Just to let you know, Shaz Silverwolf's operation was much longer and more extensive than anticipated. She is likely to be in hospital for some time to come, as she's been in a lot of pain and the docs need to sort a few issues out. If you'd like to send a card, then email me for details. Keep those positive vibes heading towards Birmingham :-)

Edit: Doug has written about the events of the past week:
He said it was ok to share it with the WOYWWers.  Jan xxx

It's been a crazy busy week once again (and the forecast for the next fortnight isn't showing much improvement either....) so hardly any crafting has been done - sigh.....

I've been seeing how much fabric I've got for another project for Kim Young...she loved her music stand cover and would like a tote bag for her music folder now. 

There's enough Botanicals fabric for an external pocket and the straps (made by sewing sections together!) with maybe that black spot for the lining....

I rather like the combination...what do you think KIm?  When you get the folder, send me the dimensions and I'll get cracking :-)

This is one of the reasons why my workdesk has been ignored:
The Bass section of Phoenix Brass, blowing hard!  We are good friends and have a bit of a laugh....I once read an interesting article about picking the correct instrument for your child based on personality. There were various sections but my favourite bit was this 'if the child tends to be extrovert, quite loud and a bit of a rebel, then brass is probably most suited to them'  :-) :-)  Quite right too, lol!

The fete was in the grounds of the church and there was a mini carillon of bells...Tug Palmer, one of our cornet players is a Tower Captain of proper bell ringing and was enjoying helping a small campanologist!

Hopefully there'll be a little more to show you next week, but I'm not making promises I can't keep, lol!!


peggy aplSEEDS said...

Happy WOYWW! I'm in the airport waiting to board my plane home and found some time to go visiting! That is a lovely botanical fabric. No wonder Kim wanted something more! Thanks for giving an update about Shaz. I do hope she'll be ok.

Ohhh Snap said...

Beautiful fabrics! I love your talent for combining prints. Looks like the brass section is having fun : D. Thanks for the update on Shaz, sending healing thoughts and will be looking for your email : D.

Unknown said...

Hi Jan, lovely fabrics together and how good to be busy with friends. Thank you for the update on Shaz. Could you text me her address do you think? Thank you
Have a happy week
Lynda B 6

Helen said...

Thanks for the update on Shaz, I have been thinking about her! Do you still have my email? can you send me the address? Helen 4

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I love how you're using every last scrap of that botanicals fabric. I'm not sure I'd have the patience to piece the strap like that! Thanks for the news of Shaz. Hoping she is out of pain soon and back at home.

Fiona #11

Lisca said...

That fabric is beautiful! No wonder she wanted more!
Thank you for telling us about Shaz. What a bummer that it is more complicated than expected. I hope things will get better soon. Poor Shaz (and Doug) Yes, I'd like her address please. I don't know if you can figure out what my email address is though....
Have a good week,

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan, happy Wednesday...yes I love the fabric combo too and those scraps always come in handy...lucky Jill, just enough. I'm not musical at all but do so admire those who can sing and play an instrument...my kids can but they didn't get it from their parents. Have a wonderful week Cheers RobynO#19

Diana Taylor said...

So sorry to hear Shaz is having such a tough time of it - I hope they 'sort her out' quickly and she's feeling better soon - sending lots of positive thoughts to her.
I love the Botanical fabric with the spots, they work so well together and no wonder your friend wanted more! I hate running out of my favourite things and would definitely have to have some scraps of it left in my scrap box - I totally admire you using up the last little bits!!
Hope you have a good week,
Diana xx

Judys Lace Creations said...

I LOVE a brass band belting out tunes.I think music is such a special thing.Like singing the sound goes right through you and gives you tingles! Poor Shaz. I'm sorry things were not straight forward. I would like to send her a card.
Judy #9

Judys Lace Creations said...

I LOVE a brass band belting out tunes.I think music is such a special thing.Like singing the sound goes right through you and gives you tingles! Poor Shaz. I'm sorry things were not straight forward. I would like to send her a card.
Judy #9

Unknown said...

Thank you for the update on Shaz. Appreciate you keeping us in the loop. I like the black dot material with the botanical. The quote gave me a laugh! Just so true.

Annie said...

I'm certain we will all be thinking of Shaz and sending her lots of positive vibes. Thanks so much for keeping us up to date with her news cos I for one don't like to keep pestering Doug.
I love those fabrics and the photo of you is gorgeous. :-)
Annie x # 10

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Dear Lunch Lady Jan,
Well, l came over as soon as I could in hope if seeing some news, and thank you for it.
I had looked round during end of last week but couldn't see anything then. Have been praying daily for Shaz and will certainly keep it up. My card is probably there so will send another in week or so..
A tough row to hoe... pray news is on the up from now on...

