Guess what's missing....
Honestly, I'm bereft!  It was making graunching noises...my sewing machine that is *wink*  So he's gone to visit the nice service man in Franklins in Salisbury. But I don't know exactly how long he'll be gone and I'm getting sewing withdrawal symptoms...

But other crafting is filling the void - the baby blanket's finished...

...and I'm just about to sew three buttons onto this little cardi which is a prezzy.

Last Friday, Julia and I had a fun day with Janet Fairythoughts and Di (Pixie). A little crafting was done between the chatting and eating, lol!!

Janet seems to be amused by the amount of stamps Julia has.

While Di enjoyed having a furtle through the button bag!

Janet had brought her knitting.....

Di brought these funky crochet hooks...
...so that Julia could teach her the basics of crochet. Now Julia will probably be embarrassed but she really is a terrifically good tutor. She doesn't overload with too much info unless you're ready for the next step, is patient and gives you time for the technique to sink in...comes from years of experience of workshops I guess. Di left with a rather good sample of crochet...well done you!  It was a fun few hours well spent in good company. Thanks ladies!!

My fingers are firmly crossed that my machine will be back by next week - oiled up, revved up and raring to go.  Oooh, I've just had a moment.... ;-)

Naughty LLJ....*grin*


MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

That is a scarily large space where your machine should be. Be the way, don't do too much crochet in one go. You too could have a finger like mine which now unveils with a jump. Have a good time when you get your treasure back home. xx Maggie

Di said...

Spot on about Julia being such a patient teacher! It was a great day indeed.

Happy WOYWW Jan and I hope your machine is returned ASAP, good as new :-)

Paper rainbow said...

Hope your machine is sorted soon, love those crotchet hooks!

Unknown said...

Hi Jan…sorry your machine is poorly! Hope is back soon. Looks like you had a great time in Snazzy's. I must visit next time I come up to Mums.
Have a happy week
Lynda B no 48 (late this week)

fairy thoughts said...

Lol and frightened people on the train at the last remark. Hope he's back soon. It was a lovely day thanks girls.
I can see why julia has trouble with the light in her room because my beloved red jeans look..... Pink .... Agh .... Nah pinks ok too hehe
Janet @40

Annie said...

Fab pics of lovely folk spending special time together....lucky you. Good luck with the machine...mine had to be repaired a little while back so know how lost you will be til it returns.
Annie x # 53

Jackie said...

Jan your desk looks bare without it! Let's hope it's not to long away!
Well it looks like you ladies had a fun time with the button bag and going through stamps!!! Sounds like my idea of fun
Jackie 32

lisa said...

You do make me laugh, Jan!!! Hope you get your machine back very soon, I can only imagine how much you are missing it. Looks like you've been keeping yourself busy though. I could do with Julia to teach me to crochet. My MIL tried but she's so quick I gave it up as a lost cause!!
Glad you all had a lovely time together.
Hugs Lisax #60

BJ said...

Oh my, bereft of sewing machine how WILL you cope. Sounds like you all had a fun get together. BJ#31

Judys Lace Creations said...

Oh, my machine is due for a service.I just HATE seeing it go!!! I'd better make an app't soon!!You've reminded me.
Judy #9

Julia Dunnit said...

You and Judy need a 'reserve' machine!! Now I understand why you have itchy feet! I say that is a lovely photo of Janet...and I don't think her jeans look too pink!

Diana Taylor said...

Hope you get your machine back soon. I must say that blanket is just gorgeous and so is the little baby jacket - I can crochet but would never be able to knit like that - very impressed! Looks like you had a fun day out - I really feel a set of coloured crochet hooks would be an important asset to my work basket - aren't they fab! Thanks for stopping by my desk this morning, hope you have a good week,
Diana xx

Claire said...

You girls always look like you have great fun!!
Have a happy WOYWW :)
no. 35

CraftygasheadZo said...

Hope you get your machine back soon, perhaps I should ask to be taught crochet! I used to do it but seem to have forgotten and end up in knots!! Your lamp looks fab too, my desk Ottlite has broken and I have a new one on the way but it's frustrating when you're missing a valuable piece of equipment so I feel your pain! Take care & enjoy your day. Zo xx 67

Eliza said...

Sometimes your machine has to go to the mechanic to get all the tunings sorted so it doesn't break down and have a mental attack when you need it the most. Cars have to be serviced too. It is weird seeing your desk without the machine I do have to admit, but think of the smooth sound it will make and music to your ears upon it's return. It will love you for pampering it with love. Great to get together and have fun with friends and Julia sounds like a darling teaching everyone the art of crochet. Hope you have a wonderful week filled with alternative art.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 52

jill said...

