(channelling my inner Beyonce, lol)

Why this lyric today? You may well ask.....

My brother and sister in law stayed for a few days last week....the spare bed is in the room where my work table is.  Here's a pic while they stayed....

Yep. My brother's camera. Fair enough. But what I'm protecting your eyes from is the corner where, according to my SiL, my brother rested a part of his anatomy and said 'Feature THAT on WOYWW'....!!!!  I may never work on that part of my desk ever again...grin.

Well, it might have been his arm...or chin....but I doubt it very much....

See what I've had to put up with since I was a nipper? Oh, I could tell you some stories.......

But it's not all weird, honest. My SiL Jill brought some of her watercolours to show me. She's been following an online course.

Each painting features a different technique...they were all amazing, but the apple and pear were my favourites.
Aren't they good? The apple looks like a photo, it's so realistic.  Apparently Jill used upwards of 30 very thin washes of watercolour to achieve the effect, which just goes to show how much more patience she has than me!!

I do have a (sullied) desk to share :-)
I found some 28" zips in Fabricland and am going to cut into some more holiday stash material. If time permits...it's a busy old week ahead.

I volunteer in an Oxfam bookshop in Marlborough and this was donated a couple of weeks ago....
I was tempted for a moment but unfortunately the cover was more interesting than the contents and who wants to be only Slightly Sinister? Much better to be completely OTT, in my opinion :-)

Have a great week xxxx


Ohhh Snap said...

It's so disappointing when books don't live up to their covers! I think I'm more Loki-esque than Sinister lol.Just don't ask me questions you don't want answers to lol. Love your fabric choices, that will be a stunning correspondence case. We have an commerical here that's all about life's "bleachable" moments lol. Naughty brother. Your SIL's paintings are quite stunning! Did she share a link to the course?

Nikki said...

Brothers sometimes you just wanna kick em where the sun don't shine lol
your SIL painting are wonderful and love the apple it's so amazing that course looks like a great one :)
hugs Nikki ??

Helen said...

My imagination is going wild... yeurgh! (yes, thinking the same as you...lol) the cover of the book looks intriguing, shame you didn't feel the same about the contents! Love your SIL's paintings, what a talent. Helen 2. can't get the imagined image out of my head now... lol!

Judys Lace Creations said...

I'm with Nikki...brothers!(SIGH)!!Those watercolours are really good. Love those colour choices with your fabrics.
Judy #12

Annie said...

Your SIL has real talent [ not that you don't my friend]. Her painting is amazing...I love the apple and pear best too. Brothers! Hope you've really enjoyed the company of yours and manage to get your desk back to a state you feel happy to use it [I'd try dettox spray :-) ].
Annie x # 17

Unknown said...

Wonderful paintings by your SIL Jan. The apple and pear are my favourites too. Check me out this week to see my efforts at sewing. LOL
Have a happy week
Lynda B 16

Cardarian said...

He, he brothers! I've got one don't get me started! So you don't have a desk but I still see some lovely material on your desk! The watercolors your SiL made are fantastic!
Have a lovely week with your family!
Lots and lots of hugs,

Sue said...

Jan, Oh my, had you posted that photo I may have needed some smelling salts:) LOL

Your sil paintings are fab. As you said the apple looks like a photograph.

Loving the fabrics for the correspondence case.

Sue #26

Debbie Rock said...

OTT sounds good to me! Those watercolours are wonderful ... like you Jan, I would not have the patience to lay down 30 layers of watercolour - er, truth be known, I wouldn't even get the one down, let alone another 29 (that is maths, by the way ... I can do sums!!!!) Millions of layers of ink I can do, but not watercolour - and from an on-line course too! I do now have the image of you in full on Beyonce mode .... oh the picture in my head! Love to you dear lady. Debbie #25 xXx

Twiglet said...

Now I know why I am hopeless with watercolours - I had no idea how many layers would be needed to create such beauty! I think I am glad we just got the pic of what your SIL had been up to - heaven knows what big bro had to show and tell on your desk!!! Will love to see your little fabric case when you have finished - sounds a bit tricky to me but I have every confidence in you. x Jo

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oh! Ho! Hope you can get back to normal now!!! Love those watercolours! What a talent! Looks as though you are heading to make something complicated!! Love that book titille…ooer!!! Chrisx31

Barb said...

What a great post from you Jan. My hubby happened to walk by and 'Liked' your brothers camera.

