(listen here - Karen Carpenter had the best voice...)

You find me mid-furtle! I've been getting some fabrics together to quickly run up some more little cosmetics bags for a band fundraiser and I was just deciding what to add where.....
Gingham, lace and roses - Pretty x 3!
The three finished bags plus a craft tote for my friend Helen in Wales whose old one had fallen apart - so that was good timing!!

I dragged Julia to Salisbury last week - I needed some more fusible fleece for the make up bags and Fabricland exerted its magic spell on me...oh yes, it did. I don't remember picking up these things..it's like it was all a dream... ;-)
Fleece for quilt backing, 3 gorgeous spotty polycottons that are useful for linings, some daisy laces, longer zips for more craft bags, iron-on interfacing (firm!!) and rigilene. I'm not planning on using it for corsetry - nope, I'm going to make some desk tidies and this will go around the top of the bin part.
And guess what? There wasn't any fusible fleece so I'll have to go back...snigger....
Spotty dotty daisy happiness - have your eyes gone funny looking at this??

And finally, the friend whom I made the owl crafty tote for had great difficulty prising it away from her small daughter ('MY bag, Mummy....!!) so I made little Chloe one of her very own to carry 'important stuff' around in. After all, a girl can never have too many bags, eh?? 
Start off as you mean to go on, that's what I say :-D

Have a great week!


Chrysalis said...

These are just so beautiful, Jan - what lovely, happy, sunny fabrics! Have a great week xx

Unknown said...

Wow Lady Jan, I don't know where to begin!!! Everything is so cheery and bright! Love love all the beautiful creations!!! The little bag at the end is so pretty...Love it!!!
Hugs & Purrs

Caz said...

All gorgeous!! Love the spots!!! The little bag is so sweet!!
Sewing's been the only thing to keep me going for a while but back to normal now (whatever normal is) and back to WOYWW!! Beady stuff this week but next week will probably be a photo from the other (sewing) end of the den - plenty of quilting going on!!
Happy (early) WOYWW
Caz #12

Judys Lace Creations said...

Jan your sewing projects are fabulous.Such wonderful, gorgeous, cheery colours!!

Bernice said...

Lots of lovely things! I have a zip phobia so avoid them at all costs! These look like a really neat job.
Bernice #17

Anne said...

Gorgeous fabrics and makes. The little bag is adorable. Anne x # 28

Jan said...

Great WOYWW xx Jan (31)

Unknown said...

Oh WOW your bags are just wonderful!! The materials are beautiful :-). Happy WOYWW.
Janene #30 (was 29 earlier lol)

Unknown said...

Those makeup bags are a dream. And you are such a wonderful friend to make a tote for the little daughter! Thank you for saying a girl can never have too many totes...I feel much better about myself now! I do think those makeup bags, though, will sell like hotcakes for your band! Oh, and when I was at JoAnn's this weekend I thought of you as I was choosing which variegated threads to buy! Have you used those in your machine? This will be an experiment for me, but seeing the whole rack of Sulky threads...every kind and color you can think of...was just heaven for me, and made it so hard to choose! I wanted them all! So I'm so glad you were in your own fabric store heaven. Those dots are to die for. Love them! Hugs soul sister! Sandy Leigh #18

Deb said...

Oh I love that song, just have to sing along with it now!

What a lovely lot of fabric stash you just happened to come home with, that often happens to me too, things just turn up in your shopping bag, I can never remember making a purchase and it always feels like a gift! haha!

So love those little make up bags, so pretty! Gorgeous bag for little Chloe too, she must be so proud!

Have a great week, Debxx

Eliza said...

You have been so busy, you make me tired. Love that blue craft tote Helen will love it. Oh and shopping in your sleep is the best way to shop, so sad you have to go when you are awake, goodness what will jump into the bag now. LOL Have fun..... giggles can you hear them? Also love the little tote for Chloe. Have a great week.

Oh you can see your bunting above my window in the wide shot today. Looks good ha....


Hugs Eliza & Yoda 36
36 my favourite number

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

You have a lovely assortment of colorful designs here. Bet the little Chloe will be delighted. Good luck with your fund raiser. Enjoy WOYWW

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It certainly looks like spring at your place this week. All that lovely fabric and those bags really scream spring is here. Happy WOYWW from # 15.

VonnyK said...

