(for the video, which was shot in Marlborough, click here)

A really sweet video which sums up what a fun evening it was - good to have been a small part of it!

I think we've been lucky down here in the South...you poor folk up North have been bearing the brunt of the storms.... But it's been cold enough to light the woodburner and so I've been knitting in the evenings rather than being in my craftroom....

I was making pompoms yesterday to put on my Happy Hats..the Clover Pompom tool makes it very easy indeed.  I had some music on while I was pompomming - good old Ruby Turner, wish I could belt out a tune like her!

And don't faint...but....I did some stamping at Julia's recently...Christmas tags, to be precise and I coloured them in today. Nothing earth shattering but I enjoyed doing them!
Plain and simple...just like me :-)  It still doesn't make my heart go pitter pat like fabrics and yarn do so don't hold your breath for more papercraft here!

I was down in Salisbury on Saturday and a trip to Franklins was a must. The displays made me smile!

I love that letter box!

And just for Shaz Silverwolf, who's a Penguin-a-holic.....

A flotilla of penguins in the shop, all slightly different. The woman in the shop thought I was bonkers taking a pic as I was teetering on the stairs holding my phone one handed. See what I go through for you Shaz??! Lol

That's it for this week - there's been nae sewing at all. I'd like to apologise to those lovely peeps who commented on my last blog - life got in the way and I didn't manage to get back to all of you..sorry. 

Have a lovely crafty. warm, happy week ahead. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Nikki said...

That is one bright hat and matching mitten?? on your desk. Sometimes the simple tags are the best I always use those first then look at the fancy ones I made and just like to seeing the box lol happy woyww hugs Nikki no #

Helen said...

Love all these.. from your pompoms to your tags, to the displays. Makes me feel like Christmas! Helen (waiting for link!)

lisa said...

Such a cheerful post as always Jan. Love your snowman tags but I understand what you're saying about fabric making your heart sing more. I'm the complete opposite, I love looking at fabric but I don't get excited like I do when I see a stamp or piece of lovely paper!! Those penguins are fab, love the really cute one in the strippy hat, they look as they they are all chattering away together...wonder what they are saying?
Hope life isn't too hectic
Love Lisa #14

Julia Dunnit said...

I'm commenting while I eat breakfast..another day of morticing lies ahead...honestly, whose idea was it to do two lots of windows at once!! That is a very professional pom pom Missus - and one lovely cheerful hat! Catch up very soon! xxx

sandra de said...

Your fabric and knitting creations always make me smile and very occasionally I have brought out the sewing machine due to your inspiration. So lovely to see you do a little dabble in the colouring/arts. I think we all love to create and use lots of mediums to express "it".
sandra de @19

Christine said...

Lovely video, thanks for sharing.
Love the hats, they made me smile - not as much as the postbox and snowman!!
Have a good week

Bishopsmate #24

Diana Taylor said...

Your happy hats are gorgeous - so bright and cheery. I haven't tried using a pom pom maker but I bet it's a lot easier than winding wool round card circles like when we were kids! I love the happy snowmen - but I do know what you mean, I get totally seduced by fabrics! I loved the video too, thanks for sharing. Hope all is well in your little corner of the world,
Hugs, Diana xx

Annie said...

Hi Jan. Isn't it funny that we all like to do a bit of knitting in the dark, gloomy evenings? I'm knitting a mouse.....don't ask lol.
Have a great week.
Annie x #15

Inside the artists shed said...

Oh lovely bright wool - great to knit on a dark winter evening. Never seen that flashy pompom thingy. I remember having a set made out of plastic when I was small to make thing like swans and ladybirds but it wasn't much better than cardboard circles. xxx Jackie #18

Sue said...

Love your bright hats with the pompoms.

Sue #26

Twiglet said...

Oh that's brill - a flotilla of penguins!! AND of course I have to say you have fab pompoms and your tags are cute too! Love those zany bobble hats. x Jo

buterfliecrafter said...

