(by Peter Warlock...one of my favourite carols. Listen here)

Ok, it's the first post of the Festive Season, the Carols lyrics are at the top of the page and my messy desk looks like this....

Yep, the Yuletide fabrics are out and it's time for Christmas thongs again!!  Lol.  Well, that's what I was told that the bunting triangles looked like last year, so who am I to gainsay that?  A mate passed on some more festive fabric so I've been having a look see....her taste is quite different to mine, so I'll use what I think fits in with what I've already got.

Yep, definitely thongs....or maybe Christmas bikinis!!  Don't think L'Agent Provocateur have got anything to worry about ;-)

I had a surprise parcel from Diana (Velvet Moth Studio) yesterday. Inside was this...

I can't tell you how much I adore this...the colours, the tiny hare, the cotton reel, the scrap of music wrapped around...all personal to me.  The hare in front is a brooch which is now adorning my jacket next to my WOYWW badge..completely gorgeous. 

Thank you so much, Diana, that was a real surprise and I love it all - the tree will be a wonderful addition to my Christmas treasures box that I love getting out each year xx

I went to a wedding last Saturday...unusually for me, I wore a dress....gasp horror, don't faint!  It was a burgundy red lace number, and I had a black fur trimmed capey-poncho thing to go over the top. I had a black fascinator already but it was a bit plain so I got to work....

It's amazing the difference a bit of ruched up fabric, two flowers taken off hair clips, reduced-in-the-sale black feathers and a few beads can make!!  I had lots of comments on the corsage, which is now adorning a jacket. Well, might as well get some use out of it - grin!

The Kennet Accordion Orchestra were playing in the service (the groom is a member) and afterwards, I got chatting to Richard who plays. He asked about my corsage, the conversation moved onto crafting in general and he let slip that he had done quite a lot of crochet in the past, mostly for his children - and, wait for it, all without patterns. He just did his own thing. I asked if he'd email a couple of pics as I thought you lot might be interested. This is what arrived.....

Look at this fantastic octopus!  I love the fact that the suckers on the tentacles are decreasing in size down to the tips!

This elephant has got real character, don't you think?  I love the tusks and the little toenails...genius!

And a little blanket - the detail is amazing!  

Now Richard isn't a youngster and you would never guess that he had this sort of talent.....I love it when people can completely surprise you like that. Isn't it wonderful?  

I've been using up scraps of wool to make a blanket that I'm going to give to an old folks' place. It's ok but I've discovered that me and Random are not good partners. I don't know what goes wrong but I'm never as happy with this work as I am when I've specifically picked the colours. More evidence of OCD perhaps?  Still, it'll hopefully brighten up someone's day when it's completed!

Talking about random.......
Remind me never to pootle around the Christmas displays at a local garden centre with Julia.....

It's a good look, don't you think?  (apologies to the sales staff for having to witness the exploits of two middle aged titterers!!

Have a great week xxxx


Helen said...

lots to smile at today, not least the last two photos.... love your pile of bunting (sorry, don't think it looks like bikinis at all! ) the crocheting that Richard does is just fab! Love the elephant. Thanks for the carol - had a quick listen, but am running late for work now!! Helen 8

Maria said...

Oh my gosh those photo's of you two in the glasses made me laugh thankfully I wasn't drinking anything at the time lol....
Your craft desk is a picture of colour love all the materials your using for your Xmas bunting, love what you did with your fascinator the black and that touch of colour look beautiful....
Have a great week crafting, maybe you should do antler ears in your next selfies lol...

Maria No:17

Unknown said...

Haha those Christmas thongs will make perfect bunting! Love the festive glasses too. X

Julia Dunnit said...

I think we look super cool and trendy. And it was a cheap date - we didn't actually buy the glasses!! Happy day. The corsage is beautifuller in the real, but I think you must have looked gorgeous. Isn't Richard clever - crikey. I used to work with a senior civil servant who used to do silk ribbon embroidery in his lunch hour. Said it was good for his blood pressure....whatever it was good for, Like Richard, he made some exquisite things.

