Even though I knew Janet Fairythoughts was very poorly, it was still a shock to get Julia's text today saying that she'd passed away on Sunday.  I still can't believe that someone so vital has left us so early......way too early, in fact.  From the time that we ambushed her from behind the haberdashery stand where she worked, we got on famously. We met up several times, at the Crops, visiting each other's homes, at C&H Fabrics where she worked.
A truly wonderful, generous and loving person...thank you Julia and WOYWW for letting me have the chance to meet her. Blimey, I shall miss her so much. Sending my deepest condolences to her family and friends.  RIP Janet, you lovely lady xxxxxx

 I was asked a couple of weeks ago to make a couple of slip cases for friends to keep their music stands in. A first for me and I debated how best to do it. The easiest would have been a drawstring bag, but then the strings would most likely get tangled with the rest of the musical gear.

First things first, decide on the fabric.....
This heart/elephant fabric was part of my holiday haul from Shrewsbury and meant for Helen's stand; the other at the far end was for Nigel.

A slightly different angle - also showing the tote bag that Helen wanted.

I found a tutorial on Pinterest for an iPhone case with a flap and velcro closure. Aha, I thought, that's just the ticket....so after some serious upsizing of the pattern (more correctly known as guesswork....cough) this is what I ended up making:

I thought they looked a bit too wide but actually they're perfect for getting the music stand in without snagging.

I'm quite pleased with how they turned out :-)

Keeping on the music theme, Rhys and I ran across some unusual visitors when we went for a stomp around Avebury last week....
This is the Devil's Chair stone...you can sit in a natural hollow and if you turn your head and sing or hum, the stone resonates really weirdly.  This large group turned up which included five people who looked as if they came from Peru, complete with beautiful costumes.

They took it in turns to sit in the chair...it was quite bizarre but wonderful to see!  I have no idea why they were there but they sure brightened up a Wiltshire Wednesday :-)

And talking of Rhys...the lad did well and has got a place to study Archaeology/Ancient History at Winchester University. I'm so proud of him but will miss him like crazy when he goes......

Have a great week!


Ohhh Snap said...

Congratulations to Rhys! I had no idea about the Devil's Chair Stone, but I can understand the desire to try it out lol. Your music stand bags are brilliant! I was shocked and saddened to hear about Janet, even though we'd never met face to face.

HeARTworks said...

That "vintage" fabric is just my type!!! And i loved your pictures of the Peruvians! Imagine traveling in costume! How quaint! Congratulations to Rhys! How sad about Janet. we just never know when it's our time and we have to ready all the time. Happy WOYWW! Patsy

Helen said...

Well done Rhys! The Devil's Chair Stone looks very interesting, and colourful with those visitors! Everyone who met and knew Janet loved her, we will indeed miss her. Helen 3

Helen said...

oh, and the music stand bags are wonderful, you clever lady, you!!

Unknown said...

Lovely fabric you chose for the music stand cases Jan. Those visitors at Avebury certainly brightened the place up (know it well). Have a happy week
Lynda B 19

Lynn Holland said...

Hi Jan
You did a lovely job in those music stand cases, you clever lady.
If you have a look on my blog you can see an iPad bag a friend made me for my 60th birthday. I'm blessed with some very talented friends.
Enjoy your week.
Lynn x 16

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I read about Janet on Julia's blog, but I had NO idea she had been ill. What a huge loss, because she was such a wonderful, caring person. The WOYWW ATCs I make each year have a rocking horse rubber stamp she gave me, so I have to agree with your song of the week. We have NO idea what we've lost until it's gone. Although I didn't know her in person, I still felt that I KNEW her. So, so sad.

What wonderful photos of this international group who visited your area. I enjoyed seeing this sight, because it shows how small our world has gotten.

Congrats to your son. All that history has paid off, and I still remember the link you sent me about the Kings and Queens and how your son sang the song. Happy WOYWW from #2.

Annie said...