I'm the other way around, everything paper, paint, ink and messy, but no needle and thread for me, that drives me bonkers. Vicky (#1)

Nannie4 said...

What a terrifically colourful, beautiful blog post, Jan! Love those hats. My youngest granddaughter loves "Peng-guans" (She insists that pronunciation is correct!) so I must show her your pic when she comes over. Those gorgeous colours will have me smiling all day. Thanks, Jan. :) Nann4 #30

Lisca said...

Oh I love the hats (so colourful) and the pompoms. Never heard of a machine that does that, but it's a mighty good idea.
That window display is fab! I love the knitted postbox. And of course the pen-guans are great. I'm sure Shaz will love those.
Have a great week,

Tilly Tea Dance said...

Oh those penguins are magic! I have a soft spot for penguins as whenever my Husband reads the book 'Ten Little Penguins' to Ben, he calls them Benguins instead! That clover machine sounds brill. The dumfing tools I use for my needle-felting are made by clover and they are brill. Love those happy pompoms. Happy crafting, Max #31

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Fun photos ...love the Happy Hats. I'm just happy to have a few minutes to partake today. TIME...we are having beautiful soft snowfall...it will be gone as the 40's are forecast for this week..YEAH! as I can go to the city and finish up my shopping. Enjoy a wonderful WOYWW kind of day.

Unknown said...

I LOVE those colorful hats!!! And those penguins, just FAB!! Your pom pom tool looks fascinating. Never seen that before. Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #32

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, thats really made me smile! What an awesome display of penguins, you are so good to me. :) Just reading back on the other comments, and the peng-guans, my youngest brother called them penwings when he was little. You've got a very Christmassy blog this week- love the tags, clever you! And the knitted postbox is ace. Have a lovely week, lots odf love and hugs to you all, Shaz xxxxx

Unknown said...

I love your pom poms! Now I'm thinking I need a pom pom maker. I hope that over my holiday break I have time to actually get out my little loom and weave some squares with different yarns and see what I come up with! I have no idea if it takes longer to knit a square the same size or weave it--hmmm. Anyhoo, your stamped snowman are fab little things! See, I think this adult coloring book craze is something that the stampers have known all along...how therapeutic it is to sit and color. But that also applies to knitting and stitching! Wouldn't you and I have fun knitting and sipping something delightful in front of the fire. Hugs! Sandy Leigh #43

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, love your colourful pom-pom hats and those pom-pom makers are fantastic - saves drawing and cutting out of cardboard circles like we used to do. Your snowmen are gorgeous - great colouring! I think I need to go into town and check out the window displays - if they are anything as good as yours they will really cheer up the high street. The knitted telephone box is wonderful and the line-up of penguins is fabulous :) Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #41

Artatag said...

Thanks for a great post again, I really enjoyed it. Your hats are so colourful, they can easily cheer away all that grey outside!
Gabriele 39

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

That is a lovely song indeed! They were so quick with the editing if it was shot just the other week! They should have put you and your band in it!!! Now, I understand that paper alone doesn't make heart beat faster, but what if you combine it with fabric and yarn! You've given me another outing idea with Salisbury - looks like a lovely city - it's a bit far from us for a day trip - 4 hrs round trip but will run it past hubby. He's the designated driver! Have a lovely week, Jan! zsuzsa #34

Kim said...

Those are hats that will chase away any dreary cold day!! I remember my Nana knitting hats and making Pompoms; She would get in a mood, and there would be pompoms on everything!! And I love the snowmen....you are a true multi-medium artist!! Have a great week.

Unknown said...

Great post and had a laugh envisioning you trying to take that photo for Shaz! I think it's good to try other crafting, especially if it's out of our comfort zone. The snowman cards are cute! I do love those brightly colored hats. I did finish the journal I was sewing in, pics posted.

Paper rainbow said...

Christmas and happy hats go very well together, I'm in need of several waterproof happyhats!
Those penguins are fantastic!!!!


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...