When I was one, I just begun,
The day I went to sea.
I jumped aboard a pirate ship
And the Captain said to me:
‘We’re going this way, that way,
Forwards backwards,
Over the deep blue sea.
A bottle of rum to fill my tum
And that’s the life for me’.
(The Music Bus)

Well, me hearties, 'tis mighty fine to see you....welcome aboard the good ship 'Sewing Shenanigans'... An old girl, a bit rough around the edges but still got some fighting spirit.......the ship's not bad either. Haa haaarrrrr ;-)

Sorry...normal (ha!) service will now resume. You'll understand the pirate stuff later on, lol!!
The desk....
...is covered with some Christmas presents and some fabric awaiting attention. The cat fabric was from Julia - it's so nice to have a stylish, not twee, cat print. I was just looking in my new bag book to see if I could find a pattern I liked. The map was a prezzy from my mate Sue...It's an OS Map with our home village right in the centre; there's a pic of me and Gordon on the front and the title is The Appleton's Amazing Ambles...one of my fav prezzies this year :-)

This is the downstairs desk in action - my bass has been cleaned out and polished and my old handbag is being recycled for D rings/straps etc. It has served me well that bag, I'm sad to see it go :-(

The other downstairs crafting will involve this little lot...I was in Salisbury and saw the patterns first (and made up samples too) of owls and hedgehogs knitted up in this King Cole Tinsel yarn. Isn't it fun?  I thought, ooh I can make a few of those for folk to sell for charity.  The yarn is weird to knit with but actually makes a soft velour-ish result. The only snag is the stitches are quite loose and I'd knitted a third of the body when I lifted the wrong needle out of the bag and me knitting slid orf!!  And I can't see the stitches to pick them up again....drat, curses and splice me mainbrace.

So, what do you do with a useless piece of knitting?  Become Blackbeard of course, lol!!!
I think there's a role for you in the next Pirates of the Caribbean film, Rhys, lol!!  It's amazing how much sniggering can be initiated by a black, sparkly piece of knitting :-)

While walking towards the yarn shop in Salisbury, I happened to look up and saw this.....
This handsome guy was sat quite nonchalantly, not trying to escape at all - he was people watching! Something would catch his attention and he would watch until it passed by. It was the funniest thing so I thought you would like to see him too :-)

Have a wonderful week xxxx


Ohhh Snap said...

Arrrgggh it's a fine post : D. You've certainly been busy and what a wonderful Holidays you've had. The dog is stunning. Happy WOYWW!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was impressed with all your gifts, and that map would have been a favorite of mine, too, I think.

Laughing at your son in his "pirate's outfit." So fun and funny.

I've been gone so long, I was glad to reconnect and see what you were up to. Glad all is well in your world. Loved what you gave Julia for Christmas (Drama Queen). Happy New Year and happy WOYWW from #2.

jill said...

Now that little song is stuck in my head Jan . I haven't heard that for years & it's another song to teach my little grandson at the weekend I think. Happy woyww Jill #10

Neet said...

Bet it was fun watching that handsome fella doing his people watching. As much fun as the beard you knitted - love those little figures - what a great idea to knit some up for charity stalls etc.
My, you have certainly been busy - cleaning and planning your next bag making marathons. Me? I am sat in bed and now am going to turn off the light and say "night night"
Hugs, Neet (in America) 3 xx

Helen said...

I like that beard.. the wool is fab... I hate it when a favourite bag finally gives up the ghost but at least you can use some of it... Love the photo of that gorgeous dog doing his people watching - how very observant of you to spot him! Helen 9

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ha ha! A most piratical beard! Hope you can rescue it because those hedgehogs are so cute.

Fiona #17

Jackie said...

Happy New Year to you and the family Jan!
Love the cat fabric Julia bought you, I have a friend who would love a craft bag made from that!
The dog looks very lovely in the photos!
Jackie 4

Annie said...

It's another day of juggling for me today....I have Lexi one side of me building with the Knex and Sam is the other side doing jigsaws so I'm popping round some of my favourite blogs while they play happily 😃
They both wanted me to tell you that they really loved all the exciting things on your blog today especially Rhys with his beard on 😃😃😃😃
Annie x. #20

Sue said...

Looks like loads of lovely presents.

