Another crazy week spins around again!  But I have some sewing and a workdesk to share - the first for a while....woohoo!!
The wherewithal for making a tote bag. This was taken on Monday when we had loads of rain, that's why my lamp is on!
Behold...the very last scrap of Botanicals fabric. It's done well; I've lost track of all the items I've made with it.....
Not a very flattering pic of it but you get the idea. Perfect for a music folder, eh Kim?! Now to parcel it up and send it to the USA.
Do you notice that it's hanging very fetchingly on a stepladder. I haven't gone all arty farty, it was just a useful prop.  I don't normally have this hanging around in my workroom but this is why.....
Work has commenced on our new bathroom. My menfolk did a great job of de-tiling the walls and floor.....

You know how people say 'It has to get worse before it gets better'? They're right!!  Hopefully I will be able to show some progress by next Wednesday :-)

Talking about progress, I talked to Shaz Silverwolf yesterday and she may be coming out of hospital today or tomorrow...how awesome is that? Goodness but she's shown fighting spirit this week....isn't that great news? I know lots of people have been rooting for her...it can only be onwards and upwards now.

Finally, I was playing last Sunday for the closing ceremony of our local carnival. The village is decorated extensively and these characters in the River Avon made me smile...
I love Shaun the Sheep! Whoever the artist was really captured the characters, don't you think?

Have a great week.....forgive me if I'm late returning comments, today and tomorrow are full up already :-)


Nikki said...

Such a pretty bag to cross the pond and good luck with your reno may it be quick :)
those guys in your stream sure do make you smile
happy WOYWW hugs Nikki

Bridget Larsen said...

I love that botanical material, wish I could sew half as good as you sewing ladies on WOYWW
Bridget #1

Helen said...

The botanicals fabric was a sure winner, wasn't it? I'll miss seeing things you've created with it. Thrilled to read Shaz's news, been reading Doug's reports but can no longer comment on it.. Hope to see the bathroom progress reports; it's a big job!! Helen 8

RosA said...

Are you sure that's the last scrap? I would use every teeny, weeny piece of that fabric :)
Can your menfolk pop over here and rip out my bathroom too, please? Luckily, we have a second one, because I banned use of the main one (leaking shower) a couple of years ago :)
RosA # 10

Sue Jones said...

The bag looks gorgeous and will be loved :) we are having our bathroom done next month ( NOT looking forward to it !) hope its done quickly xx Soojay 16

Sue said...

Loving the tote bag.

Hope you soon have a finished bathroom.

Sue #17

Julia Dunnit said...

Owen's concentration on destruction is commendable! You may have got your money's worth from that fabric, but I'm thinking that you prolly haven't got your money back - you and your soft pricing! I'm experiencing worse before better myself this morning...only a cup of your decaff will solve it.

Annie said...

It may be funny to say but I am enjoying watching your mess much more than my own lol Hope your new bathroom comes together very soon for you....mine too I hope :-) Have a great week.
Annie x #18

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

How exciting to have a bathroom makeover. The demolition part looked like fun too. Hope all is going well home and away :-)

Fiona #27

Lisca said...

Its sad that the botanical fabric is now finished. You certainly have had success with that!
Your bathroom will be great once it is finished. I hope you have a second loo in the house!
I love the Shaun the Sheep figures too.
Praise God that Shaz is doing so well! I have been following Doug's blog and have been rooting for her. I hope she gets to go home soon.
Have a good week,

Diana Taylor said...

It's so nice to get a new bathroom, but much nicer to watch someone else have all the chaos and mess! There is so much DIY going on on WOYWW that I'm getting the urge to rip something out and start all over again! How sad to see the last of the Botanicals fabric - I treasure my beautiful book and I'm sure the music folder case will be loved just as much! Good luck with the renovations, I hope it all goes beautifully!
Diana xx

Unknown said...

Beautiful fabric and a wonderful tote bag you have created with it. Linda #32

Kristiina said...

I've always loved walter and Grommit and Shawn, though they have different names here in Finland! You no doubt have more lovely fabrics waiting their turn?!? Otherwise you have a good excuse for some shopping... I admire your touch for combining different patterned fabrics together! Happy woyww :)
Kristiina #21

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan , yes I have stupid sleeping hours... wish it was different but then I so do enjoy the morning and find I'm much more switched on and get lots done, sometimes in the garden too. Just love that fabric, sad it's all gone now but you've made some fab totes. OOOOOWW a bathroom makeover, how exciting, looking forward to see the progress. Have a great week Cheers RobynO#29

glitterandglue said...

Oooo, Jan. That bathroom is getting to the really exciting stage - the, "Let's just see what this looks like if we place this colour tile here" stage!! The music bag is gorgeous - love it! And as for those fabulous figures in the Avon - just great!
Thanks for the visit - glad it's all easier to read now - taken me long enough, hasn't it??!
Shaz is doing amazingly well. She looks so very good in the photos.
Take care. God bless.

