(The Scorpions)

You find me, mid bag making (again!)  Princess Judy fancied one and specified 'greens, blues and browns....no pastels' so I think this fabric fits the bill perfectly!  I found this fresh, apple green spotty fabric in a shop when I was away two weekends ago...it's a gorgeous colour, really springlike - which is why I was attracted to it in the first place.  After this, there'll be another bag to make for a lady who emailed me, she reads my blog and some of the other WOYWW desks but doesn't join in herself. So hello Gail * waves madly*, hope you manage to take part in the general weekly mayhem at some point!!

Two more Hooters for Zoe's fundraising, one for a neighbour of mine, the purple one is for Lynda B. I'll be posting him soon, Lynda...hope you like the colour :-)

But I haven't actually been crafting indoors that much...outdoors is a whole different matter though! We have a long hazel hedge down the side of our property, which is on top of an ancient bank/hedgeline. It grows up to 7' every year which we cut down in the autumn with the help of our boys. But I decided it was time to really hack it back and re-lay it properly. My husband is poorly with the flu at the moment, so I went out armed with a bow saw, axe, long handled loppers and secateurs.......

You can see the difference in height between the uncut/laid parts of the hedge...

It's like knitting with twigs and boughs :-)  It's tough but very satisfying!

Rhys helped with the removal of the trimmings. I really enjoyed doing this and only have a couple more yards to finish. I'm proud of my handiwork!

Right, feel free to bail out at this point as I'm going to post a couple of pics from our weekend away  :-) We were invited to go to Eastbourne by our friends in the Accordion orchestra, as a thank you for helping them out last year...it was a whole weekend of all things accordion-y, so while workshops etc were taking place, Gordon and I went sightseeing!  First we went to Bexhill-on-Sea, because I wanted to visit the De La Warr Pavilion, a beautiful Art Deco exhibition centre on the seafront...

She was like an ocean liner in a 30's poster...good cafe too!

Gordon took this amazing shot looking up the beautiful sweeping staircase. I love spirals, so this is fantastic.....

I had fun being a human sundial on the promenade....

A photo of the two of us  - the self timer on the camera did a great job, I really love this pic!

The next day, we went to Brighton on the bus. And had a wonderful time mooching around the alleys and lanes, enjoying the very trendy right-on vibe of the place.

The Royal Pavilion is just bonkers! Fun though.....

What?? It's a fabric shop, isn't it? I had to go in, just for research purposes, you know...cough....

It was stacked high with piles of wonderful fabrics...I particularly liked this selection. 

But the shop was so crammed, it was difficult to move around, so consequently I didn't buy!

We passed an amazing cake shop (NOT Choccywoccydoodah, which was cheap and tacky in my opinion...can't understand why people make such a fuss about it!) where this Steampunk cake caught my attention. 

I took this pic for research purposes for my son and his fiance :-)

And finally....Gordon made me do this! He said it would be a good blog piccy...hmmmmm. Totty maybe, but Posh? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha........ I don't think so, lol.

We had such a great time away...pity that since then, poor G has been struck down hard by flu. He's been really, properly poorly...

If you've read all the down down to the bottom, then you must be mad! But thank you :-) 
Have a great week!


Helen said...

Well, I've read all the way to the end, so thanks for the diagnosis!! I always enjoy peoples photos of days out. I agree about Choccywoccyetc too! Love the steampunk cake though. See you soon, Posh Totty! Helen #5

Sharon Madson said...

Love the photos!!!! I thought the spiral photo was from the top looking down till I read what you said. Ok, I have photos on my Blog this week, but not as many! :) Thank you for sharing and happy WOYWW! # 28

Lynn Holland said...

Well I've read it Jan and it was a fine good start to the day. I think you are a Trojan cutting that hedge, well done. Now can you go back to that shop please and get me the yellow fabric with the kitchen stools and ladies on please.
Lynn 25

Chloe's Nan said...

