These lyrics were swimming round my head as I was putting the finishing top stitching on this...
Another little quilt for the second granddaughter of the same lady who ordered last week's!  This little girl is a definite pink fan but I thought I'd introduce some blue to calm things down a little :-)

Here it is when the light got better! I'm quite pleased with the little pillow.
I'm determined to use up all those squares I had ready cut...waste not want not etc etc!  I've got enough for a LillyBo snuggler and another dolly cover.

Wipso was kind enough to share her knitting pattern with us last week - I thought I'd do the same with this pattern that comes from an ancient Good Housekeeping book I found in my Mum's stuff.  I'm making a scarf for a charity project and the pattern gives it some interest but it's not too flimsy.

Lacy Ladder Pattern
Cast on required No of stitches (got to be a multiple of 4)
Knit 2 rows
Knit 4, (YO, K2tog, K2) rpt this until last 4 stitches, K4
Repeat this pattern row until scarf is as long as you want,
Knit 2 rows
Cast Off

That may be the shortest pattern I've EVER written down!!

And finally, two things made me very happy this week: my rainbow crochet bedrunner has been pinned many times on Pinterest (yay!!) and while I was shopping, I espied a woman with a tote bag that I'd made. She'd been given it as a present nearly two years ago and it was still looking good. She must have thought I was bonkers as I leapt around, happy that the handles were still holding out! Apparently she uses it as her Grocery Bag for Life.

Big Smiles :-)  :-)


fairy thoughts said...

Yes I'm still up writing this weeks post at 12.15am must go to bed. That little cove rlooks so fresh and cute I'm sure it will be love by the lucky little girl
janet .... no number its not really Wednesday yet is it ?
Off to bed now

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Your little quilt is just perfect for some lucky little girl. Great colors. Hope the mother saves it as long as the lady with your little shopping bag will. !!! Great for you to see and know people LOVE your work. Have fun finishing the knitting project. Enjoy a WOYWW day.

Deb said...

Your dolly bedding is so adorable and I love the hint of blue in there, perfect!
That is a great pattern and a fab colour for your scarf! I am off to knit in bed watching the news in a mo, the only time I ever find to knit! Knitting bunny ears just now!
Love the bag story, how fun to spy one of your makes in action and after 2 years too! That is a quality make!
Have a great week! Deb #17

sara j said...

So excited I understood the scarf directions!!! It doesn't look too terribly difficult; perhaps I'll give it a try. I have all these extra bits and bobs of yarn I need to use up - maybe rainbow colors. You know, something nice and subtle.
I of course, will have to go look up the rainbow bed runner. I'm so hooked on rainbows lately, I actually had to look up a bunch of photos so I could get the color sequence right in my head. And what fun to see one of your creations out and about!!
Always fun to see what you've been up to Jan. Hope your week ahead is full of fun! Hugs.
Sara j #45

sara j said...

PS - Love the Pin rebel badge!!!

Maisie Moonshine said...

Felicitations Jan! Those doll's quilts are adorable, the white rik-rak really works a treat.

How wonderful to see an actual person using one of your bags - FAB! I

'm not surprised your bed cover has been pinned - it is GORGEOUS. Have a happy week - looks like you've got lots to keep you busy. MMx #43

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Oh, I love that little pillow. The 'dimple' in the middle makes it look as if a baby/dolly has just been resting her head :o)

Helen said...

sweet pillow! I have a vision now of you approaching women in the high street with your bags, everywhere you go, lol!! Happy Wednesday. Helen 9

lisa said...

Love those lyrics this week, you've made me go a gooey, quite easy at the minute as I'm sniffing and sneezing!!
Love your pink quilt, it's so cute, this little girl is going to have the best dressed dolly going. I bet you scared that poor lady half to death but how wonderful to see your creations walking down the street, I'd have done just the same!!
What's this I hear about scaffolders!!
Have a good day
Hugs Lisax #59

sandra de said...

Gorgeous little quilt and how lovely to hear/see that your creations are walking the street. Thanks for the knitting instructions must save it for a winter day. Now will have to check your pinterest post another addiction I have through woyww. Have a lovely week.

Unknown said...

I love the quilt, now if you tell me all your gorgeous designs just fall into place I'll be extremely jealous...Hope you have a fab week and happy crafting DeDe #47

Anne said...

The doll's quilt is lovely. You are such a neat knitter as well. No end to your talents! Happy WOYWW Anne x #63

Crafting Queen said...

Adorable quilt, love the fabrics. How lovely to see someone with a bag you made. Have a great day.

JoZart Designs said...

Singing "Oh, you beautiful doll" as I type!! So lovely to be back and see you gorgeous doings. The little quilt is adorable. You are good to knit such a detailed scarf.... I'd be doing all garter stitch!
Re the fabric heart. I sewed the buttons on when it was all sewn up and stuffed but with the curvature it was easy to pick up the fabric with the needle.
Jo x

CraftygasheadZo said...

