I'VE STILL GOT THE BLUES FOR YOU....

Look....I've actually done some crafting this week and have a desk to show you! Woohoo!

I'm making a bag - the first for absolutely ages - and really enjoying it. It's for someone who likes bright colours; the quality of the fabric is gorgeous, it was quite expensive for half a metre but is so worth it. 

I already had the blue polka dot, there was just enough for the lining.
Lovely cheerful colours....yum :-)

And then I was asked by a friend to make a small across-the-body bag for when she goes dog walking. 'Just large enough for a dog lead, pick-up bags, phone and keys' was the request. I had just enough scraps of the Botanicals fabric that I love so much....

I've just finished top stitching the edge and attaching the handles. I've got to get a strap adjuster so that Sally can make it the right length for her - I'm going to pop into a shop in Marlborough after I've done my volunteer's stint in the Oxfam bookshop so I can get it finished. Sally and I met at a University Open Day when our respective offspring were having a look around. We got on so well that we're meeting up in Salisbury tomorrow...in Fabricland....kindred crafting spirits eh?!

Sally gave me this lovely selection of goodies as a little present...aren't they gorgeous? I know for a fact that the lace and buttons will be used on some personalised bunting very soon :-)

And look, Sandra De...you have inspired me to get out my watercolours again.  I have been painting some ATCs...you have been warned..... ;-)

And finally, that Julia and I managed to grab an hour out of her mad schedule and went to Marlborough for a coffee....the same cafe as last time but a different sign outside...

Have a great week everyone!


Nikki said...

Such a pretty Bag you've made there and the bright fab colours too :) have fun at Fabricland
hugs Nikki ???

Debbie Rock said...

Just LoVe both those bags ... large and small! Really look forward to seeing your personalised bunting ... be sure to show us ok?!?!?! Love to you Jan, from Debbie #18 xXx

Helen said...

Oh that blue dotty fabric is beautiful!! That pile of goodies from Sally is wonderful, look forward to seeing it all used soon - which you will, whereas I would just store.. lol!! Have a great week, (oh, love the cafe sign!) Helen 7

MrsC.x said...

gorgeous fabrics! that top one looks like something i would like for the kitchen but the man would say its too girly and the house is too girly already as he's outnumbered 3 to 1! lol
what a lovely pile of goodies be sure to show us what you do with them AND your watercolours!
love the cafe sign....love when businesses have a sense of humour!

thanks for sharing happy woyww have a great week
Mrs C x #10

Anonymous said...

I got this this morning and thought of you :) Love the fabric alphabet... http://tinyurl.com/mt6otr5

Did they have Burma Shave signs in the UK? Probably not, but that coffeeshop sign reminds me of them. Groan-worthy for sure. And of course I love the fabric and the bags. Can;t wait to see the watercolours. Hidden talents and all then.

Happy day!
Mary Anne (1)

Julia Dunnit said...

My word that fabric is lush..my first thought was - see, you don't have to outline everything with black! Isn't Sally a superstar, she gave you goodies tha tyou will really be able to use...perfect pressie I'd say. Now, I have to go ring you.

Paper rainbow said...

Lovely to see you in such a creative mood! The fabric is beautiful as I love bright colours. Looking forward to seeing the bunting ! ;)

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

That fabric is gorgeous. Have a lovely time in Fabricland. Not jealous at all!

Fiona #24

Christine said...

Busy times! Love the fabric, haven't seen such a bright blue for ages .......... reminds me of summer skies ........
Have a good week

Bishopsmate #22

Jan said...

Thanks for sharing your Fab workspace xx Jan 25

Sue said...

Really love the bright fabric for the first bag. The second is lovely and what a fab idea for a dog walker.

Fab goodies from your friend.

I have various paints sitting in a box somewhere. I surprised myself at just how rubbish I am at it:)

Sue #29

Annie said...

What gorgeous fabrics Jan. They will be really special bags. I gave so many things in Pinterest that I plan to make when my new sewing room is finished....don't think I will have enough hours in my day 😀
Annie x # 17

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ooooooh, Lunch Lady Jan, that material is definitely a must have!!! What wondrous colours indeedy!!!

And yes love the botanical bag too, both fav.s list, so glad your machine is out of coventry :D mine is actually in for service/repair it was seized up totally but able to be repaired I was assured. Phew
Happy WOYWW, thanks for popping over, Shaz in Oz.x #23

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

jill said...

Fab bag as always in the making. I've made my atc's already for the swap & I wouldn't mind swapping with you Jan.

Twiglet said...

Oh such fab sewing Jan - you are so talented. I love the way you combine fabrics and they always look sooo neat! x Jo

Diana Taylor said...

I love the new bright fabric, and of course the favourite botanicals fabric - what a shame you are down to the last few scraps, but what a fabulous little bag. I love the goodies your were sent and shall shortly be off to google 'Nature's Gallery,' as the ribbon with the ferns on is just totally gorgeous and I can think of several things I could use it for! Love the sign - it gave me a giggle!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx

J said...

