I've made many things for many people, but this has to be the best Thank You pic I've ever had....
I think Chloe liked her little waistcoat - bless her! That's her best cheesy grin :-)

I don't have a pic of my workdesk...nothing has changed there - but I get my machine back from servicing today. Wahoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!  So I'll have lots to show you next week cos I've got two weeks' worth of stitching to catch up on......

But I have been crocheting away merrily so I present to you:
WOYWW - The Hampton Court Palace edition *drum roll*

AKA a cafe table with my mate, Lynne! We'd met up there as Hampton Court is halfway between where we live. We're creating items that are going to be used for yarnbombing later in the year. That bright bubblegum pink is not my usual choice of colour but oh boy, have I enjoyed the gloriously bonkers tone - it really lifts the spirits!

That's it for crafting so feel free to escape now......otherwise you'll be forced to share some of the pics from the day!

I hadn't been to Hampton Court since I was 8, so not THAT long ago...cough..
It was a fab day, we all really enjoyed ourselves. 

I was amazed by how many trees were covered in mistletoe!

Loads of it, everywhere!

This is the William and Mary extension to the Tudor palace - the back entrance!!  Wonder how long it takes to trim those bushes then ;-)
Very pointy topiary....looks like witches hats! D'ya see that very white statue in the background? 

All wrapped up snuggy warm against the frosts and winter weather...awwwww.

I loved the fantastic patterns in these brick chimneys...not bad for nearly 500 years old, eh?

This one's for you, Sandy L-J!

The Tudor kitchens were brilliant, filled with guys re-enacting what went on. These chickens were roasting beautifully on the spit...

This chap (a dead ringer for Terry Pratchett btw!) was applying gold leaf to the sugar paste crown, which would be used as a table decoration. He stuck it on with egg white.

Another bloke was making quills and helping people write with it in a handmade paper book...

...of course I had to have a go! And I managed it without sticking out my tongue!!

As we were leaving, Mr LLJ pointed out my transport for the home journey....

Hmmmm what CAN he be implying??  I'll get him back, don't you worry :-)

Hope I haven't bored you rigid with my Grand Day Out!  There'll be proper crafting next week, promise!


Anne said...

Hi Jan. What a gorgeous thankyou photo ! Certainly not bored by the 'history lesson' loved it! Went there when I was a student - hundreds of years ago :-) with a friend. Sadly she lost her battle with cancer . Your photos brought back the happy, happy times we spent tog. I'm not joining in with woyww as won't have time to do visits. Anne x

Helen said...

Love the photos - Hampton Court is so interesting - I went a few years ago, for the first time since a child - loved it. Should go back with the new camera.... Love little Chloe too, how sweet! Helen 5

Annie said...

I loved your pics from the very first one of that gorgeous grin to the last one of my parked up transport :-) I got a little concerned at the though of pics of trimmed bushes in the middle but gave a little sigh of relief when I saw them ;-)
Annie # 49

Lynn Holland said...

What a wonderful trip you have taken us on Jan. My favourite pic is the chimney pots and Chloe in her waistcoat

Twiglet said...

Fab photos Jan - the little cardi is gorgeous and looks so pretty on little Chloe. Oh and I think Annie likes a neatly trimmed bush doesn't she - Her hubby does a wonderful job! I mean their garden is always so tidy!!x Jo

lisa said...

Chloe looks absolutely gorgeous in her new cardy. That photo made me laugh, she looks just like my DD at that age, talk about spooky!!
What a treat your photos of Hampton Court are, it's a place I have on my Bucket List and it looks amazing. The tree with the mistletoe is fantastic, isn't nature amazing. It looks a fascinating place to visit. Glad you had a lovely time with your friend and hope you got back safely with your new transport!!!
Hugs Lisax

Julia Dunnit said...

A GRAND day indeed, never been to HC, even Mr D agreed we should rectify that. ..love the idea of you getting involved in yarn bombing..are you going to make a black catsuit and mask so that you can go out in the dead of night and do the deeds? Oh I hope so. Bless Chloe - what a fab pic! Oh - and, despite all the allusions, I want to defend bush trimmers everywhere, it's a skill that requires some precision.

Claire said...

Wonderful post with fab pictures all round!!
Happy WOYWW :)
no. 33

Anonymous said...

Well now that IS a great grin - you must be very pleased with a gift so warmly received (see what I did there? LOL!) And it's been AGES since we went to HCP. Really must schedule a visit in the spring when it's all in bloom. Lovely photos and happy WOYWW

back online but slow :(

Mary Anne (29)

okienurse said...

