(not a song, just a comment!)

Hold onto your hats - I've done some more crafting this week. Woohoo!!

It started off last week when a friend presented me with this fun fabric and asked if a bag could be made out of it. I had a furtle in my stash and found this mad green multi spot cotton. It must have been serendipity because there was only about 6 cm square left over at the end. Careful cutting and surreptitious seaming was needed to get it to work out ok! I showed some of this on Facebook as it apparently was Sew Saturday at the weekend......

The things I've found about making bags is that the longest time has to be spent on things like pockets, the zip section etc. The actual sewing-the-bag-together bit is the very last action.

But hopefully it's worth it :-)  There's so much fabric left over, I'm going to make a beach bag sized tote but it'll have to have a different lining.

And then I remembered last week's rash promise of a giveaway! This was yesterday......

This is the ugly part of the process!! You know, the bit where you do actually wonder if everything's going to turn out ok :-)

I used a selection of fabrics from my stash, some old, some new and had fun with trims and stitches from the Dark Side......

Just a basic tote....you can use it to take to the supermarket, it's surprisingly strong. This is Side A.......

...and Side B.  I forgot to take a pic of the rather sexy raspberry and chocolate stripe lining, doh!  You can just see a hint peeking out of the top :-)

So, if you'd like to enter my Giveaway for the Patchwork Tote, then just include the words 'OLD BAG' in your comment. It'll make me happy!

Finally, that wonderful gal, Shaz Silverwolf, finally made The Great Escape from Hospital last week. What fab news is that?! I think we've all been through the wringer following her progress through her hubby's blog. Hopefully she'll mend quickly now she's back home.
Happy Dance :-)

Have a great week! xxxx


Helen said...

It's wonderful that Shaz is home - and even posting today! Love your colourful tote, someone will be so lucky to win it (as I have one, I won't deprive someone else of the chance) See you soon (yes, sorted a lift thanks to Cindy) Helen 2

Sue said...

Loving the 'Old Bag'. The fabrics go so well together.

The bag with the bicycle fabric is also fab.

Sue #20

Neet said...

That cycle fabric is fantastic! Wonder if that came out before the great Yorkshire bike race which I a reminded about each time I go to Harrogate. Yes, there is still the odd bike here here and there along the road.
Gorgeous happy sewing.
Hugs, Neet xx 1 xx

Anne said...

Hi Jan. I agree wonderful to see Shaz back. Have followed all on Doug's Blog. Both the bags are fab. As I won before I think I must give others the chance to win one of your fab bags! Anne x#22

Anne said...

Hi Jan. I agree wonderful to see Shaz back. Have followed all on Doug's Blog. Both the bags are fab. As I won before I think I must give others the chance to win one of your fab bags! Anne x#22

Julia Dunnit said...

Yep, the cycle fabric is a hit! You're such a sweet and generous soft carry coontainer, and the bag is very pretty. Am supposed to be at work, but when I saw Shaz's name on the list I had to fire up the PC!

Inside the artists shed said...

Great cycle bag - great choice of contrast fabric. My daughter is a cyclist so would love one of these - but then again she would want it to be a time trial bike. I keep trying to get her to change to a safer bike with a basket on the front and wear flowery skirts to match. As if. Didn't know it was Sew Saturday but then I was up visiting folk in Newcastle x Jackie #23

Mrs.D said...

Jan. what a super Bicycle bag, I love the lime green with it, makes it really stand out.
The OLD BAG is rather beautiful too, I would feel really stylish taking that to the supermarket, so please include me in the draw.
Chris #24

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Yes, two wonderful bags Lunch Lady Jan, love the contrasts on the cycle bag.. good that you bought enough..
I smiled at the requirement that we write OLD BAG in your post .. mmm, I thought yep I qualify, well and truly as an old bag :D .. love the rose pattern on one side, trees, florals and spots on the other.
Thanks so much for popping over.
A very generous offering.
Happy WOYWW 333! Shaz in Oz.x #6

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Annie said...

I'm really loving your latest fabrics you OLD BAG :-) As if any of us would call you that ;-) I plan to make a few bags [when I can actually get into my sewing room to clean the first 6" of dust off everything first that is!]. I plan to have one in coat pockets and handbags so I dont have to pay 5p for one when I'm shopping :-)
Have a great weekend.
Annie x # 10

jill said...

I'm sure who ever wins the bag will be delighted with it Jan.
Happy woyww Jill #15

Diana Taylor said...

I love the bicycle fabric and the way the lime green fabric picks out the little touches of green in it. I would also love your giveaway but as the very proud owner of two of your beautiful creations already, I feel that would be greedy! I am sure whoever wins it will love it as much as I love mine! Hope the car is on the mend!
Diana xx

Twiglet said...

Great news about Shaz. Now, although I totally love your bag - I will leave the name calling to others!! I love all your designs Jan - you really put fabric colour combos together beautifully. I must have a go myself one day. I have emailed you re the crop. x Jo

Lisca said...

Oh what fun bicycles! (Being a Dutch girl I love bikes). And I did smile at your requirement to use the words OLD BAG in my comment, just before you mention that Shaz has come out of hospital. Now I wouldn't dare call her an 'old bag'!
Yeah, it's great news she is now at home. She has even written a post today.
Have a great week,

sandra de said...

This old bag would love that old bag :)
sandra de @28

RosA said...

I really don't know how anyone could work the phrase "old bag" into their comment when the pretty bag on display is so obviously not :) :)
RosA # 36

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan, I just love to visit your desk each week to see your fabulous creations...you colour selections are inspiring... that lime green with the bike print is great and all those lovely florals and pinks made up with fabric from your 'old' scraps sure makes for an 'old new bag'. Also that's the best news for Shaz - I'm off to find her post now. Have a wonderful week Cheers RobynO#35

Kristiina said...