Thanks for stopping by earlier. You've had fun crafting with friends by the looks of things . Happy woyww Jill #26

The House of Bears said...

Your craft meet sounds wonderful. We hope you get your sewing machine back soon. We keep contemplating buying one but cedric would probably sew his paws together!

The house of bears @# 116

Twiglet said...

Oh Jan - just pop round - I have a little spare machine you can borrow - er and I don't mean my hand dumfer! I think I will have to organise a dumfing session for you - I am about 45 mins from Shrewsbury - a long way for you so I think you would need to bring your PJs and toothbrush.! x Jo

Karen said...

Oh how true are those lyrics! I certainly didn't appreciate my health until it had all gone :-( I can crochet, but need to learn how to do straight lines - any good websites you know of? I need someone to just show me and I'll be away!!! Thanks for sharing your lovely crafting talents with us! ♥ Karen ♥ 82 x

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, so sorry to read that you are sans sewing machine ... I'd be bereft too. However, the crochet baby blanket is a joy - lovely soft colours. And how I wish I could have joined you for your little crafting get-together - it would be so lovely to see you all again, and meet Janet too. Love the pic of Di with Julia - could crochet be the new trend? :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx #72

Kim said...

I hope your machine comes back hummin' soon! I feel the same way when the flute is in the shop...(odd how that's the only time I really want to practice! LOL!) Love the baby blanket, and it looked like you all had a great time...so jealous!

Crafting Queen said...

HOpe you get your machine back soon.

Unknown said...

Oh how I love seeing your beautiful faces. Makes me feel like I'm right in there learning how to crochet and being amazed at Julia's stamps! My younger sister Deb and I were talking last night about our pipe dream of coming to visit one day! My darling daughter wants to do a study away program for her film studies which would be at Oxford, and my sister would want us to come visit her, and you all and have some fun. We'll keep working on that dream! Your crochet grows more beautiful all the time. I swear, I've got to get the technique down. I think there are just too many loops to choose from with my hook--whereas knitting is more straightforward (aka dummy proof!). It just made me smile when you said you thought of me in the flowers! I grow a wildflower cutting garden every year--wouldn't we have fun bringing flowers to each other! Love you bunches. Sandy Leigh #6

Deb said...

Hope your sewing machine is back soon all well and ready for lots of work! Love that cardi, gorgeous colours and pretty blanket too. You are certainly making the most of your non-sewing time!
Love the photos of your little get together, looks like a fun day!
have a great week!

Angela said...

I really enjoyed reading your blog and the fab pictures. Looks like you girls had a great crafting session :) The blanket and cardi are beautiful. Hope the agony of being separated from your sewing machine will soon be over and normality is restored once again! I might just give crochet a go me thinks...!

Have a Happy WOYWW Jan

Angela, Angelgreetings #62

Robyn said...

A furtle! on I am on the floor LOL!!!!!
Noises- sometimes I think I should just worry when they don't make any!
thanks for visiting.

Carole said...

Reved up oiled up and rarin' to go wishes for the return of your machine. I feel the same when my computer is in for repairs. The baby blanket is finished so nicely and the cardi is adorable. Thanks for sharing. Be well and stay warm ~ Carole 101

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Oh my gosh! You poor dear! However will you cope? I did notice the sewing machine's absence as soon as your post popped up. Luckily you have other hobbies and good friends to keep you occupied (and from getting into too much mischief). Love the baby blankie and cardie, so soft and sweet. Nope, doesn't make me want to have one though.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Oh my gawd! I have failed at the basic task: Judy #100
Then again, you know where to find me!!!

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jan, - I have to say that I'm impressed that you have a sewing machine repair man down your way! Getting anything repaired these days is a nightmare. Remember the good old days, when you took electrical items to be fixed, and not to the tip? Just added a new link, for some reason mine was going to last weeks post, lol. Have a fab week, Hugs, Shaz #102

sandysewin said...

Sorry to hear about your sewing machine hopefully it will come back better than ever.

I love the colors in the baby blanket and that sweater is just adorable.

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the nice comments.

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #4

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

What a gorgeous craft room. My sewing machine which was about 35 years old finally had to go just before christmas. It was very sad and I didn't realise how much I needed it until it stopped working so I understand how you feel. Thanks for visiting me and have a nice week, Angela x 68

Lynn Holland said...

