Good old Van Morrison - listen here

Here's one version of the desk....
Last Friday, in fact! What, or rather WHO, you can't see is Julia who is out of shot on the left.  Perhaps if we call her name loudly enough, she'll lean into the picture and say hello, lol!!  Actually, maybe you don't want to hear what she was saying cos she was giving me earache for getting a nervous twitch over the skewed patchwork pieces!  My OCD struck again...I would be SO much happier if they were straight but I was a brave girl and strayed out of my comfort zone!

Anyway, this is what they ended up as....a cosmetics bag for a 16th birthday present. This is from a Debbie Shore tutorial...very easy to follow!

I busted some scrappy stash by making these lavender pillows and hearts for fundraising for my band....

and this mini craft tote is a present for a friend. She has received it by now so it's safe to share :-)  I couldn't find a pattern I liked so made one up myself, it's ok for a desk tidy that you could just pick up and carry elsewhere. Recognise the fabric Kay?? 

Other things are on the desk now but I can't show you today...must remember to take a couple of pics for next week.....

A goldfinch enjoying himself on the feeder. He's saying 'Oi, do you mind. no photos while I'm eating, please'.......

Isn't this amazing?  I was coming home from band practice last week and noticed an aeroplane con trail was being highlighted by the full moon.  It looked like the most beautiful, celestial feather. Kudos to Mr LLJ for such a fab pic :-)

Have a great week, crafty or otherwise!


Deb said...

I love the squiffy patchwork, the bag looks fabulous, so pretty. You have been busy making all those lavender pillows and I love the tote, the owl fabric is so cute!
Of course always so lovely to see the birdy pics and that last photo is amazing, very artistic!
have a great week! Debxx #9

fairy thoughts said...

I love the wonky patches, much more fun but then I'm just a little wonky too ..... And proud of it.
Your poor machine must have been in over drive since you got it back, still just fulfilling his destiny I suppose.
Have a great week

Jackie said...

I thought of you at the weekend when I was walking round the stitches at NEC and all the lovely fabrics you have on your desk! What a beautiful post you have done this week the night picture and bird are both great! All of your sewing I would give a home to! Lovely post Jan
Jackie 24

Kyla said...

I still cannot see that its not straight! Looks fab though, especially the craft tote. Love the goldfinch photo, we get these in the garden but I have never gotten such a clear shot as this.
Kyla #32

Ann B said...

So much to see and admire, even if Julia was giving you a bit of earache. Love the craft bag and the cute little lavender sachets, so pretty.
Happy Wednesday
Ann B

Lynn Holland said...

What lovely colourful makes along with some great photography.
Have a good week
Lynn 43 x

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

You've definitely been putting your machine through its paces since you got it back! Love the tote and the make up bag and that song!

Fiona xx #47

Annie said...

Wow girl you have been busy...fab makes too. Stunning photo of the sky.
Annie x # 41

VonnyK said...

I'm glad Julia gave you an earache otherwise you wouldn't have made them bent. So much nicer than perfect lines. The bag looks fantastic. Those lavender bags are gorgeous and that would be the coolest desk caddy around. That celestial feather photo is really something, I keep going back to look at it and how cute is that birdie. You have been a very busy girl this week.
Have a great week,
Von #23

Neet said...

Oh WOW - that final picture steals the show for me I am afraid. What a fantastic shot - beautiful and a feather indeed. I hope you get a good print and make it into a picture for the wall.
Lovely makes and I too (like Julia) think the patches are fab just as they are, they add a certain pizazz to the whole bag.
Hugs, Neet 40 xx

okienurse said...

love the new sewing projects! I have problems with OCD and like all my ducks in a row also but I think your bag turned out nice. The lavendar sachets will be be big sellers I am sure they are so colorful and I bet smell heavenly. Thanks for visiting my desk I hope you have a crafty week! Vickie #49

Annie Claxton said...

Love those colourful lavender bags and that crafty tote is so cute I may have to copy it ... fantastic photos too, we don't see goldfinches very often, and I've certainly never managed to get a picture of one, too busy standing gawping and holding my breath in case it flies off! Happy WOYWW :o) Annie C #74

Crafting Queen said...