Had to smile at the dog people watching:)

Hope you have a happy WOYWW Sue #34

Angela Toucan said...

what a cool idea for a map, and a lovely desk.

Many blessings to you from Angela #40

Anonymous said...

Blackbeard with a Red Head :) I am interested in your zippered bag pattern with the neater insides. I have to say that was one thing that I wasn't keen on but the EASE of it did appeal. Funnily enough I just made plans to meet up with a friend for lunch in Salisbury. You remind me to hunt up fabric and yarn shops in town, as I'll be there anyway.... :) and you re-purposed D rings has me thinking about all the potential salvage from my last sort out. Always an inspiration, m'dear.

Happy First WOYWW of 2015!
Mary Anne (15 - just a lucky coincidence)

sandra de said...

Looks like nothing goes to waste in your crafting abode. I actually found a pattern for a handbag the other day when I was looking for a needle and I thought LLJ would like this. But then realised your bags are probably better than the pattern. If you're interested let me know ... happy to pop it in the post.
sandra de @14

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

What a fun blog post! The owls and hedgehogs will look really cute, I'm sure. If not just turn them into beards and sell them for charity for Movember! Love the doggie looking out the window - looks almost human! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #27

Debbie Rock said...

Hello lovely lady ... thanks for popping by my blog last week & sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you! Oh no ... those crocheted blankets are not hard at all ... I wouldn't be able to do them if they were! I just love making them and am currently addicted to bobbles and the blankets are something I can do on the few occasions we watch TV ... I simply can't sit and just watch ... have to be doing something at the same time and those bobbles sure do fit the bill nicely! What wonderful Christmas presents you got there Jan ... can't wait to see your first little owls & hegehogs! Happy New Year, Happy WOYWW'ing and much love to you! xXx

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, not desked this week- I'm ok, just running out of steam all the time,lol.That and a numb bum! You can always make me laugh- love Rhy's pic, thats epic! The map is an awesomely personal present. Loving those owls and hedgehogs, just how cute are they? And the dog people watching- what a sight to have caught.Lots of love to you all, Hugs, Shaz xxx

pearshapedcrafting said...

So much to smile at here, love the cat fabric, the fuzzy folk, the pirate and Oh! that gorgeous dog! Chrisx 43

Angie said...

A lot to take in, not every day you see shiny instruments and pirates! The dog is a beauty!
Angie #48

My name is Cindy said...

So many great things to look at - funny I was looking at the map with one eye thinking that's odd the picture looks like.... when the other eye finished reading. What a great idea! The things you can get these days, I really must start being a bit more imaginative with my pressies. Love the cat fabric and those little creatures are so cute!! Happy New Year!! Cindy #44

Diana Taylor said...

Love the blog post - and I love the doggy fabric, and I also love the L'occitane box too - such gorgeous colours. What a lot of 'loves'! I don't however love that eyelash wool - although it looks gorgeous, I found it a 'so and so' to work with (I could easily have been ruder!), and like you I lost it off the needles several times and couldn't find the stitches again - I'm sure it raised my blood pressure to dangerous levels!
Hope you have a great week,

J said...

Jan I love your desk, its always so colourful, made me want to knit seeing that sparkly wool, something I havent done for years.
Jan S 57

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

Love that cat fabric! and my most favorite was the doggie people watching photo. What great fun! Arrrgghh Matey..off to hop more desks :)

My name is Cindy said...

Hi Jan, thanks for stopping by. In answer to your question - yes. I believe (but don't quote me) the scan n cut was originally conceived to be geared towards sewers, quiltmakers etc rather than papercrafters. Fabrics have to be stabilised before they can be attached to the mat for cutting, and there are inbuilt features like seam allowances, plus accessories like washable pens etc all geared toward pattern cutting. You are of course limited by the size of the mats (largest is currently12 x 24). It will however be ages before I get on to anything like that so I can't tell you how well it performs. (Although if there is anything particular you want to check I could have a go). The concept seems pretty good though. I expect there are reviews re fabric around on the internet, its been in the UK for a year. I don't know anything about other cutting machines, so for all I know they could all do this.

Tertia said...

I really have missed my weekly visits to your lovely desk. LOVE those cats! The dog is not too bad either!
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #22

Belinda Basson said...

Dogs are so like people! That beard had me chuckling!

