Hello, lovely WOYWWers - I hope you're having a good week. Hasn't it zoomed by?  I have hardly done any crafting at all, I'm afraid, so the desk is pitiful.....

I've got as far as pulling out some scraps from my fat quarters box as I'll be making some bunting for a new granddaughter of friends in band....but haven't actually done anything with them!  You can see a new purchase - that lovely denimy blue spot was bought in Fabricland last week...it's a great all-rounder, perfect for lining bags :-)  And the white spool on top of it is a 25 metre long reel of white bias binding, which I use as bunting tape. Sally bought for me as a thank you for the little bag I made her!

And that, as they say, is that!  I've had other, more pressing, things to do.... a trip down to Wales to see my dad, compiling the newsletter for the brass band I'm in....oh and playing all day on Sunday.
Here's the band, arranged on a lorry trailer!  We're playing Moon River featuring a beautiful Flugelhorn solo by Chloe.  I'm just off the right hand edge at the moment, lol!  That lorry cover saved us from the worst of the elements cos it chucked it down on and off throughout the day. But the band played on......grin!
Ah, there I am!  Parping my bass. And yes, I AM full of hot air ;-)

I love the Lambourn Spring Working - the show we were at. It's not a posh day at all, more down to earth than some of the events we play at. There were lots of animals on show but it was a little corner in the chicken tent that caught my eye.....
I think the craft group had been shoved in there to get out of the elements! There were some beautiful spinning wheels.....
These lovely ladies tried hard to get me to join their group...but I had to explain that my life is pretty full already. I simply can't take on anything else!  They were a fun bunch though :-)
This lady was spinning with tufts of coloured rovings to make a variegated yarn - that was clever!!
This loom had been set up for anyone to have a try. Can you see that there are different woven patterns - all by changing the elements. The lady did explain but I can't remember it all now!
And this gentleman was just setting up what looked like a ginormous French Knittting reel, but I had to return to play before I could ask him...drat....and I never got to go back. It'll have to remain a mystery :-)

So, I have shown you some crafting...just not necessarily mine ;-)  LOL 



Unknown said...

Hi Jan
Your blue spotty fabric looks just like the one I have bought to make some table mats for my new blue kitchen! You look very professional in your red jackets in the band. Lambourne is where my Grandmother was born … my great grand parents owned a large egg. Farm I wonder if its still there? Have a happy week
Lynda B no linky yet x

Unknown said...

Not a large egg…. An egg farm lol! I haven't got my glasses on and I am still half asleep x

Lynda B

Helen said...

I am sure Princess Charlotte will love the bunting... oh, different baby? lol... Great photos, Jan. Have a creative week... hopefully! Helen, waiting for the missing linky!

Twiglet said...

Fab post Jan - I love all the woolly items! I used to weave on a loom like that at college - happy days spent giggling as we wove lengths of lovely stuff. x Jo

Artatag said...

Those spinning wheels sure are beautiful! And I am pondering now, what the gentleman would do with this interesting tool. Love to see you playing the bass!! Great post!
Gabriele 15

lisa said...

Looks like a great day despite the weather, Jan. Aren't those spinning wheels amazing. My Mum used to have one but she gave it away as she no longer used it, such a shame.
Hope you are grabbing life this week!!!!
Hugs Lisax #18

Sue said...

Good job you had the canvas to keep the worst of the weather off you.

Looks like a very interesting event.

Never heard of French knitting.

Love your fabric for the bunting.

Sue #16

Annie said...

Hi Jan. I imagine you are pretty good at spinning a yarn already ;-) I love watching them creating their gorgeous threads but have never actually had a go....like you I already do too much to fit in learning now.
I know how busy Julia is so hope you don't mind me asking if you have a list of those coming to the crop so I can label the envelopes with ATCs in I am sending to the crop. I'd love to know the names so I don't end up sending their ATCs through the post to them too. Julia says there are about 15 coming so if you don't know names I will just have to send enough to go round....I don't want to make extra work for you both on the day.
Annie x

MrsC.x said...

love that spotty fabric i'd love a dress in that ;) much to the embarrassment of the girls lol

thanks for sharing have a great week
Charlie x {Mrs.C} #5

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, looks like you were all having a good time. I feel pretty guilty for two reasons. 1. my spinning wheel is sitting idle in the loft, not that I was as good as them at it and 2. My beautiful Saxophone which only had about ten lessons on it is in it's case begging me to start again, anyhow hope you have a great woyww, Angela x 23

Kristiina said...

