Well, maybe not me but my menfolk.....you'll see why later!

The desk is back in full swing....

I wasn't fishing for compliments last week when I mentioned my inability to marry scraps of fabric together, honestly.  I can do it but the imprecise-osity irritates my inner OCD!!   

But, as someone said, the only way to improve is to practise, so here I am, attempting to further bust my stash with a vintage selection.

The soft tones work well together, I think and look, Janet Fairythoughts, I'm using those buttons you made me!  The script on them matches that on the fabric - me likee!!

And here's the finished tote bag together with the doggy one from last week!  I'm selling these to help our lovely WOYWWer Crafty Gashead Zo raise funds for her charity. She suffers from Hypermobility EDS/BJHMS and never complains, even though she is in pain. Her fundraising page is here if you are interested. The totes are slightly smaller than my usual size (44 cms wide, 30cms tall) so I'm asking £15 (plus P+P)  I asked Julia if I could do this and she was happy as it's for charity. Email me if you're interested...all proceeds will go to Zoe's fundraising.

And how do you like my lovely hooters?!
These are what all those owly constituent parts turned into! Aren't they fun?  I'm selling these for the charity too....Mummy Hooter (8") is £7 and Baby (6") is £5. You know you want a cheeky Hooter to be your crafting companion, lol!  Right, that's it, advertising stops now, Thank you for your patience :-)

I had a commission from a mate to make one as a prezzy...so off I toddled to get some more tinsel yarn and I made the bodies. Fine, all well and dandy. Then my menfolk decided that they could be multi tasked......

Honestly, it's like living in The Goon Show in our house sometimes....sigh.....   ;-) 

I think I need to run a caption competition here. My favourite one will win a sewn prize of some description (yet to be made!)     Have a great week!


Helen said...

Oh my word, they're both nuts!! I think it's definitely a case of "hear no evil, see no evil"!
I adore the new tote (not that the doggy one isn't gorgeous too)- those vintage fabrics are wonderful!

CraftygasheadZo said...

Your menfolk have made me giggle, what a hoot! Lol (pun there see!) Thank you so much again for supporting me, your makes are fabulous and I adore them all. You are one clever lady you know. Big hugs coming your way lovely. Take care Zo xx 32

MrsC.x said...

gorgeous makes Jan. gloriously nutty men folk in your house as well as mine. nice to know im not alone in living with mad ones

love Mrs C.xx #29


Anne said...

Hi Jan both bags are gorgeous but my favourite is the vintage one! Bet you've already sold it? Owls are fab as well ! Your menfolk have madee giggle. Anne x #37

Diana Taylor said...

Those bags are gorgeous - I love the new vintage one - the fabrics and colours work so beautifully together. Love the pics of your menfolk - they gave me a giggle this morning - and it's nice to see how the owls turned out - all those little bits from last week make sense now!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx

Eliza said...

I am so happy you showed us the picture of your dearly beloved in character form. Myrene nearly fell off her chair in amazement of what the hell was happening. LOL I love the bags you are creating and the hooters too. What a lovely person you are for creating these and funding Zo's charity, pain is not a nice thing to live with.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 35

Sue said...

Loving both bags and the owls.

Sue #40

Queenie Jeannie said...

LOL!!! Such cute pics - but I'm awful with captioning. Men - just gotta love 'em, right? Gorgeous bags! I really love the vintage one. Owls are even more adorable than I thought they would be - bravo!!!

Happy Crafting!
Jeannie #14

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah wonderful post there Lunch Lady Jan.. love it all... the bag made today is my fav. as much as I love the doggie one :D so kind to sell them for Zo ... love the wee owls too now caption for men... mm no ideas :D
happy WOYWW!
Shaz in Oz.x #38

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards blog}

Debbie Rock said...

Well I have total tote bag envy there Jan ... er, something like totz tote envy babz (ok maybe not!) Happy WOYWW'ing to you dear lady. Love Debbie no idea what number though! xXx

Annie said...

I'm just doing my blog dash round all my favourites while the twinnies are doing some cutting and sticking 😃
Really love your makes and hope you sell them all. Your menfolk really made me chuckle....I guess that's what happens to them when you get your hooters out 😃😃😃
Annie x #23

Anonymous said...

