You know that moment, when you realise that it's only 6 weeks to the Crop and the amount of things that have got to be crammed in before then? Aaaarghhhhh!  I might even have to make a list............snigger.......

Like this, for example....
I'd promised to make some bunting for my teacher friend Sue to hang around the outdoors story hut at school....she asked me ages ago and I forgot :-(  Too many other things washing around this little brain at the moment... Anyhow, I finally remembered and dug a few scraps of brightly coloured fabric out of the stash and tessellated those triangles with a vengeance!  You can also see my pile of sewing and quilting books plus the tin, which is full of lavender that I picked and dried.

I bought this pattern ages ago and can't remember why! It may come in handy one day, so I'll hang onto it!

I'm still making the little preemie hats and sewing up the crochet squares but haven't taken any pics of those!  What a bad blogger...... But I've got any amount of stupid photos I've taken so I'm going to show those instead!!  
This beautiful art glass was a present from my boys at Christmas. It's by a local artist, Jeannette Therrien and shows the Uffington White Horse, the Bronze Age chalk carving near the Ridgeway (see here for more info if you're interested.)  Terry Pratchett, my favourite author, described it as 'not what a horse looks like, it's what a horse be'. Perfect. This is by where I sit at our dining table and the sun was just so beautiful streaming through it, I thought I'd share :-)

Random Pic No 2:  The Family LLJ were walking along the Kennet and Avon canal, when Owen spotted these teeny beetles at the side of the path. They were bright, iridescent blue, only about 6mm long. That was good to see :-)

And finally, Random Pic no 3.  My village, on the surface, is a small, friendly, unassuming kinda place...but there is someone with a fantastic sense of humour who just does things to make you smile. There was the infestation of garden gnomes in peculiar places a while back and then this appeared at the weekend....
Lol! I haven't seen any yet ;-)

Sorry about the lack of desk-i-ness, I don't know when normal service will be resumed, so you'll just have to bear with me!


MrsC.x said...

:) good luck with your projects in progress but i for one enjoyed your random photos also so all is good here :)
Happy wwoyw
love Mrs C.x

Helen said...

I love your random photos - hope you stay safe from the dragons! The glass is so gorgeous, what a lovely gift. I say normal is severely over-rated so you carry on! You know you'll get it all done eventually! Helen #4

Unknown said...

HiJan A lovely post this week! I have been to Uffington many times and walked around the white horse. I love the glass vase too. I think it's great to buy art made by local people in your home.
Have a happy week
Lynda B 14

Paper rainbow said...

I'm looking forward to seeing pictures next week of you in that fetching jack sparrow costume! Are you planning to make lavender bags? I love them. I also love that glass art panel. How beautiful it looks in the light!

Annie said...

Hi Jan, I hope you're having a better week and the sun is shining for you too. Don't you just love the colour of those little beetles....nature is so wonderful. Dragons? Funny but I've actually seen two on the blogs already this morning :-)
Have a great week,
Annie x #17

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I haven't seen beetles like those for years. When I was a little girl they used to congregate on the mint in our garden. The stained glass is beautiful. Have fun with the bunting and watch out for dragons!

Sue said...

Hope you can get all your projects completed in time.

That vase is beautiful.

Loving 'Warning! There Be Dragons':)

Hope you have a lovely day.

Sue #26

Diana Taylor said...

I love your blog post - that sign is so funny, and those beetles are beautiful. I love the stained glass - what an incredible man Terry Pratchett was and I do love that quote of his - very well put! Happy bunting making,
Diana xx

Bridget Larsen said...

Love that art glass and LOL at that sign
Bridget #1

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan...great photos this . - love the coloured glass, beautiful. Fun colourful bunting. Have a great week Cheers RobynO#25

Annie Claxton said...

Love those gorgeously vivid colours you've picked out for the bunting Jan, it will look fab! I really enjoyed your photos too and I that quote from Terry Pratchett is wonderful :o) Happy WOYWW Annie C #30

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh you make me Laugh Out Loud, you really do. NORMAL service.Its getting to the point that I'm thinking of making a list for you!

sandra de said...

Beautiful art glass... I forget what a wonderful part of the world you live in.
sandra de #32

Christine said...

What wonderful material! I can just see it backed with bright yellow spotted material!! lol
I love that sense of humour - to make people smile is an artform in itself!
Have a good week
Bishopsmate #34

J said...

Lovely photos Jan, our Grandson would be over at your place in a shot if he saw that sign, he's into dragons at the moment.
The glass is lovely with the sun shining through, I have a small crystal bird that looks gorgeous with the sun on it. have a great week
jan S no 33

Lisca said...

Oh I love that art glass! What a beautiful present! On the window sill is an ideal place for it with the light shining through.
Yes I know the horse. As a child I visited all those type of figures (there's a giant as well) with my parent on one of our visits to the UK. Very special!
I did giggle about the dragons! Someone has a sense of humor.
Have a good week,

Nannie4 said...

