Don't faint....I know you won't be able to believe your eyes...


....some actual crafting has taken place this week. WOOHOO!!

A friend of a friend wanted a knitting bag for her mum who's facing an extended stay in hospital...it musn't be too large so as to fit into the hospital lockers. These fabrics were picked by taking pics of them and emailing them to see if they were ok!

And they were! A fun combo, don't you think?

Attaching one of three pockets...I even used up one of my button stash. Steady now, almost had a rush of blood to my head...... ;-)

And two hours later, a little bag emerges. I put some of my knitting in to test it for size and the needles can lie flat. The pocket on this side is bigger than normal so that the lady can put in circular and double ended cable needles if necessary.  Hope she likes it!

My Facebook friends will already have seen this!  It was a grim day on Monday, when the rain didn't stop falling all day, so I just had the urge to make our Christmas cake. I plumped up the raisins in the last of my hubby's brandy (in the microwave. It works well!) and spent a happy couple of hours getting covered in flour. I'm a messy baker!  Now I have to go and buy another bottle of brandy or Calvados to feed the cake at regular intervals....and my hubby too!!!

Just to let you know, Shaz is still in hospital. She's had some issues with infections and was kept in. I know she'll be champing at the bit to get home. which I think may be happening within the week. Let's keep her in our thoughts.......



Helen said...

I love the knitting bag, hope it goes down well, (much like your rich fruit cake!) Shaz is of course in all our thoughts, and I hope she gets home soon. Helen #1

Sue Jones said...

Gorgeous bag - i am the only one in our house that likes Christmas cake , so I dont bother to make one any more. Fingers crossed for Shaz coming home .Soojay 8 xx

Anne said...

I love the fabric you have used for that bag! One of mine went away with me last week to visit mum- held my knitting and Stampin Up catalogue! I have so far bought fruit for cake- must get on with them! X

Anne said...

I love the fabric you have used for that bag! One of mine went away with me last week to visit mum- held my knitting and Stampin Up catalogue! I have so far bought fruit for cake- must get on with them! X

Neet said...

Shaz definitely in my thoughts - what a darned shame for this to happen.
The bag is lovely, so bright and sunny with the marrying of the two fabrics being so perfect. Cannot believe you are ready with your "C" cake. I used to do mine in September but that has certainly gone by the board these last few years.
Hugs and thanks for the earlier visit - Neet 5 xx

Bridget Larsen said...

I love your bags, can I buy one off you or swap you for something from Australia? I drool everytime I see it
Bridget #11

Annie said...

I love the choice of colours for the latest bag Jan....you have a way with colours :-) A little permastiff would work well in the handles etc ;-) I know how much you love it. hehehe
Have a great week with the brandy bottle hic!
Annie x #6

Annie Claxton said...

That bag looks fabulous Jan - apart from the beautiful workmanship, you always have a knack for putting colours and patterns together. I think we're going Chocolatey for our Christmas cake this year, but it may still have a boozey element ... :o) Please give my best wishes to Shaz if you're in touch with her. Have a great week! Annie C #23

Diana Taylor said...

That is a fabulous fabric combo Jan - I love the bright colours and I'm always drawn to lime green. I am sure it will go down very well! I have never made a Christmas cake in my life but I have occasionally bought a plain one and decorated it - I don't bake a lot but I know if I had a bright red mixer like yours I'd be inundated with homemade cakes - it's gorgeous!
Thinking of Shaz and hope she's home soon - I really feel for her, these post op infections are ghastly and can really make you feel low.
Diana xx

Tilly Tea Dance said...

That knitting bag is fab! Such a good shape and lovely fabric. Would make a nice beach bag. Thanks for the update on shaz x

Unknown said...

That bag is just too cute. I love the fabric. Happy crafting #33

Elizabeth said...

Love the bag, Jan. Super fabrics and I'm sure the lady will be delighted with that extra big pocket too. I haven't made a Christmas cake from the day I had to feed it to the birds because my family didn't like it. However, I can just imagine the gorgeous smell coming from your kitchen when you made yours :) Thanks for the update on Shaz, I do hope she is well enough to be allowed home this week. Wishing you a very good week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #35

Lisca said...