Your sewing projects are just wonderful. I love that bag!! That last photo is stunning. Have a great day.

JoZart Designs said...

Super pics and super makes. You always have something new to share and such lovely fabrics too. BTW... I love the skewed effect.
Jo x

Antonia said...

Love your fund raisers and the tote bag is just perfect.
The last pic of the moon is stunning thak you for sharing
Toni #57

Mrs.D said...

Oh Jan, what wonderful things you have on your page today, where to start. That make up bag is beautiful, as is the craft tote, and the lavender bags and pillows. You have been busy.
And your photos of the goldfinch and the vapour trail, all cheer my soul. Wonderful.
Thanks for visiting me, you might find stamping with bleach on fabrics would give you something new to play with.
Chris #36

Artyjen said...

Love the tote and super nightime photo too ;)
xoxo Sioux

Anonymous said...

I really should stay away - every time I pop round I am tempted by my fabric stash, but I know if I head down THAT rabbit hole I'll be lost form MONTHS :) Such pretty projects....I may not be able to resist for long....

Happy WOYWW!

Mary Anne (22)

Shoshi said...

Gorgeous fabric stuff this week, Jan - I love your patchwork, the pastel colours, the little bags and lavender sachets... How talented are you!! Fabulous photos too - that moonlight shot is simply amazing.

Thanks for your visit, and yes, I'm really enjoying playing with the teabags. I am getting half-way results on all fronts at the moment, but can't really progress till I get my sewing machine back. They said it would be about a fortnight, most of which will be spent by the machine sitting around in trhe shop waiting for the engineer to call and collect the machines for repair! Such is life. I think the repair itself probably wouldn't take more than 10 mins - perhaps 1/2 hr for the complete service. I just hope they can fix it, and that parts are still available as it's 40 years old now!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #48

Sandy said...

Love the cosmetics bag and the tote lovely.. Great photo of the bird he is cute.
Sandy #25

Chrysalis said...

Hi Jan - you've certainly been busy and made the most of having your friend back! I love the fabrics you're using. Thanks for visiting me for WOYWW, and I've added your blog to my side bar, to keep up with what you're up to. Have a great week x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo Lunch Lady Jan... Mm love the new blog look... or is just cos am on mobile an looks different?? Now thst is one clever bag for your friend right up my alley... love the nsture shots too Well done, Shaz in Oz. X#15

Anonymous said...

Gosh you're on a (jelly)roll! Love all the makes but have to agree about the wonky patchwork! Love the craft bag and the little lavender pillows. Mr Goldfinch is stunning. Now that most of the snow has melted we've discovered a pile of thistle seeds over a foot deep underneath the feeder! They must have been spilling more than they were eating, little blighters! Now we have a doe coming through twice a day and eating them up! Love watching Nature.

Brenda 68

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Your photos are absolutely stunning, especially that wonderful moon. That is asking to be made into a card in some way. I actually like the wonky patches. Thanks for your visit, Jan. I certainly did have a real blow out of the moths in my purse at the show, but then there were all the things I really needed that they had no room for on the stand. Two lovely parcels arrived today with those extras. Can't wait to play with them all. I have very mixed feelings about the first solo trip out with the caravan, but I know that for this outing, there will be loads of friends who will give me all the help I need. xx Maggie #8

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I love all your items especially the tote bag. I used to do a lot of sewing and made things to sell at craft fairs....now I paint and craft....the days are just not long enough!!
Dawn #39

Unknown said...