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Fun photos..with a beautiful dog. I'd like that map, need a warm place to go to. Best Wishes for the New Year too. Enjoy your next project.

Krisha said...

Love the yarn, have on bundle, in red, and know what you mean about being loose and not being able to see the stitches...........even for crocheting! Now I wonder what I will be winding it around.....I guess I could make me a red beard....LOL

Thank you for the comment on my hair. This is the color that was under all the brown applications of color........much easier now, but still can't get used to seeing myself in the mirror....LOL

Julia Dunnit said...

What a good house dog...and so much nicer than the usual behaviour of bored canines!
LOL, loving the black sparkly erm, patch...I feel sure I'm right there with you. Leaking tears at the possibilities!. I bet it is very slidey yarn too - wart a bugger!

Artatag said...

Your post gave me a good smile again, thank you for that pirate thing. So funny.
You´re up to quite some projects again, what a busy bee!
That shot of the dog is adorable!
Gabriele 29

lisa said...

What a fantastic post, Jan. I laughed all the way through. Love that map, must look out for those, what brilliant gifts!!
We're ahead of you with the sparkly hedgehogs. I had Grandma knit up a purple and pink one for Freya for Xmas, they go to bed with her. The funniest thing was she also made one for a friend of mine but hadn't sewn it up when she gave it to her, so she used it as a hat!!!!! See your not the only one whose bonkers!!
Have a good week
Hugs Lisax

Unknown said...

You have so much happiness going on in this post! I don't know what makes me happier, the kitty fabric, the fabulous personal map, or the gorgeous doggy! So yes, let's be stash dashers together this year! I love your plan for sorting the fabric. That's exactly what I need to do, sort all my fabric into project piles and simple scrap piles. Then my beautiful fat quarters will go together as I decide their fate! You know, I had a little dizzy spell last year, and I think it was a perimenopause thing. But in any case, I hope your spell has passed, and that you feel energetic and crafty! I have one last day at home today, then I'm going back to the office for Thursday and Friday. Then daughter starts classes again on Monday, and we're back to our routine. I work at the university she attends, and she also works in my office! We love it. We're a lot alike. So anyhoo, I'm determined to get some crafting done today. Hugs to you dearest! Sandy Leigh #60

Anne said...

Hee hee that 'beard' made me giggle!!!! Fabulous pressies !!! Beautiful dog. Thanks for popping by Anne x #23

Christine said...

Delicious post !!!
Love the map bit - what a brill idea ..... and the black glittery wool - brill again! .... and that gorgeous nosy parker .... I'm in love.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Bishopsmate #37

Lisca said...

Oh Jan, you had me in stitches! I really enjoyed reading your blog and even read out bits out loud (with 'pirate' accent) to my dearly beloved who wanted to know why I was giggling.
I love your pressies, especially that map. I had no idea OS did these 'bespoke' things. Great idea!
And the dog is beautiful. I can imagine you just stood there for a bit looking at him....
Have a great week,

fairy thoughts said...

Hi LLJ..... fab post as always...... At first I thought it was going to be you wearing the beard.
I bet the dog could tell a tale or two (shaggy dog tale obviously) with all that people watching..... great photo
janet #16

sandysewin said...

Oooo, that kitty cat fabric is nice. looking forward to seeing what you do with it. And that black sparkly beard.... I'm speechless!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the nice comments. :-)

Happy Woyww and Happy New Year!

Sandy #30

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Ooh! Such fun fabric on your desk. I'll be that bag pattern book is filled with wonderful bags. Have you made them all yet? That tinsel-y yarn is totally fun and makes a great chin warmer indeed. The difference between cat and dog is right there in the photograph--the dog content to sit and watch. A cat would be like "Hmmm... what trouble can I get into?"

Hettie said...

Oo Ahh Jan me lard!! What a funny cheery post today, not that it is ever otherwise! Rhys' beard suits him! Very funny. When Rhys is done with it you could use it in the cold weather as a tooshie warmer too! Recycling is good you know!
Love that map!
Looking forward to seeing your owls...at the Crop maybe? I want one to buy! Pleeeeeeze!
Hugs from 58

fairy thoughts said...

