I haven't done a huge amount of crafting this week..been too busy with other things but this is how it looked yesterday evening. While all the Christmas stuff is out, I've been making a couple of vintagey padded hearts to give as presents.  Looking at this has made me realise that a blooming good sort out is needed soon!

Playing around with the pretty bits...

Ribbony goodness....yum....

And a bountiful box of beautiful buttons and bells...how Christmassy is that??
I was up in Swindon the other day, killing time while G3 took his Driving Theory Test (he passed, atta boy!!) and I went into this Aladdin's Cave of sewing and knitting. Their ribbon selection was fantastic and I went a little mad....well, it's cheaper to buy a lot while I was there, rather than paying for fuel/parking another time. Great how we can rationalise these splurges, eh girls... ;-)  Look at the buttony one!  Ooooh, it's lush!

And I also bought a metre of these linen/cotton fabric....well, it would have been churlish not to....cough...

The main reason why I haven't made much this week is this:

Being part of a brass band means this is a busy time of year..the engagement list is PACKED! Here we are on Marlborough High St, busking to raise funds for the band.  We raised a lot of cash, helped lift the Christmas spirit for the shoppers and had fun too. AND it didn't rain!  The mad schedule continues with 6 more engagements this week.

Just as well I have a lot of PUFF! That's me with the big Oompah, back left. 

Enjoy your week in the run up to Christmas... xx


MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

It is great not to see cards on your desk. I am just so late doing everything and I detest having to mass produce because of it. I want to get into the garden, I wanted to see The Hobbit today, I want to play with my new stamps and my brand new sewing machine. Instead, I chose to have the entire house (nearly) painted a week before Christmas. Am I mad? I love all your right and cheerful fabrics and they have really cheered me up tonight. xxx Maggie #no number yet.

Annie said...

I love all your yummy stash and really can't wait to organise all mine into my new sewing room...still no moving date yet through! I've had to call it a day with any more Christmas activities now cos it really isn't easy finding a working area here now so what isn't done wont get done now.
Have a great Christmas and a happy, healthy and exciting new year.
Annie x # 36

sara j said...

My God woman when do you sleep? Your in a band too? Your energy, verve, creativity, and compassion are inspiring. Gee I made spiced nuts, peanut brittle and granola for everyone.....lol. But I can tell you've been in the thick of it, just with all the open bins or this and that on your work desk. The hearts will be treasured I'm sure...they look wonderful. But the ribbon. Oh my...be still my heart. I'm also fancying the buttons and bobs in the other container. It looks looks fun and festive. Hope you have a few moments to enjoy the coming week!
Hugs....sara j #46

Jackie said...

Everything looks bright clean festive and pretty on your desk this week ... Lovely to look at
Keep up the good work for Christmas with the band
Jackie 22

HeARTworks said...

You are really a woman of many talents! I am sure you and your band mates give a lot of Christmas joy to those who hear you!!! I like the hearts, and also the owl peeking from above! A blessed Christmas to you! patsy

Scrapcat 1 said...

it all looks fabulous and very festive. Thanks for sharing, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Tracy #41

VonnyK said...

Good on G3 passing his driving theory, hope he's got his own car or you will lose yours. Loving all your stash and I completely agree with all your arguments for purchasing it all. Good to see you oompahing away there. I bet everyone loves to hear you guys. Have a fabulous Christmas, I'm off for a while, too much to do around here but I'll be back visiting late January.
Have a great time. Von #38

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

OK, I have stopped rolling round the floor in hysterical laughter now. My house like a new pin ... I wish. the decorating has meant that so much stuff has been displaced and now needs finding and putting back into its home. The mirror in the hall eventually turned up behind the chair in the lounge and fortunately, my visitors last night assisted in getting it back on its hooks - it was too heavy for me, having a solid oak frame (probably coffin wood from when Grandad had his undertaking business) Once I get back from having lunch with friends today, I need to get all the other things back into place, vacuum the lounge and hall floor over which the dogs have spread their hair liberally, then shampoo both ready for little children who will crawl all over it. Still have about 20 cards to do. Then after that, anything without a home will go into a big box behind closed and locked doors until after Christmas. xx Maggie PS Have a good Christmas and hope to meet you all next year.

Sarn said...