Your desk is always a cheery place to visit. You always have bright colours in that lovely well-lit space. One can't help but be cheered visiting your desk. :) Your very funny post contributed to my good mood today. Thanks, Jan. I'm so glad I stopped by. Have a wonderful week with lots of lists from Julia. Ha!
Nann4 #37

Unknown said...

I think I need that dragons sign for my office! Your village is just the cutest place. Of course, your bunting will be adorable as always. I took my beautiful tote for its first road trip this past weekend--it really has found its place as my craft tote, perfect for holding exactly what I need, not too big or heavy, but just right! That's something money can't buy. And of course, whenever I get a compliment on it I have a better story to tell than, "Oh, I got it at Target." Since I was gone, I did my crafting on the go this week. But I think I'm about to get my courage up to actually try and sew myself some cropped pants! I'm not really a pattern-follower or clothesmaker...but what's the use of having a great sewing machine if you can't teach yourself to sew a decent outfit! I bought several patterns one spring when they were 99 cents at Hobby Lobby--normally 12 dollar patterns--so now I'm finally going to break down and do it! We'll see. Hugs to you dearest! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #40

Kim said...

I love that glass piece! We didn't get by there...reason to head back over again! And its good to be warned about dragons...for humans are tasty and taste good with ketchup...(so a stamp I have says...)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, someone obviously has a sence of humour or maybe... there really are dragons Lol!
More gorgeous fabrics, love them. Love the glass too. Have a great woyww, Angela x 24

Jackie said...

Lol I love there be Dragons!!!! It looks like a lovely place to live Jan!

Jackie 11

Jackie said...

Lovely bright fabric your making bunting with and the glass is beautiful
Hope you all had a bright and fun Easter
Jackie 11

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Holy cow! You have dragons in your town... so jealous. Hee hee. The bright bunting is very cool looking. It will definitely catch people's attention. I know what it is like to suddenly realize ALLLLLLL the stuff you have to do in a short time. I just had one of those extreme stress days and ended up talking about it with someone. Just doing that helped me see the big picture and get going. So hopefully your 'true confession' here on the blog will have the same effect for you! Judy #56

Bernice said...

Lovely pics - make sure you keep your camera handy to record the dragons!
Bernice #38

Elizabeth said...

I don't mine the lack of deskiness, Jan, when you bring us great photos and your own inimitable sense of humour :) Maybe you just bought the pattern because you have a thing for pirates - why not??? Love that glass - reminds me of our trip down your way and our almost daily sightings of white horses. Glad I didn't know about the dragons though! Have a good week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #50

Artatag said...

As always an interesting post even without the usual desk photos. I love the beetles and the dragon warning!
Gabriele 27

Eliza said...

I thought you post today was great, love the sign it did make me smile thanks for that. You better get that bunting finished for the teacher or you could be made go sit in the corner until it is finished. LOL have a wonderful week.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 5

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 5

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, just a quick response to your comment. The paint colour, Rice Cake, is a warm creamy shade - more a light buttery colour than the pink of magnolia. Now that the second coat has dried it's lovely - we're very pleased with it. The bottom half, under the dado, has had it's first coat of New York today - so far it's looking good :) Elizabeth xx

Patrink said...

Again your photos are amazing. I especially like the pattern cover picture. yum
Happy WOYWW, thanks for sharing
Pat #54

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Fun post loving that blue the beetles are sporting.

Hettie said...

Gosh those beetles look wonderful. Their colours are spectacular. Which is Paul?
That glass is also bootiful. Lucky girl.
As for that sign....it appeals to the little Welsh Girl here. No wonder it appeals to you.

Shoshi said...

What a lovely post, Jan, and I don't mind the lack of deskiness at all, with such an eclectic collection of pics! They all made me smile.

Thank you for your lovely comments while I was in hospital - everybody's kindness means so much! I have had soooo many lovely messages and I am gradually working my way through them from the oldest to the most recent, replying and thanking everyone for being so supportive. I have felt carried along! I am very happy to be home now and my recovery is going very well, with my strength returning each day. I am hoping to update my blogs soon with further news, and you will be pleased to hear that now the awful cancer elephant in the room is bowing out (still awaiting the histology results but my surgeon is optimistic that I won't need chemo) I can sense Mr. Mojo and Mrs. Muse at last returning from their unplanned naughty holiday (from which I never received even a postcard) and as my strength returns I am looking forward to getting back into my ARTHaven again!


Neet said...

Missing you this week (15th) so calling in on here. Love the thought of dragons in your village - and damsels leaning from towers with pointy hats and floaty chiffon things (all made by LLJ of course).
Great fabric at the beginning, should make fabulous bunting.
I think you probably bought the pirate pattern to drool over Johnny Depp - I know I would have done.
Hope all is ok.
Hugs, Neet xx23

fairy thoughts said...

As above I've been out of it for a couple of weeks ... And then you don't post either ..... Maybe you're off to find a Welsh dragon or two ..... Whatever it is I hope it's a good one

okienurse said...

are you out dragon hunting? I have been gone a few weeks...or more and came back and there seems to be fewer 'old timers' for one reason or another this week! Take care and look forward to seeing your desk next week. Vickie


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...