Oh that quilt and pillow is so pretty! I love your stuff. Forgot to tell you I sold some of the makes you sent me, perfect Christmas presents! So that's a good start to my HMSA charity pot. I didn't do what I wanted last year but am determined this year. Thank you for being a super friend and supporting me. Let me know if you want any more cards. Take care. Zo xx 64

Karen said...

Hi again! Love the colours, so pretty, lucky little girl getting that present. Will find out more about crochet for kidneys, as a kidney dialysis patient now it's good to help others in the same boat. Thanks for sharing that! Karen x

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt. How wonderful to come across an old creation in use, that would have made my day.

Thanks for sharing

Zoe #55

Twiglet said...

Oh such a fab post today Jan. Your little dolly quilt is just perfect and I really love the lacey knittting - thanks for sharing. Have a good week. x Jo

Annie said...

I'm running late with my visits today [well late for me :-) ].
Have had a busy morning playing with the twins but they are both down for their naps now so I'm having a quick catch up with my friends :-)
I love the second dolly quilt [ I think even more than the last one ;-) ]. Thanks for the knitting pattern Jan...bet they would make nice squares too ...if only I could work out how many stitches and rows would be needed lol.
Annie x # 38

famfa said...

It's like being famous seeing your handmade wares travelling along a street. Your quilt is beautiful - what a lucky girl x
Famfa 4

Kate Hadfield said...

Oh what a beautiful quilt, my daughter would love it! The Lacy Ladder pattern looks lovely too, you are very talented!!

Kate xxx #52

Unknown said...

Dearest soul sister--you are the sweetest and the kindest. Not only do I send you hugs and love, but so does my daughter Lauren, who is in love with the UK, and delights in seeing anything you write (she even loves how you wrote the date!). Your card was as precious as the the Dowager fabric! That fabric is really soft too--love, love, love it. Thank you so much. I love your quilty work of art today too. The ric rac just sets off those colors. May and June are smiling down on us, and I know their spirits are in everything we create. I adore that Dowager color scheme, by the way. I'm going to have so much fun with it. Big hugs!! Sandy Leigh #20

Lindart said...

Beautiful quilt - she's going to love it!
Lindart #91

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

As with most Wednesdays, after I visit, the song of the week stays in my head long after I leave you. I like that quilt. Not too much pink, at least. And using up your bits and bobs are what any good crafter who doesn't rely on tearing their fabric (like me) should be pleased and willing to do.

Happy WOYWW from #1.

sandysewin said...

Awwwww, that little quilt is the cutest thing! I love the ric-rac on the seams.

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the nice comments.

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #5

sara j said...

Quick note before I go to work about the painted chest. Not my handy work, for sure. But a lovely story none the less...when we sold our old house we realized we would need some new furniture for the new house. Fortunately a local store, with an amazing owner and very eclectic furniture had their yearly 40% off sale at the same time. I loved the chest, but we needed other things more - my sweetie bought it on the sly for me!! So it is sentimental as well as beautiful. Ah. Now there's a way to start the day...good memory. Thanks!!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Ooh! I love the wee little blanket and the tiny pillow. Are you sure those aren't for Eliza's Yoda? I'm thinking he would like them very much in his perch in the sun. Good luck in your quest to use up all your cut up quilt squares. Judy #96

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jan,lovely little quilts.Especially the dragonfly square in the corner. That lady's face must have been a picture at you, lol. After Judys comment above, I can see you knocking out cat pillows next week, :) Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #35 xx

Jackie said...

Jan I laughed at the thought of you jumping out at this poor lady and inspecting her shopping bag :)
Jackie 33

Unknown said...

Cute little quilts! Love the dragonfly square! And how cool to see someone using one of your bags! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #81

trisha too said...

SO cute, and you're right, it needed the blue. Love the ric-rac-y trim on it, too!

That is so funny you saw someone carrying one of your bags, what a treat. I'm going to go pin your rainbow runner right now!

Happy WOYWW to you!
#21 this week
with a BIG mess

Paper rainbow said...

how great to see one of your bags being used and loved! Thank you for your visit and kind comments :)

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

What a real boost to spot that bag and to know how much it is valued, and the quilt is just so pretty. After I get my craft room tames, I need to clear the dining room table, get rid of the huge table that I cannot move, and buy a smaller one and do some sewing with my new machine on there. The last time the helicopter was over us, it was just when I was about to take the dogs out, and I spent 10 minutes dithering on whether it was safe. Then I realised that it was probably the safest time while they were watching the area. Have a good time with your knitting. I am off out tomorrow to get some more wool to keep my fingers busy at night. xx Maggie #2

Lisa-Jane said...

LOVING the colour scheme on that new bedding! Very fresh and pretty. And now I've got that song in my head you daft woman! #46

Unknown said...

