I remember one christmas morning
A winters light and a distant choir
And the peal of a bell and that christmas tree smell
And their eyes full of tinsel and fire
(Greg Lake - listen here)

I've chosen this song because we're playing it a lot at band at the moment - the euphoniums have the main theme and play it beautifully!

Once again, the desk is a tip...
A finished tote, some felt, black lace, button drawers askew, A5 books ready to be made into prezzies. Believe it or not, there is method behind the madness and some sort of running order!  The things that needed to be sent abroad have gone, I'm just making a final PiF item for something I got involved with on Facebook and now it's time to make a couple of things for a family party.

This is all I can show you...the recipient occasionally reads my blog! 

Wish I'd removed that red thread before taking the picture....
I can't remember where that black lace came from (think someone might have passed it on to me) but goodness, it's been well used in items from Goth bags to corsages. I'm just making another here....
I did wonder if that red button was too big, but I liked its In-Your-Face qualities, and the person for which it's destined isn't a shrinking violet anyway!  Fingers crossed she likes it!

The village that I live in is very lucky to have two shops, a doctors, two pubs, a petrol station and active sports club. which is amazing as it's not that large. But the heart of the community is, without doubt, our wonderful Post Office. Mike and Yvonne who run it are well used to me toddling in with something destined for the other side of the world.  "Another blog reader?" they query as I plonk the parcel on the scales!  The reason I'm telling you this is that they adore Christmas and every year, decorate the shop....
You get the feeling that something's different as you approach.... then you go in and.....WOW, just look up.....
They spend a whole day stringing twigs across the ceiling and then hanging fairy lights and decorations. It's far more twinkly in real life and there's music playing too :-)

It makes me smile every time I go in (every other day, it seems like at the moment!) and if you weren't feeling particularly festive beforehand, 10 minutes in there and you'll come out singing carols :-)

Have a great crafting week!  xxxx


Helen said...

The Greg Lake song is one of my favourites, wish I could hear you playing it... The Post Office looks fantastic, what a wonderful way to celebrate their busiest time!! Have a great week. Helen 8

voodoo vixen said...

Your desk looks calm... nothing frantic just a tad busy. The bag looks gorgeous, and the black lace is lovely, that in your face button is a winner. Loving the twig decs in your post office, how wonderful, makes it seem all smiley and nice when most post offices seem a bit dark and dingy. Annette 22

Julia Dunnit said...

Am in accord with Annette here, your desk doesn't look the tip you think it does, specially when you've been so busy at it. As for the red thread..I think it sometimes takes a photo to show you stuff like that! I've experienced the Post Grotto - it is lovely and I think they would love your pics.

Anne said...

My xezk has been the same- probably worse! Love the black lace and button! The post office decorations are fabulous!!! Wish ours was like that! Anne x #29

Lynn Holland said...

What a lovely community Post Office you've got. The part hidden present looks really lovely. Someone is going to be happy on Christmas Day.
Lynn // 30

Annie said...

I'm supervising the munchkins playing happily with their Lego so grabbing a few minutes to do a dash round some of my favourite blogs.
How lovely to have such a wonderful community to live in. The village where we just moved from had a postmaster that was rude and grumpy so it was somewhere you only went when you had to.
Annie x #19

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Pfft! I can't see anyone's blog photos today. The Post Office sounds so lovely. I will come back later for another look.

Fiona #24

Crafting Queen said...

Another lovely looking bag on your desk. Have a great day.

Chrysalis said...

Wow, that post office is amazing! What a lovely place to shop. Glad your prezzies are getting done, and you seem to be enjoying it, rather than frazzled. Happy WOYWW, Chris # 13

sandra de said...

Gorgeous project and the twig and light display is stunning.
Sandra de @33

Sue said...

The recipient of the tote will be thrilled. Loving the little brooch.

I love places that make the effort to decorate with more than just a few streamers.

Sue #38

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan, happy WOYWW - you're always zoooming up something fabulous, the black lace broach is really neat- a statement yes!! Oh and the post office looks amazing, Enjoy your week RobynO#27

Neet said...

WOW What a fabulous shop to go in. Certainly would cheer any blues you had.
Love your makes, especially the lace brooch - now where did I put the black lace I had?Hugs, Neet 17 xx

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

How fun, love the twigs and decorations! Festive it should be. Pretty black lace and fun projects. I don't cram any more but I really am behind schedule ! No doubt something will not get done this year, but there's a first for everything. I hate to blame it on age. I have my packages mailed early for my military son and our Post Office is NOT FESTIVE ! So glad it's done. Have a fun week and enjoy the season #47 this week

Glenda said...

Now that's my kind of shop. I would love to have something like that in my area! Our post office is small but no decorations and hardly any smiles either.
Glenda #37

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, what an amazing effort your PO makes- thats real community, that is.Not a messy desk at all- its fab.You are taking over the world, one tote bag at a time, rofl. Lolled at the red thread- funny how you don't spot these things till after, when they sit there waving a flag at you! Received your PIF this morning- AWESOME!!!!!! Love them, we both did. I'll be blogging them next week :) And the card- Wow! Had a tear in my eye, you lovely lady you. Love & Huge hugs to you, Shaz xxxx

Unknown said...

