No words necessary.....

He's back!! Wahoo :-) And my desk is once more a heap of fabric. Can't tell you how happy that makes me feel.  And yes, he is oiled, smooth and ready for action.....what?? You lot have dirty minds....grin!

I sewed up the rows of squares to make a small patchwork quilt and am just going to back it with that spotty blue fleece. I'm looking for fabric to bind it with ...I want a zingy orange to frame all the colours but I haven't got one. Do you think buying half a metre of fabric will break my Stash Busting resolution?

You can just see an upside down bag of dried English Lavender in the background - I just felt like making lavender bags to put in my bedlinen cupboard....
This blue and white quilting cotton was bought two years ago and I've never got around to using it. But I made something for a present which I can't show this week and these were made from the leftovers. The fabric is so soft, beautiful to work with - it reminds me of tiles from Izmir. 

This may well be the shortest post I've ever written, lol!  Do I get Brownie Points, Julia??
Have a great week everyone :-)  


Deb said...

WEll, you can't waste time on words when you can be sewing, I am sure you have some time to make up! So glad you got him back all ready for action!
I am sure you can't be penalised for buying just an itty bitty piece of fabric and anyway, resolutions are made to be broken otherwise where is the fun in that?
Have a great week, Debxx # 3

Helen said...

gorgeous sewing projects... glad you've been reunited with the one you love.... lol!! Happy WOYWW Helen 16

Jackie said...

As I clicked on your link I thought... Is he back, I do hope so!
Yea your sewing again. I love seeing all the bright fabric on your desk it looks so cheerful
Jackie 22

Jackie said...

Jan I ment to say I have 100+ lavender bushes if you need lavender to make little cushions do let me know I can post you a box full..
Jackie 22

Lynn Holland said...

Someone's a happy bunny this week and rightfully so now mr machine is back flexing his muscles.
Yes that blue is lovely and it's nice to see almost all your makings Jan
Lynn xx

Annie said...

You get brownie points in abundance from me Jan...for the quilting, the lavender bags and the really happy post :-)
Annie x # 50

Ann B said...

Love all your makes this week, beautiful quilt and who can resist a lavender bag. Glad to see you got him back, cheeky girl. Only one question, does he go backwards and forwards at various speeds or is it full steam ahead only?
Ann B

lisa said...

Bet you are a very happy bunny!!! I'm loving the colours of that quilt, they are gorgeous, it'll look lovely with an orange undercarriage!!
Have a good week.
Hugs Lisax #54

Anne said...

Your post 'sounds' so happy :-) Glad you reunited with the one you love :-) Loving the quilt front. Anne x @ 53

Eliza said...

Oh he is really a smooth operator now LOL glad you love having him back... mind out of gutter ok. Yep purchasing more fabric is busting the resolution. But what the hell it is for a good reason. Hey do you think getting someone to send you some would let you off the hook?

Great desk, keep him working.

Eliza & Yoda 21

Crafting Queen said...

Love the fabrics you used in your quilt. Great that your machine is back ! Have a great day.

Diana Taylor said...

Great that he's back and you've been soooo busy. I love the patchwork and it's going to look great with the contrast of bright orange - go for it, I'm sorry but a stash busting resolution sounds harsh and cruel to inflict on oneself! Loving the lavender bags - such pretty fabric and a lovely thing to do to encourage Spring into the house.

Julia Dunnit said...

No you do not get Brownie points unless you tell us who Tiles of Izmir is. Diana's right - just go get the orange, it's not as if it'll sit around unused.....unless you buy too much by accidental design...

fairy thoughts said...

Hi LLJ you didn't waste much time to get stuck in did you. Love the colourful quilt orange will just set it off beautifully. Thanks for your get well wishes I'm on the mend but as I've had bronchitis it is going to take me little while to get back to my normal self
Janet 52

VonnyK said...

I was getting all hot and bothered until I realised what you were talking about!! I agree with everyone, get the orange it'll look great. Love those little lavender bags. Have a great week and enjoy playing with your "man".
Von #26

Anonymous said...

Yep - go get the orange. You won't need much and it can't possibly break the bank unless it's woven with pure gold thread :) Isn't there some tutorial for cutting an enormously long bias binding from like a 1/2 yard of fabric? Never tried it but I'll bet you could figure it out....
Love the colours and missing quilting. Too much else in my head, but I bet I'll switch gears soon....


Happy WOYWW!

Mary Anne (25)

Kate said...

Love the bright blues and oranges in your quilt. I think it's OK to buy a little bit of fabric provided you use it up immediately and don't come back from the shop with 3 carrier bags full of other stuff!!!

~Kate~ #65

The House of Bears said...

The quilt is fabulous. We wish we could sew. Alas, it's not one of pur talents at all.

Twiglet said...

He he - typed this once and it disappeared - maybe it was sensored! I love the quilt Jan - gorgeous colours. I have some orange stuff - might email you a pic to see if you want a bit before you buy more!!
AND as for oiled, smooth and ready - I always have 2 primed and ready for action in my room - it saves having to wait! x Jo

My name is Cindy said...

Hi LLJ - yes. BUY BUY BUY the orange. I've broken my res so badly this week I want everyone else to join in so I don't feel so weak. Lavender bags are so sweet. Glad to see you've been getting it on since he's been back! Happy WOYWW, Cindy #58

Unknown said...

