(Ralph McTell)

There has been a great response to the fundraising items I showed last week, so I'm in the process of cutting out another vintage bag with another one to follow!
I ran out of the spotted fabric so am having to make do and mend!  The spotty is a linen finish and came from Fabricland in Salisbury - brilliant value at £3.99 a metre. I bought it last year though so it's probably all gone now. Wish I'd bought double......
I'm just lining up the completed zip section with the top of the lining. It always looks wrong at this point but you just have to trust yourself, lol!

This one is slightly shorter, height wise - it's going to be a knitting bag for my brother's partner, Ros. I'm making a bigger one for Annie C as we speak. And thank you to Anne for buying the original from last week. All profits are going to Crafty Gashead Zoe's fundraiser. 

The doggy bag (!!) is still free if anyone would like it :-)

I have been a good girl and busting my stash but my lovely hubby had given me a Christmas voucher for an online company, Fabric Rehab, and this is what I got with it. So, it's not like spending proper money, is it? You know what I mean!  All the fabric was from the sale section, so I really got my money's worth. The ricrac will come in handy for all sorts of projects......

All the Hooters I made went off to Zoe's this week. this was how I found them one morning (Rhys had been creative!)
I made one more, for a birthday prezzy but can't show you it for a while.  But I decided to have a change and make the other pattern I got......
Meet Herbie the Hedgehog! Isn't he sweet?  He needs a home too, so if you're interested, drop me an email (again, for Zoe)  I really enjoyed making him, the pattern runs up really easily and there were less bits to sew on than for the Hooters!  I think this gold colour tinsel yarn is really effective for his Hedgie Spikes :-)

And lastly, you know how it is. Something arrives out of the blue and just makes you happy...
A gorgeous little handmade notebook and a pretty, sparkly card from WOYWWer Lisa M (Lisa's Craft Garden). I love them, they just cheered me up on a down day. Thank you Lisa, it was a really lovely surprise!!

If only we could bottle the sharing and caring that runs through Julia's blog...we'd make a fortune!  Have a great week :-)


Unknown said...

Your work is beautiful. I love that bag, and that fabric. Those owls and that hedgehog are just too cute. #10

jill said...

Your new fabric is great & just screams summer to me. I could do with some summer sun right my for a week or two . Happy woyww jill '15

Helen said...

More beautiful makes, Herbie is so cute!! Helen 4

Ros said...

I love the knitting bag! When can I get Steve to pick it up! Also think Herbie is very cute. I get to meet lots of little people who might like a friend like him! Thanks so much Jan x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hiya Ros! Nice to see you on my blog :-). Steve is actually coming over next week sometime, so he can pick it up then. He's bringing over boxes of junk and will be returning equally laden!! Xx

Queenie Jeannie said...

I simply MUST HAVE that hedgehog!!!!! Seriously, email me the particulars! So stunningly adorable! (j_kupsh@yahoo.com)

You've been a busy girl and your bags look wonderful. I'm really not a bag person, and stopped buying them because I simply don't have a use for them. Which is a shame because yours are gorgeous!

Happy Crafting!
Jeannie #5

Jackie said...

How kind you are raising funds for a fellow woyww ! You are so kind as well as talented ! The new bag fabric looks super and the hedgehog is so sweet! Hope all is well with you and the family
Jackie 9

Neet said...

Don't think my comment came up as I was down to 1% on my battery so here goes again.
Love the bags and the hedgie and the owls and the black spotted fabric is so striking plus I bet it works with anything else.
pretty card you got too.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

MrsC.x said...

so many lovely things to look at on your blog today Jan! i LURVE those charm packs and yes it is not spending proper money if it is a) a voucher or b) someone elses money or c) money made from selling some of the bits we hoard but never use ...

love Mrs. C x

Anne said...

Hi Jan more lovely makes! 'The hedgehog' is adorable! The notebook is just lovely- sorry to hear you were having a down day- hope you are feeling better now. Anne x #32

Annie said...

I just doing my usual blog dash while my little munchkins are happily occupied.
I'm really loving all your makes Jan...well done you for selling them all too. Such a great cause.
Annie x. #23

fairy thoughts said...

