Firstly, a wish for safekeeping for all our friends in the US and Canada who may be in the grip of this terrible winter weather.  Take care, we're thinking of you.

Well, after last week's shambles and shame of showing a scramble of stash...

I present a slightly more organised space for you to peruse!

The riot of ribbons has been regulated  :-)

A rainbow of pastel pretties..ready to make yet another personalised bunting for a little girl (the tidy ribbons didn't last long, eh?!)

I've been crocheting away merrily whilst watching the TV - these hexagons will be going for a charity supporting people with kidney failure (see last week's post if you're interested.)  Not only is the instant gratification of churning them out quite wonderful but I'm thrilled to be using up all the odds and ends of yarn too! And I won't be the one sewing them all up...hooray :-)

My brothers really came up trumps with some Christmas prezzies for me this year....amongst other things I received these cute little dolly tea cups that measure tea/dessert/table spoons for cooking. They're sooooooo sweet!

My other brother gave me this book...the patterns are quite simple and the animals are fab. That baboon (2nd from right) really does have a brightly coloured bottom, lol!! But the Orang Utan is by far my favourite....OOOOOOK!

Have a great week :-)


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Lunch Lady Jan!! well here we are second WOYWW already...
.. I always really enjoy your blog.. it loads easily ie pickies aren't huge.. (I am guess you resize them?) and also it is clear and easy to read my greatest loathing is dark or black backgrounds ... ugh!

Now why is I do that? totally off on a tangent?
.. first of all love your neat array need still to do mine; visitors etc. took up most of past week.
(which are great!) Mm your sewing reminds me need to make my nightie.. bought the material yesterday (yum!) and think the machine had better come out sooner rather than later..

..not flooding here, thankfully - but praying for all O/S, and some here with bushfires ... just pleasant weather here this week, was little warm last week..
Cleve sons what good choosers - you brought them up to be thoughtful lads, Shaz in oz.x
# no number yet.

Annie said...

Now Jan I really do want to come and play....if only to make a mess of all your fabric stash :-) I'm at the stage that all my material is boxed up ready for the move but the one piece I'm looking for is always in the bottom box at the very back of a huge pile of boxes....it's so frustrating [guess I've just got to be patient!].
Annie x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm super impressed with your organization skills. You truly ARE a material girl. And a fabric girl, too. You have some truly impressive fabric in your arsenal.

Like you, I never minded making granny squares, but putting them together was not what I would consider fun.

Guess Julia slept in, so I'm here, but have no number yet. And it's well past my materialistic bedtime, too!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Ah, I knew it. The minute I visit someone (YOU), Julia puts up her post. Could that be why you beat me to the punch (grin)?

Sandy said...

What an awesome book your brother knows you well.. Love the patterns of lovely material you have there..
Sandy :) #4

Erika said...

Oh, this looks wonderful :) material girl :) Smooth colors in a row, wow!

Jackie said...

The book looks great, just bought my mum one vary similar knit your own cats!!!
The fabric looks so lovely as does the ribbon... The colours so bright and cheerful
Jackie 7

Anonymous said...

What a wonderfully tidy bit of stash - at least the bits you let us see LOL! When the kids were young I collected a LOT of knitted toy patterns, still love making them but have no excuse now :) I have a Shaun the Sheep one that knits up adorable. Maybe wee need to do a swapsy. Maybe Jozarty will take knitted toys as well as quilts...it would give me an excuse. Your blog ALWAYS makes me want to delve into sewing/quilting for a bit, but paper always reels me back in....

Happy WOYWW day!
Mary Anne (3)

Diana Taylor said...

Love your stash of fabrics and ribbons - I enjoy re-organising and sorting as it reminds me of what I had forgotten I have! I've just fallen in love with your measuring set - how adorable - I've never seen anything like them before!
Have a great week xox

ria gall said...

Hi Jan
well done you on all your sorting out, we know it gets out of hand when we are busy making something but looks like you have a system in place to get it sorted afterwards again.
Loving your little cups so sweet
Have a great WOYWW today and enjoy the rest of your week
Hugs Ria #6

lisa said...