Morning Jan . . . just popping over to wish you and yours a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Sarn xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

The heart ribbon is a fab colour. The heart fabric is even nicer than I imagined..score! I don't see why your desk needs a sort out..gracious, it looks pretty calm from here. Yesterday's quick coffee was a fab break.xx

Eliza said...

Gosh we must of been reading each others blogs at the same time. You my dear are welcome in my house anytime, come on over, De and I will show you a wonderful time. We could even take you to Ikea and embarrass you if you want LOL No actually have fun. It amazes me how you manage to fit all your crafting in and blow that horn on the streets too. Glad to hear you raised funds that no doubt are needed. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas filled with love, joy and all you wish for and more.

Thanks for being such a wonderful person and visiting this year.

Oh and your bunting is the only thing that didn't get moved, just noticed that it isn't in the shot this week, will have to make sure it is next time. Hugs

Eliza & Yoda 15

Anonymous said...

Gosh, can't believe we're here at the end of the year almost! Seems like just yesterday we were larking about in Salisbury. Lovely desk as always, very colour co-ordinated too. Beautiful ribbons and fabric, it's cruel to leave them in the shop you know, they might not go to such a nice home as yours! I always love to hear a good brass band playing traditional tunes, there's something very British about it. Using a tuba to blow the snow away! Sounds like a Mr Bean sketch in the making! Well done to G3, is he getting a car for Christmas! Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year, looking forward to another year of crazy blogging fun!

Brenda 54

Twiglet said...

I would just love a rummage about in all that ribbony lacey gorgeousness!! Those little hearts will be lovely. Good luck with the Oom papa-ing. x Jo

Krisha said...

How fun it must be to be part of a band.
Your new stash is very pretty.
Merry Christmas
Krisha #23

Unknown said...

Hi Jan your new stash looks lovely. Your red and cream theme is right up my street! I will be bothering you next year on account that I have decided I would like to make some christmas cushions. Had enough of christmas crafting now... I' ve started on the eating instead! Have a lovely Christmas and thank you for your friendship and kind comments.
Lynda B #31

Elizabeth said...

Hi Jan, your desk looks great to me - I dare not show you my sewing desk, it's sooooo bad! Love those hearts and that ribbon, all of it, is gorgeous ... my fingers are itching to stroke :) I hope the weather stays good for you over the next 6 engagements ... hope you have some Damart undies :)) Thanks for all your comments, inspiration and friendship throughout the year. I wish you and yours the most wonderful Christmas and all that you hope for yourselves throughout the coming year. Hugs, Elizabeth x #45

Lisa-Jane said...

These little hearts a great and a wonderful reason to purchase more pretty laces and ribbons :-)) I do applaud you playing out in the cold like that and I hope you have some warm undies on! Merry merry Christmas to you and yours! x #41

sandysewin said...

Oooo, your ribbons and fabrics are so pretty. After the new year will time enough to do a good organize. Have fun playing in the band, how nice to be musical. :-)

Thanks for stopping by my blog today and for the lovely comments.

Happy Woyww and Happy Christmas!

Sandy #1

shazsilverwolf said...

Jan, those hearts look gorgeous- they'd be lovely filled with something (nicely) smelly to hang in a wardrobe! Love all the ribbons and that heart fabric too- I agree, we all have a nice long list of good reasons to justify our spending, lol.Like online- if I spend another tenner, I get free postage- never mind that the postage was only 2 quid! Wishing you a Happy and Peaceful Christmas and New Year, from me & my Beloved Hubby. Huge Christmas Hugs, Shaz #44 xx

Darnell said...

A fun post, as always, LLJ! From the beautiful photos of all that ribbony, buttony, hearty goodness to the windbags, blowing for all they're worth for a good cause and lots of cheer!! I think you ladies in the horns are adorable!!

And, you are an excellent shopper! I can't see what you make of all your new early-Christmas pressie goodies! (That's the BEST rationale, hard to argue against the practicality of buying ourselves pressies in advance of or belatedly for this occasion or that!)

Happy WOYWW and thank you for coming to visit me and leave some love! I wish you and yours the happiest of holidays and I thank you for your friendship and support hose!! Hugs, Darnell #10

Unknown said...

No don't tidy, I like seeing all the sewingy bits!
Karen #33

Crafting Queen said...

