Heavens to Betsy, it's THAT day again!!  Hope everyone has had a good week and been busy crafting. A friend posted on Facebook that there were only 10 Fridays until Christmas and that was last week, so there's only 9 now :-/  Oooer, better start making a list....hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha...yeah, like that's gonna happen. Oh, I crack myself up sometimes :-)

I managed to get some use out of my craft room this week....
An overdue present for the now seven-week old baby boy of a friend in band. I can only apologise...it's been chaos with the bathroom renovations going on!

What an arty farty shot....I do apologise...I just couldn't resist that blue sky!  The glorious weather has been another reason why I've spent more time outdoors than in. Here's why:

There's been logs to stack......

...Garlic Chives to split and transplant. Aren't these flowers gorgeous?? Would you have guessed they were chive flowers if I hadn't have told you?

The tomatoes are still fruiting like crazy. but I've made a start on taking the plants down now, as the night temps will be dropping like a stone this week and my greenhouse is unheated....

Likewise the chilli plants!  I grew a few plants from the seeds that I saved from a chilli I was cooking with back in the spring...they did really well :-)

...and simply admiring the gloriousness of my Kaffir Lilies, saved from my parent's garden.  My mum adored these and I think of her every time :-)

There you go....hopefully I'll have more sewing time this weekend. I think I'll have a giveaway next week....it'll be WOYWW 333 and that number needs celebrating!!



Nikki said...

Love looking at your garden pictures and that banner looks wonderful and those be A LOT of tomatoes Yumm
hugs Nikki???

Helen said...

The blue sky is a perfect backdrop for the bunting! love the chive flowers too. Happy WOYWW Helen

Unknown said...

Whata gorgeous garde you have Jan! I am looking forward to half term so as I can sort mine out too! Nearly finished my cards tho xx
Lynda B no linky yet

Neet said...

What glorious photos Jan, right from the lovely bunting to your mum's lilies. Didn't know about growing those chillies from seeds - must have a go at that. Thanks for sharing - makes me feel sunny already.
Hugs Neet 13 xx

Lynn Holland said...

Think you will like what's being going on in my garden Jan. Pop over and have a look teehee. It's nice to be outside isn't it among all that colour .
Lynn 17 x

Twiglet said...

Totally fab photos Jan and I love the arty farty blue sky photo! I am bringing some of those lilies from my old garden - they get a bit rampant but they are just so cheery. x Jo

Bridget Larsen said...

wow I'm coming over to raid your vege plot lol
Bridget #1

Sue said...

Lovely banner.

Blimey that's a lot of logs.

Loving the Chive flower and the Kaffir Lillies are stunning. Your Chilli Peppers and Tomatoes look lush.

Sue #23

Annie said...

Hi Jan. What a fab post today. So much to see. I love the latest bunting and all your garden produce is wonderful esp the lillies in the last pic....stunning colour.
Have a great week.
Annie x # 11

Judys Lace Creations said...

I love looking at productive vegie patches. Lots to see and enjoy.
Judy #6

Inside the artists shed said...

Your chives look so much better than mine - they look very sorry now it has turned colder. Love the bunting. Mentioning Christmas that's even fewer Fridays for me as I am away for 3 of them - better get cracking. Jackie #21

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan, what a great post...love the baby banner, blue sky and all. I'm lovin' being outside in the garden with the fab weather we are having too - you have been a busy lady - super set of photos of the flowers especially those Kaffir lillies which I've not seen before. Lots of reno's going on with blog members lately - nice to have a new bathroom. Enjoy your week Cheers RobynO#25

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Jan, wow you've been busy! Love the banner, and the arty shot! I can't believe you're still getting tomatoes - are you making chutney? I call mine "Glut-ney" (hehe did yousee what I did there?!) Have a great week. Annie C #35

sandra de said...

Arty shots are always well received..... what I wasn't expecting is arty wood stacking. LLJ household are all artists by the look of those stacks. Love the flowers, veges and chive flowers. I really need to break out of the pear mode. Have a lovely week.
sandra de @9

CraftygasheadZo said...

