(Copyright Walt Disney Music Co Ltd)

It's been a very full week!  Meeting a desker, attending Janet Fairythoughts' funeral, having the Silverwolfs come visit on their way back home. 

This was my desk at the weekend....Kim Young, a Stateside desker had taken a fancy to the music stand covers I made recently and asked me if I'd make her one.  I squeezed just enough out of the scraps of Botanicals fabric!

All ready to be sent off...I really hope Kim's stand fits in ok. Her dimensions were different to my stand. Fingers crossed :-)

I've taken this pic because of those Clover clips. Janet Fairythoughts made me buy those in her shop a couple of years ago and I never used them until recently. How stupid was I? They're awesome for gripping thick layers of fabric really tightly. And every time I use them, I think of Janet. She'll be looking down on me from heaven and saying 'I told you so....!!'

 Oh, her funeral was sad and happy all mixed up. Julia wrote about it most movingly...but I want to tell you about everyone wearing odd socks or funky shoes, the Minions music played in the service, the reading out of WOYWW messages of sympathy and the fact that Janet's coffin was cardboard, printed all over with photos of buttons, Minions, cups of coffee, cake, Bendicks Mints and gingko leaves. It summed her up perfectly. Goodness I shall miss her......

But it shows how this wonderful blogging community reaches out from the confines of the Interwebs and forms true friendships. Julia and I went to Salisbury to meet Diana Velvetmoth last week, our first time of getting together. Diana looked slightly apprehensive as we approached but before we knew it two hours had flown by.  A mutual bonkers sense of humour and a solid WOYWW backstory meant that we just started talking and kept going!
Diana gave us both a little something......
A perfect little miniature! I've long been a fan of Diana's work, so I was thrilled to receive this. It's about 4 inches high and is exquisitely detailed. Gosh, I love it - thank you Diana!!

Other workdesks in Appleton Towers this week.....
My menfolk trying to fix a laptop cooling system...there were lots of bits spread out over the table...

Soldering was involved......unfortunately, it needed something more like a Harry Potter spell....Circuitous Wirious Reparo.....cos it didn't work. Something had gone phuttt, way beyond the possibility of repair.

More happiness at our dining room table however....
Shaz and Doug Silverwolf dropped in to say hello en route back home after a weekend of gadding! It was so good to see them both and a chance to give Shaz massive squishy hugs - she's undergoing her major surgery today. Please keep them in your thoughts and send positive healing vibes towards Birmingham hospital. Thank you xxxx


Helen said...

Hi Jan - what a full week you've had for sure. Janet's funeral sounds pure Janet, I wish I could have been there. The meeting with Diana sounds fun - no pictures? tut!! I will be thinking of Shaz and Doug today for sure. Much love. Helen 2

Robyn said...

a lot to love here today, and some to pray about too! thanks for being who you are and for sharing it!
robyn 6

Judys Lace Creations said...

Thinking of Shaz and her surgery.A busy week again Jan.

Lisca said...

Thanks for telling about the funeral. I didn't know Janet but she sounds like a great lady.
What a fab photo of you with Shaz and Doug. Yes, I'm thinking of her too today being the big day. Lots of prayers going up...
Have a good week,

Neet said...

Shaz is certainly in my thoughts and prayers today.
What a week you had Jan! Glad the sad occasion was marked with joyful memories of a life that was just that - full of joy. So sad to think she is gone but so nice to know that Julia brought her to the attention of so many bloggers and some of ou got to meet her.
Gosh, those bits from the computer cooling system - what fabulous pieces for mixed media. Hope you kept them all.
I assume we can get to know about Shaz via you - will keep an eye on your blog.
Hugs, Neet 18 xxx

Sue said...

You have been busy this week. Always nice to meet up with friends and what a lovely gift you got.

Hope Shaz's op goes ok and she is soon home.

Happy WOY"WW
Sue #21

Diana Taylor said...

It was lovely to meet up with you Jan and I'm so thrilled with my new bag - thank you.! It's had an outing to John Lewis already and the lady in the queue behind me commented on how beautiful it was! I'll be thinking of Shaz today and sending positive thoughts her way. I hope it all goes well for her.
Have a great week, Diana xx

MrsC.x said...

what a busy week you have had; i am glad that the funeral went as well as these things can. i will be thinking of Shaz today
happy woyww
Charlie #24

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan, happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting. Love your post this week... you're a generous, wonderful blogger friend...lots of smiles with Shaz and Doug and more smiles for memories of Janet...a fun meeting with Diana and a snazzy tote for Kim - a very busy lady. Enjoy your week Cheers RobynO#22

Jill said...

the cases are lovely, beautiful fabric, enjoy your crafting

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah, what an ultra busy post Lunch lady Jan, I was thinking as I read it how WOYWW is woven into our lives... the sad and happy sides of life are in WOYWW.
How wonderful to catch up with Diana and what a gorgeous frame of work, and thanks for the other details on Janet, I remember I hadn't hear of Minions till met them on her blog, and my comment prompted her to reply and explain them more fully to me.
Love that Botanicals material and shame it had to com to an end, and another great case made with clever clips indeed, love the colour wont be lost easily!
Thanks so much for sharing.
Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #27

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Twiglet said...

As ever - a truly beautiful post Jan. Lovely sewing, Diane's stunning artwork and great pics of special folk in your life - thanks for sharing it all. AND yes we will all be holding Shaz in our thoughts today. x Jo

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

PS and meant to say, am praying much for dear Shaz of course.

Annie said...

Love your post today Jan [not that I don't always]. It's such a wonderful 'family' we all belong to. There is so much love and support shared and on days like this I'm certain all our positive vibes will carry Shaz safely through her major surgery.
Have a great week,
Annie x # 17

Glenda said...

