Congratulations, Julia, on reaching the 300th WOYWW - what an achievement!  
Thank you for enabling us all to link up around the world and share the crafty madness. Long may it continue :-)

I'm just so glad that Julia 'persuaded' me into joining in with the WOYWWers each Wednesday; apart from really enjoying writing this blog, I would have missed so much caring, sharing of friendship and ideas, meeting like-minded nutters.... It has truly enriched my life xxx

This week, you'll be relieved to know, the post is significantly shorter!  I think I wore out the keyboard last time, though the reaction was fun to the various photos.  The description by one friend of me as an 'axewielding, lopping maniac' really appealed...I'm going to have that as my epitaph  :-)

Anyway, today's desk:

I've got the Botanicals out again (you can get arrested for that, you know.....)  Gail would like a bag in this - I've run out of brown spotty fabric for the lining though, so I hope this black and white mini spot will do. 

I think it's ok......

As everyone had apoplexy when I revealed that no fabric purchase took place in that Brighton shop, I'll show you what Julia forced me to buy in the sale of a local quilting place....

Chocolate brown and pink make surprisingly good partners. These are not what I normally go for at all and I have no idea what I'll use them for either. Summat'll turn up, probably when I least expect it :-)

This is Princess Judy's finished zipped tote, en route to Tucson very soon. I love the colour combination, it's fun, isn't it?

And finally, the outdoor project got finished two days ago....
There, that's better.  Even the flowers in the bank are coming out too, adorning the scene. Celandines, daffodils and even some daisies....Spring might be on the way, fingers crossed!!



Nikki said...

Lovely bright bag you've made there and seriously what horror movies are you watching to be a "axewielding, lopping maniac" lol and I would not have wanted to be your bushes out back but they will look great once they grow back in. Happy WOYWW #300 hugs Nikki #1

Krisha said...

PJ is gonna love that bag!!
LOVE all the prints you have going on and the matches are great. I hope Julia didn't bruise your arm as she twisted it to make you buy the fabric!
Krisha #2

Helen said...

My, you're up with the larks today, must be a special 300 day or something.. you're usually the last desk I have time to visit before leaving for work... Love all the fabrics, but may have to go back and read all last week's comments now! It wouldn't seem WOYWW without you now, so I am really glad Julia got you joining in! Helen #5

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm like Helen. When I'm playing, I always look for your name hopefully before I go to bed. It wouldn't be WOYWW without you, your fabrics I totally adore, and your humor. That's the American, shorter version of HUMOUR.

I've paired pink and brown together before, but I really like red and brown together. I still have a blouse my grandmother made for me in high school that I get out and wear on occasion. Simple design never goes out of style. and neither will those purses you make!

Happy WOYWW from #3.

Darnell said...

I'm so jealous that PJ somehow got in front of me! Her's is fun and cheery which will suit her perfectly! When I saw your opening I thought you had written Julialibations and I thought that's the ticket for today (and most days!)! I miss you guys! I've had dreaded busyness and health stuff interfering with my fun, but I had to stop everything and join in this week for the celebration! Be well and Happy 300th WOYWW!! Hugs, Darnell #15

Ali H said...

Hi Jan great to see all your fab bags under way and your mammoth hedge looking so smart - very impressive project! I have been awol for weeks - life keeps getting in the way of all things crafty! Can't even work out how to add a photo using my tablet this week! Hopefully will get back into the swing of things during March but then if it warms up of course the garden will start calling! Love Ali #21

Sue said...

Lovely totes.

The hedge looks fab.

Sue #31

glitterandglue said...

Morning Jan. Happy 300th WOYWW. Boy, am I impressed with the way you have laid that hedge! Fantastic - well done. Lovely looking bags there on your desk today.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4

MrsC.x said...

love that brown/pink spotty fabric, always useful to have a friend with you that you can blame your purchases on ;)
happy WOYWW
Love Mrs.C.xx

Chloe's Nan said...

Morning Jan, black and white spots look good to me :-) thank you. The hedge is looking good, lets hope spring is on the way - I drove to work yesterday with snow on the road!!
Gail x

Neet said...

That's a great bag you have made for our Princess. She will love showing those bright colours off I am sure.
I have just got a t-shirt in burgundy with white spots and it looks just like the fabric looks on your photo. You didn't sneak in to my wardrobe I know because I only got it yesterday - £2 at Asda - great for hanging around in at such a bargain price.
Nice to see the hedge on such a lovely spring morning. Especially as it is dull and wet here.
Hugs, Neet 10 xx

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Judy simplying saying today Happy 300th WOYWW. I was absent last week - so great to go back and check your gardening last week. You fabric combinations always look super to me, great totes. Cheers RobynO#14

Diana Taylor said...