Hi Jan, Gail here - *waving madly back* lol. Like Helen I too made it to the end of your post! Looks like you had some lovely blue skies while you were away, enough to break out the sunglasses anyway! Natural hedge fencing is so nice to look at and you've done a grand job, you should be well proud of yourself. I expect there will be plenty of little birds and other wildlife that will be very grateful for your efforts. Oh well, off to work, have a great day x (looking forward to getting my bag :-) )

Neet said...

Long maybe, but certainly well worth reading. Love that spiral staircase - what a fab photo - I had no idea what it was until I read about it.
That cake - what a work of art - how cake icing has changed since my days - would love to make something like that now but afraid I have not the time plus I would have to eat it!!!
As for your natural edge, looks fabulous but I think I will rest my laurels (get it? Laurel hedge) as it is less labour intensive. Too old now to be doing things like you do plus I would not know where to start.
Fab pictures of Brighton, love the art deco ones, great fabric shop, lovely bag for PJ - enjoyed everything and loved seeing the Posh Totty!
Hugs, Neet 24 xx

Debbie Rock said...

What a fabulous blog post LLJ! LOVE each and every word and each and every photo! Your hedge (pardon the expression!) looks amazing ... I love hedges like that. Love hedges full stop really. The Art Deco building is equally amazing and well done to Mr. LLJ for that stunning spiral staircase shot. SOOoo agree about that fabric shop ... can't believe you didn't add to your stash but totally get how they lost a sale due to the amount of stock they carry ... almost too overwhelming to look, isn't it? Hope Mr. LLJ is soon better ... from what I hear this the 'flu bug this year has been a stinker. Happy WOYWW'ing to you dear Jan! xXx

glitterandglue said...

Ok Jan. So I qualify as mad. Lovely read - all the way to the bottom. Enjoy making the bags - great hedgehoggy thingys! - and what a lovely treat. The Royal Pavilion certainly does look wacky - never seen it, but may manage it one of these days... We have a fabric shop in Llandudno - full to the brim - and what is more - the lady knows where to lay her hands on anything you ask about. Amazing! Pity she isn't open all the time...
It's a great photo of you and hubby!
Take care/ God bless.
Margaret #11

Diana Taylor said...

Love the blog post - it's brightened my morning. I'm amazed what you did to the hedge - I can just about trim my topiary ball with secateurs, before needing a sit down! I love the cake - although you'd never want to cut into it would you! It looks like you had a fab time down in Eastbourne - I have never seen the De La Warr pavilion, so it's on the list of places to go when we are down that way - I love the Art Deco style, and well done to your hubby for such a fabulous photo of the stairwell. Hope you have a great week and hubby gets better soon - mine has had flu all weekend - there's plenty of it about.

Julia Dunnit said...

I read to the bottom and I'm quite sane. I love all the photos..the one of you and Gordon is fab. I would like to pinch the one of the stairwell and put it on our website and suggest that Bart made the handrail!!!! Such a shame that Gordon has been so poorly since Eastbourne, he prolly got the vapours at the thought of his posh totty..

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I read to the end. Clearly I am quite mad, but in fine company. I'm impressed that you left the fabric shop sans fabric, but even more so with your hedge laying skills. That's amazing.

Fiona #35

Neet said...

I am crying with laughter at your comment on my blog - clever girl! Cannot compete with that!
Hugs and Smiles - Neet xx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Am with Julia read to bottom and think am quite sane... lovely time indeed... can see why you love the hubby pic.. great skyscape and general balance, background.. oh! and nice of the two people too :D
Love the hedge knitting totally impressive!
happy WOYWW
Shaz in Oz.x #34
{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

sandra de said...