I'm sure there is lots of sadness at the news of Janet's death but you are right in that we are very lucky to have had her in our lifes thanks to WOYWW and we should all live a little harder in her memory. I love your fabrics for the bags and what a great job you did.
Well done to Rhys....another rung on the ladder of life is climbed for him and I wish him [and you] all the very best with the next step.
Annie x # 17

Tertia said...

What lovely fabrics and such a great idea. I hope you won't mind if I copy this. My grandie would love a bag for her music stand. Not sure it will be quite so impressive, but I am going to try!
My son studied Architecture, hard but very rewarding.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #25

Diana Taylor said...

I love that the beige, cream and black fabric - it's gorgeous - it looks like it might be a Tim Holtz design? The music cases look very classy and professionally made - I bet you get more requests once these are seen! We've been to Avebury several times over the years but I had no idea about singing in the Devil's chair - perhaps that a good job as I'm very off-key! Aren't those Peruvian outfits great - I have a friend from Peru but she never dresses like that!
Hope you have a good week,
Diana xx

Julia Dunnit said...

Nice words for Janet, by heck she will be missed. Love the music stand cases, makes so much sense not to do drawstrings..good thinking batwoman.
If you've eked out the holiday fabric, its prolly time we went and browsed a fabric shop just in case.......

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

You Definitely found your nitch in life with using fabric. I would say the fun of it would be designing with no pattern, just figuring out is like putting a fun puzzle together. Loving the finished product. And enjoyed the great festive photos. Love the cultural ways around the world.
Things are getting back to normal here...grandkids start school next week, garden is almost done producing, so I can plan clothes for our trip to visit my son in D.C. in a few weeks. I am soooooooooo excited. 2 yrs since we've been able to visit in real life !
Have a great week Jan.

Sue said...

Fab music stand cases.

Loving the costumes of the visitors at Avebury.

Sue #35

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah Lunch Lady Jan, I think that velcro closing music stand case is simply brilliant, love the details on the progression, and so well calculated :D
.... good guesswork, eh? good images to accompany it s well, and love your words on Janet, only knew her via blogland but always enjoyed her comments and posts. We are blessed so much through WOYWW.

Thanks so much for sharing.
Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #29

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Glenda said...

Love your cases. You are so talented with a little fabric and a sewing machine!
Glenda #37

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, lovely words for Janet. The music stand bags are brilliant- nicely calculated, that woman! Amazing fabrics you used. Avebury is glorious, we haven't been for a few years, but that might just become part of the Bank Holiday road trip, on our way back up from down south, on the Monday. So pleased for Rhys, well deserved that. Lots of love and Hugs, Shaz xxxxx

sandra de said...

Very sad with Janet's passing....she always left such lovely comments. You are a whiz at making the most complicated things looks so simple and then you pick the most amazing fabrics. Well done Rhys.
sandra de #38

Anonymous said...

Knowing something is inevitable doesn't make it any less a shock. I didn't know Janet outside the crop (we tended to run in to each other at the train station) and weekly visits and occasional email exchanges, but she is sorely missed this week. I am so saddened by the news.

Love the fabric choices, as ever, and funny but we very nearly took BIL and his GF to Avebury last week but opted for the south coast instead. I'll be on the lookout for the resonant rock next time!

glad to be back ... finally!
Mary Anne (4)

Unknown said...

Oh dear, I had no idea. I remember Janet's Fairythoughts blog, I think we visited each other a couple of times for sure. Prayers for comfort for her family. I'm a bit sensitive when something happens to a desker, I love this group so much. Now, I have to say, I've never seen elephants and hearts. What! So cute!! And a phone case too--adorable. I need your Pinterest name so I can follow you on there! Well, it's storming here and I have to drive in to work as I just finished my coffee. Hugs! Sandy Leigh #40

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan, very sad news of Janet's passing, you girls will miss her. Your music stands are fabulous, clever you - you'll have orders for more very soon. Have a great week Cheers RobynO#18

Neet said...

