(Old English Verse)

Phew, what a week I've had with my revitalised, oiled, speed machine - I'm exhausted ;-)
Remember the patchwork from last week? Well, I took the scraps and put them together to decorate a tote bag for the quilt to go in..

The finished bag in an arty farty shot!  As you can see, I succumbed to the orange :-)

I'm glad you all persuaded me!

I'm mooching through my scraps here in order to make more lavender bags as a fundraiser for my band...the whole room smells of lavender at the moment, hence the verse at the beginning!

This was the present I couldn't show you last week, but it's safe to do so now!  A little gypsy top for a lovely little girl :-)  Hope she likes it!

Right, crafting over...feel free to duck out at this point...
Elizabeth (of Bleubeard fame) has often remarked on the countryside or historical pics I sometimes share, so these are for her:
Just a country lane, nothing extraordinary...except it's probably been a trackway for hundreds of years. They're often called green lanes, or hollow lanes or sometimes dark lanes. This one is Smithy's Lane, leading up to where the village blacksmiths used to be.  As the track gets worn down, so the banks rise up higher each side. In a couple of weeks, this one will be filled with wild garlic and wood anemones - both signs of ancient woodland. A hollow lane in the next village follows the line of a Roman Road...it makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on edge walking down there!
I love my village...it's so interesting!

Have a great week :-)


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I stopped by early because I thought you might have posted early. Was I ever surprised when you showed more of your lovely countryside and noted I was of Bleubeard fame. He now has such a swollen head, I may never get him back.

I know you said that title this week was an old English verse, but I swear it was also a song, although I simply can't remember who sang or wrote it, since I'm quite sure it was before my time.

As for your village, it is SO typical for you. In the States, if it's 100 years old, we tear it down and build a new "one" in its place. There is no sense of history and no sense of preservation. Even trees can be cut at random for no reason at all. That's why your photos are so rich with history and beauty to me. I love each and every one you show, and the back stories to them, too. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

No number yet, just getting a head start on the night, since you are still on standard time and we have already gone to Daylight "Savings" Time, an oxymoron if I've ever read one.

Deb said...

Such a good idea to make a little tote for the quilt, it looks fabulous! So love that little gypsy top too, gorgeous colour and fabrics!
I too love to see your lovely village photos, it might be a long while before I see any of England in real life again! Maybe next summer but certainly not this year!
I also had the aroma of lavender this week when I got some garden work done, I chopped down last years dead lavender and it still smelled so good! This year I am definitely going to dry some of it!
Have a great week! Debxx

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

I so agree with you on loving your village LLJ, and the hairs standing up..

I love lavender too so much be sweet cant beat English lavender the fav. variety of mine but sadly does not like our climate.. have Italian at the moment which like better than the French sort.
Well doen on the tote and top love them both! happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #32

MrsC.x said...

gorgeous quilt and the top is just so cute!!
Happy WOYWW! luv Mrs C.x #42

Annie said...

I loved your village too Jan :-) Fab pics. I also love the finished quilt and bag. :-)
Annie x # 44
ps I promise I am wearing my face mask! cough cough cough!

Paper rainbow said...

I do like the little bags you make Jan and the little gypsy top is very sweet, That chimney is fabulous, who would have thought to put a date on a chimney stack!

Jackie said...

What a delight to read your post! I bet it's lovely working in your room all fragrant with lavender!
The quilt looks lovely and what a great way to photograph it hanging on the line ! As always you have Ben busy!
Jackie 26

jill said...

Bag & Quilt are fab . Your crafting room & whole house must smell delightful with the lavender. It's it good to see the sky so blue . Happy woyww jill #34

okienurse said...

Awesome bag and quilt. I love the pictures from around your village. I would imagine driving this lane would make the hairs on my neck stand up. I went to visit some friends in Taverham a couple years ago and they have a lot of little lanes and houses with decorative thatched roofs. I especially loved the time spent at Wells by the Sea and the Cromer pier show! Awesome place! Thanks for sharing. Vickie #45

Eliza said...

I am so pleased you went with the orange, see we all know what is best. Love the bag to go with it. Oh and that dress is so cute too. Now onto your countryside what a beautiful place to live in, you're so fortunate. Please show more


Eliza said...

Sorry blasted iPad playing up, I'm on the road with the OB'S again

I would love to see the lane when covered in

Eliza said...