Your SIL's painting is amazing. Those fruits really do look real. Your material is very pretty. What gorgeous colours. Have a lovely week. Barb#27 xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ahh Lunch lady Jan, brothers are like that.. I know... what a huge camera.. and well Jill is doing brilliantly on the course all of them are good, the fruit are fav ones definitely but also like the pink flower,and well that hols material is looking like it will make a great zip around holder too :D great bargain on zips, too.

Thanks so much for sharing.
Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #34

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, oh you have made me laugh! It's totally believable you have a brother with such a sense of humour, you pair must have been dynamite together! Your SIL is amazing- love the fruit, and that Snowdrop- absolutely awesome. You don't think about how many layers of paint are involved in the process, I agree. Brilliant book title, but I agree, being only slightly sinister is just downright under achieving, lol.
That's a date then Jan, we'll pop in and see you on Monday, I'll let you know when we're close. Big hugs for tomorrow, please, if you can give our love and condolences to Janets family- I'll be sat at the QE going through my pre assessment, and thinking of you. Lots of love and hugs, Shaz xxxx

Neet said...

Your first paragraph under the picture had me laughing out loud - I could just picture your face. Bet you were a mischievous pair when you were small - was going to say younger but bet you are just as bead when you get together now. Wish I had a bro like that!
Beautiful painting - but 30 layers - I am with you, I would not have the patience but how on the other hand I wish I could paint like that.
Thinking of you tomorrow.
Hugs, Neet 15 xx

Lisca said...

Those apple and pear are beautiful! What a technique. No, I don't think I'd have the patience.
Have a good week,

Tilly Tea Dance said...

Jan I think a more apt book title could be 'Siblings for the Slightly Sinister', by the sound of your brother it could be a lengthy tome!! Poor workdesk, such abuse! The zip around correspondence case looks fab. I'll keep this in mind for Ben in the future - I can see it done in snazzy fabric with crayons etc in it to keep him occupied. Thanks for the giggles, your blog this week is hilarious! Happy crafting x

Diana Taylor said...

Oh Jan, you made me roar with laughter - hope you've got your wet wipes handy! Your SIL's paintings are totally beautiful - what a talented lady she is, that apple is good enough to eat!
Hope you have a great week and find enough time to do all you want.
Diana xx

Belinda Basson said...

I am an OTT kind of girl too, so I can relate! As for your brother wel... Had me howling with laughter, lucky your desk is not a photostat machine... 18

Ali H said...

Oh thank the lord I never had a brother !!
Your SIL's pictures are AMAZING - so talented ! As you know I have been dabbling in painting flowers - would love to know what course she is doing ?
Thanks for visiting Ali xx

Belinda Basson said...

Hello I am back! Thanks for your visit to my desk. To answer your question: No I can't and never will play golf cos I have a gammy back, but my son has taken up the sport and I am his caddy, and therefore need to know the rules for the competitions he plays in!

Jill said...

Brothers eh, but who would have them any other way. Those watercolours are lovely. Enjoy your making this week

Sue Jones said...

Ha Ha - unfortunetely i had no brothers but totally innaproprate and unpedictable hubby :/
I adore you SIL's paintings they are wonderful. Love the book title :) Thanks for you visit yesterday while I was off in London ( the Shard was BRILL) no scary at all. Have a great week ( and disinfect that desk!) xx Soojay.

Shoshi said...

Jan, what a hilarous post! Chortle chortle lol lol ROFL!!! Love it. I don't have brothers but I have 2 BILs and they are both so well behaved as to be almost dull - well, one of them is dull and the other isn't, but he's always very polite lol!! Your SIL's paintings are totally amazing.... that apple got my mouth watering and I felt as if I could pick it up from the screen and sink my teeth into it! The book title is quirky and fun, but I agree, far better to be OTT than only slightly sinister lol! Love your new fabric too and I am sure you will make some goodies with that.

Thanks for your lovely comment, and of course that dress would be within your skilled capabilities - you are an expert at sewing! I haven't done any for so long that I feel like a novice, and I still have to get to grips with my new sewing machine. It's got to take a back seat as I keep getting things thrown at me that have got to be done first - "watch that space" as they say for further details to emerge!

I'm glad to report I'm feeling slightly better today and after a late get-up and plenty of rest, I haven't dropped off to sleep and am feeling less wiped out. I am sure I'll be better still, tomorrow.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #42

sandra de said...

Wow, wow and more wow those w/c are fabulous and so realistic. They remind me of Anna Mason's work which requires soooo much patience. Lovely pics of you and shaz.
sandra de @33


 WHO PUT THE COLOURS IN THE RAINBOW? Another week has whizzed past and it's been full of crafting, selling, playing keyboards and enjoyi...