My son plays the clarinett, bass would have been really cool (but probably more of a pain to carry around :) your fabrics look lovely as always, happy woyww!
Kristiina #14

Glenda said...

Your day looks so wonderful. Those spinning wheels are amazing. I've always had a fascination about them. I could have gotten lost there for sure!

Robyn said...

My other sewing machine is a wheel! I'll be demoing this weekend at Fiber day at the Folk art center!Glad to be back and thanks for visiting!
robyn 4

Judys Lace Creations said...

You're a clever lady Jan-I used to play guitar(a bit-for school), but alas no more.Love music though.Must be so lovely to play in a band. Love your fabrics.Looking at them and planning is work Jan.Thinking is half of it I reckon!
Have a good rest of week
Judy #19

sandra de said...

Looks like you had an interesting wander around the fair. I would love to give spinning a go but alas never enough time to do all the amazing crafts. Quite interested to know what the fellow was looking at as he moved his bobbins.
sandra de @32

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jan, that looks like it was a fantastic day out, a true country fair. What an artform spinning is, and the wheels themselves are amazing. Great fabrics at the top, and yes the denim spotty is ace. Huge hugs and lots of love, Shaz xxx

BJ said...

Loving the scraps for fabric as usual, and the show looks great too. Guess what? I have links to me playing my harp on my post today you may like to hear how I have come on, it is a grade 1 piece. Let's say I have been harping loads more that crafting these past months since I came to visit last. Happy WOYWW - BJ#35

My name is Cindy said...

Gorgeous fabrics as always Jan and the spinning wheels and weaving look fun - but I can safely say, no time or space!! Lovely to see you puffing away! Cindy x

J said...

Lovely bright fabrics as usual Jan, I remember doing some kind of knitting that involved a bobbin and I had a knitting machine but never made anything worth wearing!!
have a good weekend
Jan S no 33

Christine said...

Looks like that was a real country fair, sharing all types of crafts.
How fabulous to be in a band, PJ used to play the clarinet in the Church Orchestra along with my eldest - travelled all over ..... your post brought back some happy memories, thank you.

Have a good week

Bishopsmate #42

Angela said...

Hi Jan, I really enjoyed your fabulous post today, looks like you had fun at the fair. Those spinning wheels and looms are fascinating. Well done for playing in the band and for the show to go on despite the weather! Your fabrics look yummy and so will your bunting. Thanks for sharing and thank you for visiting me :)
Happy days :)

Angela x
Angela #24

Kim said...

Thanks for sharing your day at the fair! Love the look of your band; our Orchestra could sure use you! And spinning and weaving have always fascinated me...like you; just not enough time! (Plus, I'd be hording all the yarn-)

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

How lovely to see all those spinning wheels. I remember having a go at school, about 30 odd years ago! Intrigued to know what the contraption at the bottom does. Have fun with the bunting, when you get the chance.

Fiona #48

CraftygasheadZo said...

What fabulous pictures, from your band to those spinners! Love the wheels and old weaving going on. Can't wait to see you at the crop. Take care Zo xx 53

Elizabeth said...

Lovely post, Jan. Love the photos, especially that one of you 'parping' your bass :) I'm intrigued with that man's knitting/weaving reel - wonder what he was making!!! Oh, and that denim polka dot looks lovely. Have a good week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #51

Anonymous said...

Lovely to see your musical side as well as the fabric bits! Now, what are you going to do for the 6 in your blog banner? Maybe sew a 6 and animate it to music? {wink}

I went to a local knitting show with a friend a few weeks back and we saw LOTS of spinners. Looks fascinating but who has the space for a wheel? Not ME LOL!

