It has been a week of highs and lows...

The high was most definitely seeing Shaz and Doug Silverwolf at the Crop with all the lovely peeps who attended...
What a lovely day it was, full of fun and laughter. See the previous post for all the pics and carry-ons!

The lows may involve dynamite to try and unblock my ears and cure my vertigo (BPPV). All suggestions welcome, I'm bored by it now....

Anyway, I did do some crafting as friends had their second baby boy and I was casting around for a prezzy. I knew that I'd do some personalised bunting but needed something extra.
And what did I find tucked away in a R.U.B, but a few squares of quilt-as-you-go patchwork that I featured months ago. Aha!! Halfway to a present.....I do love it when there's a happy accident :-)
I had been using a Moda charm pack, which makes co-ordinating the fabrics a piece of cake..
I didn't even bind the edges, just sewed the backing on, turned it out the right way and then zigzagged the perimeter to reinforce the quilt. Lazy but effective :-D
There...quick and easy and perfect for a baby to roll around on!
And the bunting got done too...woohoo. I love getting my buttons out - if ya know what I mean, lol :-D

Better make this a short post today as the Crop one was a mammoth epistle...but I must finish with a pic of the gorgeous tags, ATC and card given to me on Saturday:
Great Halloween colours from Dolores, Debbie and Lizzie plus a fab ATC and card from Marcie Lee.  Both Lizzie and Marcie have been avid followers of WOYWW and read all our blogs but can't comment. Well girls, your support is very much appreciated. Thank you Cardarian for bringing Lizzie to the Crop, it was great to meet her and she'll be joining us on the desks today. Yay!!  Hope you'll all go pay her a visit, she's a lovely lady who fitted in brilliantly.

Have a good week xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Nikki said...

Looks like you all had a wonderful time at the crop and great tags and ATC's from everyone
Have to love when you find something you where making that will make a wonderful present for the little one great colours for a boy too
hugs Nikki ???

Helen said...

I couldn't go to work without checking out your blog, that's a lovely "team photo" lol! Lazy crafting? looks anything but to me. what a wonderful new baby gift. xx Helen 5

Sue said...

Hi Jan, What a lovely patchwork and bunting for your friends little boy.

Love the things you got given at the crop.

Sue #17

Jill said...

love the colours of your quilt, and lovely bunting too, enjoy your day
Jill #20

Inside the artists shed said...

Wow - having been away last week just caught up - what a great time you all seemed to be having at the Crop - this is all new to me so I will have to look into this some more ready for the next one. Love the quilting - it has ORANGE Jackie 14 xxx

Annie said...

Hi Jan. Have you tried a spoon full of Vick in hot water and breathing in the steam from under a towel? It might help to clear some of the congestion for you.....I really hope it improves very soon. It doesn't look as though it's stopped you doing what you do though...fab quilt and bunting.
Have a great week.
Annie x # 24

Diana Taylor said...

Well the patchwork is gorgeous - but how on earth do you get straight lines, all exactly parallel and all at the correct angle - surely you instinctively want to follow the lines of the patchwork squares? I am incredibly impressed by this, and I love the colour scheme too, I love brighter colours for babies. I was sorry to hear you are having vertigo problems - that can be so debilitating - for me it was like sea-sickness on dry land! I hope you are soon over it and let me know if you are still up for next week!
Diana xxx

buterfliecrafter said...

what a lovely thoughtful present.

glitterandglue said...

Wow Jan. What a lot you have got done this week - that little quilt is gorgeous - well done. Sweet bunting, too. I've read the post below about Saturday's crop - what a day. Great fun. That Doug is some star, isn't he? Sounds like a great success of a day. I do trust your vertigo will soon be better, though - it's no joke trying to balance food to the table when feeling all wobbly - believe me, I've tried when doing catering events!
Well done. Take care. God bless.
Margaret #2

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan, Love the quilt and think I'm adding this technique to my 'to do' list..seems like a better way than struggling with a big quilt and normal sewing machine. Super bunting too..will have to ask the new mum if she'd like one for Mia. I just spent 15 minutes perusing your pics of the crop...fab photos, and looks like you all did have a wonderful time. Cheers RobynO#28