Such a tidy desk and a beautiful quilt

Julia Dunnit said...

aw, cute. Love the little dimpled pillow! Am proud for you over the bag and the lady. Bet she went home and told a tale about meeting the bag lady!!

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

That happy quilt would make me want to come also. Peg R-13

Eliza said...

Jan, productive as always, do you ever sit still? What a great idea sharing those knitting patterns. As for your items that you have made and sent out there in the world it is good to know that they are standing up to the years of use, must be a relief for you too as this enforces the quality of your beautiful work. Thanks for popping in to say hi, I am trudging my way through pre-prep with the cricket with your boys and girls as the girls are playing too, in the heat, will all be over soon apart from the shouting. Have a great week and thanks for popping in to say hi.

Happy WOYWW & Happy Crafting
Eliza & Yoda 15

okienurse said...

OMG! So busy. Love the little quilts. I wish I knitted better but...Thanks for the pattern. I may try it out. I think that big beautiful sewing machine would make me a happy camper. BTW everything you make lasts and does well. I know the placemat, pillows, and runner set have washed up nicely and have kept their color well. Thanks again. When I get some money ahead I think I will get you to make me another set. Have a great week. Vickie aka Okienurse #111

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah Lunch lady Jan am a-loving the quilts and quilting squares must admit i laughed when you remonstrated with yourself about wanting material like my paper... that is what I am trying to do this year and first of all to use rarely or never before used things, as too much of that !! love the knitting too happy WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #29

glitterandglue said...

Oh Jan. What a lovely little quilt - and now onto yet more! You certainly have the word "boredom" missing from your dictionary!! Nice knitting pattern - just enough pattern to make things interesting. Well done.
Have a great week.
Margaret #39

Carol Rigby said...

Your quilt is so cute and fabrics are really pretty. Thanks for stopping by to take a look at my desk and for the tip on my butterfly dilemma.

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Love your meeting someone with a well loved product of yours!

And the little quilt and pillow, just charming.

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, Just taking the opportunity whilst I can (my Internet connection is pretty patchy at the moment, sigh!) to visit. The little pram quilt and pillow is gorgeous and the touch of blue is perfect - I'm sure the we girl is going to love it. And how brilliant was that to spot a bag you made still being used and the handles still holding up - I'd have been jumping up and down too :) Wishing you a belated happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #70

Carmen said...

That blanket and pillow is so cute!

How long ago did you make my bag? I use it daily - every day since I got it. Usually as a handbag but in recent months as a handbag/nappy bag (so much nicer than 'proper' nappy bags!) When we go on holiday it is stuffed to bursting with sketchbooks, kindle, art stuff and reading books. I'm always getting comments on it :) Still looks as good as new and the seams are showing no signs of giving up yet! My midwife told me I should get a 50's style dress in the same fabric. Told her I haven't worn a dress in at least 15 years but I think it was a compliment :D Love it!

Thank you for my welcome back LLJ :D

Carmen #75

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Just read your question you left on my blog. I have around 460 rocking horses, and they are far too many to name. Never even thought of naming them until you asked the question. I also have a few carousel horses, a few that are on wheels, and a few that actually rock back and forth. So, as long as it's a decorative horse (not a horse, per se), it gets loved at my place.

505whimsygirl said...

Hello LLJ,

What a beautiful little quilt for what I'm sure is a cute little girl. I'm sure she'll love all the pink. The touch of blue is definitely a good call! I will have to write down the knitting pattern, although it sounds familiar. I found one of my scarves just yesterday and was looking at it, wondering what the pattern is - will have to inspect more closely to see if I can figure it out! Your scarf is coming along nicely.

How GREAT to see one of your totes being used! I love mine and use it for groceries and when I'm carrying around my books and computer. It's so handy.

Not playing along (again this week) but thought I'd stop by and say hello.


Anonymous said...

Oh what a beautiful little quilt! Makes me wish I had one for my dolly when I was a bairn! How brilliant to see your wares in action and still going strong. I use my needle roll a lot, and I filled it too but I use the little zipped bag almost every day as I keep my knitting notions in it, things like my wool scissors, stitch markers, tape measure, row counter etc. It's out every time I knit and is brilliant. Lovely little pattern, I finished some lace socks and blogged about them today if you're interested! have a great weekend, another winter storm for us with 5 - 8" of snow! February is obviously going to continue how January left off!!


Diane said...

You make the most beautiful quilts, gosh what talent.

Hugs diane

BJ said...

Those little quilts are adorable and the knitting stitch is cool too. Thanks for the visit this week, sorry it has taken so long to reply, seem to have a pile of stuff to do but did finish the little felt house which was gratefully received today - phew BJ#72

Annie Claxton said...

That quilt is so pretty, and how amazing to bump into someone enjoying using one of your bags - I'd be well chuffed too! Sorry to be so late visiting, but it's been a nightmare week and I still can't even see my tail let alone catch it! :o) Annie C #82


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...