You are looking super organised there, Jan. What gorgeous pressies your received, I love those measuring cups. Trying to work out cup measurements is a nightmare, I usually give up!!!! You'll have no problem with these beauties. The knitted zoo looks fun too. I'm still knitting scarves, little steps but loving it!!
Hugs Lisax #17

BJ said...

Oh how I love order and tidiness and rainbow colours into the bargain. The book looks great, perhaps I ought to progress from sheep LOL. BJ#21

Andrea said...

your organising is continuing to impress us love that stash of ribbon van never have enough fab pressies too... my favourite is the giraffe but then im biased as these are my favourite animals the book looks great and those little cup measures are uber cute have a great weekahead, crafty hugs Andrea x #18

Unknown said...

Love the organising, I hope you don't catch containeritis from Eliza like I did.... everytime I look in my craft room now, I'm convinced they've multiplied.. Poor hubby thinks I've had my containers for years, I just didn't have the heart to tell him... lol
Happy crafting and have a fabulous week.
DeDe 31

Annie Claxton said...

Wow! you are looking so organised! Such a gorgeous collection of fabrics and ribbons, just makes me want to sew something :o)
What fab pressies from your brothers - I LOVE those little cups and the knitted zoo looks brilliant, such thoughtful presents. My brother doesn't even send a card! :o)

Annie Claxton said...

Sorry, forgot my number! :o) Annie #42

Jan said...

Great start to the year. I wish I could get organised. xx Jan (35)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, what a fabulously organised start to a new year. I adore your knit your own zoo kit.

Zoe #39

Anne said...

Great organisation there- have been doing the same :-) don't know how long it will stay organised! Your presents from your brothers are just brilliant. Happy WOYWW Anne x #41

Julia Dunnit said...

I don't see an elephant in the knit your own repertoire....perhaps they were scared...
Loving the tidy colourful result of the organisation. It's almost impossible to keep ribbon corraled while choosing and working it, so I tell everyone. .

tilly said...

so many things to keep you busy lol, love the little cups and the book

My name is Cindy said...

Perhaps that should be your theme tune!! Loving the tidy stash - and ribbon storage - I have kind of given up, the bits that behave on rolls are all in one drawer playing nicely (but hardly ever used as if you remove one they all start to wobble about) and the rest are in a big, deep drawer which has to be tamed about twice a year. Can still never find anything. How the devil are you, missed everyone towards the end of the year was just so frightfully busy at work and getting ready for the big day etc.my pc time had to take a hit. Can't really think why I was so frantic now! Big hugs, Cindy

Twiglet said...

What perfect little gifts for you Jan - I love those little measures. Your hexs are on their way!! x Jo

Maisie Moonshine said...

OOOK in deed Jan - Looking forward to seeing your knitted orang (will you be giving him a cloak?) sometime soon. Such tidiness - I'm very impressed! Love those teeny tiny cups - I'm a sucker for miniature things. Have a good week. MMx #56

Lisa-Jane said...

I love your little cups! So pretty and yet so practical. Well done on all the sorting me dear - I hope it stays that way. ;-) xx

Glenda said...

Great presents you received! I also love your crochet! I've been slowly working on a table runner done in bedspread weight (pineapple)
Glenda #43

My not so simple life said...

very neat and I love those cups!

Lynn Holland said...

Everything looks wonderful Jan and is sure to be very motivating. Keep at it missus x

Tertia said...

I want that box of ribbons! There are some in there I do not have, how is that even possible? Love the pretty pastels and the measuring cups are just darling.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #50

famfa said...

I want those measuring cups, they are fab. Can't wait to see which animals you create.
Ifamfa 68

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Oh I love those little dolly cups. Too cute!

Fiona #18

Anonymous said...

I'll be fighting Famfa for those measuring cups they're brilliantly fab! Love the tidy fabric stash too.

Brenda 66

Super Stamp Girl said...

Hi Jan, congrats on being in the Top 3! I know I'm supposed to be admiring all the organizational work you did on your fabric and ribbons, but those dolly measuring cups are just stinkin' adorable! Happy WOYWW! Super Stamp Girl #50

sara j said...