Lovely fabric but I prefer the botanicals, I've just bought a little bag for phone, keys etc but not half a pretty. I look forward to seeing your finished ATC's Jan, I'm just so useless at water colouring. have a great weekend
Jan S no 37

Laura said...

Such a gorgeous fabric!
And I do love the rota pun - very dad joke!
Happy Deskday

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, still heard nothing yet, but I will let you know as soon as I do. Adore that blue polka dot fabric, and it went so well with the main one. The bag for the dog walker is such a great idea.Lots of lovely goodies in the pressie too. Huge hugs and lots of love, Shaz xxxx

Debbie Rock said...

Pssst ... me again! Apologies for not replying properly to your message on my blog! Am gutted we can only come down for the day - we shall travel to Eastnor on 14th and set up camp (we will be there for around a fortnight) and then come there and back again to Burbage on 16th. I SO hoped to make a week of it again but it wasn't to be :( It was only the little brown butterflies I hoped looked like leather .... they do if you squint a bit and stand on one leg with your elbow in your ear. I RARELY say this but I was actually a little bit pleased with some of the larger butterflies and did so enjoy making them. See you soon! Love Debbie xXx

Nannie4 said...

Both bags are awesome! I can't wrap my head around sewing that well --- matter of fact, I can't wrap my head around sewing! It's something that I have never been good at. Heck, I can't even hem two pant legs to the same length!! Hubby pays to have his pants shortened. ;( I always enjoy seeing the bright colours that you choose --very uplifting. Can't wait to see your ATCs....
Nann4 # 39

Unknown said...

Jan, I think you have inspired me in every way possible today!! The bag on the sewing machine would make the cutest everyday purse. I desperately want to go fabric shopping, and I love that you got out your watercolors! You rock girl! And, just to think how busy you are right now anyway...this is superwoman status. Love the fun lace and buttons and goodies, so sweet. Have fun visiting Dad this weekend--he is blessed to have a daughter like you and I'm so glad he's found a place. And I hope the country fair concert goes well--I would have so much fun at a country fair!! Do you think there'll be quilt and canning contests? I adore that. One of my favorite old movies is "State Fair" from 1945--a cheesy old musical I love! Wish I could get my act together to stitch up some cool mixed media piece for our fair this year, just to enter it. Anyhoo, yes, it's back to the laser surgery room next Tuesday. Trying to be brave and cheerful about it all! Hugs! Sandy Leigh #41

My name is Cindy said...

Ha ha still chuckling at the great sign. Gorgeous fabrics on show as usual and fab trimmings - can't wait to see your artistic endeavours at the crop. Oh and you little hedgehog went to his new home this week and was received appropriate squeals of delight. A success I think. Happy WOYWW Cindy #31

Lea.H said...

Wow to those bags i love the fabric and cant wait to see the bunting! Lea - number 32

Anne said...

Super sign and fab bags! That bunting sounds interesting. Happy WOYWW Anne x #30

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Ha Ha! Very funny sign and lovely bags again, fab patterns. Thanks for the visit to mine and hope you have a very happy woyww, Angela x 21

Unknown said...

LOL! What a sign! Thanks for popping by! I love that bright bag!! And what a great batch of goodies to play with! Hope you have a great rest of the week!
Carol N #43

Kristiina said...

Love your bags! I was actually going to say (after seeing Julia commenting about you and paper and inks) that you could of course sew your ATC:s, after all its just the size that counts:) Happy belated WOYWW!
Kristiina #15

Kim said...

That fabric is beautiful! Go you with the ATC's! I have to get started....soon! LOL!

Ali H said...

Hi Jan thanks for visiting. Great colourful bag. Sorry to hear from Lynda that things haven't been so great with your Dad, hope you're okay. Take care Ali x

RosA said...

That's a lovely bright colourful bag! But I LOVE the botanical fabric one!
I have sent a bunch of ATCs to Julia, if you would like to have one. I see some watercolour paints here today ... inspired by my friend Sandra de :)

sandra de said...

Ohhhh Jan, I am so thrilled to have inspired you to get the lovely w/c out and rekindle your painting skills. I view your blog weekly and am constantly inspired by your creations. Your colours choices and fabric selections are always a work of art. Beaming a big smile across the waters.
sandra de @42

lisa said...

Hi Jan. Just catching up with you. Love that gorgeous bag you are making, what wonderful colours. I did wonder if I'd stumbled onto the wrong page though when I spotted the watercolours,,, way to go girl. I didn't know you painted, that's brilliant.
Love the coffee shop sign, someone certainly has a great sense of humour.
Hugs Lisa xx

Kyla said...

Lovely fabric. I have been looking for a cross body bag on pinterest I can make...is it easy?
Looking forward to seeing your painted ATC's, I would love one if you have one spare?


 WHO PUT THE COLOURS IN THE RAINBOW? Another week has whizzed past and it's been full of crafting, selling, playing keyboards and enjoyi...