Oh wow, your bright bags almost made me want to take up sewing, just lucky I quelled the urge. Sewing machines don't like me! So they didn't have the fleece, sure they didn't (cough, cough). How many trips can you milk out of that excuse :) Love those bags and the tote you made for little Chloe is gorgeous. You're such a clever lady.
Have a great week.
Von #48

Andrea said...

Great bag s love the lace and that little tote is so sweet she is going to love it as for your shopping trip what a shame you need to go back!;-)... loving the spotty fabrics have a great week crafty hugsAndrea #45 X

HeARTworks said...

Wish I had some fusible anything! None available here! My favorite is the blue and white bag on the third picture- lovely! patsy

Helen said...

what gorgeous fabrics you bought in your dream!! I can quite see why... Have a great day.. Helen 9

Unknown said...

Hi Jan
Very pretty fabrics and bags this week! Its weird how things just seem to meet you at the till when we are out in our fav shops!
Have a happy week
Lynda B no 52 X

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

what wodnerful post as usual Lunch lady Jan!!

oh how I love that rose fabric in first shot made up in to a wee purse there.. just as well I dont live over there.. would have to visit the show!! :D

.. and love the new blue and white tote, too! how special....
... and yes daisy lace!

I shall confess have great hankering for that with classic spots, too very eye captivating, happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #47

Lynn Holland said...

I love how you run up such lovely things for people. You are so generous Jan.
Have a great creative week
Lynn x

Ann B said...

I love to look at your desk Jan, so much to see (and covet). Beautiful fabrics and bags, must have a go at a craft bag for me. The roses fabric is my favourite, or is it the spots? Need them all.

Ann B

fairy thoughts said...

Funny how things mysteriously fall on our bag in crafty shops I have tha same probl at work. Who wouldn't want the gorgeous little bag.
Have a good week
Janet @7

Annie said...

Looks like we have both been putting things in our shopping bags lol. I want to say please can you tell me where you get what ever you're taking at the mo....you seem to have so much energy for gorgeous crafty creations. If you remember 'The Flumps' on the telly I'm rather like Pootle Flump who was always under a cloud!!
Annie x # 1

Neet said...

Fab cosmetic bags, and lucky friend with that tote. Of course, fabric drops into your bag like rubber stamps drop into mine, or dies, or paper, or .... Even fabric if I venture into Abakahn!
Have a good week
Hugs, Neet 65 xx

Crafting Queen said...

Wonderful bags, love your fabrics.

Minxy said...

Your so very talented, all the totes and purses look fab, love the last tote {apart from it being way too bright for me} i'm more a naturels or pastels kinda girl!
Happy Wednesday
Minxy {was #6 now #23}

Anonymous said...

LOL! Funny how the kids appropriate stuff from us as often as WE appropriate stuff from THEM (to be fair, DD hasn't used her waterbrush markers in YEARS so I don't feel too bad...) What a lorra lorra loveliness - I did a bit of sewing but just boring clothing repair for DS. Meh.

Happy WOYWW!

Mary Anne (11)

Annie Claxton said...

I love your bags, SO pretty! Gorgeous fabrics, totally irresistible. And "furtle" is a GREAT word :o) Annie C #77

Dianne said...

Hello Miss Jan, those bag are fabulous and the tote is gorgeous, I too think one can not have too many Tote bags :O), Thanks for sharing, have a wonderful day...Dianne # 80 ((( BIG HUGS)))..

CraftygasheadZo said...

Such pretty colours! Love how you turn fabric to bags, whatever, so clever. I've been saving toiletries to give you for the ladies at the rescue place too. Enjoy your day. Take care Zo xx 83

my cup of tea said...

Hahahaha LOVE the rose fabric! I am working on a crazy quilt block that needs that! You were right about the spots! Great minds think alike! And eh....YOU are right a girl can never have to many bags!!! Its so cute by the way!

Belinda Basson said...

You make me want to go back and try my tote bag again. I did find a good site on Pinterest with step out photos for me to understand...I have however made a sample cutlery pouch and will make lots more for a market I am going to next Saturday. Guess what I am doing tonight? #63

BJ said...