What a happy face the sweet girl was wearing...you must have made it doubly good! I went to Hampton Court with a group of scouter about 10 year ago...I was impressed with how well all the brick works etc were holding up...not so well over here. I think Mr. LLJ should take care for fear of you hoping on one and him being left with cold sandwiches for supper. Have a great week. Vickie #52

Annie Claxton said...

aaaaw such a sweet smiley thankyou! Love the pics of Hampton Court too - I have many happy memories of going there with my Granny years ago (they didn't have re-enactments going on then) - aaaaah egg sandwiches and a flask of tea was all we needed .... can I pick you rprains about yarn bombing some time? Would love to start something up around here but not sure where to begin ... anyway, happy WOYWW :o) Annie C #70

Maisie Moonshine said...

That is definitely the best thank you anyone could ask for!

I think I was about 8 last time I was at HCP, my goodness it looks as though you had a brilliant day out. I can only assume from Mr LLJ's comment that your campaign for Oggishness moves on a pace :0) MMx #52

Unknown said...

OMG! The Embroiderer's Guild at Hampton Court!!! Jan - I adore that photo, and I'm downloading and printing it!! Wow. I love seeing your beautiful English rose face!! What a wonderful time you must have had. HCP is definitely going to be on my tour! I saw your comment on my quilty pillow the other day and felt your pain. I hope I don't have to send Violet off for a repair for a long time. I have my MIL's vintage Singer sewing machine in its cabinet desk that needs repair. And then Mom had a Singer sewing machine in a really nice cabinet from the 1980's. But we will probably sell it--we're opening a booth at a huge popular flea market this spring, and the booth will be in her honor where we'll sell her dolls, china, and beanie babies--a huge collection! I just love all these photos today! Oh, I wish you could feel these origami papers--you would fall in love with them. Your little cherub girl is so adorable too, what a cutiepie! Ooh! Next week, I might get to be in the studio audience of a national crafting show that will film here in Springfield! I'll let you know. Love you bunches dearest! Sandy Leigh #34

Eliza said...

What a fantastic day out you could tell Mr LLJ to go and sit on those pointy things for a little while, fancy telling you to use the broomstick, did he actually put petrol in it..... Sorry couldn't help myself. DD uses her tongue madly when thinking and writing what a giggle everytime.

Oh and that first photo the best ever what a beautiful face and such a beautiful little angel. That is all the thanks you need with a face like that.

Have a great week and have fun with your newly tuned baby

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 14

Elizabeth said...

Super photo of such a happy wee girl Jan ... all the thank you need :) Yarnbombing! Whatever does that entail? More information please! And what a great location for your meeting with Lynne. The photos are fabulous and not at all boring. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #76

Stacy Sheldon said...

that is the best smile for a thank-you gift and I love seeing the photos of your day out :) Stacy#86

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Great thank you indeed...great photo ! And thanks for sharing all the others. So fun to share time doing fun things. Happy WOYWW Enjoy the week #24

Unknown said...

Oh my! All your photos are wonderful, especially the little girl! Love seeing scenes from other places! Have a great WOYWW!
Carol N #4

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a perfect way to show appreciation. Such an adorable smile.

Personally, I love it when you travel. These are places I'll probably never see in my lifetime other than in photos. I've had some live mistletoe over my craft room door for over 10 years. I'm amazed at how green it still is. I thought it would have been dead not long after I bought it one Christmas.

What struck me about your photos was the GREEN grass. Our landscapes flit between white with snow to dead brown. To be technical, probably a medium beige punctuated with a smattering of raw umber.

Loved the choice of "carriages" your hubby chose for you. Great sense of humor, I'm sure. Again, so glad you brought us along on your day trip. Happy WOYWW from #1.

505whimsygirl said...


Chloe is precious! I can see she's tickled with her new sweater. Great job! Now, I wouldn't normally choose that pink yarn either but I can imagine how cheerful it is to work with. I want to see a photo of the yarn bombing when it happens!

Lovely photos of your visit. I really do enjoy seeing other parts of the world. Those chimneys are truly amazing!!

I'm not participating this week (lazy me plus I didn't get any more done on the bird feeder due to weather issues) but wanted to stop by and give you a shout out!