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

what a great way to use up the last bit of that gorgeous material! Looks just perfect! Good luck with the bathroom - it must be such a hassle, but just keep in mind that when it's ready it will be brill and you won't have to do it again for years or even decades! That's good news about Shaz, thanks for sharing! Have a lovely week! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Another fun post....love that blue bag. and your last botanical fabric made this a lovely bag. I don't envy you in your bathroom redo...It will be nice when finished, but during the process it is a lot of cleanup. And I like the fun animal photo too. Happy WOYWW

Glenda said...

First, I love that bag! Just an amazing piece and I'm sure it will be loved! Good luck with the bathroom! I just hope it all goes according to plan!
Glenda #31

Neet said...

I am a Shaun the Sheep fan too - wonder what that says about us? Love the humour of the river, it is great to see things like this and makes me envious of village life.
The bathroom well, please can I close the door on that one for this week, it looks one heck of a job but am sure it will be so worth it. After Annie's reveal I can't wait for yours.
Great tote bag, that fabric certainly makes the bag. Pity it has come to an end.
Don't stress about the work - just let the men do that.
Hugs, Neet 15 xxx

Unknown said...

I love those characters in the river Avon! How exciting too getting a new bathroom. So did you buy the polka dot fabric and botannical fabric together? Because I don't think it could be more perfect the way you've combined it in the tote bag. I know I always tell you this, but most days I take my Jan bag to the office...I have it here today! It carries my Midori, my tablet, and my lunch and holds it all perfectly. Well we are doing the last of the cleaning on my mom's house, and it will be on the market to sell--pray we sell it fast! We have so many estate bills to pay and it's all been going on too long. I hope you are taking good care of yourself with your busy days, and hope dad is doing well. Hugs! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #40

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Shaun the Sheep! That's the only movie I've seen this year. I have to laugh that your hammer song made me counter with the song "Bad Neighbor" by Asylum Street Spankers. LOL! Love the bag and you did that botanical fabric proud!! Oh that bathroom, definitely it has to get worse before it gets better. Judy #48

Unknown said...

You've really gotten some mileage out of the Botanical fabric. And hope your bathroom revamping goes fast! Thanks for the news on Shaz. I've been reading about her progress but not since last Thursday. Love the River Avon characters. Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #41

Unknown said...

Wonderful tote Jan! The colors are pretty and that fabric sure is great!
I always find the demo and prep work of a reno to feel like it takes forever, I hope it all goes back together quickly so we can see it happen!
Such good news about Shaz.
-Lizzie #52

Annie Claxton said...

Oooooh Hate when the bathroom or the kitchen has to go upside down, hope it's all right way up again for you really soon. Another lovely bag - but not as lovely as my Jan bag of course :o) Have a great week Annie C #43

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I just love that butterfly fabric, it's gorgeous! Great set of photos today too, thanks for sharing them with us. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 36

Bernice said...

Another beautiful bag! Hope your building work progresses quickly - it will be worth it in the end ;-)
Bernice (just visiting, not participating this week!)

peggy aplSEEDS said...

That blue polka dot fabric goes perfectly with the botanical. The bag turned out beautful!
How exciting, a new bathroom! How clever, that your menfolk can do it themselves!
Happy WOYWW!
Hugs, peggy aplSEEDS@4

Twiglet said...

Such an upbeat post Jan - especially as I can imagine the chaos around you with all the bathroom work going on. Isn't it lovely to see your menfolk working together on it too. Hope it all goes well. x Jo

Suzanne Alexis said...

That tote bag will be very welcome over here! Love the characters in the Avon. http://papercraftsbysuzanne.blogspot.com/

Shoshi said...

What a fun post, Jan! I love the latest bag, and Shaun the sheep is such fun isn't he! Stirling work being done with the de-tiling, and yes, my goodness, it certainly gets a lot worse before it gets better. All that horrendous mess, but soon it will be a distant memory when you get your smart new bathroom.

Thank you for your lovely comment. Yes, I know about Shaz because I've been following Doug's blog. I think in the long run it's good they've kept her in a bit longer because it's still very early days and it seemed awfully soon to be letting her out! Much better safe than sorry, or worse yet, to have to have her back in again. She is so feisty and is doing so well! Doug is like my hubby - an absolute tower of strength, and I don't think either of us would have done so well without their loving support and encouragement!

I adore purple too - so rich, and it goes well wiith other colours too. I made the little basket for our neighbour's goodies yesterday and you can see it on my blog now. I'm very pleased with how it turned out. As for the chemo, I had some good news from the oncologist today that in view of the fact that I am so near the end now and she is concerned about one of my side effects, she is reducing the dose by half!!! I should feel a lot better as a result of that, and can face the final 2 treatments much better knowing that.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #32

Christine said...

I want to paddle in the river with Shaun!
Love the bag .... but not as much as mine!!!
Have a good week
Bishopsmate #57

Unknown said...

The tote came out beautifully! The different material pattern compliment each other. I've heard bathroom remodeling is a holy tear. I do hope it goes smoothly for you.


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...