Well I have to say I love the skewed patches! It looks like it was meant to be as part of the design. It actually looks clever like a designer did it! But you are a great designer. And look at your basket full of lavender pillow heaven! I must grow some lavender this year and make lavender pillows too! Maybe for the fall Ozark craft fair. It's a huge three-day event in October in the little town of Ozark--I think I love the idea of milling around a giant craft fair as much as minding my own craft table there. Well now I will be on the search for some owl fabric like that--daughter would love that, she started collecting owls before the whole rage started. And you know why she started collecting owls years ago? Because she was such a huge fan of the Harry Potter books and movies--thus began her own obsession with England and owls. Well I am really perking up today. I think I had a little congestion or something that took me off guard. I love your cats' names. Harry and Ron! And I tell you, I wish I had a craft room I could shut the door on, because my kitties aren't always such great helpers--they are mostly nosey! I would like to make a mess and shut the whole door on it when I want to. But I know I'm blessed to even have a crafty corner and wonderful supplies. Minnie is always right by me--no matter what I'm doing. (yes, she follows me into the bathroom) It really is funny how my playing with wire and bead helped my mojo! And now I have a new word: nubbish. I love that! Oh, and we have taken a booth at a big flea market to sell mom's huge doll and beanie collection and the dishes and other things no one wants to keep. It's some work as we get it going. But it's the kind of flea market where we only have to go there once in a while to restock the booth and pick up checks. She has the Kate and William bridal dolls--not sure if I want to sell them. They are precious. I hope it goes well. Have a wonderful happy stitching week dearest soul sister! Hugs! Sandy Leigh

505whimsygirl said...

Hello there LLJ,

YES, I'd recognize that fabric anywhere!!
Good for you to taking a deep breath and leaving the squares as they were. I'm definitely OCD about some things and some things I'm not. The cosmetic bag is very cute and the craft tote is adorable (of course).
The goldfinch is just beautiful - and what an amazing photo your hubby took!

I'm not participating in WOYWW this week but couldn't stay away. I'm glad I popped in!

Robyn said...

Yes a marvelous night for a moon dance.
Jan, I use Quietfire stamps on fabric all the time!
Love what you do with fabric. must use my machine and needle more!
Thanks for visiting, your kind words and the snoop around your place!
Robyn 6

BJ said...

Oh what a delightful post today Jan. I have the music playing whilst I browse. I'm totally OCD but the wonky stripes definitely float my boat, gorgeous bags and the desk tidy too. We have a pair of Goldfinches here too aren't they a delight and the photo is AMAZING, saw the feather straight away well done indeed Mr LLJ. Oh dear song finished, must go visit more desks now. Ah but the Debbie Shaw link and the bag watching that now................Oh dear will I ever get past your WOYWW entry!!! BJ#70

Claire Grantham said...

Love your creations this week Jan..I have been loving my sewing machine recently..I made my first full size quilt for my parents a few weeks ago..very pleased. Great photos of the Goldfinch and the moon. Cx #21

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jan, love those owls! Such a cool fabric. And that moon pic is awesome! Pretty goldfinch- don't they make an almighty mess with the niger seed - mine throw it everywhere. Then again, so do the starlings with the hanging tray. Sift through it with their beaks, chucking seed all over the place. Those lavender bags are lovely, love the scent of it. We went to Kenilworth Castle one day last summer- or maybe the summer before- and they have really long hedges of it, it smelt wonderful in the summer sun. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #33 xxx

Unknown said...

Love to see all your different bags, it makes me want to get my machine out! Thank you for your visit. Karen #44

Andrea said...

wow another busy week love the tote bag the owl fabric is ace and and what a great cosmetic bag a great gift for a 16 year old ...fab photos i never seem to have my camera when I need it thanks for sharing and visiting crafty hugs Andrea x

Helen said...

Just loving all that fabric! the Tote looks amazing, love the owls. As for Mr LLJs photo - fantastic!! It does look so like a feather, totally amazing. Helen 11. (btw, the postman came but the parcel wouldn't fit through the letter box, darn it! so still now new stash to play with!)

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

You had me with the Van Morrison lyrics! Love your pretty fabrics, and all of your projects look so well put together. Very nice, indeed!

Caro said...

Gorgeous fabrics, love the bag, the tote and all those pretty lavender goodies. The photos of the bird and moon are both stunning. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#55)

Paper rainbow said...

That is such a useful bag, I can think of hundreds of uses, your friend must be delighted! That photo of the plane trail....How amazing, It looks like pampas grass, I keep looking at it and puzzling!

