Well, here's the desk ready at the start of another project..I've nearly done the little quilt from last week but don't want to post a pic before it's been delivered to the recipient.
I bought a book called Half Yard Heaven by Debbie Shore before realising that she was a main presenter on Create and Craft TV.....duh....she has a blog where she feature some tutorials.  Hence why it's up on my iPad there - I'm going to make myself a tote to lug my crochet/knitting around in rather than the usual tatty carrier bags! Interestingly, although she's a well known 'face', there's only a few comments to each post, whereas Lucy at Attic 24 and SandraCherryHeart get oodles.

Here it is a little later. The white fabric is fusible fleece which I'm using for the first time ever...it's useful stuff. I dragged Julia to Salisbury in order to buy it and we enjoyed ourselves browsing and drinking coffee. It's gotta be done!

Remember the basket of yarn last week? Well, I've made a start on a baby blanket - it's growing really quickly - think I'll do a scalloped edge with the lilac and green.

This pic is just to show Vonny that we have had some blue skies after she very kindly emailed to ask how we were coping with the weather.  Everytime there's a gap in the rain, I'm off out for a walk. Other chores can be done when it's chucking it down...

But spare a thought for the poor souls who have been flooded out of their homes - some have lost everything. It is truly catastrophic in some areas.

And even though the weather has been dreadful, there are still reminders that Spring IS on its way - little pink cyclamen in my hedgerow. Good for the soul....

Have a great week :-)


Deb said...

Your knitting/crochet bag is going to be so gorgeous! love that fabric!
Love the new blanket, the colour combo is fab!
So lovely to see signs of spring, a long way off for me unfortunately, won't even see the crocuses out until March! Of course they will be under snow until then!
Have a great week! Debxx #7

JoZart Designs said...

Love all your makes and I think I'm going to have to have some of that fusible fleece stuff.
I've been thinking of you during the floods and hoping it has missed your area. It is dreadful how people have suffered and worse still that the government din't react quickly enough to help them.
The cyclamen bring cheer and the hope that Spring isn't too far behind them.
Jo x

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Looks like your bag is going to be lovely. I'm after some fusible fleece too, to make another purse. The last one was from a kit and I'd rather get my own bits and bobs this time. Good to see some evidence of Spring on the way xx

Fiona #42 (I think!)

Helen said...

Let's start with the gorgeous pink cyclamen - so pretty! Your knitting is going well too, love the baby blanket! Happy WOYWW Helen 12

Claire said...

LOVE the tea cup fabric! The wee cyclamens are brave - our daffs are still only stalks...
Happy WOYWW :)
no. 26

Annie said...

Good luck with the tote bag. Shame you don't live closer cos our buddy Jacquie runs a fab workshop to make a stunning tote bag....The one I brought with me when I ventured south for our meet last year.
Really glad you're staying dry and those little cyclamen are gorgeous.
Annie x # 50

Jackie said...

The hope that spring is on the way!!!! ............
The baby blanket is coming along well love the green and purple!
I read Julia's story sounds like you two had a good laugh!
Jackie 22

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh an actual little flower.........how great can that be. I'm practicing Patience. Love all your fun projects, great fun fabric and love your colors for the little blanket. I was out last week, could get no where for batteries for the camera so have some catching up to do. Glad you 2 had a little outing, it helps the soul and keeps us sane. #53 , Enjoy your WOYWW time and a good week ahead.

Julia Dunnit said...

'enjoyed ourselves' being the polite way of explaining! Like the tote bag fabric choices, and am already thinking hmm.....you're going to need more than one!!
And thanks again for the miracle mug..it seems to have set me a challenge!! xxxx

Crafting Queen said...

Great fabrics, can't wait to see you finished bag. Is the fusible fleece easy to use? Have a great day.

Peggy Lin said...

I like this song too and these picture are pretty
happy WOYWW xxoo
Peggy #3

BJ said...

Your lyric is so apt at the moment, I've never known such rain and so glad we live on the North Downs so we are relatively quite high up with no risk of river flooding only minor local flooding. Good idea with the tote, funny how we make stuff for others but forget ourselves. Love the crochet the colours are gorgeous. Here's to more blue skies. Happy WOYWW BJ#58

Ann B said...

Thought I was doing well with snowdrops and caucus but you cyclamen beats them into a cocked hat (never know what that means but it's a favourite saying of mine). Good choice of fabrics, look great together and the knitting is so pretty.
Happy Wednesday
Ann B

Twiglet said...

I love those little cyclamen - they seem to grow almost wild under hedgerows round here. That fusible fleece sounds good - is it pricey? Have a good week and keep dry and cosy. x Jo

Jan said...

Happy WOYWW! Great Workspace. xx Jan (69)

Carole said...

Oh my I love the lilac and green together just delightful as are the cheerful cyclamen. It's 3 degrees here on the U.S. east coast of PA. Gosh darn cold with more snow forecast-ed for tonight.Happy Trails Carole #68

CraftygasheadZo said...

