Yep, another week has whizzy-ma-jigged by.....there hasn't been much time for crafting. This isn't good as I've got a couple of commissions to do...have really got to knuckle down and get on with it now :-D

My son Rhys is part of a Secret Santa in his uni flat and asked me to make a tote for his giftee...apparently she's mad about dogs and I still had some Scottie fabric kicking around.

Not sure about the grey/roses fabric bottom left, I'm not going to use that now. I'll fancy up the pockets with some lace and pretty stuff instead!

I've been down to see my dad as well and took some knitting to do - this is for a Christmas present too.....

Yep, it's another Hooter!!  I haven't knitted one for AGES and have really enjoyed it. I'm showing the pattern but don't actually need it anymore....I've made so many, I know the instructions off by heart :-)  There's some of that funky brown tinsel yarn left which I'm going to use to make a pom pom and decorate a knitted russet wool beanie....it'll be a good combo.

Last Friday, my band played at the switch on of the Christmas lights in Marlborough. There was a stage by the side of us and we wondered why there were so many police around. There were some surprise guests who came to sing and then turn on the lights....

Marlborough High St was buzzing.....

The surprise was Scouting for Girls (a popular Indie band for those non-UK amongst you!) They played a 20 minute set while their Christmas video was being shot and then did a reprise after they'd turned on the lights. We were due to play after them which makes them our Support Act in effect!!!  ;-) The two red jackets you can see bottom right are two players having a bop!

And then Phoenix played for nearly an hour. We must be dangerous as they put us in a cage and wouldn't let anyone out :-)  It was a fun evening to be part of but b%&^*y freezing....I had 4 layers on!

So life is slightly less frenetic this coming week....watch out Sewing Machine, it's going to be a rough ride :-)

Sending out love, hugs and general smoochiness to you all....let's try and counteract all the bad stuff that seems to be dominating the news.



Nikki said...

I'm always so impressed on how you pick your fabric combos. They always work well together. I look forward to see this all put together Hugs Nikki ???

Helen said...

Wow, I hadn't twigged about Scouting for Girls when I saw your FB post.. not down with the kids me! Pics look great, but yes, it was freezing the last few days.. at least you were able to play which means you must be feeling better! Good luck with Rhys' Secret Santa - love him for getting you to do it for him!! Helen #?

lisa said...

Well it was good of Scouting For Girls to come along and support you wasn't it. Looks really festive, great photos. I think we put our lights on next week. The school choir is singing.
Lucky Rhys' flatmate getting a tote as a secret santa. I used mine yesterday when I went Xmas shopping with my Mum, it was fantastic, held everything and the lady in Asda commented on how lovely it was!!!!
Have a good week
Hugs Lisax #16

Neet said...

Just bought some new winder lined trousers from Craghoppers and they are wonderful - get yourself a pair and you will snug as a bug. Congrats on belng the main attraction, it all sounds wonderful, what a great night.
Lucky Rhys having a mum who can sew like you do, lovely Christmas presents for him to use and he knows they are original. When I saw the owl pattern picture I thought it was a piece of fabric - just imagine how good that would be.
Have a good week
Hugs, Neet 17 xx

Sue said...

I'm sure your sons flatmate will love the bag. Hope you get the commissions done without too much of a panic.

The Hooter is so cute and it will be good to have a matching hat.

The switch on looked packed. I hadn't heard of the band.

Sue #21

Julia Dunnit said...

Scouting for Girls huh..quite a good way to warm up your crowd! The photos are lovely..but yeah, it was really cold and I was erm..,...in a hotel by a fireside the whole time!
See you after a day of stitchery and old people!

buterfliecrafter said...

Nice and tidy desk. Maybe there was also a lot of police because of the aftermath of Paris?? Vicky(#8)

Anne said...

Your son's Secret Santa partner is a lucky lady to be getting g one of your fab bags. Owl also a brill pressie! Looks like lots of fun last Friday! I was up, out to Yorkshire early last Sat and it was soooooooooo cold!!!! Anne x #23

Anne said...

Your son's Secret Santa partner is a lucky lady to be getting g one of your fab bags. Owl also a brill pressie! Looks like lots of fun last Friday! I was up, out to Yorkshire early last Sat and it was soooooooooo cold!!!! Anne x #23

Annie said...

Caged and cold eh? .....and you call that fun lol. How lucky to get one of your fab bags....these kids don't know how lucky they are to have mums that sew do they? :-) Just as well we enjoy the challenges they throw us....but unlike you my fun is all done in the warm :-)
Have a great week.
Annie x # 9

Unknown said...

I adore the Scottie dog print! Lucky secret Santa recipient. I'm sure she will be thrilled with whichever fabric you put together, you seem to have a knack for it. Love seeing the Hooters again. When you are "not busy", I would like to commission one. I already have the perfect spot. Looking forward to seeing that tote done. Have a great week!

Sue Jones said...

Gorgeous fabrics. I LOVE that hooter - you are so clever. How lovely to see scouting for girls - i am a fan. what a lovely evening. Have a great week xx Soojay 14

Carol Rigby said...

Ooh! what a very impressive lights switch on. Love those fabrics. Happy WOYWW!

RosA said...

