(Pink Floyd)

NOT!  I haven't frittered anything this week...certainly not time. In fact, it's gone by so fast, I'm still spinning!

The desk...
I'm making a few bits to sell at Julia's card Marathon this coming Saturday..all proceeds going to Guide Dogs for the Blind.  Some mini totes,a couple of knitting bags, doorstops and I'm just cutting out the pieces to make some desk tidies! Hopefully, a few more little lavender hearts and pillows too.
There's a couple of babies on the way amongst friends and family, so I thought I'd start a blanket - I lurrrrve these colours :-)
I made this blanket for a chemo comforter charity - I think rainbows bring a sense of cheer and happiness. Hopefully it'll help raise someone's spirits....

Right, that's it craft wise. Proceed at your own risk....
My outside desk - lots of transplanting to do and more seed sowing!
My gorgeous tree is in full bloom again...*happy dance* Can you hear the drone of the bees?

Son No 1 was 21 last Saturday - he's a hippie, nerdy, geeky student!!

I made him a Portal Cake (no, I don't know the relevance of this either...it's a geeky computer game and I found the idea on Pinterest. He loved it, nuff said!)

And finally - you know other people have crows or pigeons sitting on their rooftops??
Well, my street has Herons!! LOL :-)  He's obviously sussing out the goldfish in my neighbour's pond!! Canny bird. Bet he made a thump when he landed!!

See, the usual concoction of frivolity - sewing, crocheting, geeks and herons. Where else except WOYWW could this happen?   :-)



Judys Lace Creations said...

Love that cheeky son's smile.He looks nice! We all go through that look!!Kev and I looked just the same when we were that age!
Love your desk.All those yummy sewing bits!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

If you were ever to look at my profile, it shows I'm a fan of Pink Floyd. Now I'm singing along as I visit you. Although I'm not playing this week, I had to stop by to visit. It wouldn't be Wednesday, otherwise.

Love the look on your son's face. He really looks happy there. I'm not familiar with Portal, but it sounds very Sci Fi to me.

I'm so jealous. It is still too cold at night to start my planting. Yours is already taking off, and is probably ready to harvest (grin). Of course, the heron seems ready to either jump in the pond or visit your veggies. Never seen a heron in the "city" before. Only on a wildlife preserve.

Have a great week, dear.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo Lunch lady Jan.. would love to have a good play with those ribbons.. and love the owl atop the wee drawers too
Rainbow blanky is my fav.... we have herons... kinda ..sort of like that too.. they come into our yard but not our roof! happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #32

Helen said...

Hope your son enjoyed his birthday. Love the projects you're sharing today - especially that fabulous rainbow blanket, it's beautiful! I could do with one of your totes, I think! (sure could have been useful in gay paree!) Looking forward to the WOYWW Crop. Helen 11

Helen said...

oh, forgot the heron... that's some big bird to have on the roof. hope the goldfish survived!

Jackie said...

Well so much to see on your post! Love the picture of the big bird!! Bet he will steal the goldfish from the pond! Your sons cake looks yummy, it's caring you did what he would like, and great he liked it! Guide dogs for the blind is very close to my heart as I'm losing my sight as I have narrow angle glaucoma so thank you for being so kind to help such a good charity! I wish I was there to purchase one of your fabulous totes, the fabric you use is always so lovely.last week you said we should meet up if we both go to NEC stitches again, I would like that and will remind you next time !
Jackie 26

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Where else indeed Jan?! Ah, "The cake is a lie" is a phrase often heard in my house too. Great idea for a birthday cake and one I may be shamelessly stealing very soon! Your rainbow blanket is very cheering and I love all the shades you've chosen for the baby blanket.

Paper rainbow said...

Lovely rainbow blanket, as you may know I am a big rainbow fan! :) My daughter was 21 in February, They grow up so fast!! I made her a mulberry handbag cake as she is a fashion student. not quite a portal though and yours does look far more tasty.I hope he had a lovely birthday. I have never seen a heron on a house roof before, they are such beautiful birds.

Julia Dunnit said...

I wonder if Owen had enough pudding on one plate....I hope there was a return trip! The blankets are just lovely..the rainbow one would do just as you hope if you ask me. Looking forward to the weekend xx

Annie said...