Chrysalis said...

Ooh, it's all lovely! Great fabric for 'thongs', wonderful corsage and a wedding, amazing work by Richard, orchestra news, gorgeous pressie, crazy days out with crafty pals - what's not to like?! Happy WOYWW and a great week. Hugs, Chris # 15

Crafting Queen said...

Great fabrics on your desk. Richard's work is amazing. Have a great day.

Annie said...

I love your wedding makes....really fab. Christmas thongs look great too 😃 that little Christmas tree gift is really special.
Annie x. #23

Robyn Oliver said...

What a great happy post Jan....love your handiwork, and Richards crochet, talented man. The gift Christmas tree is just beautiful and I can just see you two having fun at the garden center. Happy WOYWW, cheers enjoy your week RobynO#26

Twiglet said...

Oh such a lovely cheery post Jan - I love all the craftiness and well those cool dudes in specs had me giggling! Thanks lots. x Jo

sandra de said...

Double trouble or what? Love the little hare and christmas tree they are both so sweet. Have a lovely woyww.
Sandra de @29

Jackie said...

The christmas fabric you are using for the bunting looks lovely!
Then I get to the last picture and OMG look at you two!!!!
Jackie 9

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Looks like you had fun with those glasses! Yay for middle aged titterers! Lovely mini Christmas tree - it must be tiny if it's sitting on a cotton reel! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #30

Belinda Basson said...

Now I need to come shopping with you two. Sound like a blast! Life is too serious really. #24

Belinda Basson said...

The wind is gale force outside...as for inside...it will not blow you over, but rather pass you out...also live in a house of men...so yes, I suffer from both at the moment as the wind is too strong to open windows...a sad state of affairs! One day I will come over for the WOYWW gathering and come shopping with you girls...it is on my bucket list!

Hettie said...

Tee Hee! I think we have similar desks this week! Love that tree and I have a pair of those glasses I kid you not. They cover your face in glitter, but as mine is constantly glittered it makes no real difference.
I will always be willing to go shopping with you two!

Hettie said...

Oops #39!

Diana Taylor said...

Thank you so much for the kind comments Jan! I'm loving the crochet work - what an amazing guy, his creations are so clever and all done without patterns - wow! Beautiful fascinator, and a great idea to jazz it up yourself - very clever and stylish. Hope you have a great week making the bunting - it's going to look fab, I love the fabrics - you've got enough triangles there for a few miles of the stuff by the look of it!
Diana xx

Artatag said...

So many adorable projects on your blog! You really are busy! And you are right this little tree is adorable!
Gabriele 12

shazsilverwolf said...

Rofl at you and Julia! Yes, it seems today that its finally under control, she says with fingers crossed.The crochet work is astounding- I'm still waiting to see Julia's elephant, lol. The fascinator looks as fab as you described it.Love and hugs, Shaz xxxx

Sue said...

What a lovely gift.

Loads of fab projects.

Sue (Not taking part this week:()

Unknown said...

Jan, I had never heard this song before! What a gorgeous video, and those boys are amazing...I can't believe the range in their voices. Well give Harry and Ron a hug from Minnie! She absolutely rules the house...just ask poor Joseph who is three times as big as her, but she still bosses him around. I love all the banner making going on in your sewing room today too. But most of all I am picturing a gorgeous, English rose in her fascinator--what a brilliant way to do it up! You know though, when you were laughing about getting into a dress, I realized that I hardly ever wear dresses anymore either--not even to church. I don't think I look very good in dresses anymore--I think that's why I so envy those skinny minnie pictures of Kate with William and she always has on an amazing dress--she even looks perfect when she's pregnant! Wish we could drink tea and sew together all day. Hugs soul sister! Sandy Leigh #40

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Wish you hadn't said thongs Lol! that's all I can see now!!
Love the fabrics though and what brilliant crochet.
Two naughty girls Lol! Happy crafting, Angela x 28

Neet said...