Great pics of your weekend away and great photo of you and DH. But I am amazed at your hedge have never seen anything like it and well done for cutting all those branches. I am sure your hands were a tad sore by the end of your hedge.
sandra de @37

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks for posting all the fun photos. Glad you were able to get away, have good weather and some fun enjoyment with each other. Your hedge achievement reminds me of me ! It always ends up to be a bigger mess than originally thought. But feels sooooooooo good to accomplish something.

Christine said...

Well, I must be mad! What a brill post.... right to the end.
I went to Eastbourne some years ago when we were trying to find out about PJ's biological mother but I never saw that building ...ab fab it is!
Have a good week
Bishopsmate #43

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, glad to see you back. Brighton Pavilion is amazing, isn't it? Crazy, but amazing. Love that spiral shot, and the cake is fantastic. Hope Gordon is starting to feel better now, how rotten for him. What a job you've done on that hedge! Way to go Jan! And you are not alone, I went a bit mad with the photos this week too, lol. And we must be slowing up, we both resited temptation while shopping- bet that's scared the menfolk! Have a great week,Love & huge hugs, Shaz #18 xx

jodpea said...

At least he didn't make u stand next to the other one that says "pretty eccentric"...that would've been a back handed compliment!

Lisca said...

Thank you for posting those great photos. I feel I have been on a trip too. I have never seen the Crystal Palace although I have lived in the UK for 20 years. We just never went in that direction. The DeLa War Pavillion I had never seen either (except in some Poirot episodes). It's beautiful. I love Art Nouveau.
I was going to comment the same as Jodpea above about the 'pretty eccentric'!
That apple green material is lovely and will make a lovely bag. I have found a shop in our nearest town that sells nice material to do patchwork. But it's all 'cutesy' stuff.
Have a great week,

Eliza said...

Gosh I love that English saying 'Bonkers' it really gives me the giggles. What a lovely trip away you have had and you managed to get some research done too, brilliant work. Love the steampunk hat, your post today was so filled with everything and yes I did read it all. Have a wonderful crafty week

Hugs Eliza & Yoda #52

Annie Claxton said...

hehe really enjoyed your photos, looks like you had a great time, can't believe you managed not to buy fabric though! THanks again for my beautiful bag Jan, it's the star of my post today, now I finally have the internet back! Happy WOYWW :o) Annie C

MrsC.x said...

hoping that your hubby feels better soon. loving the hoots and bag love the green. i hate over stuffed shops where you feel like you can breathe. catch you next week posh totty ;)
love Mrs C.x #30

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

WOW...love that steampunk cake. Looks like you had an awesome time away...so many interesting places. Thanks for the photos! LOVE the hooters of course...the purple one is the best. Have a creative week:) Shel-PaperOcotilloStudio #51

Carol Rigby said...

It's a pity you didn't buy some fabrics. They looked great. Happy WOYWW!

Unknown said...

Just when I am wowed by the expo center by the ocean, and your beyond beautiful photo with hubby by the sea...there's the cutest little fabric shop I've ever ever seen!!! It looked like they had some really fun, quirky fabrics too. The other day I saw on one of my PBS shows called "Quilting Arts" a lady stitching with some fabric that had big colorful typewriters on it. The typewriters were all different, bright colors on a neutral background. Have you seen that fabric anywhere? I am still looking in shops here...I haven't found it online...I must have it! I'm sure you've felt like that about fabric before too. So now I'm off to figure out how I can be more posh totty!! Hugs dearest! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #48

Twiglet said...

Fab post Posh totty! Next time you are doing fabric research I will need to accompany you - you obviously needed help to lift those rolls of fabric down!!! x Jo

Anne said...

Hi Lovely to see you back. Sorry DH has been struck down. Amazing job with the hedge!! I just know the bag will be fab - love the fabric. I did read all the way down. very entertaining and had me chuckling - very good for the soul. I 've never been to Brighton - enjoyed the photos and especially of you and DH. YOU DIDN'T BUY FABRIC ??? !!!! Anne x #28

Anne said...