Your bag fabric look slush and such a great idea using your ipad. Keagan has taken over ours so it's the laptop for me, or my phone! I love the colours of the blanket too. Look forward to seeing you in May!! Enjoy your day. Take care Zo xx 71

J said...

Thanks for your comments last week Jan, love those colours together, green and Lilac.
Good to see some blue skies in England, at least it looks like you have plenty to keep you busy during the rain

Jan S 71

fairy thoughts said...

The blanket is looking good you really are the crochet goddess now aren't you. I will be happy to show you some machine embroidery I will e mail ypu seperately about specifics but probably coming in the train so bringing my machine is a no no
Have a good week, hope those flowers don't drown .... It's foul here today

Anne said...

Those fabrics are gorgeous as are the colours you are using for the baby blanket. Cyclamens are so pretty -just love them. Tried growing them in the garden but not successful :-( Happy WOYWW Anne x #78

sara j said...

Sure you can come to the cassoulet class.. but would you please bring a few of your cyclamen? We are able to grow those only in pots here..so to see them peaking of grass is quite a thrill (it takes so little!). Funny thing about the cassoulet is that he has had to adopt the recipe because we don't eat beans. Have you heard of the paleo diet? Lots of hunter/gatherer foods. It's done wonders for our waistlines and more importantly my sweetie's blood sugar level as he does everything he can to avoid diabetes. It's a worthy cause. And Kevin? He's a stitch. Should be an interesting day.
Once again, love the knitting - and fusible fleece. What a good idea that is! Wonder how it launders?
Loved hearing Julia's story about the coffee cup. I just adore laughing like that. And I did a lot of that last week too....must be channeling across the oceans.
Heres to more sunny skies for you! Hugs

Unknown said...

Isn't that teacup fabric the cutest! And I agree--after seeing that Pinterest tutorial on making the Downton table runner, the Dowager is the prettiest! And I have it--yay! If we had a Create and Craft shopping channel in the U.S., that would be one of those stations that I would just keep on the TV all the time while I piddle around my craft corner. We are lucky sometimes to have segments on the shopping channels for crafts and sewing things--but we don't even have a crafty channel. So every Saturday morning on PBS I record my shows: Scrapbook Soup, Quilting Arts, and It's Sew Easy (I also record Martha Stewart's Cooking School). And when I have several on the DVR, I just play them in a loop! What fun you and Julia must have had buying the fusible fleece. I've never tried that--and I do need some stabilizers and fusibles for some things I want to make. If you want to try some embroidery, just say the word! I'll send you some variegated pearl cotton floss--it's gorgeous and easier to use than regular floss. You'd be fab at it--just look at your beautiful crochet work! Love you and hugs soul sister! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #11

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I hear these rumors that spring is coming. I suspect it is hiding in a rain cloud or a snow bank. I like your fun tea cup fabric. The baby blankie is coming along nicely, such luscious colors. Judy #82

Super Stamp Girl said...

Hi Jan, I was so happy to see last week's basket of yarn being turned into something already! My you are on the "ball"! And thank you for the little photo of the cyclamen in your yard, it made my heart happy to know that someone somewhere is experiencing warmer weathers that we are on the East Coast US right now!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm simply thrilled to read that, despite your song of the week, it's good to read that you are safe, at least for the time being, from the flooding. I've been watching the weather channel and seeing some pretty horrible scenes coming from your neck of the woods.

I've heard of fusible fleece, but have never seen any. They make the most remarkable products for those who sew these days, don't they? Being into green and recycling, I want to find some bamboo lining. I have read some companies make bamboo fleece lining, too, but I doubt it's fusible.

The musical instrument you saw on my wall is a Violin-Uke. I've been told it's rare, but I got it at a garage sale one year sometime in the 80s. The varnish that was originally applied to the wooden part has really bubbled. I have decided, since the only other one I have seen is in a similar condition, I won't stress over it. It is played with a bow, not plucked.

Thanks for visiting while I slept. Happy WOYWW from #1.

Unknown said...

Pretty fabrics Jan. Lovely to see the blue sky and flowers! Glad you enjoyed your day in Salisbury, such a lovely place.
Hugs Lynda B
No 37

Robyn said...

love the progressive photos
thanks for visiting and the snoop around your place.
robyn 9

Robyn said...

love the progressive photos's!
thanks for visiting and the snoop around your place.
robyn 9

Carmen said...

My Mum's mini daffs in the pot outside our back door are about to flower too. Reminds me that hope is in sight (maybe?) this weather can't go on for much longer surely.

I wouldn't have realised she was one of the presenters either. I thought the presenters just presented and had guest arty types on. Shows what I know :)

Love the colours in that baby blanket. So gorgeous!

Thanks for stopping by already :)
Carmen x #81

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jan, the cyclamen are such beautiful little flowers and look far too delicate to survive what we are getting, don't they? The one good thing about all this wet weather is we haven't had much in the way of frosts, at least up here. I've still got geraniums growing quite happily in last years hanging baskets, and a few fuchsias still have flowers on.Love that latte coloured spotty fabric, by the way.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz # 43 xx

Kim said...

