The sewing mojo has been defunct this week...it has ceased to be, it has shuffled off this mortal coil and joined the choir invisible...it is an ex-mojo (with apologies to Monty Python!) There's just too much other stuff going on at the moment.

But it's not like I've been sitting, twiddling my thumbs all day....
There's been sOwing, not sEwing....I've done all my beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, chillis, peppers and salad leaves :-)

This is the downstairs craft desk, next to the sofa. What a tip - can you tell that there's a few projects on the go at the moment? lol
I'm sewing the crochet squares together,bit by bit, while I'm watching TV, but my butterfly mind saw a new project on the UK Handknitting website - little hats for premature babies. I knew I had some spare yarn lying around (no, really? Well, THERE'S  a surprise!) and so the knitting has taken precedence over the crochet. It takes me 30-40 mins to complete one of these diddy little hats.....
They're so small!  I've got a few more to make before sending a parcel off.

My cat Ron has taken to sitting on top of the wicker basket in which I keep my sheet music...I don't know if it's a hint to stop playing or whether he's practising his camouflage technique!

And finally, d'ya remember the Cinders/Cinderella doll?
Well, here's a lovely pic of Chloe holding her!  Thanks to my mate Helen. Chloe's mum, for the pic. Helen,by the way, is very crafty and should be showing her stuff in WOYWW too!!

Have a great week :-)


Helen said...

I was worried when I read the first line of your post, then saw what you'd been up to with your alternative sewing/sowing, lol (don't you love the English language!) very impressive... let's hope it warms up soon for them all to germinate nicely. Chloe looks so cute with her Cinderella doll. Big hugs for Easter., Helen 3

MrsC.x said...

aww i love the doll! I would also like to say thank you for knitting the premie baby hats when my youngest was born she was teeny, although a good weight so we had no clothes that fitted her and we was given a hat knitted by a kind lady and i have it up in the loft still it looks like the ones you have made with the rolly bottoms.

happy woyww
Mrs C.xx

MrsC.x said...

given the hat by the hospital that should read, and then my mum and dad had to dash in to town and buy as many premie size clothes as they could find! total opposite of when the oldest was born and all scans said she would be teeny so we brought all premie bits and mum and dad had to go out and buy 0-3 months clothes cos she was a whooper! lol xx

Anonymous said...

Awwww. So sweet, dolly cuddling. DD used to do that. Lovely when they grow up but sad too. Bittersweet is just the right word. It's been a while since I did a charity thing and I am on a knitting kick anyway so I must find the project page. I too have LOADS of yarn....

DD also came home with a sunflower seed, sowed and to be watered over Easter. I best not touch it - with my black thumb I'll kill it for sure...

Happy WOYWW and I'm not fooling'!
Mary Anne (1)

Unknown said...

How satisfying it is to do the other kind of sowing! My salad leaves are up already. Ron is definitely trying to hide but I expect gives himself away by his loud purring!
Happy Easter
Lynda B XX

Annie said...

Well done you on all the sowing....I've done a bit of that too but mine was straight into the ground [Poppies :-) ] and into a large pot [peas :-) ]. Love the little hats and I'm certain they will be loved by their new owners too :-)
Annie x #14

Julia Dunnit said...

Yeah Helen, we wanna see! Aw the little hats are too sweet for words, and so important..good on ya. So glad you've been sowing. I've been drilling. Aren't we a bunch of verbs!

Neet said...

Ooh your Ron reminds me so much of the last cat we had, Fudge. What a handsome fella he is.
Gosh Jan, you have such busy fingers, you put me to shame. What wonderful works you do and those hats are adorable.
Could do to do some planting myself - too cold to work in the garage though and too wet and windy for outside.
Hope you are getting somewhere with the home thing. Will find that fabric soon but thought I would leave it a while until you have more time.
Hugs, Neet 11 xx (thanks for visiting me)

Diana Taylor said...

Ooh you are so busy you make me feel exhausted - I love the little hats and would really like to make some but I'm far better at crochet - I'll have to try and find some crochet for charity projects I think. It's so lovely to see the doll with her new owner - it looks like she'll be loved and looked after for a long time! Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx

Glenda said...

You seem to have a lot going on in your world! Love those sweet little hats! I never learned to knit, sad really as I love everything "Knitted"!
Glenda #34

Artatag said...

Oh Chloe is a princess! And Ron is playing the dragon protecting the treasure, LOL!!! I never thought for a second that you could keep your thumbs still! You have a greenhouse, lovely!
Thanks for your earlier visit!
Gabriele 20

sandra de said...

Gorgeous wee hats and handsome cat. Have a lovely easter break.
sandra de @35

Eliza said...

What a great post this week, love the fact you are knitting for the premmies I had 3 premmies and my mother had to knit hats and booties to fit even a 5 00000's wouldn't fit. The babies loose so much warmth for their bodies through the head so what you are doing is a fantastic job thank you. Love the planting you have been doing, maybe I will come over for the harvest and help eat the produce. Love Ron, he is like my other cat Ditto, seriously it is spooky.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 41

Nannie4 said...

I so envy your planting, Jan. Still under the snow here, although we have had above freezing temps lately. My daughter did hats for preemies a few years ago before she had her own babies. She used a round loom to make them. Love the colours you used. Love Ron too! :) Chloe is a beauty. Looks like she loves her dollie. :) Do some gardening for me, will you? ;)
Have a great week. Nann4 #42

Sue said...

Hope all your seeds germinate.

Loving the baby hats.

What a handsome cat ron is, but don't tell my girls (Greyhounds) I said so:)

The Cinderella doll is obviously a great hit with Chloe.

