Sorry to be a rebel but there's no desk to show this week. I've been away at my Dad's, then my son popped home from Uni so no sewing at all....Tsk tsk, Must Try Harder, LLJ....   But this is the finished dolly pram quilt and pillow. Sweet colours :-)
Look at this spread of hexie gorgeousness, sent to by Twiglet and Wipso for the Crochet for Kidneys charity I featured a couple of weeks back. Thanks Girls, you are always stars - I know that these will be gratefully accepted. Elizabeth is crocheting like crazy too and will be sending hers direct. And Julia is using up her odds and ends of yarn just like I did and giving me a few to add to the pile on Thursday. I think I'll need a bigger envelope!

My offering - I used up all the ends of the Crofter variegated wool I had, which pleased me immensely!  It meant I didn't have to change colours every row either! (How lazy is that, lol!!)

Twiglet also sent these little cardis to pass on...aren't they sweet? I especially love the blanket stitch edging on the paler cardi, a lovely finishing touch. Thank you Twiglet....you are a generous soul :-)

Finally...a prezzy for me and a what-am-I-going-to-do-with-this!  The needle felt hare kit was from Helen, a dear friend in Band. She has got a different kit, so I think we're going to have to have a crafty day together soon. I've never done this before but know I'll end up with punctured fingers!!!  And the Whiskey bottle tube is empty (well done Gordon!!) but it's too good to put in the recycling bin. Any suggestions?? 

So, short(ish) and sweet from me today! Have a great week :-)


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Lunch Lady Jan... mm good post what awesome bunch of "hexies" to give over from a generous and kind bunch of ladies, well done!!! and love Wipso's cardis too...

Mm not much of idea on the box or cylinder know have seen ideas somewhere, but not sure.

..maybe alter front of it with fabric glued patches or hexies (good use of fav. snippets) and use for knitting needle storage??
happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #7 I tink...

Julia Dunnit said...

Aw, that Twiggers and Wipso are generous persons aren't they..and your two collections make my hexies look very boring I must say..all my 'odds' have been single colour! Never mind, although I do pity the poor lady that's going to lay em out and join them up...would make my teeth itch!! You and Helen will have aolovely time with the kits - what a generous prezzie. There are things to be done with the tube, but they involve glue and paper and I don't know if you're ready for it.!!

Annie said...

Glad the hexies arrived safely...sorry to say I found them in my wool box, handed them over to Jo to finish them off for me and to post them to you [you see things here are just a little hectic at the mo...can't imagine why ;-)]. It's good to know I have a sister I can rely on...as always.
Love your quilt and pillow Jan...such pretty colours.
As for the bottle tube...it would have to something for the pixie/fairy world of course :-(
Annie x # 39

Bernice said...

What a cute dolly set! There will be a very happy little girl when she gets this! Lovely knitting and crochet too on display.
Bernice #43

jill said...

Still some lovely thing on your blog this week . the dolls pram set is lovely . Happy woyww Jill #40

lisa said...

Sounds like a busy week Jan, I hope you have managed to catch your breath!!!!
Look at all that crochet, it's something else that is a foreign language to me despite my MIL's best attempts to teach me. I'm still on with my loopy knitting though, loving that.
Your bottle tub looks a good size to store knitting needles in!
Take care
Hugs Lisax #47

Jackie said...

What a lot to see , the dolls pram set has turned out really well, lovely colours, it's so sweet!
Those little cardi's just melt my heart! So sweet.... Think I'm in pink baby mood at the moment!!!! The empty tin you could cover and put things in such as paint brushes????
Jackie 34

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I confess. I haven't heard of the song you featured today. At least this one won't be stuck in my head for days on end, like some have in the past.

That's an adorable baby quilt and pillow. Perfect colors, too. And Annie and Jo are sure going above and beyond, aren't they? Stunning how they always step up to the plate.

Have a super week, dear. Happy WOYWW from #1.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

OOPS. I meant to write DOLL quilt, not BABY. Of course, it's the same difference in my world, since I have neither (grin).

Annie said...

I have added the pattern I use for my squares on my blog if you'd like to pop back. Feel free to knit til your heart's content using it :-)
Annie x

Anne said...

Well there may be no desk but you more more than made up for it with all the gorgeousness of makes and colour. Love the quilt and pillow - such prettiness. Annie and Jo just take my breath away with all they do and they so generous. Such lovely ladies. Happy WOYWW
Anne x #58 ( well at the moment , it changed twice last week :-) )

Ann B said...