Ali H said...

Hi Jan - great projects ! Love your lavender bags ! Mr LLJ's photo is amazing ! Thanks for calling by ! Ali xx #30

glitterandglue said...

Well done Mr LLJ - that moonscape photo is really lovely - well done for spotting it.
Now, Jan - a tote bag without a pattern??? And you were envying my capacity (or non capacity) for making the wedding dresses without a pattern? Who's clever then? It's lovely!
I'm with everyone else - I like the sloped stripes on the cosmetic bag. Well done.
Margaret #85

Anne said...

Great pictures, lovely makes as always. The one of the aeroplane trail is beautiful. I'm not in WOYWW this week but just popping by one or two blogs for a nose. Anne x

famfa said...

I am about to start patchwork so thanks for the inspiration. Just love the not straight one - though I quite understand why your OCD ness would not like it. Love the owls xxx

MommaRock said...

Happy WOYWW... Love your desk full of craftyness. Those little pillows look like so much fun to make. See you next week.
Kimmer #91... last , but not least AGAIN.. LOL

tory burch espadrilles said...
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Twiglet said...

I love the random quilting (mine always end up like that anyway!!) Your moonscape is stunning - well spotted. And yes, that goldfinch does have an indignant expression doesn't it. Great post Jan. x Jo

Kim said...

1) Kudos to you for stopping to take that fabulous moon photo...always regret when I don't. 2)while our goldfinches are attractive; yours are stunning! Love the red face. 3)great bags and sachets; your work always makes me think about learning to sew....and that is saying somethin'
Have a great week,.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. I love the owl bag. Got a thing about owls and bought a bag kit from Cross Patch when they were on C&C which has some fab owl fabric. How clever to make it without a pattern. I am still struggling to understand a pattern! Ali x. #42

Kelly said...

I love your totes. Like the whimsical layout of the fabrics on the cosmetic tote. Very pretty. The moon shot is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing. Creative Blessings! Kelly #77

my cup of tea said...

Very cute color choices! Reminds me of spring! I need some spring.

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Wow, so much to see in your post today! Its always good to try new things like skewed patchwork. I think it turned out great. And the tote is so cute! Amazing photo of the moon and how wonderful that you have such birds in your garden. There is practically only one kind of bird that visits us, so I get really excited if I spot a different kind once in a while. Thanks for sharing! Happy WOYWW!
Hugs, peggy aplSEEDS @3

Eliza said...

Alright, the final picture is the winner in my opinion but that cosmetic purse is brilliant. Oh and congrats for staying out of your comfort zone, it's a hard thing to do. Sorry I am so late another busy week with the OBs actually there now sneaking a few posts lol.

Have a great weekend
Hugs Eliza & Yoda 19

Tertia said...

Oh, I know what you say about the skew pieces of fabric. I love looking at other people's artistically skew scrapbooking and then I try to copy, but before I know it, there they are all lined up, neat and straight! LOL Everything you show this week is fantastic, can't comment on all, but the bird's face is priceless.
Happy very belated WOYWW!
Tertia #67

Hettie said...

Ooo Ooo Ooo! Is that craft bag for anyone I know? Wanna stalk them for it! Love the fabric. That night sky photo is brilliant.

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan, a late week visit from me as promised. Well I just love all your sewing projects - and yes I'd find it hard to not sew straight. The pic of the goldfinch is so nice, I would love a feeder for the birds, cool night shot too. Cheers and hope you enjoyed your weekend RobynO#77

lisa said...

Just catching up with you Jan after I saw your comment on another blog earlier!! Sorry to hear about your car, hope it's not tooooo expensive!!
Love the desk full of fabric and I love the skewy fabric panels. Funnily enough I saw the same pattern from Debbie Shore and wondered if I was brave enough to give it a go.....watch this space.
That plane trail in the moon is fab, what a brilliant photo.
Take care
Hugs Lisax


 CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES! It's been a bit of a week! In a nice way, I hasten to add. So there has been a bit of crafting done but not very ...