Glad your crafting, though you doing bags is no reasn to hold onto hats! Love your bags, but I'm not taking part in your giveaway, because I'm not a bag lady :) happy woyww, jealous about your crop, who knows if one day I'll jump on a plane just to get there!
Kristiina #27

glitterandglue said...

Hi Jan. Boy, was I relieved to see that photo of the inside out bag! I thought I was the only one to have a panic attack at that point in the proceedings! When making the bags for Bibles for our church charity I look at them and think "This is going to turn out to be an OLD BAG shaped nothing - not something I can use" - but....it works out each time. What a lovely generous person you are - to be giving away your hard work.
And yes, I so agree, how great to see Shaz at home and recovering nicely now!
Take care.
God bless.
Margaret #42

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I adore that bicycle fabric, Jan and it's perfectly paired with the bits of fluorescent green - love that colour too - in small measures, of course, otherwise it would make your eyes water! It must have been quite challenging cutting it to size. I bet your eyes felt funny afterwards! Have a lovely week! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #34

CraftygasheadZo said...

Absolutely love your OLD BAG! Love the fabrics you have used. Your bags are just fabulous you know I'm a big fan. Sadly I won't be seeing you all at the Crop but as you know I'm taking Keagan to Newmarket. But hope everyone has a wonderful time and have a piece of cake for me!! Happy Back to the Future day! Take care Zo xx 44

Carol Rigby said...

When I go shopping not just any 'old bag' will do. that's why I would love to be in with a chance to win your beautiful bag. Happy WOYWW!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hardly an 'OLD BAG'! Jan, it's gorgeous and so pleased to hear that Shaz is out of hospital too. Thanks for the visit to mine and have a great woyww, Angela x 24

Unknown said...

What a fabulous "OLD BAG"!!!! And thanks for the update on Shaz!! Very cool how you incorporated that beautiful green fabric into the first bag. Thanks for popping by!
Carol N #50

lisa said...

Now then your dear OLD BAG!!! Sorry that was totally uncalled for. Love that bicycle fabric, where do folks find such amazing fabric designs. Trouble is I just have to stroke it, I wouldn't actually be able to chop into it. It looks gorgeous with that bright green,
Glad I inspired you with the trees. I have great plans with the paper but whether what's in my head will actually work is another matter!!!
Great news about Shaz!!
Have a good week
hugs Lisax #19

Unknown said...

You are no Old Bag, that's for sure, but rather a fabulous sewist of totes! How's that? I do love all that fabric, and I think I failed to sew anything on Sew Saturday, but I knitted and I saw your wonderful sewing photo on Facebook that day! I am in my boring meeting right now, but figured out how to visit desks on my tablet, tee hee! Hugs! And the eye continues to heal. Thanks for visiting me already! Sandy Leigh #43

Sue Jones said...

Ha ha ha - I couldn't possibly call you an OLD BAG ;) I do love your bags. They are VERY sturdy and I have had lots of compliments about mine xxx Have a great week and thank you for the visit earlier today xx Soojay 17

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, this is leaving a comment Take 2! Doing it on my tablet,which makes me type really slow anyway, and I just touched something and lost what I'd typed. Only me,lol.It's good to be back, missed our regular Wednesday snoops,chat and news.I might even manage a picture next week,rofl.Have a lovely week, lots of love and big hugs,xxxxxx

Suzanne Alexis said...

Love both of your bags, they are so colorful! I won't enter for the giveaway since I'm in the States, and don't want you to spend too much on shipping. Still tempted, though!

Suzanne #53

Ali H said...

Love the cycle fabric! And lime green is a favourite of mine too ! Glad the bag came together okay, I was sewing all day Saturday but didn't know it was Sew Saturday! Ali #7

Gill said...

I love the bike bag!
Thanks from one OLD BAG to another!!

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Jan, love that quirky bicycle fabric and as always you picked a perfect partner for it. I already have one of your beautiful bags, which is saved for carrying my crafty supplies when I meet up with friends - I wouldn't want to use any OLD BAG for that now would I?! It would still be great to have another one though and that is a particularly delISHous mixture of fabrics :o) Have a fun week! Annie C

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I love that bicycle fabric. Another fine bag in the making. I bought some fabric to make a bag so I may well be looking for advice soon!

Fiona #55

Marit said...

You truly are the queen of sewing bags... they both look so pretty! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #13

Sofie V said...

I love the bags you made! The bicycle fabric looks fun!

Greetings, Sofie #56

Sofie V said...

I forgot to say the words 'old bag'. I would love to enter your giveaway! In a minute I will post your giveaway on my blog.

Greetings, Sofie

505whimsygirl said...

Hello LLJ,

The bicycle tote came out looking great! I'm sure your friend will be very pleased. As for this "OLD BAG" (yes, referring to me) would LOVE LOVE LOVE your tote giveaway. I think it would take thirty pounds off my body and maybe twenty years off my age! What a stylish gal I would be!!!! I can just see me on the cruise ship, going to HI with this hanging from my arm!

Happy belated WOYWW
Thank you for visiting me already.
Hugs, Kay (38)

Kelly said...

What lovely bags! I love that bicycle fabric. Thanks for stopping by my blog this week. Sorry I'm late getting 'round. Celebrated hubby's birthday last week. I didn't even turn on the computer in his honor. ;-) Creative Blessings! Kelly #47


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...