(Sam Tsui)

I've got a stash busting desk to share today!
I got these fabrics out a while back and they've been sitting on my desk for the past two weeks....my sewing machine had a layer of dust on it too (well, why should it be different from all the other furniture in my house?!)  But I kicked my butt into gear and got going....

I'm exploring the dark side of the stitch selection wheel  :-)  Just to add a little subtle detail....

But I've come to the conclusion that I'm rubbish at doing this - it bain't be nat'ral, I tell 'ee! Some folk (Twiglet, Wipso, Kyla) just have the knack of throwing odds and ends together and making something special. It just seems that I try too hard....it's the same with crocheting or knitting with tag ends of wool. I really do not find it satisfying - it's not that I plan my projects either....ideas usually hit me round the back of my head.  Inspiration/Mojo is an odd thing, isn't it? Thank goodness we're all different :-)

Take this, for example - a prezzy from a friend:
the prettiest little lavender bag...I know that I will never make anything like this. I have no patience, simple as that!!  The very thought of paper piecing makes my eye twitch ;-)

I have had more success with the crazy, sparkly, tinsel yarn this week...no beards were harmed in the making of the following:
Owl bodies, eyes, beak and claws...all ready to stuff n' sew. But would you believe that out of all the black buttons I possess, there are no pairs?  So I have to go and buy some...drat!  But OCD LLJ just couldn't put mismatched eyes on, it just wouldn't be right!  Does that mean I have to go to the wool shop? Awwww. what a shame......... ;-)

Have a great week everyone!


MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I love those owl bits and pieces and look forward to seeing the completed birds. I would say you look totally under control in there, a haven of peaceful organisation. What is your secret? Have a good week. xxx

Judys Lace Creations said...

Yeah..looks fine to me.Sometimes we just can't see our work objectively.Sometimes something I have really disliked at first, turns out to be quite fine later!

Unknown said...

Blimey Jan if I could sew as neat and lovely as you I'd be well pleased! I'm contemplating making table mats for next christmas as I found a lovely pattern with trees on and I have lots of christmas fat quarters but the thought of all that sewing is making me hyper ventilate. Its not natural for me, it is for you!
Lynda B 9

Helen said...

I'm with Lynda... You are a hive of activity this week, as ever, and I love the material! You are the last desk I can visit before work, and it's been such a pleasure! Helen #5

Debbie Rock said...

Well I think your "throwing together of scraps" is pretty near damned perfect ... I just LOVE what you have started there and can't wait to see the finished project! LOL - love "the dark side of the wheel" - I sometimes creep over there too and have a play with some of the decorative stitches and wonder why I don't use them more often! Happy WOYWW'ing dear LLJ! Love Debbie (alas, no time to WOYWW myself this week :( )xXx

Bridget Larsen said...

That is a lovely combination of material you have used, I love the subtle colours
Bridget #1

Queenie Jeannie said...

Those are going to be the cutest owls EVER!!! So fluffy and sparkly!! I don't think you give your skills or talent nearly enough credit! Have fun this week!

Happy Crafting!
Jeannie #17

Annie said...

I'm enjoying another twinnie fun day here so am just grabbing 5 mins to visit my fav blogs.
I've got to say I rather love what you've machine embroidered....mine is only ever luck and often I don't like my results much 😃
Now, when it comes to black buttons I must be honest and say I have one or two (hundred) of those. 😃😃😃😃😃
Annie x #26

Anne said...

I never like what I make !! On the other hand I would love to say I'd put those fabrics/stitches etc together! Looking forward to seeing those owls! Anne x #37

Crafting Queen said...

Your combination of fabrics work so well, can't wait to see what you make. Looking forward to seeing the owl. Have a great week.

Diana Taylor said...

Well, I've never known anyone put together fabrics and twiddly bits so beautifully and stylishly as you do, and once again I am loving your creation this week - those fabrics look amazing together and I love the doggy one. It took me a while to figure out the knitted bits weren't dolls bikinis and inexplicable things, but actually owl eyes and claws - now I know what they are I bet they look great when they're finished! Have a great week,
Diana xx

sandra de said...

I think you do an amazing job at pulling fabric colours/patterns together. Looking forward to seeing the owls with its perfectly matched eyes.
sandra de @25

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ahh Jan love the combination is what I thought when your first image popped up think you (like many folks) are being waaa-ay too hard on yourself!!!

.. and the love the stitching and lace edgings too, beautifully done, clever you!!
oh and beautiful pressies and have fun at the wool shop :D

Thanks so much for sharing ~ happy WOYWW!
Shaz in Oz.x #44

{Shaz in Oz – my personal blog}

Sue said...

I love the fabric and the soon to be made up owls.

Sue #45

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

I dunno, it looks pretty good to me Jan. I thought I'd never be one for hand sewing/piecing, but it's ideal for on the sofa in front of the telly. Maybe that's because I'm not a clever knitter/hooker (yes, I did just say that!) like you and need something else to do.

Fiona #49

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan, gorgeous lavender sachet and I sure will be back to see the owls finished...must agree I'm like you with matching and don't find it ease to do random. Have a great week Cheers RobynO#51

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I thought they were tiny bikini tops and gloves, LOL! Now I see they're all parts for the owls! Duh! Your sewing is awesome Jan, as are your photos! Nice and crisp! I don't think I could sew a straight line like that, even if my life depended on it! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #47

Lucy said...

I was just commenting on another blog that I have over 1000 inherited buttons but there is never the right one for the job! I love tinsel yarn. I recognise the dog fabric. I get the same joyless feeling when I try to knit. I'll stick to me cross stitching then! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Lucy #24 woyww x

Brenda B said...