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

Sue #25

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I think plants are a problem at this time of the year they shout to you... come and plant me!!
Come and weed me!! and the sun doesn't help. Have a great woyww, Angela x 29

famfa said...

So jealous of your greenhouse, left mine back in blighty. Glad to see you have green fingers, knotty fingers, sewing fingers, wow you are sooo talented. Love the pic of Chloe and her cinders. Great. Lovely happy post.
Famfa 47

voodoo vixen said...

You must have nicer weather than me cos those little planting thingies would be most unhappy in the freezing garden up here... snowing this morning in a serious sort of way!! Lovely knitting projects on the go, the little hats are so sweet!! Happy WOYWW, Annette #22

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Oh yeah ~ seed starting! I still have so much snow on my little acre, though most is gone from the main vegetable garden and I'm hoping to get some pea seeds in the earth* this week. In the meantime, I have several flats of seeds started and more to start in the days and week ahead.

But, seeds aside, I love your many projects! (I can relate to that too)

EnJOY it all!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

How sweet are those little hats? My girl was born early and put in an incubator with a rather sickly yellow one on her head. Yours are very much nicer, although we were grateful for anything at the time, of course. That Debbie Bliss wool is just gorgeous. Enjoy the rest of your week. There's nothing like messing in the soil at this time of year :)

Fiona #2 (I know!)

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, those hats bring back some memories! Don't know if I'd ever said, but Mikey was a prem baby, born at 25 weeks and 5 days! Weighed 2lbs and 1/2 oz. then dropped to 1lb 12 oz over the next couple of weeks. The Neo Natal unit had loads of dolls clothes that people had knitted for the prem babies, the hats especially loved, as the babies lose a lot of their body heat from their heads. Ron does have that' This is my box' look on his face, doesn't he? Really struggling today, am round late, had to go to Docs, got a rotten chest infection thats not clearing. Thought it was going after last week, but its come back with a vengeance. Now have another lot of anti-biotics, and steroids to take for a week. Have a great week, Love & Hugs, Shaz xx #37

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Well, HELLO to Ron. Of course it is cat camouflage thing (cat-o-flage, if you will) and once you fail to notice he is there he will suddenly swipe out at you one day (maybe causing you to fall to your doom, because cats, you know). How fun to be out and about playing in the dirt! I used to enjoy that every spring, but these last couple of spring it hasn't appealed, so I'll just live vicariously through you. Judy #60

Patrink said...

Socrates is napping on my mouse hand. certainly slows me down.
Thanks for sharing, Happy WOYWW
Pat #64

Elizabeth said...

Well, you sewing mojo may have taken a holiday, Jan, but that hasn't stopped you being super busy. Been doing a pit of sOwing and potting up too, when the weather allows ... it's soooo cold up here that even the shed is not welcoming! I'm sure lovely Ron enjoys your music, he's just trying out some camouflage in the hope that he doesn't have to go out in the cold too :) Those teeny weeny hats are adorable - almost, but not entirely, makes me want to take up knitting again :) Have a great Easter weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth x #40

J said...

Those tiny hats are so cute, I used to love to knit baby clothes, haven't knitted for years

Ron looks like he's giving you the dead eye, daring you to try to move him.
Jan S. No 59

Lisca said...

Yes, I've been doing some sOwing too. Has to be done. I've sown some basil (they don't sell that here so I have to grow my own) and freesias and other small bulbs amongst the lavender bushes.
I love the Cinderella doll and particular the little lady that is holding her!
Good for you for making premature woolly hats. What a super idea!
Have a great week and Happy Easter!

Unknown said...

I would have dropped everything to do hats for precious preemie babies too--those are beautiful little hats and I can't even imagine how precious that will be to their moms, done with loving hands. I think my daughter should do that sometime, because she is a wiz at knitting hats...but this semester of college currently has her complete attention. Especially her geology class which is a gen ed she had to take to fulfill a science credit. After this semester, all her gen eds will be done thank goodness. I love your busy basket though, and I am so happy about your news about dad. It sounds like the ideal situation, and you will be able to rest at night knowing he is in a good place! That little Chloe is adorable...I am just imagining her sweet little British voice! I think I want a British child. We both started seeds! I have trays just like that. We truly are soul sisters. Hugs! Sandy Leigh #42 (I'm just now getting around because of work...ugh)

VonnyK said...

Well, aren't you the patient one, I buy the punnets of seedlings and then we can harvest in a few weeks. None of this waiting around for them to sprout. I love those little caps for the babies, that's so sweet of you. Chloe sure looks happy with her dolly, you really are clever.
Have a great Easter.
Von #38

Kristiina said...

Your pots really make me feel like spring! We got 7 cm of sleet on Monday and more yet to come, so no sowing yet! Those little hats will certainly be in good use, such a happy way to use leftover yarns, and before you know it you'll by a few pretty yarns just because they happen to be so soft and suitable for more caps :) at least that's what would happen to me!
Happy woyww!
Kristiina #68

Kim said...

Oh, I so love your new Sowing project! (very good there!) Totally got me in the mood hard with a solid snow pack still /sign) The wee caps are adorable, great idea. And Ron is such a handsome fellow; my two orange boys blended with the wood floor and one bench; I was always waiting for a catastophie...hehe

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Fun post....I'm running behind, and you look like you've a LOT of projects in the works too. Cute little girl with that special dolly. I don't garden, cause my hub is so much better at it and it has been his hobby before I entered the picture. He gives a lot away. I work with the final product and enjoy it. Our spring weather turned to 27 today with wind. Had to turn on the furnace. Wishing you and yours a Blessed Easter.


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...