The desk is looking a bit barren today...in fact, it's downright dull!

It gets better when you close in a little - I'm just playing with some fabrics for a project for a young 'un who, and I quote, 'Loves ALL colours!' These cottons are more vibrant in reality, it's a funny old flat grey light today..doesn't bode well for unprofessional photography! I'm not sure about that pale fabric on the right....I'll just have to play some more :-)

When I had my big sort out a couple of weeks ago, I rediscovered these. The doggy fabric is already cut out for an apron, it just need hemming and ties putting on. I'd forgotten all about the green and gingham teapots! There's a reasonable length of this...it would make a pretty pinny too!

This is my Downstairs Desk! (It's on the floor by the window so I get more light - I hate using the flash)  The variegated wool is being used to knit some wristwarmers for a friend. The green and lilac are saying 'Baby Blanket' to me, with some ivory to lighten it.

My friend Helen from band, passed me on this big tub of beads, so my mission is to sort them out, make up a bag for the local charity shop and keep a few for me..

This would be a great pic for a jigsaw, don't you think??

I spent a happy half hour furtling.....

I'm keeping these....pastel, pearly perfection!  Now, what to do with them.....

Have a great week y'all!!


Sandy said...

Doggy aprons will be so cute. The pastel beads are just so pretty well done you on sorting them out..
Sandy :) #32

VonnyK said...

So many things to look at. I love the teapot fabric. I could see that as a little table topper for a tea party. What a fab collection of beads, you kept some beauties for yourself, can't wait to see what you create with them but a jigsaw puzzle would drive you to insanity :)
Have a great week,
Von #30

Helen said...

Those beads would make as challenging a jigsaw as the baked bean one my sister gave me once... but I like the ones you kept. Happy WOYWW Helen 7

jill said...

So glad I'm not the one that has to sort through the beads. A jigsaw picture of the beads i don't think so Jan ,, it would be like one of those impossible puzzles you can buy. Happy woyww jill #35

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah, Lunch Lady Jan, nothing like a good sort out is there now?

I must admit now I see it, I remember that doggy fabric you made heaps of bags aprons (?) etc. for a fair as I recall and also the pretty cups one as loved that combo..

.. and wondering if you use an overlocker or just a machine for all your sewing?? happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #31..

Ann B said...

Tried to post once but then it disappeared boo. Love all the bits on your desk today, needs, wool and fabric. Must knit myself some wrist Warner's to cover the gap at the end of my sleeves - have long arms, like a monkey ;-)
Happy Wednesday.
Ann B

Annie said...

Oh Jan what fab beady play going on in your world this week....not sure I could part with any of them....I'd have to at the very least stroke them and sort them for a while longer :-)
Annie x # 45

Claire said...

Always busy, busy... I've missed seeing your creative desk :)
Lovely to catch up with you again - it's been a while!
no. 34

sara j said...

Pastel perfection indeed!! And you're right - the other picture would make a great (read frustrating) jigsaw puzzle. My sweetie is a whiz at those - I've no where near enough patience. I'm trying to tell myself to slow down - pretty much in all areas of my life -- but it's hard! I like your fabrics. I always remember that adage you want a dark dark and a light light...I use it in other art too and find it makes a difference.
I am up WAY past my bedtime so that's it for this week. Enjoy!
sara #50

Anonymous said...

Always a visual feast. Love the ice cream colours - I always do :) And the beads...OK so back in the 70s crocheted jewellry was all the rage. You threaded on the beads, then scooted one into the stitch til they were all used up. I know I've seen modern versions but those pearls are SO pretty I'm just sure there must be a modern pattern you could find to really show them off. Remember, Google is EVIL, but it is also your search friend......

Getting an early start for a change....
Happy WOYWW Day!
Mary Anne (4)

lisa said...

I think this grey weather is making us all really dismal isn't it. I hope spring isn't too far away!! Your bright fabrics are gorgeous though but I had to laugh, I wondered what was dodgy about it, then realised my reading skills need improving!!!!
Love the beads you've kept, that would be my choice too!
Hugs Lisax #54

sandra de said...

Lovely bright fabrics and I couldn't tell the light was grey as your pics look perfect. You must incredible patience to go through all those beads. Must admit the final choice is worth the sorting. Have a lovely week.
Sandra @59

Twiglet said...

Thanks for the offer of fabric Jan - that's a lovely thought. I might end up making pinnies for Maxine's helpers so it would be really perfect for them in one way or another. However if you have a good use at the moment don't worry. I don't think she will need them till May and by then I will know exactly what they want. Your pale lilac/green is ideal for a baby blanket - such pretty shades. x Jo

Annie Claxton said...

omg that would be a fiendish jigsaw puzzle! hehehe "furtling" is such a good word .... love your knack for putting colours and patterns together Jan. Happy WOYWW Annie C #65

Anne said...