Yep got the song playing as I write again this week. Love Karen Carpenter too, great drummer. Adore the lace, gingham, and roses bag my absolute favourite. Super fabrics too, love visiting your page. BJ#76

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

You have really done it to me today, Jan. I had to sit and listen to Karen Carpenter, then I got onto other albums of the Carpenters, and now I can't think straight enough to write properly. You are so lucky to have such a good fabric shop so handy. We have lost all those kinds of places round here and no haberdashers either. In the garden, I have really gone for plants that are not only beautiful and perfumed but the majority are to encourage bees and butterflies and all the good things. I have also got several packets of wild flower seeds to scatter when the weather warms up a little. When I get the next instalment of raised beds done, then I intend to mix even more of that kind of plant in, including more buddlejas and sedums and thymes. Although there are not many plants in yet, I have still seen more bumble bees and butterflies than I saw the whole of last year. It still upsets me that I had to get that bumble bee nest destroyed last year, so I will do whatever I can to restore the balance. More insects like that will improve my sweet peas and peas and beans etc anyway. I also intend to put in marigolds as companion plants for the peas and beans, and loads of marigolds around the tomatoes. I am also mixing flowers and veggies. xx Maggie

Eliza said...

Forgot to ask before Jan why are those zips so bloody long are they for huge totes? hours later and it is still on my mind. Nothing crazy about me..... nope not at all.....

Hugs Eliza

Kate Hadfield said...

Oh what gorgeous gorgeous little bags and totes! I LOVE the gingham, lace and roses one especially, so girlie!!
Happy WOYWW!
Kate #62

Robyn said...

I'm fusable deficient so in awe of your bags. The fabric squares are lovely!
thanks for visiting and the snoop around your place.
Robyn 14

Eliza said...

Thought it would give you a giggle, now I can sleep peacefully.

Hugs E

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What is it about polka dots that is so appealing? They always catch my eye. Shame about the fusible fleece. If your return visit is after the Easter hols let me know and I could be persuaded into a Fabricland trip. Your make up bags are so pretty, I'm sure they'll be hot sellers :o)

Fiona xx #93

Neet said...

It was a flattering photo I think Jan but thank you so much for the compliment.
Hugs, Neet xx

lisa said...

Ohhh gorgeous fabric. I wish we had a good fabric shop nearby. I don't know of one that sells such beautiful stuff, only quilting fabric! I'm not surprised they fell into your basket, Jan!! Love all the makes you've been busy with too.
Hugs Lisax

Stacy Sheldon said...

I am so glad I can peek in your "dreamy" stash of Fabric's and feed the urge to collect more ( since mine is currently gathering dust this is not a plan here) I love those bags you made too :) tfs! Stacy #98

Kim said...

Happy WOYWW! Love all those bags! And I'm intrigued: Desk tidies??? Can't wait to see them! Have a great week.

glitterandglue said...

Jan, these are beautiful. And what a wonderful selection of fabrics! What a real nuisance having to go back. Just think, more things may drop into your basket without you noticing... how hard is that?! I always take hubby with me to Abakhan - his principle is "They may not have it next time, and it won't go off"!!! Fabulous, hey?
Thanks for visiting. That green fabric is pretty yummy, isn't it? But we are still in the mock up stage. Not the REAL fabric yet - still more playing to go.
Sorry you have an attack of envy over my space - but just take heart - there might be lots of boxes which look BRILL - but that doesn't mean they are tidy or organised!
Take care - hope you raise lots for your band!
Margaret #22

Paper rainbow said...

Hello :) Such beautiful bags, I love polka dots, I always have and I don't quite know why. Whenever I see anything made in polka dot fabric I HAVE to have it. So as you may have guessed I'm loving the spotty new fabric. Furtle.... A great word!!! not used enough :)

Caro said...

Gorgeous bags and lovely fabrics...no wonder you were in a dreamlike state ;) The little girl must be in seventh heaven with that gorgeous bag. Thanks for sharing! Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#102)

Princess Judy Palmer said...

So terribly horrible that they were out of fusable fabric and now you'll have to make another trip there! How arduous!!!!! I really was waiting for you to say you got distracted by all your lovely purchases that you *forgot* to buy it. That would be me all over. Love the bright fabrics you bought and the ones you made the zip bags and totes from. You have some seriously wonderful talent!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Thanks Jan for stopping by at mine. I love your bag designs.
I am mad for anything spotty be it fabric or paper, just love it.
Happy crafting, Angela #27

Neesie said...

Gorgeous bags Jan...I would have to have them all because I wouldn't be able to pick out a favourite ;D
My sewing machine has had a broken needle for possibly over 20 years but seeing your work makes me think...maybe just maybe I should buy a new needle.
Enjoy WOYWW Neesie #86

My name is Cindy said...