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Jan, beautiful bunting and I'm glad you had chance to get yer buttons out phner phner!! Love the quilt too and that looks like a very neat and easy way to finish it - I wonder if it would work for a bigger one as well? I am enjoying making a quilt for my son, but dreading the making up part - will probably turn to good old YouTube for advice! Have a great week :o) Annie C #33

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Lovely present for the baby and the bunting looks awesome too! Lots of smiley faces at the crop - it must be strange meeting someone face to face after meeting them online. (I know just too well - that's how I met my husband, LOL!) Hope your vertigo gets better, Jan. That can't be much fun. Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #31

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Happy WOYWW LLJ...love the group photo and a great post on this. Very pretty quilt colors and some fun tags. Oh that Vertigo, last year I had a ER visit for mine. Now my chiro suggested sunglasses for all outside time and massages. and they have helped a LOT. at the base of the skull. Also has helped with the cluster headaches and my sinus/allergy
issues during harvest season here. My ringing of the ears was bad also, now it is few and far between. I've the worst time in church..light from the stained glass windows and the up and down movements, just glad I can hold on, hate to wear sunglasses inside. !!!
I wish you the best. It is not fun. But do try to get a massage ...I did 2 the first 2 wks and than once a week..Now I go every 2 wks. Just 15 minutes on neck, ear and shoulder area.

Nannie4 said...

Looks like a very happy group of ladies at the crop. I read on Shaz's blog that you provided some excellent food for the event, Jan. What a lucky baby to receive those gifts!! Your quilts are always so awesome! Happy WOYWW and thanks for showing us your beautiful work!
Nann #35

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

So pleased to see you all having such a great time. The tags are brilliant. Loving the Quilt too, such a lovely gift. Have a good woyww and happy crafting, Angela x

Christine said...

Vertigo. Not nice. Had a couple of days last week .... I learnt that it is no good telling yourself everything is NOT moving ...... The whole body does need to stand still!!! preferably hanging onto a young man - in my case DH!!
Hope it gets better soon.
Have a good week
Bishopsmate #38

Lisca said...

Great photo of y'all at the crop. It also reminded me that I hadn't looked at your post about the crop. So I have just spent a happy half hour looking at all the photos and admiring beautiful work. Thank you for posting that. I really miss going to crops and connect in real life, if you know what i mean.
The baby quilt is cute. A really special present.
Thanks for visiting earlier,
Have a good week,

Tilly Tea Dance said...

Now that patchwork quilt is gorgeous! What a lovely gift along with the bunting, also fab. I too like to get my buttons out. Sometimes I give them a little shake too! Happy crafting, Max #30 x

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, lovely pic of the crop.'Twas indeed fab to see everyone, we had a smashing weekend. Love that quilt, the perfect pressie. Little Spencer will have hours of fun on that. Recovery still plodding along, but thats the way it's going to be for a while.Love and hugs to you all, Shaz xxxxx

CraftygasheadZo said...

what a fabulous pic of you all. Gutted I couldn't be there but you know why. I'll be there next time, you try and stop me!! What a lovely present too, you always put the right colours and fabrics together! Take care Zo xx 32

Sofie V said...

I love the beautiful bunting and blanket you made!

Greetings, Sofie #11

Unknown said...

I just love the group photo! What a fun day. Well I guess you and I could be the dizzy soul sisters because I've been having some too and I really think the culprit is perimenopause! I was fine earlier in the week and then it's come back a little today when I woke up with a hot flash, but I forge on and try to get the best of it. It looks like there was a lot of tag making going on, but I loved that there was a sewing machine at the crop too. Hope you are feeling better! Hugs! Sandy Leigh #40

Suzanne Alexis said...

Your "lazy" quilt is beautiful! Interesting that Halloween is big in Britain too, I always think of it as an American holiday. Silly, I know.

Suzanne #44

Unknown said...

Wow lots of lovely quilting and fabric making. Sweet cards too. Have a wonderful week of crafting. Linda #48

Sue Jones said...

Great photo 1 lovely to "see" everyone. How lovely to get a quilt from you and that cute bunting. Thanks for the visit earlier xx Have a great week .Soojay

Twiglet said...

