(Ace of Base)

I know we all ponder on the swift passage of time...how Wednesdays come around at an alarming rate of knots, for example...but this past week has been positively supersonic. Such a lot has happened, some wonderful, some good and some...well, meh.

As the weather has been glorious here in Wiltshire, a great deal of my spare time has been taken up by the garden....very few hours spent in the craftroom. But I did make something small...
I needed to make a covered notebook for a new friend and as I wasn't sure what her favourite colours were, went for the whole gamut!  This was a good chance to use the fab cat fabric that Julia got me a while ago.  But stupid me forgot to take a pic of the finished article (doh) so I had to ask Becky to take a pic and email it...
It was fun and fast to make and the colours made me happy :-)

I got a surprise parcel last week too...couldn't work out what was in it. This beauty, that's what!!
The most gorgeous heart which is now hanging in my craftroom :-)  The lovely Debbie Rock made it for me as part of a Facebook Pay-it-Forward thing that we took part in. I really love it, Debbie..the colours, the sentiment, the twine. Just fab. Thank you so much!!  I am a lucky gal.....

Something else that made me smile was the yarn bombing that we found on a visit to Winchester University last Saturday...Rhys was there for an applicant open day..there was quite a few bits displayed around the campus..

Julia and I hit the sunny streets of Marlborough last week and outside the cafe where we had lunch was this.....
...and the other side...
Well, it made us laugh...all the way along the street....and made me feel a lot better! 

Have a great week and may your crafting be happy and prolific :-) 


Ohhh Snap said...

While we have had some melting, there is still snow in the yard so I will enjoy your spring vicariously. And I lol'ed at your punny sign find : D. Beautiful notebook cover and prezzie!

Unknown said...

Hi Julia Fantastic heart from Debbie, what a lovely surprise. Your signs made me laugh too. have a great week and hope there's more sunshine for Easter.
Hugs Lynda B 17

Helen said...

love Debbie's heart... the pavement sign is hilarious!! Hope the good of last week outweighed the meh, we don't like meh times!! take care. Helen 3

Annie said...

Happy Wednesday. I'm doing my visits of all my fav blogs while my twinnie munchkins play with their knex today 😃
It sounds like we have both been enjoying our gardens this week 😃 really love the covered book Jan...such happy colours 😃
Annie x #21

Sue said...

Fab notebook. Loving the heart and like the nice colourful yarn bombing.

Had to giggle at the sign:)

Sue #32

Debbie Rock said...

Oooooh well that was a surprise! Always pop along to your desk each week (even when I don't get time to leave a comment!) but didn't think for a moment I'd find my heart featured! I LOVE seeing your desk Jan ... and I am totally in love with that lime green polka dot fabric! Love to you from Debbie xXx

Diana Taylor said...

I love the gorgeous cat book, and the heart is beautiful - how lucky are you! The pavement sign made me laugh - I love things like that, it always gives the day a lift! Hope the good bits outweighed the not so good in the end, and I hope this coming week is even better!
Diana xx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

What a lovely book that is. If it were mine, I would smile every time I got it out, such a happy design. Debbie and I are both feeling very sorry for ourselves with razor blades in our throats, but we shall get over it. It is a good excuse to just sit and play with crafty stuff. Not enough energy for anything else. It was sunny enough to tempt me out earlier but the dark clouds have gathered now, so a hot drink and more playing is the order of the day .... and blogging too. Have a good week. xxx Maggie #14

Robyn Oliver said...

Gorgeous cat fabric/bookcover Jan and yes just love the heart...have a great week Cheers RobynO#27

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Fun post Jan...that is fun fabric on that notebook. Love your gifted heart too. So much texture and lovely colors. is it from chipboard ? Looks like fun outings too. I'll be home today...our rain turned to ice with the falling temps and I don't need to be slipping and sliding. Enjoy the week, they just seem to fly by

Mrs.D said...

Morning Jan, those signs made me laugh too. And the pussy cat book really brought asmile to my face, thank you for making my day.
Thanks also for popping by my page.
Chris #17

J said...

Well the words to the song took me back, and Ace of Base, my Mum was always singing "All That She wants" while having a bop round the kitchen.
Love the cats on the notebook, that's the only place I could have them as all the men in the family are allergic to them! Great signs although I am a great one for making lists
Jan S x no 45

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I always enjoy seeing the fun and colorful fabrics you use for your beautiful projects. I enjoyed the photographic tour of your visits, and was especially fascinated by the "yarn bombing" shots. Happy WOYWW! #53

famfa said...

Beautifully Covere notbook. Who could not be cheered with that sign, very funny. Enjoy your garden, I'm desperate to get in. One but we still have snow :(
Famfa 55

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, thanks for the visit. That heart has got to be! without doubt! one of the most gorgeous, love it. So much fun going on this week, lucky you.
Have a great woyww, Angela x 42

Unknown said...

