(Picked just because the WOYWW number reminded me!)

This is a shot from last week - the little doll's quilt has now been received so I can show you. The initial choice of fabrics went out the window, I wasn't getting the right vibe..but when I found this butterfly fat quarter, I realised that all the pastels would go with it and the rest, as they say, is history :-)

Pretty pastels......not usually my colour scheme at all but I enjoyed the way the colours of the butterflies are echoed by the polka dot fabrics. And the little bows are a nice finishing touch - and not at all there to cover the fact that I can't mitre corners for toffee...no indeedy....*cough.*

Yesterday's desk!  I'm following that Debbie Shore Tutorial again as I liked the shape of the bag. This is my bargain £3 a metre fabric that is STILL going strong!  I found the perfect green/multi spot in my stash for the lining and a blue zip to echo the flowers in the print.

enjoyed making the little tags for the zip ends too!

A fun bag - bit like me!! ;-)

And the first one I made. I know the pocket seems large but I wanted to put crochet hooks and scissors in it.
And rows of overlapping squares for a lap quilt I'm going to make for JoZart's LillyBo charity. I've sewn the squares into rows but haven't made a start on sewing the rows together. This was inspired by a selection of fat quarters that Kay sent me - the mad paisleys, dark turquoise and zingy orange were part of that. The rest are what I already had in my stash and just thought they'd go together well. It's not quiet, that's for sure!!

Two more sewing excitements:  The Great British Sewing Bee is back on TV..wahoo! I've got my favs already. Wonder who the slow burners will be this time?

Secondly, check out this wonderful craftshop website - The Homemakery - go there at your peril. It's chock full of fabricky, yarny, papery, sewingy goodness and is SORELY tempting my stashbusting willpower. Be strong LLJ, you CAN resist those gorgeous ribbons and lacy bias bindings.....whimper.....

Have a good week everyone!


Lynn Holland said...

Some lovely goodies on your desk Jan and now I'm off over to the link you've give us. If I end up with and empty purse it will be your fault.
Lynn xx 41

Annie said...

What fab makes this week Jan. I'm planning to try to be creative later today [something I haven't been for ages] and make something for the new home [that is if we ever get there!].
Will just have to pop over to check out the link but I dare not buy just to fill more boxes to move lol.
Annie x # 42

Di said...

Oh Jan, what a fabulous array of colours! So fresh and cheerful - LOVE those bags too.

Happy WOYWW :)

Hugs, Di xx

Anonymous said...

HA! Beat you too it for once.... :) LOVE the bag, such a great shape and size. And liking the look of the quilts, can't say which I prefer. I am always tempted to sew after a visit to your. That's the issue with being a craft-schizophrenic, I flit from craft to craft. :)

An early Happy WOYWW!

Mary Anne (20)

Claire said...

You are such a whizz with that machine!! Love the doll quilt and the bag - such happy fabric!
Happy WOYWW :)
no. 31

sandra de said...

That quilt is gorgeous (some lucky doll) and the bags look too good for knitting. Fab colours .. ...you definitely have the eye for colour.
Sandra @25

Jackie said...

I went over and had a look ..... It's all sooooooo pretty!!!!
Sitting hear singing in my head due to your title, have the record might have to put it on the old juke box for a listen!!! The records could do with a change over!
Lovely bags you have made and I love the bright fabrics
Jackie 15

Diana Taylor said...

Oh that little quilt is so cute - I love the butterfly fabric, it really makes it! I'm also rather in love with the lap quilt you are making - those colours and patterns scream out to me that I need them! I am just off to look at the Homemakery site - hope it's not as gorgeous and tempting as you say, my willpower is on it's knees at the moment!

Anne said...

Hello Jan just loV e all your makes on display this week! Gorgeous fabrics. Dare I go and peep at that link? Repeat to myself I can't buy any more fabric till I use up some of my stash' :-) Trouble is I'm easily influenced . Anne x @51

Bridget Larsen said...

What an absolutely gorgeous quilt and those bags are adorable
Bridget #65

Julia Dunnit said...

It's no good whimpering - you might as well just bookmark it and know that at some stage, you'll be shopping there...ha ha, *burst into song * oh yes, I'm the great enabler ahhh ahhh!

Lovely mkes gal - bet the bag has seen you right already, huh!

Unknown said...

Stunning bags. Love them lots! I don't sew at all so am amazed at what you can do :)
Love Karen #47 xxx

Julie said...

Oh wow, what a beautiful post to look at, so much colour and beauty! Wish I was that clever, I just love the bag you've made, especially the way you've added the hearts to the ends if the zip! All I need now is for someone to help me sort out my flippin machine tension! I want to create like you! X

Anonymous said...