Well, love the colour combo on the bag and always enjoy seeing what you and your band are up to .. I well remember the first revelation, ages ago now, when learnt that you were a brass player .. and it did surprise me.
... but seems was a good choice eh :D
Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #25

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Sue Jones said...

aww poor Shaz! I Will email you when I get home. I am sure that Kim will love those colours together. Thanks for the earlier visit. Soojay x

Tilly Tea Dance said...

Ah ha! So that's why I never really got along with the flute...extrovert little me should have been a brass! Love the fabric for the tote. You've got an eye for colour combination. Thanks for the update on Shaz, I've been thinking of her this week. Happy crafting :-)
Max #24

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Thanks for the update on Shaz, Jan. I've been away for quite a while and haven't realized just how poorly she is. Sending out positive vibes... Love that botanical fabric - would be most suitable for mixed-media projects! Have a lovely week! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #28

Kim said...

Thanks for the update on Shaz...hopefully she's through the worst now! Too funny about the instrument choices, but despite Tilly's comment, the flute and I have got along quite well. I love that black fabric with the botanical!!! We get our folders next Monday...I'll get measurements to you Tuesday.Have a great week.

Robyn said...

loving the bells, and that botanical fabric

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Thanks for pointing us in the direction of an update for Shaz. It sounds like it has been a rough time for the two of them. I'm sure that is to be expected and the human body can withstand some pretty amazing things. I like the botanical fabric with the black dot. It is very spunky! Look at you having a go... or a blow I guess is more like it. Have fun! Judy #38

Shoshi said...

Gorgeous fabrics, Jan, and what fun seeing the band again! It all looks like a great fun day out. Thanks for posting the link to Doug's new blog. I've posted it on my blog as well. I decided to join in WOYWW today after all because I've done some colouring from the recliner today and I think that counts!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #40

Unknown said...

Beautiful fabrics. Have a great week of crafting. Linda #42

Anne said...

One of my favourite fabrics ( smile ) poor Shaz I'm so sorry to hear that things not gone as planned. will try and do a card - if my week does not entail going down to Somerset. My son's F.I.L. was in QE 9 I think that's where Shaz is - not too far away from me. If you in touch wish her well- I'm sure you will be. Thanks for visiting. Anne x #7

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

You're using that gorgeous fabric again, so love it. Just for you Jan, I will photo the cartoons when they are complete and still black and white though I am planning to colour them.
Thanks for keeping us up-to-date about Shaz. Have a good woyww and happy crafting, Angela x

Shoshi said...

I've just rechecked Doug's blog as well, Jan, and so far nothing new. I've subscribed by email so will get updates when they happen. Thanks for your visit, and I'm so glad you like my colouring! Something a bit dfferent to do when I'm not feeling up to much!

Shoshi x

Stacy Sheldon said...

oooh that fabric is so pretty, and thanks for the link to Doug's posts. I was not sure I would find it on my own but, was hopeful someone knew something. :)

~Stacy #44

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update on Shaz. Much appreciated. Looks like you've been having a good time! Love bands. Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #32

Twiglet said...

Better late than never Jan. Just read Doug's blog - what a man. I hope the news gets better every day - we have both been thinking about Shaz here. I had to chuckle about you being just right for brass - not sure where that leaves me - think I barely managed a recorder! However, I do have a large pair of cymbols!!! x Jo

Neet said...

This iPad is playing silly b's! One minute I only get one photo, then half of two and then the whole thing goes black. How I got here to comment remains a mystery. So I cannot comment on your photos but I get the gist of things and think you are an angel for all you do.
Thank you so much for linking me. I didn't like asking again. Hint I am still away next week and think I have scheduled something.
Now I used to play the piano but I am not very musical to be honest. I got prizes for my exams but wonder if my teacher was being kind. Or did mum pay him to get me the college book prizes?
Will now go to Dougs link but wanted to thank you first.
Hugs Neet xxx

RosA said...

I love that botanical fabric! I would definitely buy some if I saw it here! Are you going to use any scraps of the individual labels, perhaps for appliqueing?
Thanks for letting us know about Shaz.
RosA # 30

CraftygasheadZo said...

Thank you for updating us about Shaz. Will check out what Doug has written. Love the pics of you and your band friends. I can imagine you all have a good laugh too. Take care Zo xx

Hettie said...

Liking that bag. Great colours. I know for sure that Kim liked her stand cover!!
Thanks for updating us about Shaz.


 WHO PUT THE COLOURS IN THE RAINBOW? Another week has whizzed past and it's been full of crafting, selling, playing keyboards and enjoyi...