I LOVE the bag - and the fabrics are going to look great in one of your creations - the brown and pink colour combination has a real retro feel to me, as I used to wear a pink blouse with a brown pinafore dress in the 70's - oh yes I really was the bees knees!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana #40

Anne said...

The bag is gorgeous! Loving the brown and pink fabric as well. Happy 300 WOYWW. I'm glad you joined in- not least cos I'm a proud owner of two of your fab bags. Anne x #38

Anne said...

The bag is gorgeous! Loving the brown and pink fabric as well. Happy 300 WOYWW. I'm glad you joined in- not least cos I'm a proud owner of two of your fab bags. Anne x #38

Anonymous said...

I have always been a fan of brown and pink. The bag is mouthwatering. I go back and forth from loving the bold modern prints to the vintage and shabby chic ones, sometimes in the space between inhaling and exhaling! I think you WOULD make socks if you could sew them....they are surprisingly easy once you wrap your head around the turning of the heel and heel flap (something the Sweet Tomato Heel avoids) I've never tried to crochet one, only knitted them, so maybe not for you - you know you like I know ME. Some things I just won;t ever take on cause I know I may finish but I won't have enjoyed it LOL!

happy to be back.

Have a Happy WOYWW day!
Mary Anne (8)

Crafting Queen said...

Great bag and great work.

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, love the fabric as always. Spike squeaks Hello too! Your axe wielding maniac comment made me laugh, and reminded me of a similar incident. A work colleague asked me to make her a wedding card for a relative, and I did, and used pale pink ribbon on it. She looked at it, and said it was the colour of the bridesmaids dresses- thats amazing, she said, you must be psychotic! I was crying with laughter, she didn't understand what was so funny. Someone else said to her 'you mean psychic', and explained what psychotic meant. Poor woman was mortified, I was still howling at it! Love and Huge (and prickly) Hugs, Shaz xxx

Lucy said...

Happy 300th! The botanicals fabric is fabulous. I quite like brown and pink. Much better than green and pink, in my book! Lucy #6 x

Unknown said...

Have you got your new glasses yet? I just got new bifocals last month--I'm really happy with them! It is pouring ice and snow here, so I'm in the craft room, happy as a lark. I have this vision of myself in shortsleeves, short pants, flip flops, walking across campus with my gorgeous LLJ tote bag!! *sigh* There is hope though, this is supposed to be our last nasty winter day. I've got cross-stitching to do, earrings to make, an Etsy store to run, and some sewing. Ooh! I'm going to start some tomato seeds on the greenhouse today too. I think I'm sounding quite ambitious for 9 a.m. Thanks to Miss Julia, I found a soul-sister tribe-member right across the pond, and so glad I have you! Judy's bag is beautiful too, by the way. You rock, as usual. Hugs! Happy WOYWW #300! Sandy Leigh #58

Robyn said...

So grateful to be a WOYWW friend! Loving the bright, light colorful , creativity of your desk and here's to 300 more!
Robyn 18

J said...

I love the material you're using for the latest bag, Isn't it so satisfying when you get stuck into the garden jobs, hard work but you did a good job Jan
Jan S. No 49

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

That botanical fabric is gorgeous..so I wont call the sewing police to come arrest you! That cute stripey bag is coming to Tucson AZ? That is where I live...'thinks about hijacking the postman'. Happy 300th WOYW..I agree about the friends and fun! Shel - paperocotillostudio #25

Kim said...

You are so right about WOYWW enriching our lives!! And I so love that fabric! I don't get how the chocolate/pink combos work, but I have some ribbon with that..and it does...so have fun! And please send me a photo of Daffs when they bloom; I think ours will sit this year out!

Annie said...

I love your new fabrics :-) I'm sure we could treatment for fabricitis but I'm not wanting it :-)
Annie x #22

Artatag said...

I loved all your creations, but my fav is the botanical fabric - no matter with what you combine it, you know what to take to make it beautiful!!
Gabriele 26

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I love my tote already and I don't even have it yet. I just admire its photo. That botanical material is a winner no matter what you do with it. I feel better knowing you've purchased some more fabric--it looks quite yummy. I will stay tuned to see what you do with it.

brenda lee said...

The tote is stunning! and I think you can definitely get arrested for letting your botanicals out! Such fun fabric though.

brenda lee #80

Patrink said...

Chocolate brown and pink are a marvelous color combination. I went through a brown phase when we lived in California, as a reaction to the oceans of black everyone wore. The botanical is simply lovely.
Happy 300 WOYWW.
Pat #83

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I love your fabrics but especially the Botanicals, not surprised you use it so much.
Hope you have a great crafty week and happy woyww, Angela x 42

VonnyK said...