Good websites are hard to resist, especcially when they're filled to the brim with wonderful stuff, I have the exact same issue with an online knitting store called Little Knits. What they don't stock isn't worth having and they have fantastic prices, sigh! LOVE the bags, the bright, funky fabric is like the printed paper I have on my desk this week! Wish I could join you on a mooch round Salisbury again, it would even be fun in the rain!

Brenda 74

Unknown said...

Good morning soul sister! I'm so glad you visited me already, because it just makes my day. I'm going to find that bag tutorial, because I love the shape of that bag and the way the handles lay. But the heart fabric? That just puts it over the moon gorgeous! It is fun and beautiful like you!!! And the butterfly fat quarters were meant to be a doll quilt...anyone can see that now. Perfect! You are a stitching goddess, and I'll have what you're having! Thank you for supporting my idea about joining the arts and crafts guild. A lot of the people in it appear to be full-time artists, so yes, I'm intimidated. So I'm going to keep thinking about the fact that I do have joie de vivre! (I want to stitch those words somewhere now, I love it) I think that joining the guild is the best way to eventually do other things to further my crafty pursuits, like maybe participating in their fall craft fair, and maybe someday a gallery showing! We'll see. I should have thought of this last year! Hugs to you beautiful girl--have a wonderful week! Sandy Leigh #13

Eliza said...

I answer to you question yes they did know, the better question to ask is did they understand? No bloody idea LOL but hey they give me anything I want. Remember I am a sparky and I talk their language. I took the embossed foil back on location and the idiots used it with the lighting, talk about laugh our lungs out, I nearly peed myself. Now they are a pinning it up everywhere for all to see, mind you it did'nt go down well with the producer

famfa said...

Your bags are amazing and your fabrics beautiful xx

Eliza said...

Stage 2 sorry had heaps of problems still on location and trying to sneak in a few posts

Loving that tote bag such a perfect shape, just what I have been looking for, but the wrong colours then I can't sew to save my life. Thanks for visiting.

Have a great week and happy WOYWW
Eliza & Yoda now 81

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

The bags look great. I'm a pocket lover, in clothes as well as bags. Why do so few skirts and dresses have them? I am resisting your link so will leave quickly now!

Fiona xx #40 something

Crafting Queen said...

Love the bags, they are fab!

Mrs.D said...

Oh that Doll's quilt is so pretty. Some little girl will be really thrilled.
And those bags look good too, I'm a fan of bags, have far too many and rarely use many of them, and that pocket is right for the tools of the knitting.
Thanks for visiting me, very pleased with the cat stamps although actually the sitting cat was not a freebie, that was a Lavinia stamp, it was the other set of stamps that were free.
Chris # 45

Carmen said...

I so love your set-up :) So organised. The little pillow and quilt set is so cute and those bags are gorgeous. I don't think the pocket looks big - it looks actually a useable size which is unusual!

BTW - the organisation chart on my wall - that's my word for the year and that's there to remind me... or I would forget and then it wouldn't work at all :P

Carmen #46

Unknown said...

Hi Jan
Beautiful quilts you have made this week. I think the butterfly material was just right to go with the others. Those bags are pretty special too.
have a happy week
Lynda B no 37

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I just love that bright bag you made. It is such happy material and looks great matched up. The baby blanket looks nice and snuggly. The array of fabric Kay sent you is crazy time! It is all so fun and lovely and makes a riot of color together. It's just great. Have a good day! Judy 93

Twiglet said...

Oh such a fab post of scrummy fabricy projects Jan. Your bags look so beautifully made. I have had a little playmate here today - love her to bits. x Jo

shazsilverwolf said...

Hiya Jan! Lolled at the covering of the corners- the times I stick something onto a card to cover up a bit that went wonky is unbelievable,too.Loving all the fabrics, you are always so bright & cheerful in your posts- just like you!Have a great week, hugs Shaz #38 xx

Maisie Moonshine said...

HI Jan, if you ask me mitred corners are distinctly over-rated and there just aren't enough bows on things these days - good on you for setting a trend! Gorgeous fabrics as always but I REALLY like your bargain craft bag fabric the green lining sets it off perfectly. Off to check out the Homemakery now... Hugs MMx #57

Unknown said...

That bag is just amazing! Karen#101

Paper rainbow said...

You conjurer up a great image of singing along with Tom Robinson while sewing! :) I love your Bright bag, I'm not really a pastel girl, the brighter the better for me and this one is definitely me!

Helen said...

coo that song takes me back! I love the bags, they look fabulous. Helen 10

505whimsygirl said...