Greetings of a new year! We are enjoying balmy temperatures hovering right around 30 degrees Fahrenheit, while I heard on the radio last night the south is down to 7 degrees. Their infrastructure is not designed for that at all...pipes freezing and breaking, not much insulation in their homes....sounds ghastly. Hopefully it will break soon.
I had to laugh at your tidy and then slightly unruly ribbons. It seems we are destined to always be behind the curve in neat and tidy sewing and craft spaces...it takes just a second to audition something, only to find out we need something else, and oh so much longer to replace it! lol.
Love your crochet project - how dreamy to use up all the bits and bobs of yarn.
Hope this finds you all warm, safe and happy.
Hugs, Sara #92

shazsilverwolf said...

Morning Jan, very well done with the sorting, looks lovely. I love those measuring cups, awesome gift. And the knitted animals. That takes me back- my Mom knitted loads for us as kids, i can remember having a giraffe, a grey bunny, a fox with a very bushy tail and a black & white cat. Told Julia we will definitely be coming to the crop again, last years aws such fun. Will you be collecting stuff for the Refuge again? Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #93xx

Elizabeth said...

Lovely post, Jan. I get a lot of vicarious pleasure from snooping through your material and ribbon stash. And how good are your brothers - they have the knack of choosing the perfect present for you ... may I borrow them for next Christmas please? Your crocheted hexagons are lovely and are the perfect use for leftover yarn. I feel for those over in the US who are suffering those incredibly low temperatures. We are enjoying a brief respite from the gales and storms, indeed the sun has been shining much of the day, but we've been warned that that bad weather is going to cross the pond and land on our doorstep any day soon :( Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth (looking fetching in Damart) xx #71

Unknown said...

Hi Jan
What fab presents you had. Can't wait to see your little zoo all done! Well done you for tidying and organising all your stuff. Thats going to be a major job for me this year. Re do my whole craft room. Hope you haven't been affected by all the flooding up there? The coast has taken a bit of a battering here and parts of Llangennech are flooded badly. we are ok about from a lake for a garden! Well... nothing from me this week on WOYWW, I'm just visiting.
Hugs Lynda B

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Wowzah! Look at all that organization! Aren't your proud of yourself? I'm tickled that one photo is neat ribbons and the next they are all pulled out again. A girl after my own heart! You totally have to knit up some zoo animals for us to admire. Looks like you have plenty to keep you busy. Enjoy! Judy #83

Unknown said...

Jan--it's so amazing how we have such a connection over the ocean that separates us! You know, I was thinking the other day how I hoped that May and June have indeed met each other now. Mom loved it that your mother's name was May! Thank you for your sweet words today. It makes me so happy to be back with the deskers--and I truly am inspired by your organizing! Well done! Oh, and season four of Downton Abbey started here last Sunday night. Of course, I thought of Mom and how much she LOVED that show and she was really anticipating Season Four. Then, I suddenly felt a calm and a peace, and something told me she was watching it with me! Crazy, I know. Hugs dearest soul sister! Sandy Leigh #64

Kim said...

LOL! Your ribbons were still a good attempt! But it really doesn't take much to fall into disarray..does it? So; I want to see your zoo when finished...what a cool idea. Have a great week.

MiamiKel said...

That's such a sweet post - would love to see the knitting zoo finished projects!
Kelly #97

Crafting Queen said...

THank you so much, your wonderful items arrived today. You are so kind. Love your tidy space. :)

Maisie Moonshine said...

Me again. I can't think of a better character to aspire to be! The Witches are my favourites. Nice to know you're a fellow fan. Waiting for Mr M to finish Raising Steam (Santa ALWAYS brings the latest TP) MMx

Laura said...

Evening LLJ,
How sweet are those measuring cups? My brother came up trumps too, he bought me a tree :) best present ever!!
Happy Wednesday

Helen said...

Your ribbons look(ed) so tidy... and I love those measuring cups - they are fabulous! hope you had a great day - am way down the list at 100 today owing to Julia's blogger issues. Count me in for the crop. Helen 100

505whimsygirl said...

Hi there LLJ,

I just love looking at fabric! You've organized yours nicely (and also your ribbons). I bet the little girl will love her bunting.

