(part two!)

Hello lovely WOYWWers...I'm back!  There's been a lot of stuff going on backstage and there was no crafting or desk to show last week.  Actually, there's not much to show today either, but here I am to show the lovely, concerned folk who got in touch with me that I'm ok and bumbling along :-)

But I did achieve something, yay!! The Bitsa Blanket got sewn together and edged - I used up a whole bag of small odds and sods of yarn that a friend passed on to me. I wouldn't say I enjoyed making it that much, but the overall effect is quite cheerful. I'll put it aside for when the next Crochet for Kidneys event takes place.
See, bitsa this colour and bitsa that!!

I took the pics of the blanket underneath the tree in my back garden.  He is my absolute favourite thing out there, with my greenhouse coming a close second. The blossom is quite restrained compared to the blowsy pink variety - I prefer it a lot more. I wish I had taken a video because all you could hear were insects buzzing and humming...it was wonderful!

Rhys, my younger son is 19 today...Happy Birthday! (of course I don't look old enough, do I ??....cough...) We went to Winchester a couple of days ago to celebrate with a yummy Sunday lunch and a walk. There was an Arts and Crafts market up the main street with lots of really great stalls. But this one caught my eye...I adore glass and this lady had some really different stuff.....
She's called StudioZo...find her shop here....she is self taught and had some wonderful ideas.  I bought a couple of things there and will definitely be back for Christmas presents. I could easily live with that large trees picture, it was against silvered glass and glowed in the sunlight...absolutely gorgeous...as were the items in my favourite sea blue green on the right.

Thanks for putting up with the lack of desk this week...normal service may resume next Wednesday. Well, as normal as it ever gets around here ;-)



Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Happy Birthday to your boy and of course you don't look old enough. Your blanket will surely brighten somebody's day, with all those lovely colours. The glass has certainly brightened mine. Those blues are gorgeous.

Helen said...

No, you don't look old enough! Love the tree, the crochet blanket which will be appreciated by someone I am sure.... and the glass stall looks fab- that's really different, no wonder you couldn't walk by. Have a good week, take care my friend. Helen 5

Belinda Basson said...

I will take lack of desk over lack of post from you any day! What great art she is creating with glass and as for your tree. It is beautiful, almost as beautiful as the blanket! #18

Sue said...

Love the blanket.

Nice tree. Most of the trees that have blossom are out here now.

The items on the glass stall looked lovely.

Sue #25

Annie said...

It's good to see you. Hoping everything is going ok on the home front. Happy birthday to Rhys.
I've been making ATCs and am hoping to send a batch to the crop for those that are going 😀
Annie x #17

Anonymous said...

Love the look of that stall, and as I missed out last week I have to comment that those beetles look like little jewels, don't they? creepy-pretty :) Love the blankey, and we have an apple tree out back that is just the same - such a lovely spot under it, so long as the apples aren't dropping.... ouch!
Off to browse her site.

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (3)

Julia Dunnit said...

Happy birthday to Rhys, my word he's a lovely young man XXXX
I may be off to browse the glass now - prepare to be blamed!! xx

MrsC.x said...

love the sheep on that stall!

your blanket is lovely i aspire to make one but i have no want to actually complete it lol

thanks for sharing
happy woyww have a great week
Mrs. C.x #2

J said...

Your blanket is lovely and colourful Jan and the stall does look inviting with all those bright colours, makes me feel old as our two sons are 42 and 40!!

Jan S no 37

Robyn Oliver said...

Happy WOYWW Jan...have to agree your crocheted blanket is super and a great way to use up the scraps. That glass work is definitely gorgeous. Cheers and enjoy your week RobynO#24

Diana Taylor said...

Hope the backstage stuff was good stuff keeping you away from your desk! Lovely to see your beautiful tree, I'm a white blossom fan more than a pink blossom fan, but really, after a long winter, any blossom is welcome! Gorgeous blanket - I wish I knew where you got your patience from to make something that big! Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx

Unknown said...

Hey soul sister! I am not posting a desk today--I had a laser procedure on my bad eye yesterday so I'm not spending too much time on the computer today. But wanted to let you know I'm okay. I love your quilt! Hugs and have a wonderful day. Sandy Leigh

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Happy birthday to Rhys so I don't forget. I did wonder where you were last week but you're back now so that's good. Love the blanket too. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x 30

Patrink said...

Missed you last week. Lovely crochet bits n bites for some lucky soul. The picture of the tree is beautiful.
Pat #12

fairy thoughts said...

Good to see you back LLJ and thanks for getting in touch although you know you are allowed to miss the odd week ....... And yes it was a very ODD week for me too
I am still finding everything completely exhausting at the moment....... Don't know why..... It's just ODD.
Janet ................thanks for visiting me already

Unknown said...

Your Bitsa Blanket is gorgeous! Definitely cheerful! And love the tree! Our mesquites (desert tree) is nowhere as beautiful! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #45

CraftygasheadZo said...

Nope definitely don't look old enough. Happy birthday to Rhys! Time flies doesn't it?! Keagan will be 17 this year. Scary. Your blanket is gorgeous. Take care Zo xx 44

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I see that we both skipped out of WOYWW last week. We'll have to start a rumor of our international adventures and intrigue. Love the colors in the quilt. I'm impressed about it being left over this and that. I'm sure it made for a lot of work though, tying off ends and the like. That tree is such a nice relaxing place to be!

Anne said...

Hi Jan. Hope all is well. Noticed you missing last week. I've not managed it this week. Anne x

Anne said...

Hi Jan. Hope all is well. Noticed you missing last week. I've not managed it this week. Anne x

VonnyK said...

Your blanket is gorgeous and that tree is so beautiful. I had a look at the glass and lucky for you I live too far away or I could blame you for making me look and spending money!! Happy birthday to Rhys, you must have had him when you were only 6 years old (he he). Have a great week, hope all is okay.
Von #9

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Wonderful bright blanket there, Lunch Lady Jan!,!

I thought it first you maybe been unwell cos I have been out of touch with WOYWW, but realise reading below as well it's the same with you!!!
Too much going on and not enough time, etc...

Thanks for sharing the lovely pics on this post and the ones below I just caught up on,
Shaz in Oz,x#63

Annie Claxton said...

That Bitsa Blanket is really pretty, love it! We have a big old beech tree in our garden and it's my favourite thing too - I love to sit on he swing under it and look up through and I love how it changes with the seasons. Sorry to be so late to the party, have a fab weekend :o) Annie C #65

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, thats an amazing blanket, considering its all odds and ends. Saw Rhy's pic- hope he had a lovely day. I do love the blossom on trees- unfortunately it doesn't like me. Its what gets my hay fever off to a flying start, lol. Running late this week, it sort of ran away from me,lol.Have a great week,Love and huge hugs, Shaz# 11 xx


 WHO PUT THE COLOURS IN THE RAINBOW? Another week has whizzed past and it's been full of crafting, selling, playing keyboards and enjoyi...