Wow! What a fantastic colour combo! Beautiful bag as a result!
Well done you for making your Christmas cake. I ought to start too and make a small one. (We're spending Xmas with my mum in Holland so it must fit in the suitcase and not weigh too much).
I also had a peep at last week's post and I love your tiles. A wacky combination but it works! Is your bathroom finished now? You don't mention anything about that.
Oh what a bummer that Shaz is back in hospital. I'll go to Doug's blog to see what's happened.
Have a good week and thanks for visiting already,

pearshapedcrafting said...

I have just had a good scroll through your posts before coming back here! My, you have been busy! I didn't know that the windmill was floodlit at night - we went to have look last crop! I am not sure yet whether we will get to the October crop - still need number 2 son to decide when he wants to stay with us! I will let you you know as soon as I can! Hugs, Chrisx 38

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

You have the best taste in fabric...always love the combo's you create with. Now I need a new mixer...my beaters ...seems something is stripped out they don't hold. But it is an ancient Hamilton Beach mother gave me for my wedding shower ...I've always wanted to try a Christmas Cake..the company we ordered from more than doubled itst prices and shipping, but of the pecans they used were delicious. #34,,,,and off to play with my new sew machine..trying to make colorful Valances. Have a HAPPY Woyww and enjoyable week.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

That polka dot coordinates perfectly with the stars. Great choices and another fab bag. I bought some fabric last week to make one. I just need to source the hardware etc. I already know where to come for tips. Thanks for your email the other day. Sorry I haven't replied yet. I've been overwhelmed with support :-)

Fiona #43ish

Kim said...

That is a very pretty combo; it will brighten her stay! Too funny about the baking; while I didn't start, I did take an inventory and have a long list of ingredients on my list for all our Thanksgiving pies and Christmas cookies. Would have made Peanut butter cookies..for (ahem) practice; but was actually out of peanut butter!!

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

That is one awesome looking knitting bag, Jan! Sure to cheer your friend's mum up while she's in hospital. For me, baking is not fun if you can't eat it immediately! Have fun with your brandy. Hope Shaz will be feeling better soon, thanks for the update. Have a lovely week! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #30

Twiglet said...

A perfect knitting bag I think - love the color/fabric combo. Yes, we are still thinking of Shaz and keep hoping all is going well for her. She will be so looking forward to getting out of hospital bless her. x Jo

Unknown said...

Ooh, thanks for the update on Shaz! Yes, I really enjoyed that Christmas cake making on FB. Tee hee! I've decided I need to create a special folder on Pinterest to pin photos of your beautiful totebags! You never cease to amaze me with how you put fabrics together. I am in serious need of some fabric shopping. I'm thinking either the FM Store or JoAnn's...or maybe both! I got the matryoshka fabric at JoAnns, and JoAnns is kind of like a combo fabric store with some Michaels thrown in. Hugs! Sandy Leigh #36

brenda lee said...

Poor Shaz. She's really having a devil of a time. That bag looks like so much fun! I'm quite a messy baker as well so I understand. That Christmas cake looks like it was totally worth any mess!

Suzanne Alexis said...

What a cutie and cheery bag! It would make any sick person feel better!

#46 http://papercraftsbysuzanne.blogspot.com/

Ali H said...

Hi love the lime green! Lynda & I were wondering how Shaz is doing so thanks for the update. If you are in contact please can you send my love. Is there a way of sending a card? Ali #7

trisha too said...

Super fun and bright bag, I love how you seem to make them appear with no effort, you're bag genius!

I haven't woyww-ed for ages, and was looking for Shaz on the list. What Ali said, if you think we could send cards, I'm at trisha2too at hotmail dot com if you have an addy.

:)trisha, #52
with a diy desk redo,
but not the workdesk!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Those two fabrics look amazing together and your bags are to die for and I love them. Have a lovely woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 19

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I see that there was cake! Can beat that with a stick (because what kind of heathen beats cakes with sticks??!). Love the pretty fabrics together. My nephew keeps hitting me up for a Jedi robe, first with money and now he wants to buy fabric so I can sew it. I dd make him a batman cape when he was a youngster. Anyway, told him I don't have the machine anymore but it is tucked safe in the closet. I have too much homework and better things to do and he has no money nor job for fabric and is 31 years old. Pfft! Judy #48

Sofie V said...