Think you will be excused lack of desk with so many pretty things to look at. I used a similar bottle box for knitting needles and put it on the top shelf in my wardrobe, doesnt take up much space so handy.
Wish I could crochet, Mum tried to teach me as a child but with me being left-handed she couldnt reverse the stitches so I bought a Coates teach yourself booklet. Still have it (Antiques Roadshow anyone?) but the last time I tried to do any each row got wider and wider - couldnt get the turn stitches right.
Thanks for visiting already early bird.
Ann B

fairy thoughts said...

Painting the tube may not be your thing you could always crochet a cover for it and use it to keep your hooks/ small balls in
Have fun anyway
Janet @9

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I like the hook storage idea, although we have the same cask (DH likes the smokey flavour it adds to his competition chili) and it is pretty big, unless you have a LOT of hooks that might be a waste of a good tube! You need to drink like 19 more bottles and turn it into a wine rack LOL!

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (19)

PS love the jelly roll from last week - I think I missed it somehow!

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh such beautiful colors in all your photos and adorable projects. WOW..lots of love in each little piece. Enjoy WOYWW #64 today. It's sooooooooooo cold here.

Crafting Queen said...

Sweet little blanket.Lovely crochet pieces. Have a good week.

Artyjen said...

Lots of creativity going on! As for the whisky container....how about covering in wrapping paper/homemade decorative paper and using for your next gift to someone?
xoxo Sioux

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I am joining in with the crocheting, but having had a major clear out of wools a few years ago, I need to go and buy some wool to do the hexagons. I am sending them direct, hopefully to the Birmingham Childrens Hospital or some other local place. It will give me something for my fingers to do in the evenings, while watching mind numbing telly. I think I might go for a rainbow yarn to cut down the number of ends to sew in after. Part of my clearing out is to get rid of some stash that I have never used to give me more room for my special things. Thank you for your visit today and I hope you soon get all those hexagons sorted. xx Maggie #21

Anonymous said...

The quilt is beautiful and what a fab pile of hexes!

Thanks for sharing

Zoe #32

Anonymous said...

Busy and creative as ever Jan. Love the hexagons and little cardis for the charity, such generous friends on woyww. Have fun with the kit, sounds like it would be right up your street, although it might move along quicker if the whiskey box wasn't empty!!

Brenda 67

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Jan....wonderful to be busy and for such a great project and fabulous to have other deskers contributing too.. the hexagons look lovely as does your dolls set. Cheers and happy crafting RobynO#69

Unknown said...

Well I'm doing a better job of getting around to desks this week soul sister, and that photo of hexy gorgeousness just make me happy! Especially since we all know my crochet skills. I promise to work on that this year. You certainly deserve a break, so I'm happy you get to spend time with family. Most important! I'm getting my crafty projects lined up at home, busy at the office, but then I'll also be busy with mother's estate business. Please say a prayer for me and my sister...we will have a lot to do in the coming months. Hugs dearest! Sandy Leigh #80

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi Jan! Such a sweet dolls quilt set - takes me back to happy days with my doll Elizabeth - Mum was an avid dolls clothes maker and used to run up amazing outfits while we girls were in bed - happy days!

I hope you have a fun time doing your needle felting day - let me know how you get on - I've got a penguin kit waiting to have a go at - like you I'm expecting multiple puncture wounds - Must remember to try it during the day - our A&E shuts at 10!

Thanks for your visit - I've had a very happy crafty day - finished project will be posted tomorrow - off to my art class now :0) Have a happy week. MMx #37

BJ said...

Adore the quilt and pillow - thanks for the visit earlier BJ#52

CraftygasheadZo said...

Oh so pretty is it all! Love your collection of crochet. Always looks fab! Lol at the whiskey tube, I'm always keeping boxes for storage but they end up on the floor waiting to be used then forgotten!! Take care Zo xx 59

Princess Judy Palmer said...

A whiskey tease??! What kind of present is that? Tee hee. The crochet hexagons are so neat looking and what a great way to use up scraps and ends of rolls. Who has the honor of stitching them all together? That looks like that might be a bit tedious. The doll blanket and pillow are so sweet as is the wee clothing Twiglet sent. So much talent!!!

Susanne said...

Desk or no desk, you have been busy. Glad I popped by. Susanne #66

shazsilverwolf said...

Another no desk rebel! Naughty us, eh? The dolls pram quilt is so pretty, some little girl is going to be very happy. You get some funny looks in greengrocers, asking for half a cucumber, and they ask which end you prefer, and you say it doesn't matter, its for the fish, rofl.All contributes towards the accusations of eccentricity, lol.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #33 xx

CraftygasheadZo said...