I think patchwork is an art and you need a really good eye for it, I know I haven't got it at all!! It'll be alright on the night though as you do have a really good eye, and clever stitches too. I wasn't sure what to make of the little pieces and sparkly wool, spent ages trying to think what it could be and was about 3 million miles wide of the mark! Funky though. A belated Happy New Year to you all, let's hope it's a good one as the song says.

Brenda 57

J said...

I do love those little pieces of owls and sparkly wool, I cant sew really, not even a straight line.
I love to see the materials on your desk I really like the dogs, very cute.
Jan S no63

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

I think your patchwork piece looks good! I never use any of those stiches on my machine. Just straight and zig zag if you are lucky. I can sympathize with not having the buttons to match a project..always happens to me, Sorry you have to go to the shop teehee. Happy WOYWW Shel#56

Laura said...

It may not feel natural but I think it looks fab!
Have fun at the wool shop, tee hee!
Happy Wednesday,

Kim said...

I think it looks great! ('though I totally agree with the paper piercing) The red cross stich-err, stitches look great. And I'm so glad all the beards are safe this week! LOL!

Twiglet said...

Oh Jan - I have loads of black buttons - tell me what size etc and I will post you some! Your twinkly owls will look fab! x Jo

Kristiina said...

In my opinion, the owls would be really cute with unpaired eyes... One this way and the other that, and preferably different size :)

Kristiina 31

Unknown said...

Unpaired owl eyes... ok by me! Some of my owl stamps have wonky eyes. I like the machine stitching! And also glad all beards are safe.... LOL!! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #58

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Whoo hoo for using that Scotty dog fabric. It's so lovely. For not having the knack at putting random things together you have done quite well with it here. Have fun playing! Judy #74

lisa said...

I think you are being too hard on yourself, Jan, that decorative stitching looks amazing to me and I love all the bits of lace and things you've incorporated, just gorgeous.
I've shared our glittery critters just for you today. Don't show DD the blue ones, she'll want some more,lol.
Have a good week.
Hugs Lisax #38

fairy thoughts said...

Ha ha I usually find with stash busting that I NEED to buy stuff to go with it. Those fabrics go so well together so does the stitching and the lace.
Maybe you should have a trip to winchester lots of lively fabric in the sales ... You know where I mean ... Grin
Janet @19

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Take it from me, Jan. Your latest piece is gorgeous. And I'm a mixed media person. The colors, the fabrics, the lace, even that darling button, all seem to fit perfectly together. As for me, if I can't tear it, I won't make it.

Glad to see your destashing went well, even if you DO have to buy a couple of black buttons. Thanks for visiting while I slept. Happy WOYWW from #2.

Paper rainbow said...

The dark side of the dial sounds very enticing! I think anyone who creates patchwork like yours has bundles of patience! I do like the look of those owls..... :)

505whimsygirl said...

Hello LLJ,
Oh, I think the stitching looks great on your project. I especially like the delicate piece of lace by the doggie fabric. The lavender bag looks beautiful too. I wouldn't have the patience to make something like that either -- oh, but I can sit and cast on 648 stitches?!? To keep track I put a marker every 50 stitches on the cast on row. After that I removed the markers. I haven't added up how long it takes me to work a row - but I can tell you that I start one night and finish the row the next night. I'm also knitting on the edge, not knowing if I have enough yarn!

So glad you like your calendar!

Thank you for visiting me already!
Peace, Kay (12)

Jackie said...

Love how you put fabrics together and it all looks fabulous .... Will have a look for some black buttons for you sure I have some you can have !
Jackie 18

Unknown said...

If we twist your arm will you go yarn shopping? I think you and I would have the best time going round to all the fabric and yarn shops together! You have a great eye for fabrics. Sometimes I feel like I get in the middle of a good fabric store and I get so overwhelmed I don't know which way to turn! Or what to buy exactly! You always have the cutest fabrics. And look at us go, dashing our stashes! It's like you're making a bag and saving the planet! Well I am having a crazy week at work, and I'm way too popular with people, and they all just need to calm down and leave me be! I need some real crafty time at home. We might actually have some snow when we wake up tomorrow. Yikes. That means, in our town, everyone rushes to Hyvee and Wal-mart and buys all the bread, milk and water. Crazy! Hugs dearest. Sandy Leigh #60

Julia Dunnit said...

Ooh I like the herringbone type stitch, nice detail! And erm.....I have a bucket of buttons....you didn't ask becasue se you wanted the excuse to go shopping..I know....

pearshapedcrafting said...

Love the owl that's gone to pieces - lol! Jan, if I could do what you do on a machine I would be a very happy woman! This looks great! Hugs, Chrisx

Neet said...

You have to witness my attempts at sewing before you say anything. You make the most wonderful stuff and you are definitely the Bag Lady of All Time (meant in a nice way). LOL
Love the owl bits, hope to see them in action soon.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

Kelly said...

The OCD in me likes the way you think. LOL I think your scotty dog project is coming out just fine. Exploring stitches on my sewing machine is one of my first projects once I'm in the new studio. I bought the machine for those stitches. Suppose I should learn them hehe. Creative Blessings! Kelly #69

Eliza said...

Not the shops goodness me that is a dangerous expedition you are embarking on, make sure you take a list with you and get everything you need

Hugs Eliza & Yoda

Artatag said...

I think the owls would look very cute with different eyes! Maybe a little moonstruck but funny!
What was wrong with the other project! The stitching looks wonderful!
Gabriele 32

Kyla said...

Hahaha.....I think it's because I am SO far the other side of OCD (chuck it all together it usually works out sort) that I make stuff with the scraps...that am I seem to spend far too much time on pinterest seeking out things to make with my scraps!! Also, without your tutoring I would have never gotten back into sewing (so I blame you when husband sees me bring in MORE fabric into the house!!)



 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...