WOYWW 302 - THE 200th Edition!


It is my 200th post today - I can't believe it!  Sharing the crafty madness and goings on at LLJ Towers is a lot of fun....it's amazing that there are folk still willing to read my weekly bout of codswallop. Long may it continue :-)

More squares on my desk today...I've completed a few quilt-as-you-go nine blocks and am having fun choosing the fabric combos. The towers of crochet are ready to go back downstairs to be my project whilst watching the TV.....I can't just sit there and do nothing :-)

But a couple of days ago...it was slightly different....
What a tip....see, I can be messy at times!  I'd bought a craft mag and there was a pattern for a topsy turvey Cinders/Cinderella doll....you know, the ones that are well, not reversible exactly, but a bit like a Pushme-Pullyou.

Now, as this was a present for a young lady who's just turned three, plus the fact that I've never made a doll before, I was a Good Girl and used a pattern AND pins!!  It's just a one-off though, don't panic ;-)  My hubby asked me why I was making a bone, lol......
Sorting out the fabrics for both dresses...the Cinders version and the princess one...

Here's the bodies sorted out before attaching the skirts....it looks as if Frankenstein has been at work in the sewing room at this point...*grin*

And here are both 'sides' of Cinderella. I've made her with dark hair as Chloe's is too. The pattern went from dark Cinders to a blonde Cinderella....why?  Does being brown haired inevitably cast you as one of life's servants? I didn't agree with that one bit, so she's a brunette for both sides!

I had fun making her but wouldn't rush to do another. There was a huge amount of hand sewing and the pattern was scanty to say the least. But it kept my little brain happy for a few hours. I only hope that Chloe likes it too :-)

Have a happy crafty week!


jill said...

I have a knitting pattern for the Cinderella doll. Little children love those. Always good projects on your desk each week Jan. Happy woyww jill #27

Neet said...

How very peculiar that the Cinderella pattern had her hair in two colours. Wonder what that statement is trying to say to young ladies!!!
Oh Jan, how I wish I could do something and watch tv but when I try to do something whilst watching tv I find I am missing most of the programme. Gone are those days for me. You are such a busy bee with all those squares but what a lot of worthwhile work you do. I take my hat off to you.
Hugs, Neet 30 xx

Helen said...

Having not been (naturally) blond since about the age of 5, I agree that blondes don't always have more fun... although I do always feel better with blond back in my hair!! The doll is gorgeous, and I am sure Chloe will love her. Yours is one of my favourite stopping holes on a Wednesday, well done on making it to the big 200! Helen 11

Annie said...

Oh Jan she's really fab and I'm certain Chloe will really love her.....I know three little girls that would love her too :-) When I have a little more energy I plan to do some quilting as you go.
No early morning twinnie fun for me today as I'm recovering from a chesty cold caught from them last week so I'm able to have a leisurely snoop round the Wednesday desks :-)
Annie x # 32

Sue said...

They aren't so scary when you only see the one and the other is under the skirt:) I love them and I am sure Chloe will also.

Hope you have a good day. Sue.

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

I remember when you started to post ! Time flies by. Love all the fun projects you have shared. But really love the little owl sitting in that felt(?) grass like basket. I smile at lots of them on Pinterest. Have a lovely week.

Annie said...

Me again Jan....I have all sorts of tips I'm more than happy to share but I imagine you will know most of it but please shout if there is anything I can help with. These ones were quite nice to make as they didn't have to be boxed out and the 'piping' around the edges was done like french seams so really easy. Always happy to help....just shout.
Annie x

Crafting Queen said...

You have been very busy. Love the doll.

Robyn Oliver said...

Oh Jan your Cinderella doll is magic, Chloe is going to love her. Love her outfits. Cheers RobynO#24

fairy thoughts said...

Oh LLJ cinders is gorgeous and I agree she should have the same colour hair .... Shame on the fairy godmother, I will have to have words with her .... Being a fairy myself LOL
Have a good week
Janet @14

Anonymous said...

Caught up a bit by browsing back :) I DO love QAYG for al the same reasons. I don't like wrestling with a huge quilt in a small machine, but doing the small blocks then joining them is a great solution. It's more like a granny square crochet in that sense. Love Cinders. And the classic live-action Cinderella that I watched every year as a kid had a brunette Cinderella. :)
Happy WOYWW day!
Mary Anne (10)

glitterandglue said...

200 - congratulations, Jan. Fun, isn't it?! Addictive - probably the only legal and fairly safe, addiction going! Love your doll. I can imagine it was fiddly - I have knitted a pushme-pullyou doll, but never sewn one. That was fiddly, too - but great fun. Oh, how I agree - can't sit and watch TV without something else to do... often crochet or knitting - or even, on mad days, pushing stuff through the big shot!
Take care - enjoy your 200th WOYWW contribution.
God bless.
Margaret #3

Cardarian said...

Oh I absolutely love your doll! Many years ago my daughter had one of those - I think I liked it more then she did! :-) What can I do it is the forever child in me!
Lots and lots of hugs - hope to see you soon!

Lisca said...

