(Huey Lewis and the News)

Back to the humdrum after last week's tricentennial celebrations!  It was fun though and great to share Julia's amazing achievement with everyone :-)

I seem to have made nothing but bags recently, which is fab but I needed something else to do...something easy and unchallenging.  I'd bought a cheapo book off Amazon, Quilt as you Go, which I know is something that Mary Anne has done in the past.  I like doing patchwork very much, but the quilting bores me to tears, so doing it in bite sized chunks appealed.

I took the charm packs bought with my Christmas fabric voucher and started to lay them out randomly.....
Lovely fabrics...but it just didn't do it for me. I've said it before, I don't enjoy 'random'...at all!  So, I had a quick rethink....
And it was just better (for me, anyway!). The intention is to do different blocks of nine, some with darker colours at the corners and others with light....
...and then you quilt each block before joining them up. I like this technique a lot!! So much better than having to manhandle an enormous amount of wadding. It'll also give me a chance to play with the order of the completed blocks.  This should keep me happy for a while :-)

Other squares featured today are:
I'm going to start blocking this little lot. I'm glad this project is nearing the end...it has been useful to use up ends of yarn, but again, I prefer it when there's a pattern and logic to the colours....very left brained of me!  I'll make a blanket but don't know what I'll do with it; maybe there's a charity that needs one.

This was Gail's finished tote (she's received it, so it's safe to share)...
Apparently it's already full up with yarns and hooks...yay...happy dance!

And finally, Queenie Jeannie bought a Hooter off me (for Zoe's fundraising) and sent this Thank you card in return:
What a gorgeous, happy card...just perfect for Springtime. The sentiment made me laugh too. Thanks Jeannie, it's adorning my mantelpiece right now!

Have a great week xxxx


Helen said...

Well haven't you been the busy bee! Loving the mini quilt blocks, sounds like a great way to go. Sending hedgehugs - love it!! Helen 3

MrsC.x said...

morning Jan; you've certainly been busy this week. Thats how i quilt, didint know that it was a thing just thought thats the way i do it cos i cant manhandle all the fabric and if i did i would get fed up and nothing would ever go through the machine! :)
love that stamp set Jeanne got me hooked and now i own it and many more of its friends lol

Happy WOYWW!
Thanks for sharing
Mrs C.xx

Lucy said...

I adore the 'idea' of quilting. By that, I mean the buying of fabric and messing around with layouts. One day, I'm sure I'll pull my finger out and actually quilt it all together. Crocheting is such a big thing at the moment. Our shop does well with the crochet classes. We were sent a macrame book the other week from a supplier. Don't think the public are ready for that again! Have a great week - Lucy #4 x

Unknown said...

Hi Jan
Lovely bag and a great thank you card! I have tried patchwork and quilting a few times and I's rather sew it all by hand! I am not a needle woman at all!!!
Have a happy week
Lynda B 14

Annie said...

Happy Wednesday. I'm doing my visits of all my fav blogs while my twinnie munchkins play with the knex 😃
I love the idea of quilting as you go. Might try that on my next quilt. Think my brain works like yours though...I like to have a plan too 😃
Annie x #18

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Lunch Lady Jan,
Ah, yes it is hip to be square and ad so agree with you on like the blocking rather than the random, its a work of art then! ... and so it the tote! love it!
Oh, what a great card ... soo cute!!!
Thanks so much for sharing ~ happy WOYWW!
Shaz in Oz.x #27

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards blog}

Anne said...

How spooky. Just seen that stamp set on Mrs C's blog and here it is on your card :-) Super bag. Sure someone will be glad of a blanket! Like how you quilt! Anne x #32

Anne said...

How spooky. Just seen that stamp set on Mrs C's blog and here it is on your card :-) Super bag. Sure someone will be glad of a blanket! Like how you quilt! Anne x #32

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, love that sentiment too- hedgehugs, I'll chuckle about that all day! Love the quilting idea, small blocks at a time, that always put me right off, trying to quilt some enormous thing. With you on the 'random' too- some people can do it beautifully, me, just looks like an explosion in a paint factory! Huge hugs and lots of love, Shaz xxxx

Eliza said...

Gidday Jan, like usual you are ploughing through all the squares and the sewing and that tote is just perfect. Oh so much effort to be different and try a change sometimes is the making of a lot of frustration. I do like how you have done it better. I must be left brained too. Oh and an excellent card, lucky you kinda perfect.

Hugs Eliza 42

Sue said...

Love the patchwork and prefer the second option. The tote bag is fab.

Like the card and the sentiment of hedgehugs:)

Sue #43

famfa said...

Hey thanks for your lovely comment. We are all well thank you. Loving the fact that there are so many quilting these days. I love your fabrics and I know exactly what you mean about the placement of squares. I spent nearly two hours deciding on the placement of mine last week which took longer than the actual sewing. How ridiculous is that? Loving your granny squares too. Nice to be back, I will try to stay but find it so hard to visit so many desk, it is so addictive but so time consuming. I can lose whole days blog hopping xx
Famfa #54

J said...

I prefer the second option too, I don't do random either! Love the bag you made for Gail, the material is gorgeous.
The squares would make lovely blankets, what a great way to use up yarn.
Jan S no 50

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I struggle with random in quilting too! The quilt as you go method looks interesting. Love that sentiment. So cute.

Fiona #39

lisa said...

I'm with you, Jan. The second attempt looks fab, not too ordered but just enough!!!!
Your crochet squares remind me so much of one we had when we were small that my Mum crocheted, it had wool from all sorts of things she'd made and always reminded me of my Dad's jumpers. I'd love to still have it.
Hope all is good with you and yours.
Hugs Lisax #63

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Looks as though you have plenty to keep you busy there Judy. I think you are right about the quilting. It can feel as though you are being attacked by a massive blancmange when you try to quilt something big. Happy crafting, Angela x 31

Unknown said...