Was Richard the groom? Not that it matters but I just wondered - what a lucky lady if he is - she can look forward to some cute animals being crocheted for her. Love them both! And your blanket.
Bunting will never be bunting again - it will remain forever thongs now.
Love the glasses - did you both go to Specsavers?
Hugs and Thanks for visiting me?
Neet xx

Glenda said...

The two with the silly glasses just stuck out among the crowd for me. How funny they are! Glenda #31

Karon said...

I love those fabulous fabrics! TFS the crochet from Richard - let him know they are fab! Love the Christmas Glasses!!! Thanks for stopping by.

Karon #33

Karon's Krafty Korner

Ali H said...

Just wondered what a girl does with all that bunting ? !!
Love the hare ornament & brooch !
Never learnt to crochet as I thought it was all blankets but the toys are amazing - what hidden talents as you say !
Hugs Ali xx

Patrink said...

Like so many before me just luvin the wee tree. you look smashing my dear.

Pat #50

fairy thoughts said...

Great post as usual...... From thongs to male crochet in a few seconds.... what a star to crocheting an octopus..... brilliant........ people never cease to amaze me either.
especially gals who wear mad Christmas glasses.... titter, titter
janet #16

RosA said...

Cool Yule eyewear! Very classy!
I'm absolutely gobsmacked that your friend made those crochet toys without a pattern!! I would pay good money for that elephant!
I know what you mean about 'random' ... sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and yes, I think it might have something to do with a touch of OCD :)
Your Christmas bunting is going to be fabulous! Very festive!
RosA # 3

Shoshi said...

What a fun post, LLJ, and thanks for putting a smile on my face! Love the "thongs" (lol lol!!) and the beautiful crochet toys, and those fabby glasses! ROFL!

Thanks for your lovely comment - glad you like the astronomy page. I'm afraid I don't hold out any hope of Mum improving any time soon. She's alwasy been difficult and extreme old age has just made it worse. It's something we just have to put up with, and deal with when it happens, I'm afraid, but I could well do without it - all I want is a quiet life!!!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #35

Sharon Madson said...

Oh, such great photos at the garden center!! Lovely! Made me smile. I love the octupus and the elephant too. Thanks for the smiles. #55

Eliza said...

Hi Jan

Sorry not been around, life that is my excuse. Love the head scarves (thongs) I do have to admit some of the fabric is a bit of a surprise and not you. I do love the duo photo shoot, can I come shopping with you two what fun we will have. Gotta go have heaps to do.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda #61

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, those glasses are a hoot :) Read Julia's comment and you didn't buy them!!! Hubby just hung some of your Christmas thongs up with the fairy lights yesterday ... looking very festive they are too :) Another great post I thoroughly enjoyed reading - love the tree and brooch from Diana and Richard's fabulous crochet work - love his attention to detail and think he's missed his vocation. Your granny squares are fab but I don't do random well either - I just find it too confusing and, well ... disorderly! I know, after seeing my desk, you'd think I've embraced disorderly but actually I so don't. I'll be fine on Boxing Day :) Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #47

Anonymous said...

I especially love the glasses, definitely you! :D You certainly are busy there girlfriend... banners, feathered brooches, crocheted afghans...whew! I'm pooped (can one say pooped on the Internet? :D), just reading all of the creative activity! That little embellished tree from Diana is awesome!!! I especially have a soft spot for bunnies :D Anyway I should move along so you can get back to your craftiness...sorry for getting around to your desk so late... I am indeed one of the tortoise in life :D
Hugs and happy crafting... til next week...
Beth P

Kyla said...

Lovely corsage, your outfit sounds divine. As to your elephant and octopus-too cute for words :-)

As to the joy of 2 women old enough to know better misbehaving in public-hurrah to that! :-)


 WHO PUT THE COLOURS IN THE RAINBOW? Another week has whizzed past and it's been full of crafting, selling, playing keyboards and enjoyi...