Happy New Year

Happy New Year
May we all have a vision now and then

Of a world where every neighbour is a friend.

I couldn't have put it better myself! It's been a Festive season full of friendship from the dear gals on the blog, with many lovely cards and presents received...
Julia gave me two skeins of this gorgeous wool - it's so soft. I had to start knitting straight away, just couldn't wait!!  I'm making a sort of turtle neck cowl and will have enough left over for a beanie or a headband. The groovy crochet hook set was from my boys...they know me soooooooo well!

The beautiful heart was sent by Debbie Rock and the lovely tag by Sandy Leigh Johnson. Thanks girls! They've been adorning the wall by the piano!

Meet my gorgeous Niece-in-Law, Kimberlie!  She and my nephew Matt have been over from New York, celebrating Christmas with my brother who'd asked me to make a tote, make up bag and tissue holder for a prezzy.  I decided to make a covered book in matching fabric as our present to her.  Kim loved the fabric, so I'm happy too...it's always a bit nerve wracking when you don't really know someone's taste!  Hope the bag does you many year's service, Kim :-)

Wishing all my lovely blog readers joy, peace, health, happiness, crafting and lots of tittering throughout 2015!!  

Sending huge crafty hugs and big sloppy smackers xxxx


Cardarian said...

Hi Jan!
I haven't been around much this year but I hope for lots of fun next year! Wishing you and your family all the best and I hope to see you and Julia in Kent in the spring!
Lots and lots of hugs and love

Helen said...

Happy New Year, Jan, to you and Gordon. The wool looks gorgeous, and I can imagine that the cowl/scarf will be toasty warm. I can't find the date of the crop on Julia's blog; the tab has gone and am hoping I haven't double booked myself... help!! Helen #13

Unknown said...

Love that wool Jan, I had a knitted cowl from one of my friends and it is lovely and warm. Wishing you all a very Happy New Year and hope to see you soon…
Lynda B 16

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Wishing you all those things right back, Jan. That wool is beautiful and I have one or two of those colourful hooks. Hoping to be able to put them to better use in 2015.

Debbie Rock said...

Always happy to receive big sloppy smackers! Have total wool envy and Oh My Goodness - just loving those crochet hooks! Happy New Year to you dear lady and hope 2015 brings you only good things. xXx

Helen said...

Thanks for the speedy answer to my query - I am not double booked, the photography day course from my boss, is on the Sunday 17th - phew!! See you at the hall then!!

Crafting Queen said...

Wishing you and yours a very Happy and Peaceful 2015. Hugs Anesha

Judys Lace Creations said...

OOH I could do with some of those "smackers"!! Love your post!
Great wool, great knitting.I'm no knitter- maybe next life?hehe.
happy New year to you!!

Annie said...

I really love that bag and doesn't she model it so beautifully :-)
Wishing you a very happy New year filled with many creatived times and lets hope it's a happy and healthy one for us all.
Annie x # 22

Anne said...

The bag is gorgeous Jan. Happy New Year to you and your family. Anne x # 28

Sue said...

Loving the wool. Not surprised at all that your nil loved her gifts.

Happy New Year. I hope 2015 brings all your wishes. Sue

Glenda said...

Wonderful gifts for your nil! What's not to like? Sending you New Years Wishes and Hugs across the miles!
Glenda #24

sandra de said...

Thank you for all your cheery comments over the year and a BIG thanks for the Xmas card. I hang my head in shame ...no card sent by me :( But there is always 2015 and I wish you lots of fun, joy and stitching. Sandra de @31
ps love the bag

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Lovely presents made and received! The tote bag is amazing! No way she wouldn't like it! Best wishes for 2015! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #26

Twiglet said...

Fab bag and book Jan - what's not to like!! Thanks for a good yearful of snooping round your crafty activities on your desk. All the best for 2015! x Jo

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan and may tomorrow be the start of a wonderful year. Love that wool and we all knew Kim would love her bag and notebook. Cheers RobynO#35

lisa said...

Happy New Year to you and yours, Jan.
Hugs Lisax

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

Lucky Kimberly to get that gorgeous bag! Love it. And the purples in the yarn are gorgeous. Lucky you! Have a great 2015 :) Shel #39

Neet said...

Kim looks lovely and her bag suits her. Love that book cover you made - what a brilliant idea. Now I might manage to make something like that.
Just adore your crochet needles and the holder - what a fab present!
Hope you and yours have a wonderful New Year - every happiness for 2015.
Hugs, Neet xx

Julia Dunnit said...

Well my friend, I'm sending you a smack right back. I mean smacker. Sorry. Really. Kimberlie looks like a model. And tiny. And very pleased with her pressies...well done!

My name is Cindy said...

Busy as always - If I had those funky crochet hooks I might even be tempted!! Love the bag but you know I like that fabric LOL. Hope you have a wonderful New Year, Love n hugs, Cindy xx

Artatag said...