Oh wow such wonderful pictures. I've some shrubs that belonged to my nan planted in my garden. We think of her everytime we see them. Your lillies are stunning. Love your arty farty shot too - lush bunting and sky!! Take care Zo xx 32

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Lovely sunny skies as a backdrop for your Sonny bunting! Those lillies are gorgeous. It's far too nice to be inside at the moment. Have a great week x

Fiona #40

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Fun banner and beautiful photos of your plants. Warm here and our tomatoes are really heavy with fruit, very late this year. I'll have to see if my chives bear flowers. Usually we have a freeze or two by now. And I too have enjoyed time outside and finishing up fall projects out there. DH is done with crops so he can help me put summer furniture in the garden shed etc. Have a great week #38

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Love the banner! I wonder if I could make something similar with paper, given the fact that I can't sew (yet!). Blimye, that must be enough fire wood for the entire winter - although they're talking about the coldest winter in 50 years! I don't believe them - they always say that! Lovely produce in your garden! My parents used to pickle green tomatoes, that didn't have time to ripen at the end of summer. Have a great week, Jan! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #36

Barb said...

Your banner is beautiful and good on you taking a photo against that lovely blue sky. Well lets hope you don't run out of fire wood!!! All your plants and produce look lovely. Have a lovely week. Barbxx #34

Unknown said...

Oh your tomatoes are amazing me because as you know, mine were rubbish!! And now I know it wasn't just my garden, it was our Ozarks weather this summer with too many cooler days and too much rain. I was told that by a tomato farmer here at the farmers market. Apparently our tomatoes would prefer many hot days in row with me out there having to water them, rather than lots of rain and comfortable temperatures. The tomatoes are demanding divas! I bought some at the farmers market to can, and it cost a pretty penny to do that. *sigh* Thanks for the visit! I love your sonny banner so much! Do you cut your triangles by hand? They are perfect. And isn't it funny I love that show? Ladies of London is in its second season on our Bravo network. Half the cast is British born, and half are Americans who married into London life. Lucky girls! Have a good week. Hugs. Sandy Leigh #37

Elizabeth said...

thanks for your comment.. I like what you make. This banner is joyfull.
Have a nice day and week. Groeten uit Nederland

Elizabeth said...

thanks for your comment.. I like what you make. This banner is joyfull.
Have a nice day and week. Groeten uit Nederland

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, looks like you've been a bit busy recently. The banner is lovely and the garden looks great. Thanks for the visit to mine and your lovely comments. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x

lisa said...

Ohh what a lovely post, Jan. This lovely weather just draws you outside doesn't it. I even cut my grass again this afternoon. Kaffir Lillies are one of my favourites. I have the red ones like you and also some gorgeous pale pink ones which are my favourites. I love the flowers on your garlic chives too, I only have the ordinary ones, must look out for these.
And your banner, I love your "arty" photo, just fab.
Now..don't show off your beautiful neat crafting space after I showed you my chaos. I have to move my cuttlebug bug off my desk when I've finished with it to carry on crafting. There is space I promise you!!
Have a good week.
Hugs Lisax #'19

Sue Jones said...

oolyou have been busy- I have loads of tomatoes but most are still green :( I have no green house so not sure what to do .I had better bring the chilli plant in too. Have a great week and thanks for the visit earlier . Soojay xx

Suzanne Alexis said...

Your plants are beautiful! You'll have lots of delicious food to enjoy after all of your hard work!

Suzanne #44

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

FYI on my machine...Yes I really like it. It seems simple enough just don't have a lot of sit down time with hubby wanting rides every few hrs for field changes. Here's the post on it

Kim said...

Love the shots of the garden! My garlic chives never flowered like that...but then; my garden has become rather anemic. Have a great week!
-K #48

Kelly said...