Anemones & garlic what a picturesque sight it must be.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 14

Julia Dunnit said...

...and in villages where there are big posh houses set back from the lane edges, they've been re-designated as 'quiet lanes'....my working class's roots get in a knot over that!!
I would like a top made of that beautiful main fabric please. No hurry...by spring please. I thank you.

Crafting Queen said...

They are all wonderful creations. Love the little girl top, so sweet. Wonderful quilt. Have a great day.

Glenda said...

What wonderful bag and quilt! Also love the lane...such a wonderful place you live in! Happy WOYWW! Glenda #54

Anne said...

Gorgeousness! Quilt,bag, top and scenery plus info. Brilliant great post. Anne x # 53

My name is Cindy said...

Fantastic projects(I thought you said you didn't get orange...) and thanks for the local history lesson! Have a Happy WOYWW Wednesday, Cindy #57

fairy thoughts said...

great post as usual, yep the orange works for me too.
How do you do it so easily, I'm great with colour but not with mixing patterned fabric, the little top looks great, I wouldn't have thought of mixing those patterns ... I will have to have a go...watch this space, but not too quickly.
happy WOYWW day
janet #29

BJ said...

Oh I can play that, I can play that on my harp!!!! Two hands at the same time doing the same notes an octave apart too. Lavender's...........Oops better have a look at the rest of your post! Super makes again, love the little top and the history behind our high banked country lanes, quite a few near here. Thanks for the history lesson BJ#62

Unknown said...

The bag looks great, love the knot handle x
Andrea #70

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the orange, great choice, pretty little top too. But it's the local scenery that grabs me, as always, there's no place like home is there? It reminds me of the lanes around Somerset when we visit in the Spring, they're always covered with Ransome too, wonderful to stroll around, if a little bit pungent!

Brenda 66

Unknown said...

Soul sister you do the most beautiful things with fabric!! The way you photographed that tote - it looks like it's right out of a catalog! The little girl's top is ahhdorable! You should never be without a sewing machine ever. My mom always sewed on this gorgeous Singer sewing machine in a beautiful cabinet. You open up the cabinet and it has amazing storage underneath. I would actually keep this thing, but as you know I have Violet and my basic Brother machine too, and I don't have room for that huge Singer--anyway we always wondered what Mom paid for it back in the 1980's...we found the receipt. She paid $1200 for it! We had no idea! I doubt we'll ever sell it for anywhere near that, but thank goodness sewing machine prices have improved. If I paid that much for a machine now, it better wash and iron the clothes! I should take a photo of it. I'm going to have to fiddle with it and make sure it works. Oh, I tell you, I totally thought of you when I was at Joann's. I was a girl in a candy shop, and you would have been too. Oh my...it is fabric heaven meets craft heaven! I still of course think of Mom every day, but I really am doing so much better...definitely have my joy. Love you and hugs! Sandy Leigh #21

Dianne said...

Hello Miss Jan oh, so your a seamstress, and a great one too, love the bag the quilt, I do admire anyone who sews, I can, used to have to make my own clothes when I was young, and you also knit lots of talent for you, and you live in the most beautiful place, that country lane is beautiful, I can imagine it with garlic and wood anemones , not sure what they are but I bet it looks gorgeous there, and a thatched roof, be still my heart :O), I had a good snoop around, it was a wonderful visit, I'm glad I finally stopped by, thanks for sharing your gorgeous work and the lovely country side, hope you have a wonderful day...

Dianne said...

Ooopps got so excited forgot to leave my No. # 72

Stacy Sheldon said...

yay for you, you got "him" back I think I missed that last week, the village scenery shots are way cool to see. ( so different then here) that top is darling, Im sure she and her mama will love it. Stacy #83

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

So many lovely photos, love al lthe colorful items you have created. And I too love your countryside photos. #47 Happy week ahead.

sara j said...

