It's all Shaz Silverwolf's fault!  She was sorting out all her stamps and made me realise that an overhaul of my stash was URGENT :-)  This is only half of it....cough...

I have made a start..these are all my fat quarters in colour groups...sad, huh?!

This is next...it may take some time!
Two of my fab Christmas prezzies...the jelly roll was from my son Rhys and the pom pom braid was from the luscious Julia herself. Aren't they gorgeous? And don't they tone well? :-)

I had such thoughtful and beautiful presents - I'm such a lucky gal. But this was my favourite:
A Photobox printed book of photos featuring my boys' journey from age 9 to manhood. I sobbed........even now I'm tearing up just looking at these pics again. Gordon, it really was the best present ever....thank you xx

Pull yourself together LLJ....get a grip!

If you are knitters/crocheters and are looking for a project then take a peek at http://www.ukhandknitting.com/knitting_for_charity.php. There are LOADS of different organisations that need help.

I contacted Natasja King about this:

I've done a couple of hexagons while TV watching, it's amazing how quick they run up and how many odds and ends of yarn you can get rid of too!!  Here's a good site for patterns: http://www.mooglyblog.com/free-crochet-hexagon-patterns/

If you want to contribute, contact me and I'll pass on Natasja's address. The deadline is 7th Feb.  THANK YOU!!

Once again, I'd like to thank all of you who comment, share and make me laugh. I LOVE WOYWW!


fairy thoughts said...

Happy new year LLJ
Nothing sad about stash it makes my world go round

Anne said...

Fab stash! Love looking. A brilliant ptesent I agree. Happy 2014. Anne x

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Happy New Year to you! I'm so glad I can celebrate without having to stay up late. The book is just so awesome and special. What a great gift. As far as the stash overhaul goes... it will be so worth it in the end and just a great way to start off the new year. My NY post goes live at midnight... another 5 hours, but I've been faithfully updating every day this past week.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah Lunch Lady Jan so need to do the same as you and Shaz... saw Shaz's post and thought the same thing.. mm start today think in one spot!!

Ah wonderful idea on the hexagons well done you!! (and others) and love your sons pressie, how thoughtful!!
happy WOYWW and God bless for 2014 (no number yet) Shaz in Oz.x.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Aww what a wonderful gift :o) Happy New Year to you Jan! Hope to see you some time in 2014 x

Fiona #21

Belinda Basson said...

Happy New Year to you from across the pond. Love your gift of the photo book. How very special. #11

Julia Dunnit said...

Happy new year. Gordon's present is extraordinary, quite lovely. I love that shaz made you get all URGENT about your stash. and actually, didn't realise you did have that much....!!

Crafting Queen said...

Looks like you had some wonderful gifts. Good luck with your sorting and a very Happy New Year!!!!

Lucy said...

A very happy new year to you! Wish I could help you tidy your ribbon stash. Nothing like going through someone else's stash! Lovely, thoughtful presents from Julia, you lucky girl. You have a pair of handsome lads, and what a lovely present to be given. No wonder you're tearing up! All the best, Lucy #28 x

Karin said...

Looks like you've some fabulous goodies to play with. Great photos.
Happy New Year
Karin #30

shazsilverwolf said...

Happy new Year Jan ( and family)! Lol, you say the sweetest things! I even have a fridge magnet that says 'If I can't be a good example, then I'll be a terrible warning', rofl! Howard did indeed excel himself there, he & Doug must have some sort of telepathy going on- Photobox was where Doug ordered the canvases from- how strange. Oh, and by the way, my DIL would be rolling on the floor at the thought of me inspiring anyone to tidy! Have a great Wednesday, Hugs, Shaz #32 xx

Eliza said...

What an amazing gift and one that will last forever, so pleased that you received something that has touched your heart is such a way. Happy New Year and good luck with your sorting, that ribbon collection there looks like something to really dive into.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 10
Happy WOYWW and Happy Crafting

Eliza said...

Oh forgot to add you can see your bunting in my wide room shot. LOL

hugs E

Kyla said...

I know, Shaz ALMOST inspired me to clean!!!!
Some fabulous presents, and I now understand the love of Jelly Rolls!