Thanks for visiting me, Jan! Those Kaffir Lillies are gorgeous! What a stunning color. You had to remind me it's that time to stack wood again, didn't you? Well, to be honest, I've been thinking about getting in wood for a month now. Guess I best get at it. The banner turned out great! Love the colors... stunning against that 'puzzle blue' sky. My tomatoes are finally about done here. I'll pull the last of the green ones and can those for frying this winter. Creative Blessings! Kelly #43

Unknown said...

What a cool banner! And your flowers are just gorgeous! Never seen chive flowers before. Looks like with that stack of wood you've been busy getting ready for winter. Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #39

Sofie V said...

Your banner looks beautiful! And flowers look fantastic!

Greetings, Sofie #46

Shoshi said...

Love the banner, Jan! Really bright and cheerful, and isn't it nice to see blue sky and sunshine. The beautifully chopped and stacked logs are a work of art - what a gorgeous texture and pattern they make. That's a great shot. Thanks for your visit and your lovely comment - especially for your good wishes for Friday. I've never looked forward to a treatment before but I do look forward to this final one, because I can then concentrate on recovering fully from the chemo and beginning my wonderful new cancer free life! I am so full of optimism for the future and feel very positive and upbeat. Soon be over now! Yaaayy! I just hope the same can be said for poor Shaz - what a time she has had! I think about her and Doug constantly and do wish them all the very best for the future, and that she is soon well enough to come home again.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #28

Christine said...

9 weeks!!! 9 Weeks!!! What?!?!?! Oh!! No!! I''m still catching up on September but there you go ..... Love the banner, hope it makes the new mam as happy as it made C - she has it up in Dexter's room.
Have a good week

Bishopsmate #45

Clare said...

Great bunting. Lovely photos too. Thanks for sharing. Jumbleberries xx

Tilly Tea Dance said...

What a lovely gift for a little one! And you really must have green fingers. My husband tries (unsuccessfully) to plant all sorts of culinary leftovers...left over pumpkin seeds, chilli seeds, even an olive, but none are yet to bear fruit! Thanks for stopping by my desk. Happy crafting :-) Max #47

Lisca said...

I really enjoyd your post. The banner is so sweet. Good that you are having decent weather for a chenge.
Yes, I knew that was the flower of a chive. Aren't they pretty.I think they are part of the Allium family. The flower photos are gorgeous. Thanks for showing them. It's made my day.
Thanks for visiting already,
Have a good week,

trisha too said...

What a gorgeous, colorful post, from the bunting to all the beautiful plants!

(I'm not on the 'puter much lately, sorry to be so slow to get your message from last week--will e-mail you for the addy, thank you!!)

Happy WOYWW!
:)trisha, #52 this week
with paint, a shelf and a bench

505whimsygirl said...

Hello Dear LLJ,
The bunting looks adorable; what a perfect baby gift! I had chives that had purple flowers and loved them. Interesting that yours have white blooms; I wonder if it has anything to do with the soil? That's a lot of firewood! I need to get some so I can use my fireplace again this winter. The weather is slowly changing here.
It's so good to be back. I know there's been lots happening and I've missed out...
Thanks for visiting me already!

Elizabeth said...

Love the bunting, Jan, and the arty farty shot ... any blue sky is reason to celebrate! All that stacking must have taken forever but you are going to be cosy through the winter so worth the effort. I'm really impressed with your chillies grown from saved seed ... think I will have to try that for myself. Could be you're going to be busy making tomato chutney now that the temperature is plummeting. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #56

RosA said...

Wow, that's a serious amount of firewood! We probably have twice that amount in the woodshed at the ski lodge, but hey, there's snow there!
I'm not surprised you are spending more time outside than in, with a lovely garden like that! With summer fast approaching here, spending too much time outside is not really on the cards :)
Thanks for dropping by earlier too,

Kyla said...

Ooh chillies....love growing, drying and pickling them

Unknown said...

Those Kaffir lilies are gorgeous! love the bunting against that glorious blue sky. I did not need to know there are only 9 Friday's until Christmas (sigh). Thank you for the visit earlier this week. Diane # 25


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...