Hi Lovely to see you back. Sorry DH has been struck down. Amazing job with the hedge!! I just know the bag will be fab - love the fabric. I did read all the way down. very entertaining and had me chuckling - very good for the soul. I 've never been to Brighton - enjoyed the photos and especially of you and DH. YOU DIDN'T BUY FABRIC ??? !!!! Anne x #28

Shoshi said...

What an interesting post, Jan! So much variety. All that gorgeous fabric and the cutest little owls... You clearly share my love of art deco, and I think I'd have been drawn to take that photo of the spiral staircase too! As for the cake, what a magnificent specimen of steampunk art. I have to say I've never seen a steampunk cake before! Great stuff.

Thank you so much for your good wishes for my upcoming surgery - it's really lovely to know how many kind people are thinking of me as I embark on my ordeal.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #42

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Ooh! Perfect colors! Who hoo! Gardening is a lot of work but always makes you feel like you've accomplished something wonderful. The hedgerow is definitely looking much better after your ministrations. Thanks for sharing all those wonderful photos. The fabric fair was too overwhelming for you then? I guess that is one way to keep from buying too much. Happy playing! Judy #67

Kim said...

i actually envy your gardening! We're still under 4 foot snows...I wont' see our fields till May!!!I do love that spiral shot, and enjoyed your pics of your trip!

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Good job with the hedge! To be honest, I would have waited for my husband to get better instead of doing it myself, LOL! Lovely photos from your travels - it's nice to see you in some one of them finally. The one with the self-timer is awesome. Cute fuzzies as well. Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #15

fairy thoughts said...

ha ha fab post as usual...... too much to comment on .... looks like you had a fab time away..... I love Brighton, the lanes are great .... I don't think I saw that fabric shop ...... how could you not buy anything? were you saving yourself for Posh Totty designs.
The weather looked great and the selfie could have been taken on an exotic island somewhere ( If only..... in my case), except for the heavy coats that is.
janet #2

Sue said...

Hope your hubby is much better soon.

Glad you enjoyed Eastbourne:)

Shame about the fabric shop. So many shops do that and I'm sure they lose trade over it.

Did you into Posh Totty? With that name I should think their prices are high.

Sue #30

Unknown said...

Hi Jan
What a wonderful post this week with lots going on! Great photos and the Pavilion looks like you might have gone to Moscow! My owl is fab, fab, fab thank you sooo much. I will get the monies off to you post haste. The estuary in my photos is Loughor. There is a park on the right by the boat yard, a stones throw from the bridge on the coastal road from Llanelli to Forestfach. Hope to see you all in May.
Lynda B

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. So much wonderful goodness to see on your post. Loving the fabric pile you saw in the shop in Brighton (always wanted to go there). I hope that one day I can make bags as well as you - have got 5 to make before Xmas, so better get going soon! Ali x #73

Annie said...

Yep I made it to the bottom you posh totty :-) I have no idea at all how I missed you earlier but I did. Thanks for dropping by at mine earlier to give me a nudge in your direction. I have just one question for you....How did you manage to go in that fabric shop and buy nothing?
Have a great week my friend.
Annie x

Chrysalis said...

Wonderful combo of beautiful bag fabrics, Jan (why does that comment sound like a newspaper headline to me, I wonder?!) Anyway, I digress - the owls are fab and your weekend away looks fab. I've never been to Brighton, but it looks a great place for a getaway. Have a good week, Chris # 21

pearshapedcrafting said...

Errr! You went into a fabric shopping didn't buy anything? You went back to lay in a darkened room then…yes??!! I do know what you mean about being overwhelmed with too much though!! Love your hedge laying - looks as good as any I've seen…oh and the pics of the Hooters and Brighton - brilliant! Chrisx 53

Kristiina said...

I read through the whole post, and I'm not counting myself mad... If you withstood those fabrics, it gives you an excuse to buy stuff from the next fabric store you find: after all you didn't buy anything last time, so you can buy this time! Thanks for popping by, happy WOYWW!
Kristiina #17

Annie said...