I love your village too!!! What a great piece of info about the lanes...to see a finite example of time like that. I grew up outside of Philadelphia which in the US has a pretty good history with the revolutionary war, Valley Forge Park (where the fledgling US army spent a dreadfully cold winter with General Washington) and a house across the street that was built in 1716. Then I move to Alaska where the history is so fresh. Our town was really established in 1936. It was an eye opener for sure, but it was also interesting to talk to folks who were involved in establishing the hospital, the schools, etc. But as a history lover, nothing compares to English and European history for me. To live that close, see it ever day, is a real reminder about our place in the continuium. AND I love the quilt and the orange. Have a great week Jan!!!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

That's something to think how many people have passed through that lane before you--such history. Love the quilt! It is a so springlike and happy. That's neat that you made a matching tote bag. So much fabric-y happiness in your life! Judy #89

glitterandglue said...

Jan, a beautiful quilt and bag. Well done. Please, I know the countryside pics weren't for me... but is it Ok if I look too?!! They are gorgeous - I, too, love these old lanes. There is always something good to look at growing in them.
But, do tell me ... is there no end to your talents? Having just been over to see BJ - you say you teach the piano? You play in a band - brass instrument? You are a speed sewing lady! You make lovely bunting, dresses, quilts.... whatever will we see next?
Have a great week.
Margaret #35

Kim said...

Yay on getting the orange! Looks lovely, and yes, a great shot of the bag. And I kept looking; loved your dark lane. And am intrigued by the roman road...nothing over here is that old,
'cept the landscape.

Twiglet said...

Your makes are totally gorgeous! I love the little smock top - so fresh and pretty. Well done on the bag/quilt - that orange just makes it sing! x Jo

Ann B said...

Beautiful blue top and that bag us fab, the orange us perfect on it. Love the photos and know just what you mean about the Roman road, following in the footsteps etc. we would holiday in East Devon many years ago and I loved the banked lanes, full of primrose and pink campion, a wonderful time of year.
Ann B

Ann B said...

Of course the 'us' in my comment above should be 'is'. Flipping iPad keyboard

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan, I see we're neighbours this week! Interesting bit about the Hollow lanes, or Dark Lanes. We have a few roads called that around this area, now I know the reason behind them. We used to have a Holloway in Droitwich, when I lived there, so that probably has the same origins.Love the zingy orange on the quilt, and after all, you were enabled, lol. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #38 xxx

CraftygasheadZo said...

I have visions of smoke bellowing from your fingers/machine as you speedily sew away. Lol You live in a beautiful part of the world and having a few lanes round here too I appreciate the lush-ness of them. Their history. It's all fab! No desk from me but popped by anyway. Take care Zo xx

Cathy L. Calamas said...

Fantastic quilt. Happy sunny colors. Hope Spring is coming!! Love the smell of Lavender, too.
I'm Here from WOYWDW #68

Caro said...

Love the quilt and the tote bag for it to go in...such a pretty combination of colours. The little top is adorable too. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#95)

Helen said...

oh, that tote and the finished quilt are so gorgeous... as is your village! Have a great week.. Helen 8

Andrea said...

love the tote and the quilt is stunning i love the orange lining and fab fabrics used. also enjoyed your history lesson I never knew that about lanes so thanks for sharing it with us we never look at what's around us often enough. I almost forgo the gypsy top is super cute iI bet it was so pretty on the recipient a lucky little girl happy crafting hugs Andrea#8

Annie Claxton said...

Gorgeous gorgeous quilt - the orange just sets off the blues perfectly and I love the sweet little smock top too. I've heard of green lanes - it's always fascinated me since I was little to imagine the other people who've walked where I walk now, lived there lives where I now live and used the things that I still use .... it does give you goose pimples sometimes doesn't it? But in a good way. Just think, someone may be feeling the same about your beautiful quilt a hundred years from now .... happy WOYWW :o) Annie C #78

Robyn Oliver said...

Oh wow Jan I love your blog this week....fabulous sewing, and love the photos and history..take a pic with the flowers please. Cheers and have a great week RobynO#38

VonnyK said...

Wow, there's so much in here I don't know where to start. Love your arty farty shot of you fabulous bag and that quilt looks so gorgeous. Love the little gypsy top. Now I have to admit that when I got down to the little top I thought you were really starting to show off and then you top it off with photos of your countryside. Well Mrs Showoff, I'm extremely impressed, not only are you one of the worlds most fabulous sewers (that's the sewing kind not the poo receptacle kind) but you live in one of the most fabulous places too. Just wonderful.
Have a great week,
Von #22

Sarn said...

Morning Jan . . . thanks for visiting me this morning. I've come over to see what you've been up to now!

