Well, not quite yet but the new bathroom is inching its way towards completion...slowly slowly....
This is what my landing looks like at the moment!  The tiles are all up now - we've chosen a large ivory tile with a really fab string course of 2 inch mosaic squares....

There are different stones, that mid grey is a glass effect and there are picture squares that are a little bit steampunkesque.....ooh, I love 'em. When you spend a lot of money on tiles, you keep your fingers firmly crossed that you like them when they're fixed to the wall!

The ceiling wasn't too clever either, so we bought some (extortionate!) textured paint which has done the trick....here's an action shot of Mr LLJ.....
who did a brilliant job (even if we did have to bin the tatty old shirt afterwards!!)

Right, that's one workdesk dealt with...now to the proper one!
I found a load of scraps lurking so was just having a look to see if they'd patchwork together to make something useful. Dunno if they do really, but leave it with me and I'll ponder some more :-)

I've started a honeycomb stitch scarf/shawl but am not happy with the way the variegated colours are working in the stitch so that'll be frogged later on. I love the soft, heathery colours though...at least something is going right!!

A couple of pics to leave you with....

The supermoon (before it turned red) with our local working windmill.....

...and over the Kennet and Avon canal (about a mile from my house).  Great shots by Mr LLJ!

And finally.....I just had to take a pic of these at Winchester market....just thinking of Janet Fairythoughts once again.  She loved the Minions so these reminded me of that awesome and lovely lady:

All together now: Ba na na, na na na NA!!

Miss you Janet xxxxxxx


Di said...

Hi Jan!

Oh, your scarf/shawl did so remind me of Janet, before I scrolled down and spotted the minions and your lovely words about her. She touched our hearts for sure - and will always be remembered with love.

Good luck with the bathroom - it will be so worth it in the end. Love your photos of the moon - we were up at 3am onwards watching the lunar eclipse here - even Spike took his snout out of the hedgie food bowl and gazed upwards for a little while! Happy WOYWW!!!


Di xx

Unknown said...

Lovely photographs of the moon! I came home from college late last night and it was still huge and very bright. Those minions look totally funny all hanging up like that. Happy that they reminded you of your friend. Hugs
Lynda B

Helen said...

Great shots of the moon - well done Mr LLJ! I think your scraps look great together, hope you find something useful for them (am sure you will!) Have a great day. Helen #2

Annie said...

I guess the minions were just hanging around til they found something to do ;-) I was only thinking of Janet yesterday cos my poppies that she gave me are still flowering :-) Glad to see your bathroom is coming on well...love the tiles. Have a great week my friend.
Annie x

Lynsey said...

Brilliant pictures, all of them! The moon has been incredible hasn't it? I love your choices in the bathroom, having work done in the house is never fun though. Hope you have a great day, thanks for sharing. Lyns #9

Sue said...

Hi Jan, I love the tiles.

Those oddments of fabric look nice. Wonder what you will do with them.

Love the colours of the wool. I bought some to crochet a scarf, but ended up unpicking it, will have another go.

Fab photos of the moon.

It's nice when you see something that triggers a memory.

Sue #25

Diana Taylor said...

I love the bathroom tiles - those little feature tiles are totally gorgeous. It looks like it's all coming along beautifully. I'm looking forward to seeing what amazing creation will be made with those fabric scraps - I like the postcard one, it looks a bit Tim Holtz. Hope you have a great week, see you Wednesday,
Diana xx

Julia Dunnit said...

Aw, Janet would have loved that..I too have been thinking of her (and you, actually) as I had to pin a pattern onto some fabric this week. Not for me, no sewing here! Bathroom is looking aces, those tiles are just so fab. Wonderful wonderful moon shots, did he stay up very very late?

Barb said...

How lucky you are to have a handy Mr. The tiles look glorious. Look forward to seeing the finished bathroom. We got up at 3 am to see the moon too but it was nothing like your beautiful windmill view. The scarf looks pretty good to me and yes the colours are very pretty. Barbxx #24

sandra de said...

Ohhh those tiles look stunning..... but you have always had a great eye for style. Great painting and photos Mr LLJ.
sandra de @12

Unknown said...

I'm so excited to see your new bathroom! I am hoping for a bathroom re-do next year--although I dread my hallway looking just like this! But it has to happen. I wanted to stop by before I'm off to eye doctor for an exam to see how I'm recovering. I'll be dilated, so probably can't get on the computer for a few hours. Therefore, I'm going to finish knitting something I started last year--a summer wrap skirt. How hilarious is that. It's fall!! *sigh* Hugs and have a good week and hope the bathroom gets done soon! Sandy Leigh #36

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see your finished bathroom. I'm loving the tiles. #35

Twiglet said...