I live the dark spotty /butterfly combo .... See what happens when you run out and use something different ... We had lots of lovely stuff in our sake too.. I might have brought a little bit ..... Well it's rude not too
Janet @19

Kristiina said...

The hedgehog is really lovely! You are right about the yarn, it has nice colours that make sweet (and obviously soft) spikes. Thanks for the visit and happy crafting! Isn't it great to have a cause to craft for? That kind of means the money spent on the fabrics and yarn wasn't "wasted" (as if it ever was :)

Kristiina said...

By the way, love that cool WOYWW banner you have at the top of your page!

Laura said...

I promise I read the whole post but when I saw the hedgehog, well, that is all I remember! Seriously cute!!
Happy Deskday

glitterandglue said...

You are just SO industrious, Jan!!! I have hardly done anything for weeks now. The bags are great, those owls are just lovely - and as for the hedgehog.... Aaaahhh!!!!! Thanks for contacting Mrs D to see if we are still in the land of the living - just about is the answer!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #33

J said...

Wow Jan so much going on and all those lovely fabrics. I do love the hedgehog, he is so cute.
I agree you can`t count gift vouchers as spending, someone else has already spent the money!!
Jan S no 50

Carol Rigby said...

Your bags are beautiful. I love your choice of fabric. Happy WOYWW

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Indeed we would. That hedgehog is adorable. The texture/colours of the yarn is just perfect. Beautiful notebook, the embossing is lovely.

Fiona #58

Artatag said...

Your creations are fantastic! You have such a talent choosing the right colour and pattern combinations. Awesome!!
Gabriele 44

Sue said...

Loads of lovely fabric. the owls and hedgehog are so cute. Loving the complete bag.

What a beautiful gift.

Sue #61

Unknown said...

You make the whole zipper thing look very simple--whereas I am zipper challenged! I was thinking of you and all of your beautiful fabric choices because I'm in the process of trying to get my fabric better organized and more accessible. I've been taking rectangular pieces of cardboard and wrapping the fabric pieces around it, then putting it in a container, like files, so I can see everything so much better, and get more in. I'm going to blog about it tomorrow. Anyhoo, I told myself I couldn't buy anymore fabric until I get what I have all organized, and I thought that's something Jan would do! It's kind of wearing me out--a bit of work! But my reward will be a trip to the FM Store and JoAnns. It is going to be almost 70 degrees here today--for one day only. Sad! But next month it will be time to start the seeds on the greenhouse. Hugs dearest! Sandy Leigh #53

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

Oh my goodness I LOVE that hedgehog!!! I wonder how expensive the post would be to AZ..hmmm. I saw the bag I loved last week on another blog :) Happy crafting and fund raising! Shel#57

Diana Taylor said...

Another post full of gorgeous luvlies - another beautiful bag in my all time favourite fabric, and that adorable little hedgehog - what a perfect choice of wool for his prickles - you have an amazing knack of getting the right materials for the job every time! Hope you have a lovely week,
Diana xx

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

What a fun post. Love the little Herbie! Perfect yarn. A really sweet surprise too, I love those whimsical flowers. Enjoy and thanks for visiting.

lisa said...

Glad you liked it, Jan. January always needs cheering up!!!!!
You are looking as industrious as always. Love that new fabric, really zingy, perfect for the summer to come..... sighs longingly!!!! What a thoughtful hubby you have knowing the perfect present.
I see the Hedgies have arrived at Appleton Towers. I bet there'll be more of them by next week, they have a habit of multiplying, lol.
Have a good week.
Hugs Lisax

Princess Judy Palmer said...

So many wonderful things to check out on your desk today. How great that you've embraced the vintage/mingled pattern tote bags. Your new goodies are wonderful and nope, that's not like spending money at all. It was a gift! The hooters are nesting quite happily in their bowl. The hedgehog is a scream. What a cutie!!! Judy #64

CraftygasheadZo said...

You are truly a wonderful lady, I can't thank you enough for supporting me & my fundraising. So glad people are loving your makes. Shelagh has just picked up her hooters and she loves them so much! I will post the blue hooters soon. Also thank you to those who have bought from Jan too! Take care Zo xx

sandysewin said...

All your bags are so nice, I just love your color choices. Those owls and hedgies are the cutest things, so sweet!