I'm chuckling at how you sum up your blog....it's just perfect Jan. That rainbow blanket is just perfect....I love rainbows.
Annie x # 51

Sandy said...

Those totes are beautiful I would snap one up.. Love the rainbow blanket bit of colour to cheer up someone, perfect. Love the cake and how much he had on his plate for dessert such a typical guy, love it. I actually understand the portal cake, you rocked it. Awesome work in the garden desk too..
Sandy :) #44

VonnyK said...

I'm pooped just looking at all you've done this week, wow. I always love the wonderful bright colours you use on the totes and things. That rainbow blanket is absolutely beautiful and I'm sure it will be well received. That cake looks yummy, even if I don't know what a portal cake is, has to be some sort of computer game I'm guessing. You have to watch those cheeky herons, I lost an entire fish pond of fish to one of those terrors. It's hard to be annoyed though as they are so cute. Love your gorgeous tree in flower.
Have a great week.
Von # 53

Lynn Holland said...

What a breath of fresh air your blog is. It's better than an reading this weeks Woman's Weekly mag.
Lynn xx

JoZart Designs said...

Great post and it looks like a good time has been had this week!
Great makes too as ever. Hippy Burpday to your son... he'll make you proud and has such a lovely smile.
In Germany they erect poles all over the countryside with flat platform for the storks to nest on then people go out on stork safaris to see them.... I've been a few times. At some locations little cafes pop up to capitalise on the people!
Great song dedication!
Jo x

Anonymous said...

Lovely colours - I just adore making baby blankets cause the smallish size means getting done FAST :) I am lazy at heart. See you on Saturday - I decided I really should do the card marathon at least once in my life and as the day was free I jumped on it! I much show you a crochet technique I found (an old unfinished project) that is super sweet for a baby...just need to find the pattern book but if not I think I can remember it as I used it A LOT.

Happy WOYWW!

Mary Anne (15)

Crafting Queen said...

Wonderful creations on your desk. Beautiful blanket as well. Good luck with your seedlings. The frost almost killed mine, but they are doing better now. Have a great day.

Julie Kirk said...

What a lovely, positive, upbeat, post and so many beautiful colours on your desk and your blankets. Best of luck with the fundraising!

Julie :-) #68


G'day Jan. Happy WOYWW day to you. I'm a returning WOYWW after almost a years break. Oh lovely post...you take such charming photos too. Hope yr hand made stuff sells well after all your hard efforts sewing. That chemo comforter is divine with its rainbow of colours. Happy birthday to yr son too. Love the heron LOL
Annette In Oz #23

Unknown said...

Wow, busy, busy! Karen #71

Candace said...

Looks like you have been very busy. Love all the shades of turquoise in your Granny Stripe blanket.

Popping over from WOYWW. Thanks for sharing. Have a fabulous weekend.

Happy crafting Candace #33

fairy thoughts said...

And I thought I was busy ( actually I am very) but wow I don't know where to start , I'm fact you make me feel quite lazy.
Love the rainbow quilt, the cake looks like a 1970's Black Forest gateaux ..... Remember those? Not sure what a portal is either. You are do lucky, fancy having herons on your roof!!
I still haven't achieved much lately bit I'm getting there I keep saying ' after the wedding I'll ...... ' when I should be concentrating on that event first.
Have a good week and enjoy the marathon
Janet @19 ( new baby pic on my blog

glitterandglue said...

Jan, you are always doing something for someone else - you have a beautiful generous, gracious heart! I don't know how you have all the time (indeed you do NOT fritter any away!) - and the marathon on Saturday - wish I was coming - but....
)too far for a day. A 4-5hour drive both ways;
2) Hubby not well enough as yet to be left for all that time - would have to find someone else to give up their Saturday to help him out
Oh well - I can dream...
Your desk looks gorgeous today - as always! Love the rainbow blanket - I agree - makes you smile.
Congrats to Son 1! Oh the days when my children were that young. My elder one will be 40 this summer. Aaarrgggh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great week, and a fabulous day on Saturday.
Margaret #25

lisa said...