Thinking of Shaz today; praying her surgery goes well. How wonderful that you had that visit!
Glenda #31

CraftygasheadZo said...

Great post, lush pics and fabrics. Love seeing your menfolk concentrating there!! Take care Zo xx 30

Tilly Tea Dance said...

Lovely post today Jan. Makes me feel very blessed. The clips look genius. I could have done with some of those for stitching my bulkier busy book pages. Great to see you're keeping your menfolk out of mischief. I'm sure that there is a "how many men does it take to fix a..." joke in there somewhere! Happy crafting x

lisa said...

Lovely to catch up with you, Jan and all your news. There's so much happened whilst I've been absent. It was with great sadness I read about Janet, she sounds a wonderful lady.
That photo of your menfolk looks reassuringly familiar, similar scenes go on in this house!!!!
Thinking of Shaz today.
Hugs Lisax #36

Christine said...

Happy post, how I love them! and the menfolk being crafty ..... and that lovely photo of you three, I think I will copy and frame .... with your permission.

Have a good week
Bishopsmate #39

Julia Dunnit said...

well there's nothing to not like about your post today gal..such moving thoughts for Janet..as we talked about again today. And of course we're thinking of Shaz and waiting to bug her into rapid and happy recovery. Gosh, isn't it lovely that your boys are welded in interests. Snort. I slay myself. And then realise I should have used 'soldered'. Bugger.!!!!

Sue Jones said...

Aww How lovely -Love the idea of odd sock and silly shoes :) How lovely to meet Diana- I adore her work too. And Lovely ( sorry third time!) That Shaz got some of your hugs before her horrible surgery. Sorry the laptop didn't get fixed - My hubby wouldnt be allowed within a milre of mine!! Thanks for the visit earlier. Have a "lovely" week :)
soojay x

alice k. said...

Enjoying your desk views, and all those pictures of people being busy and having fun.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Having the Silverwolfs come visit. How cool does that sound? I bet your table could tell a tale or two! I'm so glad the funeral went as well as these things can. It sounds like it was true to Janet's personality. I still can't believe it :-(

Fiona #19

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, more gorgeous fabric. Pleased to hear the funeral went well. Looks like everyone's been busy at yours. Thanks for the visit to mine, have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 20

Kristiina said...

Love those stand covers, hope it fits. The problem with technical stuff is that nowadays nothing is planned to be mended, it's planned to break down and be replaced by a new one :( been thinking about Shaz today, hope everything has gone as planned. Happy woyww!
Kristiina #7

Princess Judy Palmer said...

That magic smoke came out of the laptop I'll bet. Hubby always says once the magic smoke comes out of an appliance it never works again. The men look like they tried real hard though. That's a nifty looking stand cover. Thanks for sharing about Janet's funeral, it sounds like they tried to but the FUN in funeral. Truly they should be celebrations of life. Judy #49

Kim said...

SQUEEEE!! The case is beautiful!!!! So many thanks!!! Love the look of the working menfolk! How brave to give them a go; spell craft not withstanding; the computers always end in Urgent Care (or Frankenstein's Lab) at our house! Positive Blessings winging their way to Shaz as we speak....

Unknown said...

How fun to spend time with other deskers! I met one from near me and we had a ball for a couple hours one time! Beautiful miniature! Thanks for sharing about Janet's funeral.
Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #42

Ali H said...

Hi Jan what a roller coaster week of emotions! Funeral sounds amazing & so individual! Great you got to see Shaz in person. Ali x

Stacy Sheldon said...

oooh I love that you posted the mug shot with Shaz and her hubs :) I am so impressed your guys took a computer apart. (even if it was not repairable at least they tried you know?) :) ~Stacy #46

VonnyK said...

I just got a shock as I didn't even know Fairy Thoughts was ill. That's so sad, we crossed paths many times, I will miss her. Glad the funeral went well. Those clips look really good and I see you're using my favourite fabric. Had a giggle at the menfolk trying to fix the computer and lovely to see Shaz and hubby. I'm sending healing thoughts her way. Love the gorgeous picture from Diana and how nice to meet her. Have a great week.
Von #13

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, lovely post, as usual. The music stand cover looks very much like a hair straighteners/curling tongs holder I'm planning to make for my niece :) Janet's funeral sounds amazing and just the right send off for such a lovely woman - her sense of fun comes shining through. Lovely pic of you and the Silverwolfs - hope all has gone well for Shaz too. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #37

PS: work is progressing well on the craft room and the sewing table is looking much improved to thanks to several coats of paint :)

Jean said...

Love seeing your desk and projects!

Shoshi said...

What a lovely post, LLJ - so glad you were able to attend the funeral. I sometimes feel very cut off down here in Devon. And how great that you were able to see Shaz and Doug, and the photo is just great. I've been thinking of them both so much - Shaz said she'd got "email Shoshi with news" on Doug's to do list but I haven't heard a word, and wondered if you had, because Shaz said she'd asked you to post her WOYWW post for her. I sent her an email in case Doug was picking those up. I'm beginning to worry quite a bit but I suppose no news is good news? No updates on her blog or on Julia's so not sure if anyone has any news how she is getting on.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #29

Shoshi said...

Jan, thank you for your lovely comment on my blog - I can email you a full sized pic of my drawing if you like!! Thank you also for emailing, which did indeed get through, and I have replied. You are very kind to keep me up to date.


Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Thanks for the update on Shaz. I was wondering how things were going. Lovely blog post as always. Peg R #36


 WHO PUT THE COLOURS IN THE RAINBOW? Another week has whizzed past and it's been full of crafting, selling, playing keyboards and enjoyi...