I DID IT MY WAY.........

Well, let's have a little peek at the results of last week's tidying up!! I managed to get it down to four well packed boxes....plus a cardboard one full of fat quarters and another full of ribbons/ricrac etc. not bad huh!

After I showed Julia's tote last week, I ended up making another couple for friends of her sister! It's tricky when you don't know someone's personal taste, having never met them. So I opted for the Scottie and Botanicals fabric, both of which have done really well in the past.

A hand selfie! Just placing a button before sewing on...

Et voila. Hope they've arrived by now (and the ladies like them!). 

And as much as I'm trying to have a fabric buying embargo, I saw this pretty floral fabric in the sale at my favourite local shop in Marlborough. I had to have some, it's so pretty and Springlike :-). I'm not usually a floral/pastel lover, but this just spoke to me, so a metre found its way into my bag.......Dunno what I'm going to make with it yet!

And here are the latest Hooters and Hedgies, all with good homes to go to! Another £25 for Zoe's fundraising, yay :-)  I've got one more to make and then I think I'll do some crochet for a change.......

Have a great crafting week everyone!


Unknown said...

Hi Julia
Your bags are gorgeous as usual. I particularly like the botanicals design. Right up my street! The Hooters and Hedgies are so cute too. I'll buy a Hooter if you have any left.
Have a happy week
Lynda B 9

Annie said...

I love the new fabric Jan...isn'y it funny how it calls to us? "buy me buy me buy me" :-)
You must be knitting round the clock at the mo. They are sooooo cute. Well done you with the money raising.
Annie x

Helen said...

The botanicals is my favourite too! Your latest critters are great too, you are so kind to do them. Have a great week Helen #1

Sue said...

Love the tote bags. Looks like you have enough fabric to make many more:) Don't blame you buying that floral fabric, it is beautiful.

Owls and Hedgehogs are so cute.

Sue #29

Anne said...

Love the botanicals :-) but that floral one is soooooooo pretty. Looking forward to seeing what you make. Anne x #30

Anne said...

Love the botanicals :-) but that floral one is soooooooo pretty. Looking forward to seeing what you make. Anne x #30

Diana Taylor said...

Well done you, sorting your stash into 4 neat boxes - much easier to see what you've got. I've got my fabrics in a large tin trunk and anything lower than a quarter of the way down the trunk hasn't been seen for years as I hate getting it all out and then trying to re-pack it so it fits back in! I love your bags and the new fabric is gorgeous - I hope you're going to make something for yourself with it as it is so lovely! Have a great week,
Diana xx

glitterandglue said...

Lovely bags, Jan. GREAT hooters and hedgies!! They really are fun, aren't they? It is such glorious yarn.
Enjoy the crochet. Isn't it a blessing to have varied skills? We can just swap and change around - never get bored - and, just like Schubert, have lots of UFOs!!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #6

Twiglet said...

You have such a knack with all your crafty items Jan. I really love your fabric combos for the bags. I think I need to clear out all my old rubbishy fabric and start afresh when I move! There are so many gorgeous patterns out there these days. x Jo

Belinda Basson said...

I love all the different expressions on the characters faces. Wow, you really did get organised. So inspirational. I can't promise to reduce my stash to 4 boxes and a bit! #11

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, the botanical fabric is always going to go down well, its gorgeous. Those hedgies and hooters are so much fun,no wonder the fund raising is going so well. Love and huge hugs, Shaz xxxx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Lovely totes, as always. That floral fabric is gorgeous and I look forward to seeing what you do with it.

Fiona #61

Eliza said...

Happy WOYWW Jan, as usual you have been a power machine getting all those crafty things created, gosh I wish I had your talents, I so love those totes.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda

Unknown said...

You are not only good at choosing fabric for people, you always know just the right button to take the whole thing into a stratosphere of ultimate cuteness!! (case in point--my tote) I love the hand selfie too. Now I want to take a hand selfie! And today I have on some dark purple nail polish (the Sally Hansen brand gel polish that does not require the special light) and I never would have chosen nail polish this dark...never...but I got it in my Christmas stocking, and so I gave it a whirl, and in a weird way, I like it. Daughter said it seemed a little strange on me at first. But now it's in my nail polish rotation--that is, when I'm in the mood to wear polish! Hugs to you dearest! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #48

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Wow! I love how tidy you got everything. It is very organized and gives the rest of hope that some day we can whip that out too. Love the hooters and hedgies and the totes. You put colors and patterns together well and that is half the battle. Judy #69

Kim said...

Holy Crap, those Hooties and Hedgies are Cute!! And super gratz on the tiding up...I need to really have a big sort-out of my room. And I truly find that botanical print wonderful..I'm sure they'll love those totes. Have a great week.

Lisca said...

What a difference from last week. Isn't it good to have a good sort out! You now also know what you have and haven't got.
Those tote bags are gorgeous as are the Hooties and Hedgies. They are so cute and beautifully made. I love the botanical print. It goes so well with the brown polka dot. Very classy indeed.
Have a good week,

Nannie4 said...

Can't say I blame you at all for snagging that beautiful floral fabric. ;<) I'm sure those totes will be loved. The Hooties and Hedgies sure do bring on the smiles. Love them.
Happy WOYWW Jan. #45 (or maybe 49 --- those numbers are scampering around again!)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

If you see a gorgeous fabric you have to get it as it may not be there when you look again and then you would be terribly disappointed and have to go all over to find it and that would be a bad use of time. Need any more excuses just ask Lol! Hope you have a great crafty week, Angela x 37

VonnyK said...

I give it a week and those neat boxes will be history (he he). Love, love, love those bags and the hand selfie just sets off the ensemble :) The Hooties and Hedgies have stolen my heart and that fabric is really gorgeous. I can see why you had to have it (cough, cough).
Have a great week.
Von #26

Kristiina said...

I wouldn't go for florals or pastels either, but that flower fabric has the "something" ... Probably the grungy painted look. Bet it will end up in lovely totes too!

J said...

Jan I'm very impressed with all that tidying, the boxes look so colourful and the two bags are beautiful, what gorgeous fabrics you manage to find.
Jan S. No 54

Patrink said...

Jan, love the hooters and hedgies. We have lizards and quails in our backyard. Thx for sharing and Happy Valentines

Pat #71

Julia Dunnit said...

The fund for Zoe is wonderful...typical you. Am loving the floral..I suspect I wont be alone..can see this making a lovely tote...for many people!!

fairy thoughts said...

loving the hooters and hedges ...... And the floral.... I'm not keen on pretty pretty flowers but love the stylised ones like this .... It has the makings of a fab tote bag to me.
Late getting around this week .... Not well. but if you get the chance please pop over to DD Emma's sew happy blog for details of the by hand London competition she is a finalist for ...... She needs every vote she can get..... Ta
Janet @34

Crafting Queen said...

Not sure why my last comment did not show up, that's blogger for you. Anyway I love your bags, they are wonderful. Have a great week.

Carmen said...

Loving the hooters and hedgehogs. And if a piece of fabric starts speaking to you, well, what better reason than to buy it eh? :P I get that with paint - if you don't buy it and shut it up it could start spouting all sorts ;)

I bet the bags were loved by the recipients.

Sorry I'm late - internet is being a pig!

Carmen x #46


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...