Thanks for sharing the cyclamen!! Is til have 12 inches of snow, with another foot projected for tomorrow...I won't have bare ground till April! And I love that blanket...also very spring-y colors.

Unknown said...

I do hope spring is on it's way although I fear my garden has been washed away. Lovely crochet colours. Thank you for visiting. Karen #44

Paper rainbow said...

Can't see many signs of spring at the moment out the window, but hopefully soon. Fusible fleece sounds very interesting. Thanks for your lovely earlier comments :) Slate sister two isn't at all offended. :)

Caro said...

Howling gale and torrential rain here again! The blanket looks so pretty already. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#56)

Lisa-Jane said...

We spotted some crocuses and there is good evidence of daffodils about to break cover too! I applaud your use of the tea cup fabric for a tote bag - I can confirm it works well :-)) xx #45

Annie Claxton said...

oooooh love that fabric - and the colour combination of your crochet is gorgeous, really fresh and spring-like, love it! Look forward to seeing the picture of the quilt :o) Happy WOYWW! Annie C #67

Lea.H said...

love love love the fabric! :) Lx 91

Ali H said...

Hi Jan that tote bag will be yummy when its finished - love the fabric combo ! Such an uplifting sight to see the cyclamen ! Saw my first daffy last Sunday - valiantly yellow in the storms ! Take care & thanks for visiting Ali x #36

trisha too said...

You are so right--those flowers are a sight for my spring-hungry eyes! The weather has certainly been a mess, all over the globe. The baby blanket is off to a great start--pretty colors!

The girl child is the one who plays, she has quite a collection of stringed instruments. She can't play all of them, but she likes having them. When the middle son got married last spring, most of the guitars moved out with him, but before that, there were instruments in almost every room of the house!

#13 this week with
Tiny books and Valentines

glitterandglue said...

Great fabric, Jan - good to make something pretty for ourselves sometimes. Enjoy lugging your knitting around in it!! Nice blanket coming on well there - it won't take you long at the speed you work>
Have a great week.
Margaret #74

Sharon Madson said...

Beautiful colors for the baby blanket. And I hope Spring is on the way! There is still snow on the ground here, lots of it! :)Happy WOYWW! Sharon #29

Anonymous said...

I love both colour combos - funny I was making DD another little hat and tried to mix up lavender and moss green and she refused to entertain any thoughts of that combo. But seeing it here I know it was the right choice. I just couldn't convince HER of it. SHE wanted yellow. Her head will look like a big Easter egg....but she has to wear it so what's a Mom to do? Give in...

Romantic day out with DH kept me from WOYWW so here I am today!

Mary Anne (27)

lisa said...

Just popping by to say hi as I'm not desking this week. You are looking busy as always, love the colours of your knitting!
This weather is terrible isn't it. The floods are horrendous. I really hope your little signs of Spring develop into full blown sunshine and lovliness very soon.
Hope all is good with you.
Hugs Lisax

Eliza said...

Beautiful Cyclamens, I am pleased to hear you are safe from the nasty weather. I'm still on the road with the Footy but hey that is the life of Broadcasting. Loving that blanket and the colours are just beautiful together, I agree with the scalloped edge, perfect.

Happy belated WOYWW
Hugs Eliza 10

505whimsygirl said...

Hi there LLJ,

I can't wait to see your tote. That's great that you are making one for yourself. Love the tea cup (or coffee cup) fabric. I went to a Estate sale and bought some fabric. Whew. Say, do you wash your fabric before using it? I was taught that you need to; most of what I buy is 100% cotton.

The hankies will be a surprise project, inspired by pinterest. I will get my sewing machine out hopefully this weekend since Monday is a holiday for me. So, you'll just have to check back in for the surprise.

Oh, and LOVE the baby blanket. The colors you've chosen are great together!

Hugs, Kay (86)

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Debbie Shore seems to be a lovely lady, and full of good ideas. Your crochet is coming on well and I am looking forward to seeing the finished article. Thank you for your visit. I think I shall still be tidying and sorting long after the floods have subsided, but, at least, I have made progress. Hope you are still safe and dry where you are. xx Maggie #15

Tertia said...

I wish I could go with on those shopping trips, it sounds like fun.
Happy belated WO YWW!
Tertia #25

Hettie said...

Great idea to make a bag Jan - always better than a bought one as your heart goes in it, and some blood when you prick yourself somewhere along the line.
Glad you are ok in the floods. We were contemplating going to Marlow tomorrow, but not after seeing it on TV yesterday. Not got any waders!
Would love a trip to Salisbury - been years since I went there.

JoZart Designs said...

Thanks for your comment and what a gem you are making another quilt. We have caught up with all the children getting one and now just need them for the new ones to come in for chemo. Success but it takes the pressure off and I can do them at my leisure.... and so can you! Thanks so much.
Love Jo x


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...