Oh how I envy Rhys! I would LOVE to study archaeology and history--I love both so much. But I have to be content to watch my special shows on the science and history channels and pbs.org! I love your comment today--and I think you're right about sewing and petting a cat. I swear I've read that somewhere too. Isn't it so funny the massive tapestries we tackled when we were all younger? I have this huge Santas of the World cross-stitch tapestry that absolutely took me a year. I remember taking it on roadtrips, and taking it backstage at Little Theatre when I was in shows. Do you think I should do a whole post about cross-stitching maybe? I keep thinking of all my stitching stories. Anyhoo...it is a very detailed, and I think beautiful piece, and it is beautifully framed, and I gave it to my husband, and he insists it hangs up year 'round. I had also entered in the fair and it only won third place, but I did get a ribbon! Oooh...I should think about entering something in the fair this year. So, two more things...I am over the moon with that cat fabric and I am now including it on my hunt as I'm also looking for that typewriter fabric which was also colorful like the cat pattern. And two, I'm a nut about yarn bombings. So I had to pin these to my Pinterest board (along with the cat fabric). I have planned to yarn bomb a dead cherry tree in my back garden. That tree gave us the best cherries for years and years and an ice storm took it away. But there's enough left to yarn bomb! I will keep your precious dad in my prayers--this is so hard, I know. We were in the process of finding a place for my mom right before she suddenly passed away. She and I had talked about it, and we were starting to visit places, and we had even talked about what to do with her doll collection. But I tell you, it may be selfish, but I'd rather have her in a care facility than not have her at all--I know you feel like that too. Sending you a big soul sister hug! Sandy Leigh #46

lisa said...

Wow, Jan, that heart is gorgeous, what a lovely gift to receive. Your notebook gift if gorgeous too. What a lot of love there is around!!!
That pavement sign is hilarious, love it. Hope the lunch was as good, I'm sure it was.
Hugs Lisax #62

Eliza said...

What a beautiful heart perfect for a wonderful person like you. Oh that sign did give me a giggle, how I would love to hit the streets with you two, it would be a blast. Yep change is on the horizon for me with a few more breaks. Thanks for the encouragement.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, I knew you'd love those hares when I first saw them :). I saw one of Debbies hearts last Thursday, they are so beautiful IRL aren't they? Love the sign, so funny. Can jsut see you and Julia giggling your way down the street! And that cat fabric- how cool is it? Huge hugs and lots of love, Shaz xxx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Those signs! I used to have to change the sky high sign we had a work--you slapped the plastic letters up and down with a suction cup on a long pole. So one day someone printed out a photo of similar style sign in a snowbank with this message: My boss told me to change the sign, so I did. Made me laugh and laugh.

Well, of course I am in love with the feline fabric but it isn't just the subject matters--it is the yummy colors as well!!!!! Judy #66

Carol Rigby said...

My daughter loves anything to do with cats. She would go mad for that fabric. The notebook looks great. Thanks for visiting and have a Happy WOYWW.

Patrink said...

ROTFLMAO I think I got that right. Waaaay tooooo funny. Beautiful heart. Just like you.

Thx for sharing
Pat #15 do drop by

Nannie4 said...

Thanks for your visit, Jan. Gorgeous book cover. Visiting your desk is always uplifting. What a bright and cheerful space! Your fabric choices reflect that too.
Love the signs! It's great to get an unexpected giggle like that. :) Enjoy your good weather. Ours is better than it was at least. The sun is shining and it's not so cold, so that helps the mood.Happy gardening! Nann #49

Lisca said...

Your post was so uplifting! The fabric is so colourful, it makes you happy just looking at it. I giggled out loud at the street sign! The weather here in Spain has been so lousy! Nearly two weeks of rain. Typical British weather and we're not used to it. I've been ill too as you know.So your page was a breath of fresh air.
Thanks for visiting earlier,
Have a great week,

glitterandglue said...

Jan - I'm sitting here giggling to myself - love the signs! Great fun. What a beautiful gift to receive - the heart is great. Well done on the little book cover - the fabric is enough to make us all smile...
Thanks for your visit. The trick with Abakhan is to make sure that you take someone with you who will regularly remind you "It won't be there when you come back"!!!!! You, I think, would love the place. Everything is seconds - but you can't always see the fault! - and you buy your fabric by the lb weight, not by the length.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #8

Shoshi said...

Love the signs, Jan! I love the beautiful heart, and that kitty fabric is fabulous! Thanks for a lovely comment, and for the squishes - all gratefully received! Thank you for your good wishes for Friday. Not long to go now.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #38

VonnyK said...

That book cover is gorgeous, you know me and bright things. I see my book cover every day and it makes me smile. Had a giggle at the yarn bombing, what a great idea and it keeps the trees warm too :) But those signs had me rolling around laughing, love em. Have a great week,
Von #69 (yeah I'm late, stupid me forgot to link up last night, which was wednesday for me)

sandra de said...

Great sign and love those yarn bombs at the Uni. Hope you have a better week and lots of sun shine will always lift ones spirits. Thanks for visiting and lovely comments about the pears.
sandra de @50

Paper rainbow said...

That cat fabric caught my eye straight away! What a beautiful heart piece, you are lucky indeed. Those yarn bombing bits made me smile, I they are such fun. I remember applicant day well, hope all went ok, it is such a lot of pressure to choose the right place to study!

Julia Dunnit said...

I LOVE the colours too..it could be any print at all and I'd like it in those cheerful colurs on white ground! Bet Becky was very pleased. Yarn bombing..as if I didnt like Winchester enough already!!

CraftygasheadZo said...

Loving the sign on the street. And your heart from Debbie is amazing. It has been lovely this week hasn't it? I took Baxter up the garden to play for a bit which was nice. Take care Zo xx 64

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Love the yarn bombing! We didn't go to Winchester for the applicant day in the end, otherwise I would have got in touch. My boy decided to go with Plymouth and Portsmouth. Beautiful gifts, both given and received.

Kyla said...

Lovely book cover (nice neat corners) and what a great gift from Debbie. Love the yarn bombing, bristol (bedminster) is doing pom pom bombing a the moment!!
Love the signs too...my favourite was "Is the man in your life getting in the way of your shopping? Leave him here at the man creche"...it was outside a pub :-)

Thanks for visiting my blog already

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 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...