Looks like a fun week, Jan. Happy Birthday to Son No 1, he looks like a happy chappie. We have a new practising teenager in a few weeks, ahhh!!! I'm still waiting for the cake order, lol.
Love all your blankets, what great colours. Your greenhouse looks like mine at the mo, it's a great time of year in the garden isn't it? Full of promise.
Have a great week.
hugs Lisax

Ann B said...

That rainbow blanket is adorable, beautiful colours. Love everything on your desk this week, and the heron on the roof - we only get boring magpies on ours. Read the other day that a pair of storks are nesting on a roof in Norfolk. Now that is something.
Ann B

Twiglet said...

A fab post Jan - so much gorgeousness - the fabrics/bags and crochet are lovely - esp that rainbow. You definitely upstaged me with the heron!! lol x Jo

Unknown said...

Do I see leek starts there? I LOVE leeks! I always grow them and use them all winter. I once read about a famous opera singer who believed leeks helped her voice! And your table looks like a craft fair with those beautiful totes - what a wonderful cause. I work on a university campus, and I see people with low vision and blindness and their guide dogs all the time, and I adore those sweet working dogs. Well isn't it a hoot that I'm no. 1? Half the time I forget to post until well into Wednesday morning. Or sometimes I'll remember just before I'm going to bed. But last night I was knitting and watching "Call the Midwife" on the DVR and I went to get a big strawberry with some nutella, and it just happened to hit me, that maybe Julia had the linky up, and she did, and nobody had posted! I couldn't believe it because usually there are five people vying for the no. 1 spot every week. So funny. Please take pics at the event! Hugs dearest! Sandy Leigh (who is amazingly and unbelievably no. 1!)

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan- next door neighbours again! That cake looks awesomely chocolatey. Hubby just spotted all the pudding on Owens plate- he's impressed, lol. Lots of gorgeous colourful stuff as always I see- you are such a riot of colour every week. Heron on the roof- Doug asked if you are trying to improve your TV reception :) Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #44 xx

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

:o) Love your random bits on this Wednesday, Jan. The baby blanket is wonderful - I love those colors too! But what really got me is the rainbow chemo blanket - so lovely. I just found a pattern for a chemo doll and have been thinking of making a few to donate. I lost my mom to ovarian cancer about a year and a half ago, so that's a cause near and dear to my heart.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Excuse me ma'am, there's a heron on your roof. How crazy is that? Every once and awhile we get pelicans in town, very very lost pelicans. So much sewing and fabric crafting happening on your desk today, all such scrumptious colors. Great quilts too. That rainbow one is fabulous!!!! Sure to bring cheer to anyone who needs it. Judy #89

Bernice said...

I love those mini tote bags - they'll certainly sell quickly. The baby blanket has all my favourite colours, beautiful.
Bernice #72

trisha too said...

Seriously, I'm a lil' bit jealous of all the plants. Son #3 interpreted your cake for me; YOUR cake isn't a lie, thank goodness!

And we've had herons on our pond, but never the roof!!!

#13 this week with
fairies, a please, and
a thank you!

Christine said...

This is defo the blog that has everything but my personal favourite is the Chemo comforter, so cheerful and pretty.
Bishopsmate #86

Andrea said...

wow you have been busy ...how do you do it all! have you a clone ! LOL..only joking but wow you put us all to shame with your activities.... its non stop creating ..and even time for birthday cakes ! iI haven't even managed a post this week but still visiting my fav sites .your crochet blanket is stunning love the bright colours and will definitely cheer someone up a so much to see with your table laden with goodies a feast for the eyes and im lusting over that box of pretty ribbons in lace an d those very cuter bright tote bags I think my favourite is the the stripy one although would happily have any of them..hope Saturday goes well ?....I'm sure it will be a sell out have great week crafty hugs Andrea x

Unknown said...

thanks for sharing all those specialties!!! :)
I'm sure the blanket will lift someones spirit (it would have lifted mine while going through treatment)
I guess you forgot to list 'happy' for son #1 ;)
Oh and a heron on the roof would make my day - awesome!
Happy woyww!
Cheers, Jana #65

Chrysalis said...