Great tile choice Jan - it will all look so stylish and smart. Moon shots are lovely - wish I had peeped out when I woke at 4am now. I thought it would all be over by then. Yummy wool colours - Bergere is so soft and lovely. x Jo

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

That string of tiles is just lovely. We refitted our bathroom to put the house on the market a few years ago. As we weren't going to be enjoying the finished room we went for cheap white tiles and added a row of pretty turquoise swimming pool tiles to make it look more expensive! You'll be so glad when it's all done.

Fiona #43

Kim said...

I love the Moon and the Windmill! And I can't wait to see the tiles all in; Good luck with the knitting and piecing; have a great week.
K- #47

Christine said...

Please send your man/men to my address,I have been waiting for nigh on two years to have the tiles put on the wall!!! I did manage a new bath etc but the tiling .........
PJ was outside for two hours being moonstruck before he admitted to being cold - love your photos especially the windmill.
Take care
Bishopsmate #48 (not 31).

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I shudder at the thought of living through a remodel--so much fuss and mess. It will be lovely and fabulous when done though. I like your row of funky and fun tiles. That's a neat touch. Great yarn colors you have there.-very scrumptious. I'm sure you'll come up with something great for the scraps. Judy #49

Sofie V said...

The colors that you are using for that scarf look great!

I'm on number 40. You're welcome to visit my blog!

Greetings, Sofie

Sue Jones said...

OO how exciting - nearly done :) Not looking forward to this at half term though. Love your scarf - Have a fab week. Soojay 14

glitterandglue said...

A great set of pictures, Jan. Bathroom's going to be brilliant! Well done Mr LLJ! The moon was quite spectacular, wasn't it? I didn't stay up deliberately, just happened to waken at the right time to see the total eclipse. How good is that??!
Take care, and have fun with those scraps.
God bless.
Margaret #13

Anonymous said...

What an action packed post! Mr LLJ is looking very useful there. Living in chaos isn't fun, but eye on the prize, right? I totally get you re: the varigated yarn. It NEVER looks like I want it to. Even with the little baby beanies so often I end up with one or two stitches or a jarring colour at the end of casting off. Grrr. I, too, think of Janet often. Her little colourful coaster sits on my desk. See you at the end of the month!

glad to be back ... finally!
Mary Anne (33)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, thanks for the visit. So much to see today, you have been pretty busy recently.
Do wish I had got up for the eclipse though according to him in-doors I had only been in a bed a short time so I should have just stayed up, think he's trying to say I go to bed late or early depending on how you look at it Lol! Happy woyww, Angela x 27

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Baaanaaanaaa! LOL! They're so cute, the minions. My 11-year old goes to sleep cuddling one of these - but he would never admit it in front of his friends! Amazing shots of the supermoon - the windmill looks fantastic! It's nice to see that your bathroom is coming together. If Mr LLJ is anything like Mr InkyDinky, he's taking his time, making it just perfect. And will let you know that it's a BIG job several times a day! Have fun with those scarps of fabric and the yummy rolls of yarn! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #36

Elizabeth said...

Good to see the progress on your bathroom - love the tiles too. At least it won't take as long as the month it has taken for my craft room makeover! The photo with the windmill in is stunning. I wonder what decision you came to about the scraps ... they look fine together to me, similar colours that don't clash. Love the minions too. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

Laura said...

The progress on your bathroom looks great so far -- really cool tiles. We had partially clear skies for the supermoon & eclipse, but as it neared the red stage the clouds came in. Nice pictures!! Happy WOYWW and thanks so much for visiting. ~ Laura #53

Mrs.D said...

The bathroom's coming along nicely then, will be great when it is done.
Those yarn colours look so good on the balls but I agree the knitted article just doesn't quite gel, Frog it before you do too much.
Love pic of the K & A, we are planning to do it next year, May June time, so I expect it will be rather busy, will let you know when we have firmed up the plans.
Thanks for visiting my blog, and your nice comments.
Chris #19

Shoshi said...

Another intriguing post from you Jan, with lots of variety as far as pictures are concerned! Always a joy to read! Your desk looks very neat and tidy and a lot more so than the "other" one lol! Oh I remember it so well... the mess, the dust, the tiles everywhere, the bath in the bedroom... You think it will never end and then suddenly there you have it - a beautiful new luxury bathroom all just how you like it, ready for a girl to pamper herself!! Have fun with it, and I hope it's completed really soon!

Thank you for your lovely comment and your encouraging words. I've felt distinctly peculiar today but got through the day OK and we went to a diamond wedding tea party! Much better now. I am glad you like my colouring. I've done some more since then and have quite a few photos and blog posts to catch up with, with my recent activity!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #30

Unknown said...

Jan, I can feel your pain when it comes to a bathroom remodel. I got to the point that when the guys would tell me 2 days, I knew to assume 4. I think my anticipation with having a newly designed bathroom really kept me in check as long as I did. I love the accent pieces you used in your tile. Alternating those pieces really transformed those walls.

Essie Reed @ Valley Home Improvement


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...