their Christmas stuff out now.

Love the bag and door stop.

Lucky you getting such nice mail.

Sue #20

Annie said...

Gorgeous makes on your desk today Jan....but when are they ever anything else? :-)
Have a great time on Sat....alas I can't join you as I will be at Phoebe's 7th birthday party and being entertained by a magician....what fun :-)
Annie x # 9

Sue Jones said...

That banner will be perfect! Love the bag ( using mine this weekend for a craft retreat :) ) I have loads of wool and need to make some squares in the evening when i am watching tv- i dont like to just sit and watch without doing something else. have a great week . Soojay 19 xx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Wow, so many lovely projects, Jan - I'm at a loss as to which one to comment on! I love the idea of bunting - I've been thinking about doing something like that for ages - but without much sewing involved. I've tried doing a granny square once, but failed miserably, LOL! Maybe it's just not my thing - no patience, you see! I want results and fast, that's why I just throw paint on paper. Love the bag and the door stopper too - it must be so rewarding to make things that actually serve a purpose. Have a great week! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #22

glitterandglue said...

What a lovely post, Jan. Everything has turned out beautifully. Loved the doorstop! Great one - and why not be a real careful cutter-outerer?! Fabric ain't cheap these days, and we have to make the most of all our stash.
Hope the shopping has gone well. Have a fantastic day on Saturday - just wish you were not all so far away - would love to come one of these days, and actually see what a crop is!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #1

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Some great projects. I love the bunting I won some time a go. I like the bike fabric, kind of our lives of coming and going. A great door stop too. Have fun at the crop..and I'll bet those food ideas will be great. #29 Enjoy

Kim said...

We just do enough bunting over here! Yours will definitely get the mood going. And The bag and doorstop are great. Have a great time at the crop; I'm sure the food will be fantastic! Some day we'll get there!
-K #36

Unknown said...

Oh I love everything on your desk!! I have already pinned the tote and the doorstop to my Pinterest board. Tee hee! I've been so tired lately and haven't been at the sewing machine...but I'm planning on spending some quality time with Violet this weekend. I'm never going to get my midori business going if I don't start stitching them up!! Hugs! Sandy Leigh #39

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, wow those cards are awesome, unsurprisingly I love the one with the girl in platform boots! The bunting is going to look glorious-I am sure they'll love it.See you Friday, love and hugs, Shaz xxx

Lisca said...

Gosh, you never stop do you! The bunting looks just the ticket! I'm sure they'll love it at Oxfam's. The bicycle bag is great too. So annoying when the pattern doesn't go where you want it to go!
I'm looking forward to seeing the end result of the granny square quilt. I'm sure it will look wonderful.
Have a great week,

jill said...

I so enjoy visiting you desk on Wednesday's . I like to look at all the lovely things you get to make.
Happy woyww Jill #45

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Well done to Lisa, on winning the bag. Love the bike bag and the door stop, that fabric is brilliant. Hope you have a great week and happy woyww, Angela x 14.

Twiglet said...

Yes Jan - I always think that 9 inchies is the right amount to have fun with - any more and i would struggle to get them straight. I could manage with 4 inchies but it's not as much fun when I am on the couch in the evening! lol. See what you mean about the size of the bikes but I still like what you have done with them. x Jo

Diana Taylor said...

I love Christmas bunting - actually I love all bunting! Yours is going to look fantastic and will certainly get people in a festive mood to spend their money in the shop - what a great idea!
I love the bicycle fabric too, I like the big image on the door stop, I think it works well. Glad to hear you are in full working order again - car wise! I'll email you shortly!
Hugs, Diana xx

Christine said...

I have been talking about you this week! Have your ears been burning?!?! It's was about bags ..... book bags actually.
Love that bunting, Christmas IS coming whether we want to talk about it or not so get in there kid!
Have a good weekend

Take care
Bishopsmate #49

505whimsygirl said...


Lucky Lisa! The Christmas bunting looks great. The stores here are already selling Christmas items so I imagine you can get away with starting some projects. Nice cards and notebook from Kim. The butterfly is very nice; yes, I can actually SEE you doing a happy dance!

Hugs, Kay (40)

Ali H said...

Hate it when patterns won't play ball ! Projects look great though! I'm knee deep in Christmas stitching so no need to justify yourself in my eyes! Thanks for visiting Ali #11

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Happy WOYWW, Jan! Great projects today and I love the Christmas bunting!
Thank you very much for already visiting me!
Blessings, peggy aplSEEDS

Cardarian said...

Hi Jan! Love the bunting, the bag and the doorstep - I wouldn't be worried about the position of the bikes - they look fine! Sooo happy to be going to the crop, can't wait to have a good chat with you! I will bring my quilt and maybe I can can square it off after it has been quilted - I have no table big enough to do it at home so I am hoping to be able to do it at the crop! Will you supervise????? Pretty please!
Lots of hugs - see you soooon!

sandra de said...

Lucky Lisa M ... she will be thrilled. Have a great crop.
sandra de (no woyww)

Sofie V said...

I hope you have a fun weekend! I love the bunting you made!

Greetings, Sofie #44

Hettie said...

Lucky Lisa!! Lovely C bunting there. I keep threatening to make some of my own! If only I could have a month off work!!
Lucky post from Kim. I had some too from the same person. Such a happy day.
xx 23

lisa said...

Hi Jan, sorry to be such a late visitor this week. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to be your "OLD BAG" lol. You know how much I love your makes and I shall wear this with pride everytime I go out shopping. Now you don't get bags automatically when you buy something it will be sooooo useful and I'm always running out of carriers and the like that I keep in my handbag.
Love all the cards you received from Kim, such talent around isn't there. Have a great crop, I will be with you in spirit!!!!!
Hugs Lisa xx


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...