I think you are right to leave out the rose fabric. The other two look great. Lucky flatmate!
Thank you for your kind comment. The doodling came about after looking at many of those adult colouring books. I decided I was going to get much satisfaction colouring in other people's designs :)
I am happy with the Spectrum Noir markers, thus far. Might do a separate post on them, soonish :)
Have a good week,

RosA said...

Typo above ... I was NOT going to get much satisfaction colouring other people's designs :)

Lizzie J said...

Is that you on the back row there? Maybe the cage was to keep you safe from the fans of your suppoort act. Just love those hooters of yours - must get me the pattern - though not sure where I could get the time from at the moment to knit them!
HAve a good week,
Lizzie J #30

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I recognize Marlborough High Street - we went there once years ago! Such a nice place - I'll throw it in the hat as a possibility for our next outing! I remember your hooters from last year - so cute! The scotty fabric is adorable. Never heard of Scouting for Girls, but will look them up! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #29

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Hey, that's my kind of music :)) Will keep an eye (or rather ear!) on them!

Inside the artists shed said...

Liking the owl knitting. Looking that up - know an owl fan to pass that onto. My mum-in-law would just love that dog fabric - we get her westie related stuff every year now - she has dementia and it makes her smile. Thanks for popping by Jackie #20

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, good to see you have your Hooters out again, rofl! I was gobsmacked to get No.1- what happens is I take my tablet to bed at night to read before going to sleep, then I have a habit of waking up and needing a drink somewhere between 6 and 7 in the morning, so as my tablets on the bedside table I check to see if Mr Linky is up and running before going back to sleep for a couple of hours. You just know Rhys' giftee is going to be chuffed to bits with her Secret Santa gift. Look forward to having a chat, Love & Hugs to you all, Shaz xxxxxxx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

What a hectic time you are having, Jan. It makes me tired just to read about it. I am making a resolution to actually liberate my new sewing machine from its box for the first time after Christmas. Meanwhile, I shall have a go next with those initial Noel stamps. Looking forward to meeting up again next year. Have a good week. xxx Maggie. #18

pearshapedcrafting said...

So Marlborough High Street looks even better now? ! I love the sound of your support act! It's good to be back - I don't like joining in if I can't visit many desks myself! Chrisx 36 ps Thanks for your kind words!

Unknown said...

I have to agree that I don't particularly like the flower fabric with the Scotties. And love the Hooters! That yarn is fab and your Hooter is bound to be adorable. Enjoyed the photos of Marlborough. Thanks for popping by! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #27

Suzanne Alexis said...

I am continuously amazed at your talent! It sounds like you had fun at the concert. Stay warm!

Suzanne #38

Kim said...

Good call; the roses are good with the dots, but not the Scotties...Sounds like a great evening, despite the cold. Have a fabulous sewing weekend.
-K #42

Christine said...

What a wonderful night you had by the looks of it!!!! Hope you show us the finished bag ..... DDC was looking enviously at mine today as I filled it with shopping - my shopping of course!!!
Have a good week

Bishopsmate #43

Elizabeth said...

Love that Scottie dog fabric and the fact that I have some of the polka dotted one in my stash speaks to how much I love that. The rosy one picks up the pink in the dogs but perhaps the grey isn't quite right. Looks like the light turn on was a great night but I can just imagine how perishing cold it was. We have the heating belting out and I'm still sitting here with a hot water bottle on my lap ... it's freezing tonight! Hope you find time for all the sewing you need to do. Hugs, Elizabeth x #31

Ali H said...

Really enjoyed seeing the lights ceremony photos it looks such a fun evening! Hope you have thawed out by now! Love those Hooters! Ali xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sorry I'm late tonight, been out all day taking my mum shopping. What a fantastic surprise, bet you all had a brilliant time. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy crafting, Angela x 22

Sofie V said...

I like the combination of the 3 fabrics! The roses fabric looks great with the other fabrics! It looks like you had a fun evening with the lights turned on.

Greetings, Sofie # 37

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

MM must admit Lunch Lady Jan when saw that last shot of your band playing in the "cage", I wondered how your fingers manage in the cold weather .. must be total dedication then that carries you through. love those hooters they are so cute. and smiled at the song quote for this week of Slow down you're moving too fast .. time is but I am not sadly!!
Thanks so much for popping over. Just catching up!
Shaz in Oz.x #4

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Ginny Maxam said...

LOve the fabrics and looks like everyone had a fab time! Thanks for sharing that I Love seeing glimpses of peoples lives!!have a great week! Ginny M#34

sandra de said...

Looks like a chilly but cheery evening... even with the hint I have no idea who played before you and I can't imagine they would of been as good :)
sandra de @12

CraftygasheadZo said...

Hey lovely! Bet you enjoyed the evening, so many people. Thanks for visiting, yes great prices for colouring books. Little tip for you. If you only have 1 pencil of a certain colour, practice using different pressures when you hold the pencil. If you hold the pencil vertical and press fairly hard you (not oo hard though cos you'll break nib) will get a dark colour versus holding the pencil horizontal and holding it furtherup the pencil away from the nib. Don't apply too much pressure. You will get a much lighter colour. It's possible to get at least 3 shades from 1 pencil. If you are clever with your pressure you can get many more! Take care Zo xx 33


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...