Congrats to Rhys first of all.
Sorry to hear the news about Janet, you only mentioned her a few weeks ago when we were writing about Eliza to one another. Julia has brought us all together so we have a lot to be thankful for. I just hope several WOYWW'ers make it to her funeral, sorry it is too far for me.
Love the music stand covers, given me an idea for a cover I want to make. I really must get my head together but a new toy has arrived (see late post on WOYWW if you can't wait) so I think that might win. Dash!
Hugs, Neet 22

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Jan, what sad news, I didn't know Janet but it is always so sad to lose a friend. It's good that you have such lovely memories of her though.
Your music stand bags tuned out really well - you have a such a knack for choosing fabrics, they look fabulous! Have a great week :o) Annie C #48

Lindart said...

So sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, she has left you with wonderful memories! The pouches for the music stands look fab! I love the outfits the people you saw were wearing - they do look Peruvian! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #50

Twiglet said...

A lovely post Jan. Your little music stand pouches are perfect - ha ha - your guess work seems to be a lot more accurate than mine! The colourful Peruvians would certainly catch your eye on your travels. Well spotted. x Jo

Robyn said...

every time I visit here I swear I am going to do more with my sewing machine! thanks for the inspiration! Lovely landscape shots too!
Robyn 1

Sue Jones said...

((((((((hugs))))))) So sorry you have lost a dear friend.
Those cases are SO much more than I was expecting - you are SO cleverxx Have a fab week . Soojay 23

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Just cannot get my head around the shocking news of Janet's passing. Great job on the music stand cases. As somebody else mentioned, I'm sure you'll have a few more requests now. So pleased for your boy and mine as they start the next chapter. Still no crafting here, but wanted to drop in anyway :-)

Princess Judy Palmer said...

What an interesting and colorful group of tourists. The music cases are lovely and you came up with a great fix to avoid drawstrings. I was quite distressed to learn about Janet. I'd been thinking about her lately since we hadn't heard from her in so long. Judy #51

Hettie said...

Well done Rhys!!!!
Now wouldn't it be wonderful to go into a Peruvian fabric shop!!! the colours are just wonderful. I would have to take an empty case just for the fabric!!
Those bags look great.

Scrapthology said...

Here's where I come to be inspired to sew more.

RosA said...

Hi Jan,
The music stands look great! My husband's family has three members in one of our Sydney Regional Orchestras, and I guess I should offer to make them something similar? (But then again ... )
I was very sad to hear about Janet. We had swapped a few ATCs and she sent me a beautiful card (above and beyond the call of duty) with her woyww anniversary ATC last year.
RosA 38

Lisca said...

Congratulations on Rhys getting his place at Winchester.
Those music stand bags are great! Very much needed in families with musicians. They are a pain to take and every bag you carry them in gets torn or damaged. (I speak from experience...) If you have a shop you might want to consider selling them.
I put something on my blog today that reminded me of you! Do have a look on my Friday Smiles post of today (21 August) and you will have a chuckle.
Have a great week,

Kim said...

Love those bags; and may I take you up on your offer for one? And i wish I knew about the Devil's Chair when I was there...I saw it, but didn't hum. Next time!!

Annie Claxton said...

HI Jan, just popped back to quickly answer your question on my blog about staying at Oxford Uni. Anyone can stay there, it's really reasonable - basic rooms, but clean and such lovely surroundings right in the heart of Oxford. They let out the rooms when the students vacate them for the holidays and it helps to maintain all the beautiful buildings. Thoroughly recommend as long as you don't want a TV or hairdryer in your room and don't mind if the furniture's a bit shabby - go to www.universityrooms.com. Apparently other universities do the same thing, so we're considering other places for next year's trip

505whimsygirl said...

Hi LLJ. So sorry to hear about Janet. I feel like I've just missed so much by not participating on Wednesdays.

Your music stand bags look great. I can think of another use for them, can you? How about tripods for photographers.

Congratulations to your son. How far away will he be from you?


Kyla said...

It was sad to her about Janet, so pleased we were able to catch up at the last get together.
Love your latest makes, great use for fabric.


Felix the Crafty Cat said...

You sure have been busy Jan. Good luck to your son, he will have a great time ( of course he will work hard too lol!) Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x


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