Win Or Lose, Sink Or Swim
One Thing Is Certain We'll Never Give In
Side By Side, Hand In Hand
We All Stand Together
(The Frog Chorus - Paul McCartney)

Apt lyrics, don't you think? I wanted to join in with the expressions of solidarity around the world;  people unified against the horrors that unfolded in Paris, Beirut and Lebanon.

As a reaction against the terrible news, everything on my blog today is cheery. I'm going to put these scraps of various fabrics together to make a Christmas present. I'm still on a mission to bust my stash and am doing well in reducing the fabric Everest. I still have to get supplies of things like long zips, a whole reel of 25mm white bias binding tape, fusible fleece and PVA glue....

And I'm SO enjoying knitting with this happy yarn. I saw it in Miss Lemon's Wool Shop (in Pewsey, about three miles away from me) and just had to buy it. It's chunky acrylic but is fab to knit with - it's really soft and not at all 'squeaky' as some acrylics can be.  I'm just making basic beanie hats to give away to a charity; the pattern is easy so it's good for non-thinking, uncomplicated crafting of an evening :-)  I love it!!

I did a bit of sewing for Lisa (Craft Garden) and she sent me this fab hare cushion as a Thank You, plus a really cheery card too. I love it so much, it's very elegant, which is a bit of a departure for me ;-)

And another unexpected surprise was this gorgeous floral arrangement sent by my niece Lynsey. I was gobsmacked when the flower lady delivered them...no particular reason, it said on the card, just thanks for being her auntie for all these years. I was bowled over by the hot in-your-face colours...just right for cheering me up in this dismal weather. How lucky am I?

And something else that was hot........

You'd think his whiskers would get singed, wouldn't you?!!  Ron was very happy the day we lit the woodburner :-)

So I hope that I've managed to spread a little happiness and comfort today...we all stand together xxxxxxxxxx


Nikki said...

That hat is very cheerful and lovely flowers and such a sweet pillow who wouldn't love that. Lol at you kitty it's funny how they love to get close to the heat and will just hang out there happy WOYWW hugs Nikki to early for #

Annie said...

Love it love it love it......yes, all of your post today Jan. Just what we all need with all the doom and gloom about in the world.
Annie x # 6

Helen said...

We do indeed all stand together. love all the cheery items on your post today, that wool is fabulous, and what a great name for the shop- is she really Miss Lemon?? Thanks for bringing some brightness to us. Helen #1

Anonymous said...

What a lovely selection of comfort items. Love the hat, much bigger than the ones I am making :) and that cushion is fab - my BIL would love it, he made us drive thru Watership Down while he was visiting. And oh my, cat in front of the stove is just too too adorable.

not late, for a change!
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (2)

Judys Lace Creations said...

It does rock your confidence doesn't it when horrible violence breaks out so close to where you live.
LOVE your cheeriness for us this week.
Oh that CAT!! Bet he was purring too!

Lynn Holland said...

Ron looks like the cat that got the cream heehee. I get look when the oven door opens and a blast of hot air hits me in the face, I love it.
I'm loving the colourful wool as well and the flowers. I'll show the wool to my knitting friends, I bet they'll want some too.
Enjoy your week Jan, we are off to London tomorrow till Monday. Two shows and a bit of vintage clothes shopping is on the agenda
Lynn xx 8

Anne said...

Love your colourful post Jan. Just what is needed. I wept on Friday and Sat at the news from Paris. Dark days indeed ! Your bright cheery post is uplifting! Anne x #10

Anne said...

Love your colourful post Jan. Just what is needed. I wept on Friday and Sat at the news from Paris. Dark days indeed ! Your bright cheery post is uplifting! Anne x #10

FLR said...

What a lovely cheerfull coloured post in these dark times! Love the fabrics! And the cat in front of the woodburner....our cat loves it too, she´s always in front or next to it

Debbie Rock said...