I've popped back to say...How the heck did you learn to lay a hedge like that?....It's amazing. I'm sooooo impressed.
Annie x

Judys Lace Creations said...

Oh my goodness..that hedge. Well done!!
Love thge look of that fabric shop.Now jan..fess up,,how many yards did you buy? Love Brighton.Have seen lots of tv prog's on the gorgeous buildings and interiors!
Great post
Judy #12.
Thanks for visit.

Glenda said...

I love that you jumped in with both feet and tackled the hedge! Well done girl. Thanks for sharing all the photos of your travels and I'm so sorry your husband has had the flue. There is a lot of stuff going around this winter. Try and stay healthy!
Glenda #45

Nannie4 said...

Thanks for your visit, Jan. I have really enjoyed the visit to your blog -- what fun! We seem to be losing many of our fabric stores here, so I was very interested to see the fabulous one that you visited. Looks like you had a great trip. Wonderful photo memories of it. When I looked at the fabric that you chose for the bag, it occurred to me that choosing fabric is the same as choosing papers for my projects --- I can become totally immersed in it. But then it's diffficult to actually use it.....Hope your hubby feels better FAST. Hugs from Canada.

Elizabeth said...

Well, I must be mad then because I did read all the way down to the end and thoroughly enjoyed it too :) The green fabric is lovely - like you say, springlike - Princess Judy is going to love that bag! Is there no end to your talents - hedge laying too! It's looking great. Sorry to hear that Gordon has the flu ... wish him a speedy recovery from us. Love all the photos from your weekend away, especially the Art Deco stairwell and the Brighton Pavilion - bonkers indeed :) Hope you both have a great weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth xx #76

Unknown said...

Here's another "mad" gal! I loved reading about your trip and the great photos!! Visiting blogs is a great way to visit the world! Hope your hubby gets to feeling 100% soon! Thanks for stopping by! Sorry I'm a day late but I was working on tax stuff yesterday and had 2 guys in doing some house repairs.
Carol N #50

Kelly said...

What fun, Jan! I LOVE that fabric shop. I'd have had to follow you right in... probably spent the whole day LOL. Cool Cake. I'm attending a book conference in May where we have a theme night. Steampunk Cowboy. I'm going as a Steampunk barmaid. hehe Creative Blessings! Kelly #66

Artatag said...

What a fun trip! Thank you for sharing all the photos. I would not have been a brave in the fabric shop. Cool stuff! And your hedge looks very good, interesting system.
Gabriele 3

Hettie said...

Gosh it is years since I went to Brighton...around 1976 I think.
Not sure why you cant be Posh Totty? But I cannot believe you didn't buy any fabric! You given it up for Lent or something?

Krisha said...

What great pics of the trip! I really fell for the spiral stair case pic. FANTASTIC.
I am so ready to get outside and get some desperately needed work done, but it has been one thing or an other, tree had to be pruned, one had to be taken out and now it is supposed to rain tomorrow. OH how we need the rain, but I also need to get some veggies planted.

Sorry about the late return visit, internet problems this week, glad they finally got them fixed.
I know PJ is going to love the colors of her tote.

Krisha #1

Carmen said...

I really enjoyed that! :D In all my visitations with Craig's Mum in Hastings we are YET to get to Bexhill on Sea! Craig's obviously been there loads - I've been and parked and sat in the car while he's ran deliveries but haven't actually properly visited yet! Must do one day.

That pavilion in Brighton looks like it should be in India! Loved your piccies.

MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS on the 12lbs! You look amazing! I hope poor G feels better soon - I know how he feels - I was laid up last week, was rotten!

Carmen x x x

Carmen said...

p.s the hedge plaiting was so interesting. Like a gigantic woven basket - I never even knew you have to do that with hedges like that! Think of the Body Magic! ;) :D

x x x


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...