OMG! Tow marriages and equally stunning. The bag of married fabrics is a triumph and your Goon of a hubby? Must make days at yours a laugh a minute. Sure made me smile :)
Have a Happy WOYWW day!
Mary Anne (6)

sandra de said...

Love the vintage bag ... that combo really works. Hooters are gorgeous (I think hooters in American speak means something else:) I could be wrong!! I didn't realise both your men were redheads... nice.
Sandra de @43

My name is Cindy said...

Laughing so much I really can't think of a caption. I would think it would be great to live in the goon house - trust meliving with two males who hardly say a word is sometimes not much fun, I could do with a bit of frivolity! I'm loving the hooters - wondering of there might be a hedgehog in there too........ Happy WOYWW Cindy x (May be back with an order - having a thunk)

Twiglet said...

OMG Dad - she's got her hooters on display again!
Don't worry, it's cold son - when they are blue like that she will soon pop them away!
Brilliant Jan - hope you sell them all. x Jo

Christine said...

Sure you're not living with my lot!!! Love those hooters!

BTW just for info ..... I am having that song at the end of my funeral .... you know .... when everyone leaves me behind the curtain!!! ho! ho! ha! ha! he! he!

Bishopsmate #55

Nannie4 said...

What a fun post! It must be a laugh riot at your house! That vintage fabric is yummy --- and those buttons-- how perfect! I wish that I could sew even a little. The best I can do is sew on a button. The poor HH goes around with pants that have one leg hemmed shorter than the other! You would think he would learn and only buy pants of the correct length! Oh well, I guess I must accept my shortcomings. (no pun intended ---well, maybe just a little) Thanks for sharing your wonderful talents.

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

LOL, your men folk is so funny! I'll try to think of some cations. Love the new totes - those vintage look fabrics are fantastic and you did a brilliant job putting them together! I can't even see the stitches! The owls look so cute! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #52

Hettie said...

Bwahahahahaaa! Your boys are hilarious AND letting you take photos knowing darn well that you are going to put them on your blog!!
I think Rhys should be "I am thinking of auditioning for Santa next year....do you think I will get the job?" G's is "is that what they mean about pulling wool over your eyes?"!
Twiglet's comments are hilarious!
Lovely totes there and of course I love your owls - they are a hoot!

Brenda B said...

Snort, laughter is a wonderful thing, tell them to never stop making you, and us, laugh. Love the bags they're fantastic. What a hoot!

Brenda 57

Marit said...

Ohmy.. you're right with the hoho hehe haha... your men would do great in the muppet show! I love the vintage pieces of fabric together, great work! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #51

lisa said...

Love your hooters, Jan, they make a fine pair!!! and the owls are cute too!!!!!!! What a brilliant post, Jan as always. Love your mad house, nothing better in life.
The bags are fantastic, you'll have no trouble shifting those. Love that vintage one.
Have a good week
Hugs Lisax #31

voodoo vixen said...

Love the bags, the script buttons are perfect and the hooters...what can I say, they are fabulous!! Great photos of son and hubby, what a laugh... Happy WOYWW from Annette #13

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, typical of your Mad Men, lol! Gorgeous bags, the vintage one especially.And who doesn't need a pair of Hooters, eh? Loving the big squishies, rofl. Love and huge hugs, Shaz xxx

J said...

Jan I know what's it's like to have mad men in the family, makes for a fun life though. I love the bags and the Owls they are great.
Jan S. No 62

Whimcees said...


Love the bags and the hooters are great! I have to wipe the dust off of my sewing machine and get to work! Wishing you a happy day today with your fun family!


Barbara DIane

fairy thoughts said...

Yes I love your hooters Mrs handyman went to a hooters restaurant in the US .... For the burgers you understand ... Although the waitresses had to 'measure up ' too
Anyway great bags I've just found some script fabric in our ten table I will get you some for May.
Love your hairy men...... Dies my head look big in this could be a line for the second pic
Janet @19

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

I love the photo of your man on the left. It reminds me so much of those funny traveling gnome commercials for travelocity. Did you know your live with a gnome?? very magical. The owls are adorable and I also really love the new bag! Shel#71

Unknown said...