Hugs, Kay

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Oh, that photo is adorable! Not bored at all. Hampton Court is on my list of places to visit. Thanks for the Grand Tour. I'm so glad I'm not the only person who runs through the morning's events in my mind while ticking off the equipment in front of me!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Yarnbombing?! Does this make you some kind of cuddly terrorist??!!! I love the photo of Chloe, she's so cute showing off her new sweater. Thanks for sharing all the photos from your trip. It is lovely to see these things.

Unknown said...

Hi Jan
Such a cute photo of Chloe! Great photos of your day out too. Looks like a lovely place to go, the gardens look fab and all that interesting stuff going on inside. Broomstick petrol or diesel?
Lynda B No 40

Crystal Komara said...

Hi Jan, what a great post! I've read some articles about places that have been "yarnbombed." Must be so fun! And what a treat to have you share photos of Hampton Court! Love those whimsical trees and shrubbery too!

shazsilverwolf said...

That looked like a great day out Jan, will have to put that on the list of places to go. Mistletoe on trees always grabs me too- it looks wonderful, I agree. I used to love topiary, till I read The Shining- now they scare the living daylights out of me, lol. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #41 xx

CraftygasheadZo said...

What a fabulous day! I love your pictures, definitely my kind of place, I love Tudor history. I have no idea what yarnbombing is? Perhaps you will tell me. Take care Zo xx 94

Jackie said...

I enjoyed reading your post what fab photos you took ... Those chimneys look so amazing!
Jackie 36

Deb said...

How lovely to see the recipient so cheerfully modelling the waistcoat, so cute!
Glad you will have your trusty machine back today, enjoy the catch up! So love those photos, love historic buildings and especially when they have people showing you the actual old arts!
have a great week! Debxx

Mrs.D said...

oooh where are you yarnbombing? Sounds like fun.
Hope you get your machine back soon and get your sewing up to date.
Chris #56

Paper rainbow said...

One very happy young lady, what a lovely smile! I love your photos of Hampton court, I have never been although a good friend of mine is a re-enactor and works every Christmas and new year in the kitchens and loves it. those gardens look spectacular!!

glitterandglue said...

A gorgeous smile from young Chloe. What a fabulous day out - so much to see and do. Glad you found the embroiderer's guild! Did you venture in?? Enjoy your newly smartened machine!
Margaret #13

Neet said...

Can understand your best thank you - fabulous grin.
Thanks for the pictures from Hampton Court, maybe one day I will get there but for now I can enjoy what you sent.
Hugs, Neet 8 xx

Nan G said...

Bored?, no way! What a cool place to visit. Love the chimney and the door pics! Great texture and color in both...very inspiring. What a doll she is in her new waist thingy...waistcoat. WooHoo back to mega sewing! I see you doing your happy dance. Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #101

Carole said...

Well that was quite interesting...a proper garden and a nice tour. The little darling does look delighted with the sweet cardi. I hope your machine is all souped up and ready to roar.
Thanks for sharing Carole #84

Unknown said...

Gorgeous smile and waistcoat! Fab pictures too. Haven't been to Hampton Court in an age. I love those chimneys. Hope you get your sewing machine back soon. Thanks for sharing, Ela #101.

Unknown said...

Yarnbombing sounds fun, can't wait to find out where its all going! Lovely pics, brought back a few memories, one of the first places we visited when we were courting! Thirty odd years ago.
Loving the thank you pic too! x

Theresa 45

Unknown said...
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Hettie said...

Lovely cheesy grin there.
So lovely to see your pics of Hampton Court Palace. It brings back so many happy memories for me. I went there with my parents and my Grandad in around 1976. Those chimneys fascinated me. Been trying to get Hubby to take me there for ages.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day out ... I love Hampton court ... Haven't been for about 15 years so am overdue a visit too!
Your customer certainly looks happy!
Thanks for sharing!


Unknown said...

What a lovely days out. Hope you get your machine back soon. Karen #56

sandra de said...

Now that looks like a wonderful day out and thanks for sharing the pics. I love all things medieval. Can't wait to see what you are doing with the yarnbombing.

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Dropping by to say hi! Glad I did, fascinating pictures (gold leaf and mistletoe!), but of course the cheesy grin is my favorite!
Happy WOYWW!
peggy aplSEEDS@28

Shoshi said...

What a great set of photos, Jan, but the best has to be adorable little Chloe! Bless her heart, what a little dink! (I bet she's a little madam, though lol!!) Sweet little waistcoat too!

Finally getting round some desks. Not done anything much in my ARTHaven this week - had a few bad days health wise and I'm also learning some new video editing software.

Happy extremely belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #83


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...