Happy New Year
kyla #40

Glenda said...

something about the new year makes us want to clean....I have a huge chest that is crammed full of "stuff" So much so I'm not even sure what all is in there! Guess I'm next! Happy New Year...
Glenda #33

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You can keep your stash. I just want those totally USEFUL see-thru containers. I bet they are quite handy.

What a wonderful gift you have received from your hubby. I can understand the tears of joy. What beautiful and priceless memories.

Of course I'm not singing your song of the week in my head. I can't believe how powerful these are and how they stick around, even after I've left your blog page.

I want to wish you a healthy, creative, music and fabric filled, joyous New Year and happy WOYWW from #5.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

OOPS. That should have read NOW singing, instead of NOT singing. I am a great speller, just not a great typist, I guess (grin).

Maisie Moonshine said...

Happy New Year Jan! Yummy fabrics on show today and such lovely prezzies too. Not playing today as still at Mum's for New Year celebrations. Best wishes to you and yours for 2014. MMx

Anonymous said...

Oooh, love the book - and your lovely ginger and blond. Adorable - mine is 21 in a couple of days and it's making me go all funny and soppy. A book like this would do me in :)

The very best to you and yours for 2014

Happy New Year WOYWW!
Mary Anne (1)

Helen said...

Love your organised fat quarters... colour groups sounds an ideal way to have them! Love the gift from Gordon, how amazing was that! Happy Happy New Year to you all - see you soon, I hope!! Helen 17

Sarn said...


Hugs, Sarn xxx

Neet said...

Too late for me to do any stash tidying - maybe at my friends house, she always hopes I will do a spot of tidying for her.
Love the pressie of the boys - what a wonderful thought.
Happy New Year to you
Hugs, Neet xx
ps no, stitched on the machine thank goodness

Unknown said...

Hi Jan Wishing you all a very very happy new year. You had some gorgeous presents, the photo book is just wonderful. You will treasure that for ever I know. Good on you for tidying and sorting, I just can't face it yet. My bunting looked fab up in the kitchen and had some very lovely comments from visitors. My sister-in-law was all for taking it home... "gerr off" I said. Hoping we can meet up again in 2014
Have a great week
Lynda B 27

Eliza said...


Just a bit worried about having to wait until 2024 to be full of love, laughter and crafty mayhem, maybe the orange one was involved in the time warp LOL Glad you got the card.

Hugs Eliza

Hettie said...

Happy New Year to you all Jan. Love that photo book. Awww! Also love that jelly roll so I am looking forward to seeing what you do with it. Now get that stuff off MY bed please!
I was finking of you yesterday when I shared my scrapbook layout. You may like to peep!
Hugs - cant wait to see you in.......

Annie Claxton said...

Happy New Year Jan - what a gorgeous pile of stash and I would SO have to sort it into colour groups as well! Thanks for the link to the charities - brilliant idea! :o) Annie #62

Tertia said...

I just spent a whole week trying to get some order in my room, but then I see those wonderful ribbons and I think I don't have pompom trim, maybe... no!!! Get a grip! I am NOT buying another centimeter of ribbon! LOL
That is an awesome present! My kids made me a patchwork quilt while the eldest was 17 and the youngest 6. They all helped, youngest 2 cut the squares and eldest two sewed. It was done in secrecy (I was not allowed neer their rooms for more than a month! They used the scraps from all the clothes that I had made for them over the years. Today, 20 years later, it is still my most valuable possession and I don't even share my story blankie with my grandies,
Happy New Year and happy WOYWW to you!
Tertia #21

Darnell said...

Wonderful, heartwarming post, LLJ, from start to finish! What handsome and fun-loving boys you have!! That photo box is indeed a treasure!! I'm also sitting here flashing my applause sign at the clear plastic containers corralling all those colorful fabrics! My heart gets to pitter-pattering over organization, you know, so I'm quite pickled about it! I wish you all the very best in a new year of WOYWWing!! Happy New Year Hugs, Darnell #8

Jackie said...