You have my favourite fabric out again, just love those botanicals. I had to get up off the floor when you said you didn't buy any fabric but then saw that Julia had twisted your arm later(he he). The picture of the hedge had me curious so I went back to your blog (I was MIA last week). Boy, you were a busy girl, what a huge job that was but what a difference. I hope hubby is fine now. Love all those pictures of the art deco building and especially love the one of the both of you and you with the cheeky sign. Have a great week,
Von #32

pearshapedcrafting said...

Sorry for arriving so late - been busy day!! Oh I do love that botanical fabric! The hedge really does look good, especially with the celandines - I do love the flowers, reminds of an orchard we used to play in! Hugs, Chrisx 44

505whimsygirl said...

Hello dear LLJ,

I'm very glad that Julia started WOYWW and that she invited you to join! I found out about it from Di (Pixie's Crafty Workshop). I'm still amazed at how well I've gotten to know some great people through blogging - some of which know me better than my friends who live nearby!

Princess Judy's tote is just beautiful. I love the butterfly fabric and the polka dots go perfect with it.

Thank you for visiting me already!

Happy 300 WOYWW

HeARTworks said...

The botanical is my type of fabric. SOOO pretty! But I also like the tote bag with it's polkadots and geometrics! Happy 300th WOYWW! So glad you joined in too! patsy

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Dropping by to say hi and thanks for visiting. I still remember when you first joined in WOYWW because Julia encouraged you to. Ha, ha, I doubt if your family will agree to your plan for your epitaph. The botanical fabric is lovely!
Happy WOYWW!
Hugs, peggy aplSEEDS@11

Judys Lace Creations said...

Impressive fencing there Jan.Love the bright fabric and Botanicals..made me laugh your joke.You have a dry wit.Happy 300th!
Judy # 9
Thanks for the visit.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I had to come back to thank you for recommending the Horrible Histories on YouTube. I just watched it, and noticed that several (many) of the images Kathy had printed off were the same as the guys used in the video. Several people have asked me how many kings and queens there were, and until I watched the video, I thought I was going to have to count them all. Well, I counted, but it was easier to do when they were in grid form. Now I know I have a total of 40, and with their Consorts, that means at least 80 pages, maybe more. Thanks again for pointing me to that video. And to think I'm not even out of the 12th century yet!

Julia Dunnit said...

A dry wit Judy says. yeh. On paper. IRL it's as muddy and fast as it is dry! The Princess will love her tote, no doubt of that. And I'm glad I MADE you buy the brown and pink for no good purpose. Especially as by that time I was sitting in the next door shop looking at patterns!!
Gotta stop admiring your botanicals, must go to work! xxx

Kelly said...

Did I hear the word 'spring'? I'm ready. The snow is lovely and I enjoy watching it fall. Just hate the cold part. We got about 5-6" yesterday and will probably have one more round before spring is official. Love the tote you did for Princess Judy. I love chocolate brown and pink together. As to that botanical fabric... I saw tags on cards LOL Creative Blessings on your week! Kelly #73

CraftygasheadZo said...

Beautiful fabrics and pictures as always. Yes indeed without this we would never have met & become friends. I'm so grateful for that. Take care Zo xx 55

Eliza said...

Ah we are into Autumn and you are into Spring, I so love the spring time of year with all the flowers. You did well and truly murder that hedge, is it going to grow again? maybe you should of cut it lower LOL. That bag for Princess Judy is perfect and that material on your table just stunning another bag in the making if I had to guess. Now Mrs D wouldn't force that fabric on you, she would of just slipped it into your basket when you weren't looking. LOL ah to have a wonderful friend like that to shop with, lucky you. Yoda sends his paw hugs.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda #89
Happy 300th WOYWW

Twiglet said...

Lovely fabric combos Jan. I chuckled at you getting your botanicals out reminded me of my hubby who has a private pilots licence. On fine days when there are little planes out and about he always says - "I see the privates are out!" I know what he means but it still makes me smirk and take a quick look just in case - lol. x

fairy thoughts said...

Hi LLJ I think the spotty contrast looks fab. There is something about spots that calls to me as a contrast.... Love the purple fabric with different sized spots.
Spring really is not far away ..... About time too. You really are an international sewer now aren't you ..... Patrick would be proud of you 😍

lisa said...

Hi Jan
Just popping by to catch up with you and say Hello. Had to go back to last week's post to catch up with your antics and goodness you have been busy, that hedge is a masterpiece, you could enter competitions with that!!!
Love your your fabric creations as always.
Hope life is good with you.
Hugs Lisaxx

CraftyHope said...

That botanical print is indeed lovely. What a shame you don't have the brown. It would have been perfect, though the black is still very nice. That completed bag is also so cute. Sewing skills always amaze me. One day I'll get it figured out. For now oooohhhing and awwwwing over your stuff will have to do! ;)


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...