Thanks for your visit to my blog earlier and for the comments. :-)

Happy creating and happy woyww,

Sandy #24

Ali H said...

Totally brilliant projects this week - the bags are gorgeous and the owls & especially the hedgehog just adorable ! Thanks for your visit Ali xx'21

Annie Claxton said...

ooooh I'm so excited to get my bag now - I will probably lasso the postie every day until it arrives hehehe :o) Love the hooters in their little "nest" and the hedgehog is so cute, the tinsel yarn makes perfect prickles! Happy WOYWW Annie C #63

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, blimey I'm running late today. Cannot believe how shattered I've been today, after last night out! The Hedgehog is so gorgeous! Loving him. LOL at Rhys, too. Lovely card and gift you got, and I'm with you entirely about the sharing and caring of WOYWWers. I had a lovely little card and gift myself today off Mrs D, I'll blog it next week. Totally out of the blue. Love and Huge Hugs, Shaz xxx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Your vintage bags look marvellous, Jan! The hooters are so cute and don't even get me started on Herbert! Your pressies are wonderful as well - love that embossed cover on the journal. I always adore the photos you take and enjoy my visits to your blog tremendously! Thanks for stopping by earlier! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Can I please order one of your Hooters and collect it at the Crop? They are so beautiful and supporting a good cause it even better. I love your bags and the one I bought last year goes everywhere with me carrying all my techie stuff. If I finish one of my cross stitch UFO's, you can finish your UFO as well. Thank you for your visit and your lovely comments. Have a good week with all that lovely new stash. xx Maggie #29

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Jan, lucky you, love the little note book. Your bags are gorgeous. I couldn't help noticing the words at the top of your blog. I used to listen to Ralph McTell when I was at college. Have a great week and happy crafting, Angela x 35

Robyn said...

Loving the hedgie- we don't have them over here, and dandelions are my totem plants!
robyn 3

Whimcees said...


Your bags are beautiful, the hooters great fun and I LOVE the little hedgehog! So cute! Wishing you a happy week!


Barbara Diane

Belinda Basson said...

Yes, you are quite right...that zip looks oh so wrong to a non sewer like me! I get you on the boobs on my desk...I thought they looked a little like that too! Thanks for the visit to my desk already. #8

Julia Dunnit said...

Lisa's gift is lovely! As is the bag for Ros. I particularly like the fabrics from your Voucher spree, what a fab person your G is. Xxxxxxxxxx

sandra de said...

Gorgeous gift from Lisa. The hooters are a scream and the hedgehog soooo sweet. I am getting all cutsie over animals these days.... must be my dottering years kicking in. I am sure using vouchers does not count and you certainly got a great selection of fabrics. Brilliant eye for colour co-ordinating those bags.
sandra de @47

Eliza said...

Hi LLJ what a great desk this week, filled with crafting goodness, you really a lovely person on the inside for doing this for Zoe

Ejugs Eliza 45

Eliza said...

I forgot to add that I love Herbie he really looks good in that colour. I just looked at my former post and Yoda had been walking all over me and the keyboard, he is such a sweet boy and crying for his mum now as I am typing. Love the bag you made and what happy mail you have received this week, you deserve it.

Hugs Eliza

Twiglet said...

I am not blogging this week but couldn't resist a quick peek at what you are up to. That hedgehog is perfect - the yarn really does look like prickles. You always find such colourful fabric bargains too. I have been busy with lots of cock today - well chickens really (sorry if you have just sprayed your coffee all over the computer screen!!) I am making a 2metre wide roman blind for a friends kitchen - must remember to blog it. You don't see much "what I call" - cock on our blogs do you. x Jo

Crafting Queen said...

Third time lucky. Not sure why my messages are not being posted. Love your bag and the owls are so cute. Have a great weekend. Hugs Anesha

Unknown said...

I love your fabric choices; your blog title seems very appropriate! x

Kyla said...

Herbie the Hedgehog is gorgeous :-)
Love the bags and I agree the zip stage just feels 'wrong' but somehow it does work out!
Great gift in the post too.
Thanks for visiting my desk already
Kyla #16

Morti said...

Just waving a little hello!


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...