Happy new year and thank you for visiting already!
That fabric looks just great, as does the ribbon.
What a thoughtful gift the book of photos was
Jackie 13

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. There are so many of us attempting to tidy, organise and declutter our craft rooms. Mine is a lot emptier, but still a lot of stash to sell/give away. Love your photo book. I will be making some of those this year. Ali x. #58

Unknown said...

So much fabric...so many projects!! Lots of fun..
You are right, photos are the best! A lifetime right before your eyes.
Pat #65

Cardarian said...

Let me start with HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 - thank you for your kind comments on my blog in 2013, thank you for the good food you cooked for us at the crop and thank you for sharing your lovely projects and songs! You are really my sort of a gal!
Lots and lots of hugs and love

glitterandglue said...

Happy New Year, Jan. What a beautiful post - how fabulous to receive that present! Congrats to the men in your life!!!
Great thinking to get your fabric colour sorted - makes it so much easier to see what is what - and, of course, to realise what colours you don't have....
Have a great week.
Margaret #12

Diane said...

Happy New Year Jan and what a fun collection of pictures you have shared.

Hugs Diane

Robyn said...

A good sort is a great way to ring in the new year!
thanks for visiting and letting me snoop around your place.

Andrea said...

a very happy new year to you and well done with the organising looks good . the photo book looks fab I can see why it was your favourite pressie al those wonderful memories have a great 2014 crafty hugs Andrea #33

Kim said...

I Wish you and your Family a very Happy New Year! Yes, it is a good time to get organized..before I spend all the gift cards on the same items!! LOL! And your album is indeed a wonderful gift!!

Elizabeth said...

Happy New Year to you and your family, Jan. I'm salivating looking at all your gorgeous stash and that fabulous jelly roll ... how serendipitous was that of Julia to choose that fab pompom trim for you? Lovely! And Gordon's gift is a topper too. Santa really was good to you :) Have a great week and a wonderful 2014. Hugs, Elizabeth x #79

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW, Jan, and thanks for your visit. It's funny how someone else getting organized can spur you into action. I think as long as you are using it, it's pretty nice to have lots of pretty choices. (At least that's what I tell myself when I buy more patterned paper -- ha, ha!) Happy New Year! ~ Laura #54

Ali H said...

Hi Jan just wanted to say a very Happy New Year. Your lovely bunting looked great in my kitchen all Christmas so thanks once again!

lisa said...

Happy New Year to you all from all at The Craft Garden. I hope it's a brilliant one for you all. Why does a new year make you want to tidy, sort and refresh, we all seem to be doing the same thing!! You have some luscious fabric there, Jan and love the crochet too. You'd be proud of me, I knitted a scarf over Xmas!!!!!
Love your photo book, what a special pressie. I got all the things to make my own this year and keep it going, have had lots of fun printing photos.
Hugs Lisax

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you and your family Jan! Looks like you had a great Christmas, love the photobook! Nice to see a tidy up in progress, I steadfastly ignored the state of my room this holiday, far too busy winding hanks of yarn, and just about anything else I could find too! I agree with sorting by colour, must better for you to see what you have, and it looks like someone could do with some kind of ribbon storage gadget, lol!!

Brenda 4

okienurse said...

Looks like you are busy with all that sorting and I love those Christmas gifts...very thoughtful! Happy New Years and I hope your holidays were all you wanted them to be. I didn't get to share on WOYWW this week but I am looking forward to a busy and creative new year and sharing it with everyone on WOYWW in 2014! Vickie aka Okienurse

Twiglet said...

Happy New Year - I hope it's a healthy and busy crafting one too. I would love to help sort through your fabrics etc - you might find a few had gone missing though!!! I have some hexagons - I might get back to you on that. x Jo

SueH said...

My nan used to say, ‘a New Year and a new brush to clean away the old cobwebs’ and it looks like it’s true because it looks like lots of us are having a good old clear out. Not only that, it’s so satisfying when everything is neat and tide but I can’t help wondering how long everything will stay like that.
What lovely gifts you received too, especially the photo book……..so very special and something to be treasured I think.

Wishing a Happy New Year to you and yours and a Crafty New Year to boot!



 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...