Such prettiness methinks. I do like the doggy fabric and remember it from your posts before. Also think the teacup one will make a lovely apron!!
Am getting a bead collection here :-) not sure what I will actually do with them all :-) but I love looking! Anne x #63

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Jan, just had to come back re your comment on my blog - that IS a real light bulb!!! Just found a link so you can see a better picture (and realised how much he paid for it blimey!)
mind you ... like the idea of filling it with glitter .... :o)

Mrs.D said...

Hi Jan, What fun you have had furtling away in the bowlful of beads, why does no one give me bowls like that. Lovely pearly ones you have pulled out. And I am so encouraged that you found that dog fabric pinny cut out and not finished, gives me hope that I am not the only one. It will be a lovely pinny for some one. and Oh, those pretty wools, they just look so 'fondleable'. Gorgeous. Do show the finished products.
Chris #55

Peggy Lin said...

Wow What a lovely bright fabrics , Happy WOYWW

Peggy x #69

Julia Dunnit said...

Furtling happily - you could have made it an all day job if you had the old procrastinate skill like what I have!! Am loving the yarn colours. I would be making something for myself for a change..if I were you.

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Love the beads your set aside..and it would make a great puzzle. Funny what we forget we have until we find it while searching for someting else. Gorgeous yarns too. Have a fun week. I've not posted this week, some camera issues. But enjoying some visits.

Eliza said...

I really love that spotty fabric with the big brown spots. I can just see you sitting there in the window furtling around with those beads, one for the shop one for me LOL. Have a great week sorting and creating and stay warm.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 12

J said...

I do love the colours of the wool and the fabrics, I haven't don't any knitting for years.
I usually save beads but never actually use them.
Have a great week

Jan 75

Lisa-Jane said...

LOVE that teapot fabric - such pretty colours! Pretty beads too and yes it would be a great puzzle, much better than landscapes and ships. Have a great week lovely! #46

Carole said...

Oh what fun going on in your space. The fabrics are delightful and sorting through beads is like a treasure hunt. Thanks for sharing Carole #76

JoZart Designs said...

Love coming in for a song.... can't we have an audio link to you singing it, please. I love "True Colours" and it fits the post so well with all that yummy yarn fabrics and beads.
Jo x

JoZart Designs said...

I've just read your post and if you have skype we can do on line classes for free machine stitching. I can teach you no probs. email me!
Jo x

Unknown said...

I LOVE that Cyndi Lauper song! I sing it all the time. Just last year, Cyndi had a reality show featuring her, her son and husband. She is out performing, and was singing that song, and she's about our age and still full of awesomeness (like us). When I read your comment about going to Highclere, I let out a little squeal. I am about as obsessed with the true story of Highclere Castle as I am with Downton Abbey! So I really really am going to need a special photo from you when you go this summer. I keep thinking how I've got to find my way to the U.K.! Hey, I want to Skype in on JoZart's free machine stitching class! That sounds fun. Anyway, it is a blanket of white around here, and the thought of seeing little daffodils shooting up somewhere in the world gives me hope. Oh--and I must tell you! I found a tutorial on Pinterest for a Downton Abbey fabric table runner! I was so excited! I've pinned it--I think a table runner would be fab. Do you have a Pinterest account? Anyway--you would love it. Your beads are fab too--I think you could crochet simple little evening bags and bead those beads onto them and sell them for one of your charities. Love you dearly soul sister! Hugs! Sandy Leigh #18

Unknown said...

Hi Jan Hope you are keeping dry and warm up there. I have a little clump of snowdrops in the garden - that's all thats keeping me going. Gorgeous beads, I'd find it hard to give any away!
Have a happy week
Lynda B No 39

Sharon Madson said...

Love the photos of the fabric and beads! I am especially loving that teapot gingham fabric!
Don't we crafters love to sort?! I am beginning to sort my scraps of paper and organizing them by color. Now, I would use the pearls on cards. Hapyy WOYWW! Sharon #27

Unknown said...

Yay for bead soup! What fun to see everything you had there. I'm very fond of pearls as well! Happy WOYWW! Sheri #90

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jan, those tubs of beads look yummy, I know you had a great time fingering through them, lol. Having a weird day- Blogger played havoc with me last night writing my post before work, I linked up when i got in before bed,now I've just realised that my scheduled post hadn't appeared. Usually quickly check its up before I link, didn't bother this morning- typical. I will plead that I was distracted by the knowledge of Sausage & egg McMuffins waiting downstairs for brekkie, lol. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #42 xx

Kim said...

LOL! It did look rather shocking...but the beads do show great promise. Yeah, I've finally stopped collecting/looking at them; never could find a way to work them in a project (ok, lets be real, never could find a way to Want to work them in a project! such a horder!)

Crafting Queen said...