What a great thing to do, glad it did not rain. Love the hearts on your desk. Have a great day.

Ali H said...

Hi Jan
Love your Christmas hearts !
Looks like you have been having a great time with your fellow bands(wo)men !!
Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas & hope we may get to see you at a crop next year !! Love Ali x

Katie said...

Lots of fun bits to play with!


ddazzled71 said...

Looks like you have lots of wonderful bits and bobs to adorn your beautiful hearts and have also been very busy entertaining the crowds and putting them into the Christmas Spirit. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and New Year! Danie #37

Andrea said...

oh I love christmas and all those pretty bits and bobs cool ribbons also especially the button one it my favourite too. well done to your grandson . thanks for visiting and your kind comment have a lovely time over the festive period and a very happy christmas to you and your family crafty hugs Andrea x

BJ said...

Oh loving those hearts with the lace and ribbons and the box of buttons and bells. Glad you liked my little house I got the inspiration from a blog but I can't remember where now. Thanks for visiting me this week. Happy Christmas BJ#35

Anonymous said...

Pretty, pretty hearts! Love the look of them. Sorry to be late but now I can get to my desk, it's commenting time - pop back to see my tidy-up 85% done....and you will laugh at my lost item, resulting in a made up crochet pattern. Of course it may not work out, but I won't know till the end..

Happy last WOYWW before Christmas and thank YOU for all the inspiration and friendship! Lucky for me Julia provided the link-up.
Mary Anne (24)

Kate said...

Lovely fabric and ribbons, hope you will shape a picture of the finished heart.

A very merry Christmas to you and yours.


Mrs.D said...

Jan, thanks for your visit, and you nice comments about the train card, feel free to copy the ideas, I can even let you have the publisher doc to do the signs if you want.
I love your hearts, that is going to be some very special bunting and that pretty fabric with the hearts, I bet that will be saved for soemthing very, very special and you will keep looking at it and just enjoying how beautiful it is. Too nice to use? That's what would happen in my house.
Happy Christmas
Love Chris #34

fairy thoughts said...

Hi LLj
lovely makes on your desk as usual... beautiful hearts and as for the box of buttons I think you know I'd like those. You are so busy I'm amazed you have enough breath to play that tuba.
Thanks for your lovely comments earlier, I don't really do ' feelings' on my blog but this time of year makes even me a bit 'gushy and sentimental'.... I have met some fabulous people here, anytime you need a chat you know where I am (usually hiding amongst the fabric he he).
I hope you and your family have a great Christmas and a peaceful new year.
Oh, and don't work too hard, take time to enjoy doing nothing. . . as if !

JoZart Designs said...

Take a look at my post today, there's a pic especially for you!! A glimpse of things to come, maybe?
Love your makes this week and it is so lovely to see your fundraising music making. Well done. It makes people really get into the festive mood!
Jo x

505whimsygirl said...


The hearts look very cute! Love the buttons too. I also like the way you think! It's very economical to purchase things and not have to think about them and go back (costing another trip)! Especially since I have to drive to Santa Fe, about a 45 minute drive for me! Yep, I like how you think!!!

I imagine it's so much fun for the band this time of year. I need to start playing Christmas music. I finally got up a tree but hadn't made any of the ornaments that I want to make yet - this weekend. Work life gets in the way of so much fun!


Hettie said...

Oompapa Oompapa that's how it goes!
Lovely scrumminess there Jan.

Nan G said...

How cool a musician and bunting maker! Love the lacey hearts bet they'll be fab. Some day you'll have to fill us 'late to the party' peeps in on how you came to be LLJ. Just saw the Friday Smiles post from JoZarty.... giggle. Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy Holidays! Nan G #14

Crafting Queen said...

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

It looks like you've been having fun in your studio, as well as with your band. You are one multi-talented lady. Happy belated WOYWW and happy holidays! #73

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks for stopping by, I'm late but was no extra time again this week. Love the photos, always some fun things! Can't wait to see the heart finished. Wishing you and yours the Merriest of Holidays. May your Christmas be bright.


 BAAA BAAA BAAA, BAAARBAR BAAARANN What a gorgeous week it's been weather wise, sunny and warm with a real feel of Spring in the air!  I...