The doll quilt is so dang cute! The two bags are adorable -- I do love the bright and beautiful YOU bag! So glad some of the fabric I sent is being used for a great purpose! It's fun to see the paisley (I love all things paisley).

Oh, the drama. I'll have to send you an email.

Thank you for visiting me and for giving me a shout out on your post!

Hugs, Kay (90)

Deb said...

Your little quilt is so pretty, you did get the fabrics spot on and love the little bows on the corners! Gorgeous bags too, love the knitting bag with the pocket for crochet hooks, how perfect!
have a great week, happy WOYWW,
Deb xx #11

Diane said...

Oh that little quilt is so cute Jan, I love the bags, makes me wish I could sew.

Hugs Diane

Lisa-Jane said...

She loves it Jan! Thank you so much! She immediately put it on her cot and put her babies to sleep in there and the colours are yummy! She loves the cute bows on there too ;-) Lush fabrics on your bags too. #63

Bernice said...

I really love those bags Jan - do you use a pattern? - I like the idea of putting the zip in first - I tend to struggle with zips! Cute dolly quilt too!
Bernice #2

sara j said...

The difference between your sewing projects and mine is that you actually finish things - on a very regular basis! The bag is uber cute and cheerful. I have to confess I did think of you and Julia this week - she made a comment about Randy...my sweetie guy. So not only was the cassoulet delicious, i got to taste a very wide variety of flavored oils, vinegars, and tastes of finishing salts - who knew? It was all so YUMMY. I love food. LOL. Hope you have a grand week ahead Jan!
Hugs - Sara

Hettie said...

That is a pretty blanket but those bags are fantastic Jan. I love my bags so I know a good one when I see it!
Darn you about the Homemakery! You know I just popped along there and subscribed to the newsletter. Have you seen the spotty washi tape?

sandysewin said...

Wow, you've been busy. Love all the happy, bright colors in your projects.

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #4

Creative Cardiology said...

Oh my, I love that colorful bag! It would be such fun to carry around. The quilt and pillow are just adorable.
Michelle #79

Nelle said...

The bag you have made is beautiful. as is the quilt.
Nelle 71 xx

Shoshi said...

Jan, what a positive feast of colour on your desk this week! Good enough to eat, lol! The finish on all the pieces looks superb, too.

Many thanks for your visit and your lovely comment - we are so relieved that Beatrice is OK after all. She is such a good girl, and when we first put the dress on her, all she did was squeak a little as it rubbed over the wound on her back, and she tried to get out of it by walking backwards! She soon got used to it and is being as good as gold with it.

Glad you liked the Valentine I made for my hubby! I haven't done any for so long, and it was a joy to do, especially as I sat in the "drawing zone" in my new ARTHaven for the first time!

I wonder if you noticed in the corner of the photo of my cutting machine - you can just see the pincushion you made for me! It is so useful, and always in within reach in my main work zone!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #60

Sue from Oregon said...

Oh my...I would love to watch the Sewing B show...how cool is that!? Love your wonderful bright collection of prints on your creations! Happy WOYWW! Glad to be back this week! Sue K 16

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I love your bags, useful as well as pretty. I am really looking forward to the Crop and all the other mini trips I have organised so far this year. xx Maggie #97

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

One thing's for sure, I won't have that song playing in my head this week. Lucky me.

Your bags are beautiful, and that butterfly fabric was the perfect addition to the pastels. You have a genuinely good sense of color. And those hearts are adorable. Guess I'm on a heart kick. Happy belated WOYWW from #3.

BJ said...

Gorgeous fabrics as usual, love the quilt and bag. Yes you were right it's a harp. Sorry I’m a bit late replying this week, too much Winter Olympics to watch, harp to play and everything, thanks for the visit BJ#77

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, lovely, lovely post ... all those gorgeous fabrics are just so scrumptious ... I know, too sad to be getting so excited by someone else's goodies. Loved watching the first episode of the sewing bee ... cheered me up no end. Unlike you, I haven't got a favourite to win so far but no doubt that will change as the series progresses. I'm on the stashbusting wagon too, and so far staying on it, so I'm not sure I should be following your link ... but I will ... you could be my undoing! Couldn't join in with WOYWW again this week but hope to next week when perhaps I will have a desk worth showing. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

Unknown said...

Lovely as usual. I particularly like the first bag - despite the fact I am generally not a 'hearts' person.

glitterandglue said...

What a pretty little quilt, Jan. Those bags are just great - and as for the little ends of the zips....
So, TV, dashing through the internet endeavouring to avoid upping the amount of stash - is there no end to your skills and talents, Jan???
Have a great week, and I hope you haven't reeked irrepairable damage on the credit card..
Margaret #17

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

What wonderful colors and patterns you've been blessed to play and create with!


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...