Lovely fabrics on your desk. Have a good day.

famfa said...

great beads. i could spend many an hour sorting through these (bless OCD). gorgeous fabric, especially the teacups.
famfa 5

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

The bead shots look lovely and yes, they would make great jigsaws. Almost as challenging as the one made up entirely of sprouts, that I gave my brother one Christmas! I love that Cyndi Lauper song too xx

Fiona #86

crafty cat corner said...

omg, I am drooling over the big bin of beads. lol

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan...nice fabrics, I'm itching to do some sew for GD so that might be on my agenda today. WOW WOW for the beads - I love the batch you're keeping...mm now yes what to do with them, I'm interested. Cheers and have fun sorting RobynO#16

fairy thoughts said...

boring ... not a word that comes to mind when I think of you. Funny how we go for the same colours.... your fabrics match the knitting yarn and then the pastel bead soup..... dive in and see what happens
janet #8

Super Stamp Girl said...

Hi Jan, thanks for stopping by earlier! Now you're going to have me singing Cyndi Lauper all evening long! I love that song, "True Colors." Thanks for sharing your TWO desks this week. Lucky you! See you next week! Hugs xo

My name is Cindy said...

Now how can you say desk is dull with all that gorgeous fabric? I love doing things like sorting beads, buttons anything really - very therapeutic and passes the time away very nicely. Shame I should usually be doing something more productive. Have a great day, Cindy #97

Shoshi said...

Those pearly beads look good enough to eat, Jan, but I wouldn't recommend that as a suitable use for them lol! What a lovely post so full of colour and prettiness. Your desk is the tidiest I've come across this week - I feel I am in good company with the rest as mine is a mess at the moment.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #100

Deb said...

Gorgeous fabrics, I always loved that doggy fabric, can't wait to see the apron finished! Love those pastel beads, well worth sorting through them and keeping those! I am sure you will find something to do with them!
Great job with the knitting too! I am very slowly getting on with my knitted bunny, she might be finished in time for Easter!
I didn't manage to show my desk this week unfortunately, was busy Tuesday/this morning, bit late now!
Have a great week, Debxx

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Looks like you have a lot of crafty goodness going on there. I'm sure you will find a good use for those pearls. Peg R 25

Glenda said...

Lots going on here! Love your space and that you love sewing. I'm really trying to get back into the swing of things. I'm trying to finish an apron. Mine leaves a lot to be desired!
Glenda #74

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

It looks like you're having fun with color, prints and texture. The bead tub that you got from your friend truly looks like a treasure… the possibilities for their use are endless! Blessings!

Caro said...

Wow...lots of gorgeous colours and textures on display. Just love that photo of all the beads. Thanks for sharing. Happy belated WOYWW. Caro x (#57)

Hettie said...

Love that doggy pinnieon there Mrs! Look a little like a certain handbag's doggie!! Wink Wink!
Nice sorting job you have there too! Rather you than me.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Cyndi Lauper would probably feel honored that you chose one of her songs to spotlight this week. Of course, I won't get it out of my head all week long, now.

You are sending some of the beads to the charity shop I would have kept: the old ones you can't buy anymore and the ones that are different and uniquely styled. The pearly ones are nice, too, of course.

I remember that doggie print. It's a hoot. And of course, I LOVE the tea cups.

Thanks for visiting me earlier in the week. I appreciate it. Happy belated WOYWW from #1.

BJ said...

I love all colours and perhaps the one on the right needs to be swapped for something more solid. Bead city - I'd love to come sort them with you. Reminds me of the big bag of buttons a friend gave me many years ago and sorting them into colours. BJ#73

Anonymous said...

Love that scotty dog print, it's really fun, and nice to see a basket of yarn too. The mitts look great, I take it you knitted them flat and seemed them? My first pair were like that. Pretty, pearly beads too. Yeah I'm definitely addicted to the socks these days, got two pairs at work now to alternate at lunch breaks!


Susanne said...

I disagree, any desk with even a pinch of purple works for me! That's a lot of beads to sort, but they are magnificient in total!

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your visit and your nice comment, Jan. Yes, my new ARTHaven is a total joy! It's actually a lot tidier now than it was on Wednesday as I've had a blitz, and I've also had a bit more time to be creative in there this weekend, which has been lovely. Yes, of course I will post about my hubby's valentine card after the 14th!! I more or less finished it this afternoon, and it was great sitting in my "drawing zone" in total comfort with excellent light too.

Shoshi #100

Sarn said...

Hi LLJ . . . thanks for popping over to see my dangles! LOL!

I have an apron made from that Scottie Dog material in your pictures! Love all your schparkly beads.

Hugs, Sarn xxx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Whoa! All those beads. Good thing you didn't have a cat around to be a helper or they would have been everywhere. Fun fabrics and of course we'll stay tuned to see what you make.


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...