The bag you made looks beautiful! I love the colors!

Greetings, Sofie #51

Nikki said...

You are such a wonder at picking fabrics that work so well together your bags are so kewl to look at hugs Nikki 3

Shoshi said...

What a gorgeous bag, LLJ - who could fail to love it, with its lovely bright fresh colours, and such a fabulous finish, too! You are very, very clever. As for your cake, mouthwatering looking at the great preparations going on there, and what a good tip, plumping up the fruit in the microwave. I'd never have thought of that. How's the bathroom going?

Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog - after I wrote the comment on Doug's blog I did wonder if I'd come across a bit too strong... I have been very concerned for them both and just felt I should pass on the benefit of my own experience!!

I do wake up itching to get in the studio, but once I'm up the energy dissipates rather rapidly! I felt quite a bit better this a.m. but had to spend the time in the office, finishing last month's accounts - I hate that stuff hanging over me and it's NOT enjoyable doing it lol! Once that was done, no energy left for creative stuff unfortunately. Never mind, the time when I am feeling better is bound to come sooner or later. I did quite a bit recently and I'm just having a bit of a dip at the moment! (Perhaps I overdid things a bit?) It's definitely a case of taking each day as it comes, and dealing with however I am feeling. I should definitely be feeling better during the coming week (week 3 of the cycle) before my final treatment on 16th.

Happy belated WOYWW, and thanks again for your encouragement - on all fronts!!
Shoshi #44

505whimsygirl said...

Hello dear friend. The knitting bag looks wonderful - love the fabric combinations. Of course, you have a natural talent in all things sewing.

Now for the cake -- I have some brandy at my house and I never thought of plumping up raisins with it. I can imagine what that would taste like in Bread Pudding, one of my favorite desserts.

Can you believe I'm actually going to join the party next week!!!


505whimsygirl said...

PS. Can you send me an email regarding Shaz. I knew she was ill and fighting cancer but other than that I'm in the dark. Thanks for mentioning her and I'll definitely say a prayer.

Kay (again)

RosA said...

Hi Jan,
Great colourful bag! It will be super useful!
Christmas cake?? Hmm, I might think about that ... later :)
RosA # 32

sandra de said...

Stunning bag and your eye for colour is always superb. I love the thought of christmas cake and even more - raisins soaking in brandy. Almost made me think about starting to bake, but I always leave it to the last minute. Have a good week.
sandra de @55

Marit said...

I really love the bag, those fabrics look so happy! It's the perfect bag to have with you in the hospital, it makes you smile looking at it! Thanks for your visit earlier this week, happy (belated) woyww and a hug from Holland! Marit #14

HeARTworks said...

Hi LLJ, I do love the fabric combination for the knitting bag. I would live to watch you at work as I am not a sewing person. My mom was always whipping up something so I do have some desire to learn. But when I use my sewing machine, it always goes too fast for me!!!! Patsy

shazsilverwolf said...

HiyaJan,having had my 10-14 days turn into nearly 6 weeks, I can feel for the lady the bag is for.Your Christmas cake remind me of A very funny story about a ginger Tom and fruit soaking for a christmas cake I will tell you when we come down. Never thought I'd be crossing my fingers to be out in time for the crop!lots of love and huge hugs to you all,xxxxxxx

Kelly said...

what a fun fabric combination. Certain to brighten the hospital stay. Hmmm a brandy Christmas cake. Haven't had one in years. I don't know about you but I always seem to be wearing black when I decide to bake LOL Never fails. Creative Blessings! Kelly #42

peggy aplSEEDS said...

I'm so impressed with your 2 hour bag! I love the happy fabrics you chose! And the Christmas cake! Thanks for the update on Shaz. Saying a prayer for her.
Happy WOYWW and thank you so much for already dropping by!
Hugs, peggy aplSEEDS


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...