Your niece in law Kimberley is beautiful! Your nephew has a good taste. She looks very happy with you present! You did a ver good job!!
I wish you and your family a very happy and successful New Year!
Gabriele 25

Unknown said...

Love the colors in the yarn, and I love love LOVE that tote bag! Beautiful! Happy New Year!
Sheri #53

Kim said...

I wish you and your Family a Very Happy New Year! That yarn is definitely one of my colors-can't wait to see the finished piece.

Hettie said...

That yarn is gorgeous Honeybun! My neck is cold most of the time....
Glad you like my choice of fabric.
My room tidying will be continuing tomorrow!!
Hugs and Happy New Year to you and yours.

Unknown said...

The yarn is fabulous!! Great colors! And the tote, etc... I think I remember that fabric on your desk a while back. Hope you have a wonderful 2015!
Carol N #34

Unknown said...

Well I have been in bed most of the day! But I'm getting around a little now, and making some things in the kitchen for New Year's Eve celebrating. Your niece-in-law is so cute in your tote bag! And I love the gorgeous yarns from Julia and how you are already making your magic with them. It's funny how sometimes it almost feels like you're this wonderful neighbor I get to visit every week and have a chat over the fence. I feel so blessed to know you and get a peek of your wonderful life across the ocean! I think I do have an attachment to life in the U.K. for some reason, and I have no idea why. But as you know I can't get enough of my British shows! And my daughter is a huge Dr. Who fan--we got her a tardis shelf for Christmas and she was just wild over it. You should be so proud of how productive you've been this year too--I can't believe all the beautiful things you have made! We will definitely get into some mischief next year (and that's not just my cold medicine talking). Big new year's hugs to you and I can't wait to see how you finish up with that gorgeous yarn! Sandy Leigh #27 *cough*

Karen said...

Hello. Love your beautiful gifts. I've had some crafty ones myself which I'll be using to raise funds for the dialysis unit and kidney research. Happy New Year to you and yours!! Love Karen xx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

A very Happy New Year to you and all your family, Jan and I look forward to meeting up again at the retreat. You are so right - I did have fun with this new (to me) technique and I will have another go when I have tried out some other things that have been waiting for me. The tote and book set are really lovely and I could not imagine anyone not loving them. I have no idea how you find all those gorgeous fabrics, but they are perfect. See you soon. xx Maggie #50

Nikki said...

What a pretty tote bag and book to match I'm sure she loves it and will use it all the time Happy New Year all the best in 2015 hugs Nikki 4

Robyn said...

Your post made me feel very joyful!
Friends! gifts!
Happy New year!
Robyn 1

Sharon Madson said...

Thank you for stopping by earlier! I love the bag and covered book you made for Kim. Really, nice! And what wonderfully colored crochet hooks! WOW! Happy New Year to you!

Belinda Basson said...

Thanks for your visit already. Happy New Year! May 2015 be a creative one on every level. Your gift looks much appreciated. I am enjoying a lazy day...might have another BBQ as it is a scorcher here today. #19

Annie Claxton said...

The tote bag set looks really gorgeous Jan, I bet she was thrilled to bits with it! I am well jell of your funky crochet set :o) Happy New Year to you and yours X Annie C #47

Shoshi said...

What gorgeous knitting, Jan, and I luuurve that crochet set... What a beautiful bag, too, and your beautiful niece in law looks so happy with her gorgeous pressies!!

Happy New Year and happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #58

Kyla said...

Oh you received some lovely presents and the bag and book look fabulous, I bet she loved them.

Happy New year
Thanks for visiting my desk already
Kyla #5

Shoshi said...

Thank you for your return visit, Jan, and for your great comment - so nice and encouraging! Glad you like the knitting - I am so, so glad to have finished it at last, and am planning on wearing it for our lunch out tomorrow! In my time I have covered loads of graph paper with little coloured squares, whether it be knitting, cross stitch or whatever! I always keep a ready supply.

I'll email you later about the nasal congestion - like you this is something I've suffered from for years, and mouth breathing does lead to a dry mouth which is very unpleasant.

Here's hoping you have a great year ahead too, with lots of opportunities for creativity! We could certainly do with a better year after everything that happened in 2014.

Shoshi #58

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Thanks for the visit Jan, hope you have a great and very happy new year.
Will post the results of my Tyvek play soon., Angela x 23

Cazzy said...

Happy New Year Jan! Love the yarn, it is so pretty knitted up. That tote is gorgeous too, and the book. You did get some lovely presents.

Cazzy #61

Nannie4 said...

Oooohhh....that bag is the best! The fabric, the shape, the size , the matching book cover---who wouldn't want and love it?? Lucky, lucky Kim. :) The yarn from Julia is beatiful. My middle grandchild would be drooling over that. I am drooling over your crochet hooks. My arthritic fingers are saying "yes, yes!!" The case is cool, too. I have not seen a set like that anywhere. Happy New Year to you. All the best in the year ahead. Nann #62

Beverley Baird said...

Such lovely projects! Your NIL must have loved your creations! Have a wonderful NewYear!
Thanks so much for stopping by.


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