Thanks for the visit. Indeed my samples were on the Create and Craft show yesterday and I was even name checked!! The railway is in MSN here's the website, not sure what they do but trains go up and down!! http://www.sdjr.co.uk/ Take care Zo cc

Helen said...

NO desk? We'll have to send you to the naughty corner...! Love all the crochet- squares I was going to say - hexis then! - how lovely of everyone. This cold is certainly a bit of a stayer, darn it! Thanks for your visit. Helen 23

Paper rainbow said...

Laphroaig!! My favourite :) I would collage it with paper, but that is just me I think, if it keeps still for a minute or two I'll collage it!!

Laura said...

Aw, the dolly blanket is gorgeous :)
Happy Wednesday

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, well, you must have been busy at some time to have finished that lovely pram quilt and pillow - the colours are indeed sweet - like those you find in dolly mixtures. And what a wonderful array of hexagons ... if I had variegated yarn I'd have used it too LOL. Enjoyed your post and thanks for visiting earlier. We got rained off so the drive is only half done ... hope it's dry tomorrow so we can finish the job then. Hope you have a good week. Elizabeth x #81

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Your mini quilt set is so pretty, but oh, that little needle felted hare kit is adorable. If you're anything like, on the first few attempts, there may be blood!

Lisa-Jane said...

I love the addition of the ric rac on that little quilt - its so cute! I know what you mean about the whiskey tube - too good to throw away and I bet lots of people will have great ideas of what to do with it. Hope your Dad is okay. Have a great week hun. x

Lea.H said...

ah the dolls set is lovely Lx

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Wow have you been busy or what? Hope everything goes well. Peg R #91

Unknown said...

The quilt set is adorable..... love the colours. Thanks for stopping by earlier, I'm really over the catalogue bit, another heatwave next week.....Eliza will be pleased...NOT... Why don't you come to Australia, Eliza and I will take you shopping, spot of lunch, lots of laughs, upset a few people, more laughs....we could have lots of fun....lol
Have a great week, Hugs DeDe #16

Twiglet said...

Aw thanks Jan for the mention. I love your little quilt. Good idea to use the random wool for the hexies - they are so pretty. x Jo

Neet said...

The pastel quilt is so pretty and the crochet is lovely too, and so many of them.
Suggestion on the whiskey container, decorate with paper or something and will it keep you knitting needles in? I chopped one of those down into three different sizes and used them stuck together and decorated for my tools on my desk. I just love recycling.
Thanks for the share.
Hugs, Neet 87 xx

Deb said...

Your little dolly quilt and cushion is so adorable, love the pretty colours and the rik rak is a lovely finish!
Fabulous hexies too, love your variegated ones, darn clever that not lazy!
I am fascinated by felting, it is incredible what people can make out of a lump of felt! Haven't been brave enough to try it yet but I love your kit!
I too have lots of those whisky containers, hubby loves his malts! I never know what to do with them either.
Have a great week, Debxx

okienurse said...

WOW busy post if no picture of your desk. I love all the crocheted bits and the pillow and quilt are awesome. Those sweaters are so sweet! Annie and Jo are great people! regarding the tube...my husband is a single malt drinker and we have tubes around also. I have been decorating them and using them as gift containers . Check out this post. http://okienurse.blogspot.com/2013/03/graphic-45-french-market.html It doesn't have to be highly decorated you can do as I did here and cut about the papers to make designs. I also use them as someone said in my craftroom to hold various things, knitting needles, crochet hooks, paint brushes, etc. In the kitchen I use them to hold spagetti pasta, nuts etc. If it is something you use a lot it breaks down over time but hey by then he has another bottle gone and I have another tube! Thanks for visiting my blog earlier. I enjoy hearing what it up. Just put out the stuff again this year that you made for me. the table runner on the dining room table and place mats in the kitchen, cushion covers are in the living room...l have a very coordinated house...well the parts you can see if you are visiting. Vickie aka Okienurse

glitterandglue said...

That little pram quilt and pillow are really sweet - and the hexagons look great. Well done.
Margaret #7

Tertia said...

That quilt is as gorgeous as I imagined it would be and you guys have been so great at all the work you are doing for charity. If I did not stay on the other side of the world I would have loved to take part, but postage from here is exorbitant and VERY unreliable.
Happy very belated WOYWW!
Tertia #14

Sonja said...

You are soooo talented, Lunch Lady Jan! I admire your handicraft! And I love the colours you have chosen. Cheers, Sonja


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...