Send Julia round to me please. Left handed and useless at crotchet.
Love your busy bee lifestyle Jan,
Lynn xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Now I've got that song running through my head! But I can certainly relate. I felt that way when I lost my camera (well, lost is the wrong word, broke is the right one). Hopefully you'll get your machine back in time to not be naughty next week (grin).

I suspected Julia would be a good teacher. I'm sure she's more patient than I, because she is so good at what she does. I can't imagine her sitting so quiet and patient, though, although you have the photo to prove it.

Thanks for visiting earlier and happy WOYWW from #1.

glitterandglue said...

Oh, Jan! You must be going through cold turkey withdrawal problems - NO SEWING MACHINE??!! How on earth are you getting through the days. It's a bit far - but there's a nice one here.... North wales coast!
The things you have made are great - so lovely - and it sounds like you had such fun all together. Crafting with others really does help, doesn't it?
Thanks for your visit. Not sure if I'm hiding my light under a bushel, or if I have just stuck my head over the parapet!!!!! Two dresses for the same young lady - fortunately not needed 'til August/September - first for the civil ceremony here in our church in Wales, then a Christian marriage service over in Romania for the family to join in. At least I have plenty of time!
Have a great week.
Margaret #59

Nan G said...

No sewing machine! Oh my! Take a deep breath and call two crafty friends for immediate relief. ;) Now I must admit that my magnetic personality causes problems with said machines and crochet hooks are only good for tying knots. From which one cannot extract the hook! With that smile I will say.. Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #92

pearshapedcrafting said...

Hope your poorly sewing machine is soon back home! Maybe I need to see Julia-so many people have tried to teach me to crochet and thrown their hands up in the air! Chris75

HeARTworks said...

Came back to tell you that I've used the word "furtle" twice already! And what do I find? My first comment never got to you! :^(((( I forgot what I said but it was about that word which has stuck in my mind for some reason! patsy

Unknown said...

OMG, I miss those moments...haven't had one for a while.....lol. Sounds like you had a fabulous day with your friends, nothing better than good fun, good food and good friends...Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope you have a great week and happy crafting.
Hugs DeDe #13

sara j said...

Poor baby....it's so hard when your buddies are sick. Hope he's home soon! That little sweater is to die for ...what a lucky little tot he(?) will be and so adorable! I never think of you as being anything but wild and colorful and full of pattern and movement. The only reason I sometimes do it in paint is I finally - after years - decided to make friends with it. But only after I attended a great class by Jane Davies. The reason I knew it was the class for me when she described it as the painting equivalent of dancing while no one is looking. I figured anyone with that kind of sense of humor would be fun. And she made you use colors you didn't even like! Just great. Sounds like you ladies had fun and even brought a new convert to the world of crochet. Wish I could pop in one weekend....alas, I shall content myself with our blogland visits. Sending encouraging thoughts to your buddy's service, er, doctor, and hope he's back home soon. Hugs.

505whimsygirl said...

Oh, I hope your machine will be home soon. The baby blanket and cardi look amazing! Two people are going to be very lucky!

I wish I could come visiting..... it's great that you all live so close to eachother. I'm envious.

Thank you for visiting me already!
Happy belated WOYWW
Kay (5)

Lisa-Jane said...

A poorly machine??!! Oh dear gawd I hope it comes back soon and fully mended. I might have to ask Julia to teach me to crochet too! #51

Darnell said...

I heard there was a bevy of beauties so I came to have a look see and I'm so glad I did! What a wonderful time you girls must have together! JJJ&D, it's like a railroad - a train full of giggles I'm sure!!

It's almost two days since your post so I hope you got your trusty machine back so you could hum back into action! Hugs! Darnell

Anonymous said...

Ooh Franklins! Is that where we went? That was a great shop. Hope they diagnose the problem and can fix it quickly, in the meantime, at least you've got plenty to keep you out of trouble. I suspect you need that, lol! Yes, I do hand wash the socks. Most can go in the wash on a light wash but that's a waste of water for just a few pairs, so I fill up the bathroom sink and was them with my gentle, natural shampoo and lay them out to dry on a towel in the living room by the fire. Doesn't take long. Looks like you all had a fab day, wish I was closer.

Brenda 10

Unknown said...

Oh dear, you really need a spare machine or two! Karen #44

Caro said...

Oh no, your poor machine! I hope you get it back soon. In the meantime, your photos of your day together are lovely. I am running really late this week, so happy belated WOYWW! Caro x (#65)


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...