Great to see your buttons out Jan - what with that and my fat quarters we make a right pair!!
That quilt will be so useful and its so cheery and colourful;. x Jo

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Boo to the vertigo. It's miserable. My Mum suffered with it a few of years ago. Thankfully it was fairly short lived and hasn't put in a repeat performance. Fingers crossed it soon passes for you too. Great to see you at the weekend xx

Fiona #51

Neet said...

Lovely tags you collected at the crop - one day, I know I keep saying this but I mean it.
The quilt and the bunting make for a great gift, and so much love goes into handmade items doesn't it, that it makes it priceless.
Think I read your crop post but will go back and check - been busy all day with a project - not painting though, that is still to come when I get the paint I need.
Hugs, Neet 8 xx

Kim said...

Love the blanket! Good luck with the vertigo; My mom had an episode for a few weeks before our wedding; something with crystals in the ear fluid? Took the meds a week or so to finally work..

Julia Dunnit said...

Applause applause, you certainly speak for me regarding the crop and seeing the gals. Xxx

Anne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, can't help you with any tips for dealing with BPPV. Had to look it up actually and discovered that you've most likely got 'ocotania' - that's rocks - in your head, so to speak! :) The patchwork blanket and bunting are lovely. I like the way you finished the blanket edges - one to remember. Loved looking at all the photos taken at the workshop. It's great to put names to faces and wonderful to see Shaz there too. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #42

Anne said...

Hi again - I messed up my comment so redid it :-) Sorry to read about the vertigo and hope that things improve soon. Lovely blanket and bunting. Great tags - fab colours . Thanks for visiting - sorry I'm late - went out for lunch but and was much longer than I expected- good though. Anne x #27

Ali H said...

Great Quilt! You do whizz up lovely creations! Sounds like you all had a fun day at the crop! Ali x #56

Lizzie J said...

Hi Jan, I just love that quilt, the colours are great. It makes you feel good when you get a serendipitous moment like that. I love the buttons, especially the flower ones in the end box. I have recently taken over my mother in laws button collection and have some divine retro ones. Don't know what I'll use them for but I get a lot of pleasure just looking at them. Yeah I'm weird like that :)
Lizzie #35

Laura (Bookworm) said...

Dear Jan, so sorry to hear about your BPPV. That must very difficult to deal with; I hope it goes away on its own, never to return. The pictures from the Crop were great -- happy faces, crafting, and Halloween decorations -- what more could one ask? Your baby gift will be very happily and gratefully received, I'm sure. Happy WOYWW and happy week. ~ Laura # 57

Lizzie said...

Oo, busy week! The crop does look like a lot of fun and I love all the decorations for Halloween.
The little quilt is certain to be a hit - what a nice present!
I'm sorry you're having trouble with vertigo. I've had this and it's certainly not fun. The GP actually prescribed me some Cinnarizine tablets for mine - however the pharmacist gave my husband Stugeron tablets, as they are available over the counter and significantly cheaper than the Prescription Charge - but exactly the same medicine. They are for motion sickness, but work on the part of the brain that causes the feelings of nausea and dizziness caused by vertigo. They may help you - though obviously, I hope you've spoken to your GP about the vertigo and have antibiotics etc, if you need them. Anyway, you / someone-you-send could ask the pharmacist or your GP about the Stugeron/Cinnarizine. I did find them a great help for my vertigo (which btw, was not caused by an ear infection).
Another idea is to visit an osteopath who practices Cranial Osteopathy technique. They may be able to gently straighten out any kinks that may be interfering with blood flow and/or nerve signals between your head and kneck (this was the cause of my problems).
I hope you soon feel much better!
Lizzie #36

Lizzie said...

Hi, I'm back again - follow up to your comment about Osteopath etc on my blog...
Try this site, to find a registered osteopath: http://www.osteopathy.org.uk/register-search/

I really recommend finding an osteopath who uses the Cranial technique, since that is a very gentle and effective way of helping your tight kneck/shoulder/back muscles. You may also find that a course of osteopathy would help your tinnitis, since I believe it can be caused/made worse by the muscle problems you describe. It has certainly helped my "water in my ears all the time" problem, as well as headaches, stiffness and mobility problems in my upper back (following an accident).

Kyla said...

It was a great day and always lovely to catch up.
Love your quilt..mine hasn't moved on!!!


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...