LOL you do make me smile. So productive, all I have to show for the week are 3 measly cards on my desk. I would still be trying to thread the sewing machine. Really excited about the crop!! It's nice to have something to look forward to. All a dream eh? I shall have to remember that one - after all, I forget what I'm doing most of the time these days, I might as well use it to my advantage! Thanks for the visit, Happy WOYWW Cindy #72

pearshapedcrafting said...

Gorgeous fabrics - can see why you had to have them! Love your bags ! Chris96

Shoshi said...

Gorgeous work as usual, Jan - I love the spotty fabrics! What lovely colours throughout the post.

Thanks for your visit and your lovely comment - glad you like the teabag stains. I love the idea of ageing treasure maps by using tea - I wonder if the kids ever located the treasure lol!!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #20

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan and thanks for visiting my desk. ooooww oooww fabric, it's so nice, there's not enough time to make cards and sew and knit and everything....at least I suppose I've been doing a little bit. Love all your bags...cute cosmetic purses and lucky Chloe - her own mimi tote. I'm lbeing tugged...will have to prioritize and just go sew one day a week that could work. Thanks for the inspiration. Cheers and have a great week RobynO#40

sandra de said...

Gorgeous, stunning beautiful bags you have outdone yourself and then I notice the very arty photo of the machine doing it's stuff. Wow! Still struggling with fusible fleece ... picturing sheep jumping around and then sticking to things mid air while listening to the Carpenters.... he he.
Sandra @79

Twiglet said...

Just chuckling at Annie "Pootle Flump" - she is under a cloud tho - I do wish she could get moved quickly now. I love your fabrics and makes Jan. Have you tried normal fleece with that moveable self adhesive spray - it works quite well. x Jo

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, you guess right! I could still hear hearing cells dying the next day, rofl! Love, love love those purple dotty fabrics- and somewhere I have some of that rigilene- I had intentions of making a basque type top one day- funny how my good intentions never get anywhere- the bad ones keep me too occupied, lol.Have a great week, running around late this week, I lost Wednesday completely, lol. Hugs Shaz #55 xx

Jackie said...

How sweet that you made chole a little bag to match her mums!
Love seeing all your pictures of the lovely fabric
Jackie 5

peggy aplSEEDS said...

What wonderful bags you've finished making! I love that combination of flowers and green gingham, and the purple button in the other bag. Great details and color combinations! Thanks for sharing!
Happy WOYWW!
peggy aplSEEDS@19

Hettie said...

I like your method of shopping - happens to me often.
Love that lovely cute bag at the end.
Your buying spots reminded me of when my friend first came to see my new craft room. He was looking at my ribbons all lined up poking out of the drawer and she said "Hmmn. You like spots don't you?" I had not realised just how many spotty ribbons I had in various colours and widths! Haa Haa!

Unknown said...

Aww, what a shame you will have to go back to the fabric shop :D
Absolutely love the rose pattern bag and the clever gingam and lace details! These cosmetic bags will make someone very lucky.
Hope it all goes well for the fundraiser, good luck.
Zee xoxo

505whimsygirl said...

Hello LLJ,

Oh, the rose fabric, lace and gingham. WOW. I love the little tote you made for your friend's daughter. So very cute. Isn't it funny how purchases just kind of jump into our carts and we don't fully realize what we bought until we get home! Funny how that works.

I envy you and Julia living so closely together. I bet you are so fun to go shopping with!

Thank you for visiting me already! Happy belated WOYWW
Hugs, Kay (21)

Unknown said...

Love the dotty fabric and your tote is fab...thanks for stopping by my blog.
Dawn #3

Kyla said...

Oh my, these are fabulous. We have a fabric land in Bristol. Its ideally placed as its next door to a musical instrument shop and a vinly/CD shop...so its like having a man creche to deposit your man at whilst you shop to your hearts content!!

Now, I know at the WOYWW crops you are usually busy flitting around doing a TON of stuff so will be too busy, but do you do teaching classes (like a small crop?) where you teach how to make your wee bags and bits and bobs? Seriously, I would travel if it was at the same place as lots of parking so easy for unloading sewing machines etc. :-)
kyla #2

Lisa-Jane said...

Oooh mid-furtle, get you missus!! Very pretty combo's there for those purses and I love the bright colours in the mini tote! Sorry its taken me so long to get around - its been quite a week!


 CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! It's been a bit of a week! In a nice way, I hasten to add. So there has been a bit of crafting done but not very ...