A bit of this, a bit of that - and that wonderful rainbow blanket to top it all. Love it!! Have a great week, Chris # 35

Elizabeth said...

Thank goodness for WOYWW Jan, where else would we find such entertaining posts covering everything from sewing and crocheting to geeks and herons ... truly a concoction of frivolity. Belated wishes for a happy birthday to your No.1 Son. Your rainbow blanket is absolutely stunning and your desk looks a hive of activity - I'm sure your 'bits' will sell well for your charity. My outdoor desk is looking very much like yours now ... lots of little pots of seedlings coming along quite nicely. Love your tree decked in blossom ... am impatiently waiting for mine to burst into bloom, any day now I think. That's an amazing shot of the heron too. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #77

Sharon Madson said...

Love the turquoise and green yarn together. Beautiful color combo. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos of the heron and your tree and son. :) Happy WOYWW! #91

Cardarian said...

Thank you for your lovely kind comment on my blog - I am glad to be back in WOYWW land and I hope that better times are coming! Your posts are as always cheerful and happy and make me smile! I just love all your sewing! So much lovely things - and that rainbow blanket - ah just sooo gorgeous!
Lots of hugs and love,

famfa said...

Lovely happy post - made me smile. Every family needs a geek - great cake. Love the rainbow crochet - very cool x
Famfa 76

Mrs.D said...

Jan, thank you for your visit and lovely comments, unfortunately we didn't get as far as Pontcysyllte this time, The canal was closed above Whitchurch because the bank was disintergrating and they were in danger of losing the lot, so it didn't re-open until Saturday morning and we wouldn't have been able to get up and back before we had to be home on Monday.
Love your baby blanket with the blues and white, you have been busy.
Chris #41

Darnell said...

HI LLJ! I have missed you! Time has me spinning, too! Your post was great and filled with all sorts of wonderful delights from gorgeous blankets (so kind!) to gardening to milestone birthdays to herons who think they are robins!! Always fun and busy, that's you!! Have a wonderful week! Hugs, Darnell #26

Lisa-Jane said...

What a handsome fellow he is! I absolutely LOVE that blanket - it will certainly bring cheer and the hope of a pot of gold in the future too. What a lovely thing to do!

Ali H said...

Hi Jan
thanks for your visit - love your rainbow blanket !! great to see your seedlings venturing out too ! Ali xx

lisa said...

Hi Jan..again. Thanks for visiting earlier. We are sent the goodies and left to our own devices, although this time we were given some photos to use as a guide to colours and the flavour of India. It's lovely to have brand new things to play with.
Hugs Lisax

Sarn said...

Hi Jan

Good luck with the Marathon. Hope you make lots of profit for the charity.

All we've got it blinking NOISY seagulls on rooftops round here!

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Shoshi said...

Lots of lovely projects, Jan, and I particularly like the crochet - the rainbow blanket is beautiful!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #12

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your visit and your nice comment - I'm always trying to think outside the box and create with unlikely materials. As well as the roofing felt (Tyvek equivalent) I often use Polyfilla One Fill which is just gorgeous - a very fine, ready-made paste which is much cheaper than moulding paste and does the job just as well. I also use poultry grit from the agricultural merchants for creating fabulous texture, and the other day I rescued some plastic meat trays from the casserole I was making, because of the lovely embossed texture on the bottom! My hubby retires in a few weeks and I am going to have to watch the pennies a bit more, and try and reserve them for the gel mediums, paints and other stuff there's no substitute for. It's fun to be frugal!

As for the knitting, that's another frugal project, being made from an unravelled knitted dress. It's worth persevering with, because I am sure I shall be pleased with it when it's finished.

Shoshi #12

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

They say people don't care these days, but that is very far from my experience. Companies often don't seem to care, but individual people do, and that the neighbours thought so much of Geoff means a great deal. xx Maggie

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

My brain is on its last legs this week. I meant to say how lovely that rainbow blanket is, perfect to brighten up the day. I cannot believe that heron landing on the roof - confused bird, I feel. xx Maggie


 CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! It's been a bit of a week! In a nice way, I hasten to add. So there has been a bit of crafting done but not very ...