Solidarity indeed ... with you every step of the way dearest Jan. I find the trouble with stash-busting is it never lasts very long because as soon as I near the end of something I just have to restock for fear of running out completely and never having just what I need when I need it. Hence my OVERstock of black & white card this week ... supplies were getting low so I reordered but didn't get a true picture in my head of just what several hundred sheets of varying thicknesses of card would look like ... nor the room storing them all would take! Have no doubts I will be finding packs of the stuff for years to come as they reveal themselves when I open random doors and drawers! LOVE your bright pom-pom hats ... am, yet again, totally with you on the mindless evening crafting - hence all my bobbles!!!! (the blankets, silly, not me!!) Love to you dear Jan, from Debbie xXx

Neet said...

Love your Ron - what a fab photo for the album.
As for the knitting, well, that is certainly fabulous wool - love the hat which I am sure will cheer the wearer up on those dark dismal days.
A very appropriate bit of singing at the top.
Hugs, Neet 24 xx

Sue said...

Very apt words.

I love the bright wool, the hare cushion, the card and the beautiful flowers.

Hope you get through even more of your stash.

Had to smile at your toasty cat:) We had a dog that would sit in the hearth if we let her. We were forever calling her away.

Sue #25

Julia Dunnit said...

Well if you're happy, I'm happy. I love the mess of fabrics - is that the collective noun do you think? Lynsey got those flowers spot on, bright and cheerful and aren't they gorgeously arranged. See ya tomoz gf.

My name is Cindy said...

So much sadness and horror - but you have to just get on with life or somehow they win don't they? But this post is certainly spirit lifting with so much colour and fun. Lovethose flowers, they would be my exact choice of colour. And I had to suppress a smile .... busting my stash ....but need to stock up on.......sounds like rationalising to me!! Happy WOYWW Cindy xx #30

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I love love love your cheery hat! It's enough to make anybody smile! Nobody would be allowed to feel gloomy wearing those! Gorgeous flowers - your niece must love you so much! Ron is really cute - looks so serene enjoying the warmth of the fire. We're trying to get a kitten at the moment. My son really really wants one - with all his heart, so how can we say no? He was so upset yesterday, because the one he had his heart set on was sold to someone else. He was crying in a way that made me tear up too. I'm on a mission to get him a kitten before Christmas! Have a great week Jan! zsuzsa #33

buterfliecrafter said...

very suitable lyrics. And such lovely rainbow colors on the hat. I love rabbits and just adore that hare cushion and how lovely of your nice to give you such a lovely flower arrangement for no particular reason, very thoughtful. What a wonderful life, warmth on your furry skin, what more does a cat need? Vicky

Tilly Tea Dance said...

That made me smile. The frog chorus was the first record I ever owned! I welled up yesterday just watching TV as the crowd all sang the French national anthem at the England V France friendly. Such troubling times. Looking forward to seeing what you muster up from the pieces of fabric from stash mountain. I'm sure it will be fab! Happy crafting, Max #29 :-)

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, laughed out loud at the picture of Ron! Doesn't he look content? Nothing else needed to make his furry world complete. Stash busting? I think I need to start trying that, instead of all this retail therapy.Love your card and hare cushion, and those flowers!What a wonderful, bright arrangement, and what a lovely reason for sending them. Love and hugs to you all, Shaz xxx

Elizabeth said...

Yes, those lyrics are most appropriate, Jan, and I agree with your expressions of solidarity at this time. And I also wholeheartedly agree that your blog is cheery - love all the bright colours in the fabric and that gorgeous yarn. The cushion & card from Lisa are fab - another hare to add to your nest :) How lovely of your niece to send that gorgeous arrangement. My niece also makes similarly unexpected gestures - aren't we lucky indeed! Ron is sensible - Bonnie says it's too horrible to venture out :) Thanks for popping by earlier and leaving your welcome comment. Have a good week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #32

Lisca said...

Great lyrics. (I'm wawawa-ing now, you've got me going!)
Gosh, that hare cushion is stunning! What lovely surprises you have had! Lucky girl!
I'm not posting today. I haven't had time, besides, there's nothing on my desk. I'm busy making a digital photobook for my mum of her first great-grandchild. Albelli are doing a special offer, but has to be finished by the 23rd to get the discount. So, CU next week, God willing,

Inside the artists shed said...