Happy late in the day WOYWW!
Mary Anne (9)

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Jan what a fun post - hey I LOVE that pink fabric with daisies on, where did youget that? My Mum used to spin with a wheel and dye wool with plants and stuff, amazing colours she coudl get. I think I@ve seen a hand held version of that contraption at the bottom, it was for making cord if I remember right. Happy WOYWW :o) Annie C #57

Sue Jones said...

so many crafts so little time! Pretty fabric - hope you get chance to "play " soon., Thanks for the visit earlier today - Soojay 3#

Belinda Basson said...

What lovely photos. Thanks for the tour of the spinning group... You all look faberoonie in your red. So uplifting. Wish I could hear you play. Thanks for the visit already. #11

Eliza said...

What a fantastic post and yes that is a French Knitting Wheel I used one like that when I was a little girl a little while ago aaahhhh (I tell fibs) lol. It does look cold and wet there and what a great photo of you blowing your stuff. You really should see my face when I am typing this what a giggle. No offence.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda
(havent posted yet work in the way hopefully tomorrow)

Julia Dunnit said...

Feel like I'm catching up with via your blog! Sunday must have been a very long day then, crikey your weekend was exhausting. I think some time to do bunting is just what you need...therapy and relaxation in one.

pearshapedcrafting said...

Fabulous fabrics - the bunting will look beautiful! Must I am always fascinated by spinners and weavers! Looking forward to next week! Chrisx49

Bernice said...

Looks like you had an interesting day out. The guy with the bobbins is making a Japanese braid and the process is called kumihimo - I saw it demonstrated at one of the craft fairs in the NEC a couple of years ago - you can just buy a cardboard disk with slits round the edges and a hole in the middle instead of the wooden marudai frame the man is using here. Hope this helps! Thanks for calling by earlier.
Bernice #21

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Loved the visit through the fair and seeing all the old timey crafting stuff. I'll bet it is fun to learn to do that stuff and maybe a bit more practical than paper crafting??? Great seeing you in action as 'the band played on' (had a chuckle at that). Happy crafting! Judy #60

Lea.H said...

Your fabric stash is so lovely! Looking forward to seeing the bunting! Lea number 43

Neet said...

Hope things are well with your dad and that you got the bunting under way today. Gosh you are busy with the band and everything else. Don't forget to get off the waggon occasionally to relax for LLJ.
Thanks for all the photos - great shows when you see all of this - reminds me of Harvest at Ely Cathedral one time when we went down.
Sending Love
Neet 22 xx

505whimsygirl said...

Hello LLJ,
I'm "sneaking in some visits at work" today. So glad I did. The fat quarters you have look great; I imagine the bunting will look as nice as all your other projects. How special to get something hand made!
I'm sorry I haven't been around. Life has once again taken over. My total knee replacement is scheduled for June 8. I've been busy finding someone to dog sit, get me to/from the hospital, in home physical therapy, someone to stay with me the first week I'm home. Next I'll be buying a toilet raiser (haa)..... Will be out of work for maybe three months - then I'll get some posting done. Although I will more than likely be under the influence of pain meds. Hmm, wonder what I'll write about.


Paper rainbow said...

What a box of delights this week! Loved seeing you in action on the trailer! The spinning brought back many memories initially I trained as a weaver and learned how to both spin and weave. Ichose to weave on large vertical tapestry looms but I still have a dusty table loom. Not sure I can remember how to warp it up now! :)

Kyla said...

What a treat to see your band, you guys would be great on that truck going through town for the carnival (nice clean brass too) :-)

I love traditional shows, this one looks great. At Woolfest the spinners tent also had people making hand spinners from CD's and a piece of dowl rod-all very clever.
Looking forward to the crop.


 SPRING HAS SPRUNG! Short and sweet today! It's been a beautiful week here in South West Wales and we've had a busy sociable few day...