I just realized something--your English lavender really is English lavender!! Well I have thought about you without your smoothed and oiled machine, and now I'm so happy you have him back!! Woo hoo! I wish I could give you a bubble wand necklace! How old is your machine? I've decided not to part with my old basic Brother machine--now that I have Violet--because a girl deserves two machines! Ready for action! Oh what fun we'd have, soul sister, stitching the afternoon away and drinking a pot of tea! Love ya! Hugs! Sandy Leigh #12

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

No need for words, indeed. So glad you are back in your element. I'm truly impressed with that lovely blue and white fabric. My colors, indeed. Happy WOYWW from #7.

Mrs.D said...

You do sound happy Jan, easily pleased. Wish I had a machine man who could make my machine all oiled and smooth and sexy, or wasn't that what you said. Last time my machine was services he managed to make the tension too tight and with very little adjustment, and then he went and retired.
Buy a metre of some orange, unless Twiglet's piece is suitable, and then make immediate plans for the unsused portion of fabric, Love the lavender bags, beautiful, can almost smell them from here.
Chris #35

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

So glad he's back and in tip top condition to boot. Happy sewing xx

Fiona #87

Kim said...

So happy he's back!! Love the quilt, and it's not stash busting if you use it..only if you hoard it....so go for it!!

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan- glad your mechanical friend is back and in tip top condition. Love the little lavender bags- I adore that smell. Love having lavender in the garden, and all the bees it attracts. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #37 xxx

Carole said...

oh so lovely lavender sachets. Thanks for sharing Carole #68

Paper rainbow said...

I adore lavender bags they remind me of my childhood, nice to see your machine is working. :)

CraftygasheadZo said...

I love those blue and white bags, don't know why but it reminds me of designer china, I want to say Clarice Cliff but I don't think that's the right one!! Take care Zo xx 82

Mrs.D said...

Jan, thanks for your visit, just to say it wasn't a stamp I used for the feather, it is a stencil. Use paste through it and then put on whatever glitter you want the stencil is removed. Glitter on sticks to the paste.
Chris #35

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, pleased to see you have your sewing machine back. Can't help noticing that yours is a he whilst mine is very definitely she ... as he is ready for action perhaps they should get together :) And no, buying half a metre of orange fabric will not break your Stash Busting resolution ... how otherwise are you going to get that patchwork quilt finished and out of your craftroom!!! Your lavender bags are so pretty and feminine - gorgeous fabric. Hugs, Elizabeth x #75

Robyn said...

Paper is fiber too!
What a luxury to have a good repair person. and a smooth running machine!
thanks for your kind words and
for visiting and the snoop around your place.
robyn 11

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Lavender, that is another plant that I need to get plenty of into my new garden. Plenty of lavender to help me to sleep, perhaps, as well as encouraging the insects. Glad you have your beloved back in action and ready to go. My latest toys are quite sad in comparison - two new watering cans, one for outside and one for in the house, but I just love them. I need my fences done, but I have already booked my friendly builders to do that and then build more raised beds in front of the fences. More space for even more lovely perfumed plants. Have a good week with your quilt and go for that edging. You NEED it. xx Maggie #85

BJ said...

What a relief it must be to get him back all oiled up and raring to go. PHEW! Lovely quilt, your fabric collection always makes me feel warm and cosy. Glad you liked my list of ME words, was wondering whether it was a bit too personal to show, but hey, what the heck. BJ#39

Lisa-Jane said...

I don't think buying a specific bit of fabric to finish a specific thing counts - its just the random things you fall in love with that doesn't have any specific intent. That's what I tell myself anyway ;-) Loving the colour on those bags. #46

Eliza said...

Hey in answer to your comment about the pole, nope waiting for DH to fill it with petrol so I can use it more........

Hugs Eliza

sandra de said...

Love the quilt and your well oiled machine must be a sewers dream. I would never think to put the spotted fleece with the square quilt but then I don't sew. Always love what you make as it is so well co-ordinated even when it's not. Sandra @8

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Funny how having things that work can make us so excited. Love the fabric you used for the lavender and glad your back in operation. I'm almost out the door for that road trip over 50 today Wha Whoooooooooooooooooo Thanks for stopping by.

Hettie said...

Glad you are reunited again.
As for the binding it will NOT break your stash ban - it is official. You are buying it in order to finish a project so not naughty!

505whimsygirl said...

Dear LLJ,

How exciting that he's come back into your life! tee hee. The square quilt is adorable; will you put some batting or stuffing between the squares and the fleece? I think I could see myself trying to make a little square quilt like this.

The blue fabric for the lavender pillows is beautiful.

Thanks for stopping by already.

Happy belated WOYWW
peace, Kay (23)

Carmen said...

Shows what a cold can do to the head - I didn't even stray into dirty minded territory till you said not to! :D

Love the quilt - have a teeny tiny splurge on the orange - we wont tell ;)

Carmen x

okienurse said...

YAY! Glad to hear he is home and well oiled...makes a girls life so much better...brings smiles to our eyes when everything works appropriately! Love the beautiful pieced quilt and those lavender pillows are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing and have a great week. Vickie aka okienurse #72

QuanMai said...
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 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...