Living in a village with a magical post office is something right out of a fairytale! I love it! And of course your sewing table is full of beauty and wonder. I thought of you yesterday because my little 11-year-old nephew Nicholas was in his first band concert! He is playing the trumpet. He's a little blonde thing and just looked adorable. Can you believe it's almost Christmas? I think I mourned summer until about November. But I do love the twinkly magic of this time of year. My house is fully decorated--I just have the Christmas tree on the greenhouse left to decorate. And I need to get my reindeers to the sewing machine. But as usual, you have inspired me today. Hugs dearest! Sandy Leigh #56

Elizabeth said...

Love your desk, Jan. There's lots going on - all to be finished before Christmas. The black lace is gorgeous and I love the 'in-you-face' button - perfect! That Greg Lake number is lovely - I can just imagine how good it sounds when your band plays it and how much it will be putting everyone in the festive spirit. Just like your local post office - it's like Santa's grotto with all those twigs strung with lights - wish my PO was as much fun :) Have a good week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #53

lisa said...

You are looking very industrious there, Jan. What fantastic Xmas decorations your PO put up, how wonderful. It looks a bit like the office I work in. I work with Mrs Christmas...no not really... but she turns into Mrs Christmas at this time of year and we have a reindeer singing away all day, it's great fun and the kids love it although it drives us slightly nuts after hours of it and today we turned it off claiming it'd lost it's voice, lol.
Enjoy your week
hugs Lisax

Bridget Larsen said...

Love those twig decorations, what a great idea. Your desk looks very busy not untidy lol
Bridget #36

Bridget Larsen said...

p.s next time you go posting again tell Mike and Yvonne that MOI from Australia adores their shop and wish I could come there and post my stuff

Tertia said...

Oh How jealous I am at your post office, ours has been on strike for 6 months. I haven't been getting any mail since July, so no Christmas cards for me this year, there is no point in paying a courier to deliver one little card.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #32

Artatag said...

Now this is a real magical postoffice! I am sure the mail with wishes goes directly to Santa! You did an awesome job!
Gabriele 23

sandysewin said...

Wow, I want to go to YOUR post office. Ours is rather plain and full of dour, overworked government employees.

I love that black & white botanical fabric you are working with, whatever it is, it will be nice!

Happy creating and happy Woyww,

Sandy #31

Ali H said...

Thanks for sharing the lovely photos of your local shops - no wonder they make you feel Christmassy !

Patrink said...

Advantages of living in a small town, decorated post office. Absolutely love love love the red button. You go girl.

Pat #66

Unknown said...

Oh my! What a FUN post office!!!! Definitely worth a smile or even a laugh! Love it! Great desk, too, with the sewing going on! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #51

pearshapedcrafting said...

Wow! Posting parcels must be a pleasure going there! Love what's on your desk! Chrisx 49

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Gorgeous bag, love that fabric. Great post office, such fun!
Happy crafting, Angela x 45

Darnell said...

That's the Post Office that does that, LLJ? Oh, heaven's, I am moving there immediately! How delightful!! Thank you for sharing!! I will carry those photos in my memory as I'm standing on long lines in my dreary institutional and cavernous P.O. filled with surly clerks who can barely speak English. Oh, wait, was that out loud? I'm not WOYWWing as I've no time to hop today, but I miss you and wanted to stop in and say hi. Hugs, Darnell

Diana Taylor said...

I'd love a local post office like yours - how lovely and festive - it must really lift the spirits - my local PO is run by a couple of miserable so and so's! I love the corsage - very pretty and the button looks great. Have a great week,
Diana x

Anonymous said...

When it seems like so many rural POs are closing (and it is so sad that they are) this shining example (literally LOL!) shows why they used to be the heart of any small community, maybe even more so than the local pub. It made me happy and as I know I've hit my "easy commenting" limit in my 2nd browser, and will be faced with word verification in a second, that is saying something. I really must send you a link to another sewing tutorial that you will look at, shake your head over, and move on, but I bet if you made it there would be a fight over it... have I teased enough? I'll track it down and send it over ... then you can decide...


Happy happy day-after WOYWW!
Mary Anne (4)

Eliza said...

Such a beautiful song a favorite of mine too. Love the post office decorations, tell them thanks for the spirit they are sharing even to this point in the world. Yoda, stocking has now been added to the tree but not in this shot, will post it next week with the addition.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 70

Hugs Eliza

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

What a lovely village shop! I live in a relatively small place as well. I don't think I could go back to city life ever again. I would feel so alienated! I enjoyed listening to the Christmas song you linked in as well - I'd never heard it before! Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a great run up to Christmas! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle# 40

Laura said...

What a ceiling! :)
Love the tote fabric

VonnyK said...

I love your post office, so much fun and festivity there. Every time I see your fabulous sewing I ALMOST want to try and sew, but then I come to my senses (he he). I'll leave that to you experts. Love the fabric on that bag and that little black lace number is so cool. It cried out for that big red button. Have a wonderful, fabulous Christmas and see you next year.
Luv Von #28

Unknown said...

I love the trim you're using on the edge of those notebook. x

Twiglet said...

Now thats what I call festive fun - fab post office. Love your little corsage - you have the knack of making everything so neat and totally desirable! x Jo

JoZart Designs said...

What a lovely place to visit, and it's just the local post office... no! it's much more than that. They must be super people.
Thanks so much to you and Julia for sending me a card... lovely to be remembered.
Jo x


 WHO PUT THE COLOURS IN THE RAINBOW? Another week has whizzed past and it's been full of crafting, selling, playing keyboards and enjoyi...