Hi again .... I forgot to answer your question about the 14 pots of joy.... brusho paints are crystals which do amazing things when you add water and stuff..... watch my space next week .... hopefully.... you can use it on fabric too

Queenie Jeannie said...

LOL!! That was awesome! Sorry you lost your knitting but perhaps you needed the laugh more?? Good luck on the next bit you try. Happy New Year!!

Happy Crafting!
Jeannie #33

Twiglet said...

Oh dear - sorry Jan but I really was sniggering at your fullsome sparkly bush -Jo

Twiglet said...

That should have said beard! A slip of the typing perhaps!!

Eliza said...

Hardy hardy ha I love your post this week and what a dapper dog. Thanks for the giggle and the smiles. Sorry I have not been around, work and all then DD's birthday etc. Back now.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda #76

Kyla said...

Fabulous beard and bass! (not something I thought I would be writing today!!!). I LOVE the map its a great idea and not something I have seen before.
Thanks for visiting my blog already

Kyla #13

Robyn Oliver said...

You're such a hoot Jan, you guessed everyone would be sniggering at Rhys and the black beard. The wool does look like fun though. Just looooove the cat fabric and can't wait to see what you sew up. Yes sad when good ole handbags die but must say I even cut out the magnet closures on one of mine. Have a great week and thanks for visiting my desk RobynO#31

Ali H said...

Hi Jan Wishing you a wonderful year ahead ! Sorry we didn't get to meet up last week but it had been such a manically busy week I just had nothing left by Friday night ! Your new pressies look great fun - what a lovely idea with the map ! Enjoy your new bag ideas too ! Thanks for visiting ! Love Ali xx #21

Cazzy said...

Hi Jan, Happy WOYWW. If that was our dog he would be ok until a CAT went by and then he would probably jump!
Yo ho ho to the beard, I can imagine that is awful stuff to work with, I have some somewhere for decorating cards I think. You might get fed up with it if many accidents happen like that!
How did you get on that map then? How wonderful, I know someone famous!

Hmmm, I have lots of old bags, although they are all good - I just graduated to larger ones! I have given some to charity, never thought of taking off the findings.

Cazzy #89

Mrs.D said...

Oh Jan, I love the cat fabric, beautiful and so not cutesy. I love the selection of fuzzy wool, those colours are fantastic, some super hedgehogs or beards happening there.
Happy New Year
Chris {No desk this week}

Kristiina said...

The cat fabric caught my ye straight away, love those colours, and what a coincidence that since I was a kid I've loved both owls and hedgehogs... I'm sure they will be lovely. There used to live too huskies down our road that always peeked from a balcony at everything that went by, not saying anything. Our dog would get nervous, perhaps she could smell them or feel the eyes on her, but she never realized she should look up! Happy WOYWW!


CraftygasheadZo said...

Gotta love a bit of pirate!! Lush sparkly yarn too. That cat fabric is wonderful as is your map. How cool is that! Hope you are ok, Happy New Year my friend. Take care Zo xx 45

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Lunch Lady Jan .. or should I say "Ye-harrr, me hearty!!!" :D

A great creative space today! just love all the new goodies, fun isn't it? and love the hedgies etc wool but yes not fun when drop stitches. :(
Thanks so much for sharing ~ happy belated WOYWW!
Shaz in Oz.x #24

{Shaz in Oz – my personal blog}

505whimsygirl said...

Hello Lunch Lady Jan!
Arghh, I hate it when our knitting gets away from us! I bet the hedgehogs and owls will be adorable! I love the photo of the dog looking out the window; he looks so content to be people watching. I wonder what goes through the his mind?

The fabric Julia gave you is so cute! I'm sure whatever you make from it will be gorgeous.

I looked at last weeks WOYWW post and your knitting and that yarn is beautiful! I love cowls and am currently knitting one up.

Happy belated WOYWW
Hugs, Kay (61)

Sharon Madson said...

Love the people watching dog! Nice fabric and Christmas gifts. TFS Thanks for visiting me earlier. Sorry, I am so late. #59

Kim said...

Sorry I'm late; had a terrible work week; so glad I did get a visit though;would have missed not just all the fun presents, and you as black-beard; but would have missed that stunning husky; much like my girls Aunt; who is a woolly coat like this fellow...count my blessings every day mine turned out regular; much less maintenance! I do think mine would be out the window in a heartbeat though...


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...