You are so cute. You are totally reminding me of a character in the movie How to Make An American Quilt. She's the character played by Maya Angelou, and when someone is trying to add a square that doesn't go with the whole design, she will not have it! Love her. Anyhoo, I just said a big prayer for you and your dad...this is such a difficult situation, so I was so happy you said you might have found a place. My MIL is in the same situation, but she lives several states over from us on the east coast. Her husband died the same year as my mom, and so MIL is alone, but luckily she's in a wonderful place, close to her daughter, and she gets great benefits. Wish we could see her more though, even though her dementia has really taken over. You and I need some spring fever, seed planting, and a day of just stringing beads and drinking tea! (and maybe eating cake and pie) Hugs to you dearest. Sandy Leigh #48

Krisha said...

I was just at an other blog that was showing the Quilt as You Go technique. This looks to be right up my alley. I'm with you, the second is more pleasing to the eye.

LOVE Gail's tote! and her adorable thank you card.

Your crocheted squares will make a great blanket (we call them afghans) That is the only pattern I know how to crochet....LOL

Not playing this week, just hitting some of the blogs I normally follow.
Have a great week!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

No, I agree... the random is too random. I like the blocks of 9 squares though. They are random but not overwhelmingly so. The quilting the blocks instead of the whole thing at once definitely seems the way to go. The granny squares are neat too. My mom tried to teach me how to do them but it turns out that she doesn't remember (I didn't press it because she might claim it is because we haven't made her a granny--apparently grandkitties don't count)-lol. The dots and botanicals are lovely together (but mine is better-neener neener neener) and that is a happy hedge hug/hog card!!!!!! Judy #67

Artatag said...

I like your random picture. It looks like the japanese papers I have. Love the patterns!
That tote is as adorable as the others! Beautiful!
Thank you for your earlier visit and your lovely comment!
Gabriele 15

Kristiina said...

I've been planning to start those granny squares (hmm, for several years...) looks like I'm not getting to it yet either, because leftover yarns can make striped socks too! Your quilting looks great, happy woyww!
Kristiina #29

Twiglet said...

I am with you on the quilting lark - it always looks so lovely though. Love the hedgehugs! How do you get your photos to look so bright and sharp? x Jo

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, I think quilting as you go has got to be easier than trying to quilt a full size piece ... not that I've ever tried. That book is now on my wishlist :) Love your multi-coloured crochet squares - they will look lovely made into a blanket. Just picked up the multi-coloured bed runner I started last year ... maybe I'll get it finished this year :) The hedgie card is cute - the colours are perfect for this time of year. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth xx #56

Ali H said...

Great to know I am not alone in my allergy to random - makes me all wobbly with a tendency to hyperventilate! Handling a king size quilt through the sewing machine isn't for the feint hearted or weak wrìsted is it! Love the tote bag - did you say you are selling those fuzz ball hedgehogs & owls? Ali #72

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

Hmm..I usually like random..but I like what you did with the squares better. Good show!
Shel@paperocotillostudio #74

fairy thoughts said...

love the fabrics... i'm a big random fan although the organised random pattern is much better than the random random one which looks a bit 'flat'.
love the hedgehugs card..... super cute
janet @12

VonnyK said...

I get where you're coming from on the order of things. I have the same problem and try to paint things with order, it drives my teacher nuts cos it's meant to be random. I like the way you've chosen to quilt. Love that bag and that card you got is just gorgeous.
Have a great week,
Von #23

Patrink said...

Sending hedgehugs back at you. So cute.
Thx for sharing
Pat #78

Annie Claxton said...

Hey Jan, love the beginnings of your quilt - I find random very difficult to do and I think your way is going to work out beautifully, really gorgeous selection of fabrics. I'm going to try finishing my patchwork quilt today, never done it before and it's the part of the process I am not looking forward to! Happy late WOYWW :o) Annie C #76

Neet said...

I like both your random and your structured quilting and working in blocks seems to make sense to me. I might even have a go myself at something like that - famous words (might).
Lovely bag which I am sure is being enjoyed immensely - I will look for my fabric next week. Hope things are progressing.
Thanks for the visit to me - Hugs, Neet 28 xx

sandra de said...

Love what you are doing with your working blocks. I like your random and then saw order and get why you don't enjoy random. You truly have an eye for colour and order. Fab bag.
Sandra de @29

Paper rainbow said...

Lovely work Jan. Like you I am rather logical when it comes to pattern, I am however in no way mathematical! So your new arrangement works although I can't logically say why.... I like logical randomness, i think that is the explanation! ;)

Julia Dunnit said...

Hedgehugs...I get it! How cute and how nice to send you a thank you card for sending something that was an order!! QJ is like that, huh! I could feel your brain twitching from here when I saw that random patterning! Like the 9 square handle-ability and your plan. Is it going to be a wedding quilt?

Kyla said...

My oh my you have been busy. I know what you mean about bags.....but quilting does my head in...all those small fiddly pieces I am not neat enough! I am about to tackle my next quilt soon (honest-I bought the bits 2 years ago!) using the missouri technique of sewing a jelly roll into long strips...but even that is a bit too organised for me :-)

Thanks for visiting my desk already
Kyla #8

Queenie Jeannie said...

*sqeee!* You posted my card! :-) I'm glad you liked it, and that it made it to you!!! You are so endlessly talented with your quilting, and now I see crocheting too. Keep the fabulousness going!!!!


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...