Loving the look of the bag and the quilt. You are so clever!

Pretty village pictures too. Lovely to see the signs of Spring isn't it?

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Lynn Holland said...

That little top is gorgeous, the colour is lovely. Great read as always jan
Lynn xx

JoZart Designs said...

Couldn't find an email for you so I'm thanking you here for sending such a fabulous quilt for CHICS children's cancer support group. I am always overcome by the magnificent generosity of this group and crafty bloggers and it is so appreciated by me but I know it will give comfort to a little one whilst they undergo their harsh treatments. It has added to my joy that our own little fraulein had her last big check up of all her vital organs this week and everything is perfect. How good is that? Added to that her baby brother (who was never expected by medics to happen) was 6 months old and is gorgeous. Then your marvellous quilt arrived today, beautiful colour scheme and made so well by your own fair hand. Thanks so much, you are one big star! Next week your song should be "You are my sunshine"!
Lots of love
Jo x

glitterandglue said...

Hello again Jan. Thanks for visiting - now you really mustn't hide your light under a bushel. There is absolutely nothing "Jack of all trades" about the things you make - they are beautiful!!!!! I'm not so much, clever with the sewing machine, as certifiable for saying I'd make the dresses!!
Have a good week.
Margaret #35

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, lovely post, again! So glad to see that you are putting your machine through his paces now that he is home where he belongs. The bag and quilt are so beautiful and that little blue top is gorgeous. I didn't know all that about the lanes - very interesting - and the date on that chimney, 1683, amazing! Thanks for sharing :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

Shoshi said...

I'm envious, Jan... my poor old sewing machine is in the sewing machine hospital having its feed dogs mechanism repaired. I spent ages yesterday afternoon trying to find out what was wrong, without success, so it's a job for the experts. After several years of not being used, I was so looking forward to putting it to good use in my experimental teabag projects but that will now have to wait. It's not been a good week health-wise, not helped by a continuing incessant cough after my recent throat infection, which is very exhausting. Hopefully next week will be more fruitful and I'll be able to rejoin WOYWW proper! I'm just visiting some desks to see what you are all up to but have absolutely nothing new to share at this end!

Have a great week.

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Those green lanes also have another useful place these days. Those that created them followed the dry ground wherever possible, so most of them rarely flood. The local authorities should maintain them, but seldom do - advantages and disadvantages there. I really love that bag, and the orange just gives that promise of summer that we need. Thank you for your visits and I will be posting photos of my stash from the NEC, probably next Wednesday. For me, it was a great show, meeting Barbara and having a long quiet chat with her, and also getting together with a group of the design team. I came back with loads of ideas as well as stash. the only problem is I had to put in another order to Clarity this morning for some of the things on my carefully typed list because, although the stand was quite big, they obviously cannot bring all their stock, and some of the ones I wanted were missing. I also forgot to get one of the brand new stamps that I saw being demoed. However, a call to Janice at Clarity saw that sorted and, although it is not even on the website yet, it is being added to my order right now. That is service. I am also expecting my caravan back in the next two hours, all sorted and ready to take away. More good service from the dealer. Hope you have loads more fun with your newly serviced machine. xx Maggie #76

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Forgot to say, there were loads of good bargains on the Clarity stand. A £5 voucher from the internet, my £20 Clarity voucher I won on Barbara's blog, and 10% discount for being in the clarity New Design Club. Then there were the special offers for the show, many of which were something like 2/3rds full price. Never mind how much I spent, you would never believe how much I saved. :) :) xx Maggie

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I stopped by to tell you I thought of you while I was out and about on Thursday taking photos of a neighborhood not too far from mine. Thought you might enjoy the scenery. I posted it on Annie's Friday Smiles.

Unknown said...

So glad you have your machine back! Karen #51

Carmen said...

Oh you are a clever stick! That orange is so zingy and perfect and looks wonderful on both the quilt and against that gorgeous blue of the bag. The little gypsy top is so pretty too!

Love your picture of the lane - it never occurred to me that the banks weren't that height originally.

Carmen x

Judys Lace Creations said...

Lovely tote, and quilt Jan.Those country lanes- so full of history.

Josie said...

Your photos are stunning and really showcase your gorgeous makes! I love the quilt and little top. The wild garlic is coming up on our local river banks, I can't wait to use it in our salads and stews.


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...