Now that's my type of wool - understated. So you have a ginger cat too. Both my daughters have gingers and my brother has two. Seems that gingers rule. Jackie#21

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

So many gorgeous things, love the card and the cushion especially. I had to grin at your cat, we used to have a terrier when I lived at home and he would sit with his paws in the fireplace when we had a coal fire! He had loads of singed fur, silly dog. Thanks for the visit to mine
and happy woyww, Angela x26

Sofie V said...

So much beautiful colors! I love the hats you are making! That yarn looks beautiful! And I love the pillow you got (I love bunnies!).

Greetings, Sofie #17

Unknown said...

Oh that's so funny!!! Ron and Minnie featured on the desky blogs today! That definitely looks like it could be Ron's address for a while. And I just fell in love with party time chunky yarn. Whaat!! That is the cutest yarn ever. Miss Lemon's Wool Shop sounds like something from a play or movie. You live such a fairytale life in your village. I want you to take photos every time you go to town, because I still remember that post office photo from last year, so adorable. Well, my nephews were there too, and we were taking selfies...my selfie with them is on my FB. So thought I'd post this odd selfie. You know, after doing my DNA test from ancestry.com, it led me to discover who my biological father was, my aunties and uncles, and now I'm in touch with my new half sister, and it's all so cool. I really resemble my dad. Just sad I never got to meet him. But I'm sure he's looking out for me now! Please tell Ron that Minnie sends her kitty love! Hugs soul sister! Sandy Leigh #42

lisa said...

You are certainly spreading cheer in these dark days, Jan, but then you always do. Your blog is always a happy place to visit. Love that zingy wool, someone is going to both warm and bright wearing that hat!!!
Glad you liked the cushion, It just shouted your name at me when I saw it and what beautiful flowers, how kind your niece is.
Hope you have a good week.
Hugs Lisax #16

Suzanne Alexis said...

Yes, indeed, you did spread some comfort and cheer. Thank you! I especially like the hare cushion and the pretty card. That yarn is beautiful!

Suzanne #51

Bubbles said...

VERY apt lyrics :)
Ron looks smug - so sweet!
Have a happy Wednesday
Bubbles (Sheleen)

trisha too said...

You DID spread some comfort, all the cheerful photos of lovely things, and of course Ron!!!

Thank you!

#53 this week with
a Dr. Who wedding card

Ali H said...

How cute is your feline friend gazing into the fire! Thanks for the uplifting blog in these sad times. Ali xx

Sue Jones said...

you have definately spread some happiness :) Thanks for the earlier visit today your comment made me laugh out loud. ( I am SO late getting round today!) Have a great week. Soojay xx

Unknown said...

Just love your cheery post today! Definitely bright and necessary. And gobsmacked... I love it! I haven't heard that word in years! Brought a laugh! Hope you have a fabulous rest of the week! Thanks!
Carol N #35

CraftyHope said...

Despite all the sad news, your desk and whole post is bright and cheery. Thanks for that. I really like the idea of busting your stash. I ought to do the same thing. My stash is much larger and overwhelming than I ever intended. I just love shopping for supplies though! It's a problem ;) Thanks for the cheery images :)
Hope #46

Ginny Maxam said...

Hi Jan, your blog was very cheery, lot of beautiful things going on! I'm all for stash busting- of any kind!!Thanks for sharing!!Have a great week, Ginny # 12

Kim said...

Finally made it over. That is cheery yarn...and what a wonderful niece you have; that is a stunning bouquet. And Happy Ron; looking so smug! I had 3 kittens that had jumped over the screen in the fireplace; and were very happy inches from the fire; scared the crap out of me when I found them!!; And trying to remove them with out having them panic and run into the fire!!!

Lizzie J said...

Juicy coloured yarn - you can't help smiling when you see it. That hat will not only keep some one warm it will also make them smile. You can almost feel the heat on Ron. I'm always amazed how much heat animals voluntarily can take. My sisters dog used to almost climb in the fire. If it wasn't on she would follow the sun around the room, even in summer.
Lizzie J #57

Kyla said...

No desk from me this week (too busy getting my auntie cuddles in!) but thought I would pop by and say HI.
LOVE that woo, so bright and cheery and how lovely to get unexpected flowers too.



 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...