Thank you for visiting me already!!

Kay (42)

505whimsygirl said...

PS. I love the measuring spoons!!!

mamapez5 said...

Lots of pretties on show this week. I love all those fabrics and ribbons. I'm not a sewer so I like them for purely their aesthetic value. I am a paper-stroker but I could quickly become a fabric-stroker too! The measuring cups are delightful. What a thoughtful brother. Kate x #58

fairy thoughts said...

Hi LLJ you are the original material girl. I had to look back at the messy post to compare the two ..... God job Mrs I love to see such organisation. How cute are those little cups. Have a great week
Janet @11

CraftygasheadZo said...

Super tidy and it all looks pretty! I love your Zoo book and as I love Giraffes (psychological thing cos they're tall and I'm obviously not!) I'd have to go for that lovely fluffy giraffe there! Look forward to seeing you at the crop, I will be there, even if I have to use my chair! Take care. Zo xx 90

Carmen said...

Seriously, watching the news and weather ids like one of those disaster movies recently - very scary!

I do love the look of your boxes of fabric, most yummy! And am not surprised your bunting is so popular :-) But please, please knit the baboon with the red bum! Go onnnnnn! Am insanely jealous of the doll house measuring cups too! How cute?

okienurse said...

awesome post Jan! Weather has been really crappy this year. I am hoping it settles down and warms up a bit. We aren't used to it being this cold here. Love all the colored fabric and fun stuff. Thanks for Sharing....Hope you have a great week. Vickie #104

glitterandglue said...

Hello Jan. WOW! - such organisation! I am mightily impressed. It means you can see everything.... Well done you.
Thanks for already visiting and your comments re hubby. He is making slow progress - so that's good.
Thanks for your best wishes to us both.
Margaret #45

Eliza said...

Wow No2 for you what a treat and those little measuring cups just so cute, I want some too. You really are crocheting up a storm, you have the bug and so pleased to see you got the sorting done too. You are welcome any time you like to go shopping with the duo, we will have a laugh and who cares who stares they are only envious, coz they can't do what we do and get away with it. LOL So one day it will be a big day for all of us.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 32

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Jan, oooh! that would be lovely! We had such an ace time with you last year.That was just as much fun as the crop. Not sure what Marg is doing yet, she said she's waiting till closer to decide. Big hugs, Shaz xx

Ali H said...

Hi Jan thanks for stopping by earlier this week. Do tell LLinda & I more about the crop in May! X ALI

Darnell said...

Hello, Hello! LLJ? Are you home today? I know I'm so late, I'm sorry, I couldn't get a flight out because everything was iced over! Not the plane, of course, I'm referring to my broom! It was just horrible. Mister is finally feeling better and is currently climbing the ladder and walking on the roof cleaning out the gutter, so I'm FREE!!!

Your post is always so bright with all the fabrics and yarn and such a happy place to visit! And how blessed are you with those brothers???!!! You'll be the envy of every WOYWWer who passes by. The little measuring cups are too sweet!! And, of course, your beautiful organization has me shivering with delight!!

Happy Belated WOYWW and thank you for coming to visit me! Enjoy the rest of the week!! Hugs, Darnell #12

Diane said...

Way to go Jan, love all the organization, it always seems as soon as I get my stuff organized I mess it up again.

Hugs Diane

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I cannot believe I did not leave you a comment this week, but, now I think about it, the Kindle was playing up and would not let me leave any comments. Any road up, as they say, round Brummagem way, I love the way you have managed to organise all your things so well. Are you available for hire. My room looks as though several bombs have gone off in there, I can just get through the door. I am glad I am not the only one dependent on music and books. I have thought that I might try to find a local choir, just for fun, to give myself something else to focus. Yet another project for this year. I have every intention of coming to the Crop this time, but I am just waiting on a couple of other dates that have not been fixed yet for things that I promised myself that I would do this year. Hope to see you though this time. xx Maggie

Debbie in LA said...

Maggie, I am not sure where you live, but I have become a member of two Sweet Adelines Choruses and love the barbershop acapella singing. Look for a chorus in your area. If you like to sing, this is a great way to do it.


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...