I think my hubby could play a part on your goon show for sure! They would get along just dandy. In fact, John (my hubby) is thinking about auditioning for Wizard of Oz. He was in it about 20 years ago and played the Scarecrow. I think that would be a bit dangerous for him now, and he needs to stick to being the Wizard or Uncle Henry! *sigh* Your fabrics are fab this week. I just don't think anyone makes tote bags like you! I love how they are the perfect size for throwing in some crafts, snacks, and my Samsung tablet when I go visiting. Love it! And your vintage look fabrics are gorgeous. Hugs and love! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #59

Princess Judy Palmer said...

LOL! I love the photos of your menfolk. It is so nice they enjoy your crafting even if they are just being silly. As for your hooters.... too cute. But cuter yet is how those piecemeal totes came out. They are both fabulous. Love 'em! Keep on keeping on! Judy #76

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I think they really should be coming to take YOU away, ho, ho. Maybe to a nice relaxing weekend, where the Fuzzy Twins are nowhere in sight. I'm not sure which of them need a shave more.

One of the trends this year seems to be that vintage is going out of style. I don't care! That vintage fabric had my heart going pitter patter. I loved the way you incorporated it in the purse. Simply lovely. Thanks for dropping by while I slept and happy WOYWW from #1.

Krisha said...

LOVE that vintage tote to pieces Jan!

Photo # 1 Santa sees spring coming!!

Krisha #11

pearshapedcrafting said...

What a cheery post! Your fabulous bags, your two hooters and the two escapees from Robin's Nest!! All that and a reminder of a song that used to drive my dad crazy when i used to sing it!!! Hugs, Chrisx 54

Artatag said...

Hehe that really made me laugh! Thank you, I needed that today - tomorrow is my cancer checkup.
Gabriele 36

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, love your patchwork totes - a great way of using up those leftover scraps. And the owls are gorgeous too. Good luck to you, and Zoe, with your fundraising ... I'd be joining in if I was fully up to par! Not even joining in with WOYWW this week but could not resist popping in to see what you are up to :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

Elizabeth said...

PS: meant to say, your menfolk are just a hoot too :)

Glenda said...

All I can think of to say.....is how cute! You seem to be living with a nut! He must be loads of fun!
Glenda #49

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Loving all of your creations - and given me inspiration as always to actually make something with my sewing machine. Wonderful that you are raising funds for the charity. I have HMS too, but nowhere near as severe as Zoe. Will be emailing you, but I expect the bags are sold by now. Ali x #64

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Mmmm..... not surprised they are to be taken away Lol! love your gorgeous bags though. Angela x 28

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan....well I sigh when I visit your blog - I just love all your totes, you're colour combos are fabulous, they all just click and these two are way nice!!! buttons, pockets, straps on inside, straps on outside, mixed patterns, it all works. Your little owls are so cute too and the gnomes as well - cute?? well maybe a little crazy...really you just must have a ball at your place, never a dull moment - they look welll.....just so funny....I read all your comments today, with a great smile on my face and joy and laughter shaking my head - Thanks for making our day a happy one. Cheers and give the blokes a hug too RobynO#42

Mrs.D said...

So where did my comment go? I hate technology!!!
I think the caption for those pics of your man should be 'Old man forgets where his red nose should be displayed'
Whoever told you that you have 'an inability to marry fabrics' should be sent to the naughty step for telling fibs, the bag with the buttons is beautiful, I'm sure you will sell it ten times.
Thanks for sharing

Annie Claxton said...

heheheh don't you just love it when the menfolk join in?! Beautiful bags Jan, I have my eye on one in particular if I'm not too late, will email in a bit with my fingers crossed!

PHOTO #1 Santa goes Hipster
PHOTO #2 Santa should have gone to Specsavers

Happy late WOYWW Annie C #61

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I think the hotch potch totes look great and the hooters are so cute. Having a dash round after my mad afternoon and late entry yesterday!

Fiona #80 something, I think!

Artatag said...

Just came back from my checkup. No new cancer! Still have to wait for the blood test, but that makes me happy. Thank you for your concern.

okienurse said...

I like the look of the desk this week with all the fun projects in the works. Those bags are awesome. I keep saying that I am going to buy one some day. I think if I were to caption them I would say "apples never fall far from the tree" Have a great week Vickie #33

Julia Dunnit said...

Ha ha hee hee! don't they make amazing face furniture! your men are just nutters, love 'em.

Kyla said...

Brilliant bags and fabric and a great cause too.
Gordon (if I remember?) has rose tinted glasses!! Your son appears to have turned into a hipster with that beard!!

Great makes


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...