Oh what a cute dolly! I agree with you on the hair colour. Even Cinderella doesn't turn blond at the strike of 12!
Have a great week,
PS I'm thinking of our fellow desk hopper Shoshi today who's operation has been postponed yet again! I can't imagine how she must be feeling.

famfa said...

Happy 200th - why wouldn't we read your posts, they are very good. Love your doll, my boys had one that my mum brought back form Cuba ages ago. I love it, unfortunately they have grown out of it. I agree completely about the blonde/brunette thing - glad you made them both brunettes. I'm sure Chloe will love the doll/s. Well done you.
Famfa 57

Unknown said...

I love reading your post along with all those I visit. Your doll is so cute! Agree with the hair color situation, too. Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #54

Unknown said...

So it's a reversible Cinderella doll? She is soooo cute!!! Your talent amazes me. What little girl wouldn't want a personalized Cinderella! It reminds me that the movie Cinderella started playing here a few weeks ago with an actress from Downton Abbey playing Cinderella, so of course I have to go see it! Also, I have to find out about the quilt-as-you-go thing. I have seen others doing that, and I'm thinking it would be so fun! I hope all is well with you and you are feeling good and getting a lot done. Hope your dad is doing well too. Hugs! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #53

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Squares, squares, squares.... I noticed right off that you are having fun with your quilts, loving the patterns and colors together. The Cinders doll is so adorable. I remember as a youngster that friend had one and I just thought it terribly clever even back then. Happy sewing! PJ #64

Patrink said...

That's quite an achievement. My mum made double dolls like that when we were young. Freaky until they are clothed.

Thanks for sharing, drop on by. Happy WOYWW Pat #63

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, you've got me thinking that I must check how many posts I have actually done!
Love the dolls. Have a great week and happy woyww, Angela x 28

VonnyK said...

It's wonderful to see a messy desk, I knew there had to be just a little bit of messy me in you.
That doll is adorable and so clever, since it started out as a bone & then a Frankenstein creature :) Good to see the pile of quilting nines growing, love the colours. Have a great week,
Von #34

Karen said...

I remember those dolls and the knitted ones too!! Love the hair, why should they always be blonde? I agree with you!! Karen x #70 😀

pearshapedcrafting said...

Oh wow! Love your doll! Must say that stack of crochet squares is what impresses me - just something I have never been able to do! Chris47x

HeARTworks said...

Oh it's right on time for the new Cinderella movie (if it's showing the same time as here in the Philippines!) How strange that the hair changes to blonde!!! I would have done the same!!! Happy WOYWW! patsy

Diana Taylor said...

What a great doll - I don't know why but it's stirred memories in me, perhaps I played with one when I was a kid, the style certainly seems familiar for some strange reason! Congratulations on 200 posts - I love visiting, you always make me smile!
Hugs, Diana x

Mrs.D said...

Morning, love your topsy turvy doll.
I love your piles of crochet squares to be put together in front of the tv, I know exactly how you feel, cant' do nothing down there.
Chris (ND)

Twiglet said...

Cinders is totally fab and I am sure she will be loved! x Jo

CraftyHope said...

For some reason I recall dolls like that from my childhood, but haven't seen any like them since. I think you did a wonderful job with her and I'm positive your special little girl will adore her. Oh, and the mess and the piles all look like fun to me - neat or tidy there's a bunch of creativity at play!

Hettie said...

Awww poor Cinders....bet she had headache being put upside down for her photo shoot!
Happy 200th post.

Artatag said...

I love your choice of fabric squares you put together, it looks so cool! I have never seen such a cinderella doll before, what a clever idea. You really are a great talent!
Gabriele 23

Paper rainbow said...

Awwh I used to haveone of those dolls as a child! I'm sure a certain young lady will love it. Well done on your blogging milestone...quite achievement!!!!

505whimsygirl said...

I've seen these dolls and can imagine how tricky it was to make. I bet it will be a hit with the 3 year old.

Bridget Larsen said...

Love those dolls, have never seen one before, thanks for enlightening me
Bridget #3

Nannie4 said...

OMG, Jan....I made two of these years ago --- one for my daughter and one for my neice. You just took me down happy memory lane. :) I don't sew much at all and definitely not well, but the two girls loved their little dolls. I don't know how many times the hair came off of the dolls (a testament to my skill) . I valiantly kept sewing my daughter's back on. My sister-in-law only had to do it once --- a testament to her skill. {LOL} Sorry, I didn't get to many desks last week, so I'm trying to make it up today.

Nannie4 said...

OMG, Jan....I made two of these years ago --- one for my daughter and one for my neice. You just took me down happy memory lane. :) I don't sew much at all and definitely not well, but the two girls loved their little dolls. I don't know how many times the hair came off of the dolls (a testament to my skill) . I valiantly kept sewing my daughter's back on. My sister-in-law only had to do it once --- a testament to her skill. {LOL} Sorry, I didn't get to many desks last week, so I'm trying to make it up today.

Unknown said...

Do love that bright colored kitty print. Don't feel bad about forgetting to take the photo, many of us have done it. I can't tell you how many art journals i worked in and mailed without remembering to take a photo. The doll is such a clever idea!


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...