I have enjoyed the last three weeks of WOYWW numbers...
* Week 234 (consecutive numbers)
* Week 235 (2+3=5)
* Week 236 (2x3=6)
Plus, today's date is 11.12.13. !!
See, told you I was Maths Mad....well, mad anyway.......  :-)

I've got so much to show you this week, it's going to be photo heavy/text light!

I was asked to make some different Christmas bunting, boy, did I enjoy doing it!

I used up LOADS of odds and ends :-)

Which meant that I allowed myself to buy some more lace and ribbon from Janet Fairythought's store in Winchester...what a shame, eh??

My 'crafting while watching TV' has been knitting beanies for a homeless charity...just look at the gorgeous colours in this James C Brett yarn....it's chunky, so runs up really quickly.

Another James C Brett chunky being crocheted into an infinity cowl which is destined to be a prezzy...

Some fat quarters for a project I have in mind to do this week.
We took a stroll by the Kennet and Avon Canal on Mr LLJ's birthday.

And finally, I know our beloved Mrs Dunnit's fame has spread far and wide but am impressed that a booze company has seen her potential. You're definitely a 'Superior' model, mate...... ;-)

Have a great week everyone!


Crafting Queen said...

Bunting is looking great. Have a lovely day.

Annie said...

Your Christmas bunting is gorgeous Jan. You sound a busy girl with all your crafting too. So Superior Julia has put her name on a bottle has she? Love it :-)
A x # 41

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Great post again love it all, LLJ - sorry short sweet, not able to do more, ShaZ in Oz.x 30

BJ said...

But how could you not mention the date today as it is 11/12/13 !!!
Love the Chrimbo bunting. BJ#37

Julie Lee said...

Lots of lovely piccies! The bunting is gorgeous and super knitting too! Fat quarters for a project you're doing this week! How do you fit it all in? I step back in amazement! Julie Ann xx #45

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

That bunting looks lovely, as does the yarn you've knitted up into beanies. Hope you're having a lovely week xx

Fiona @ 57

Annie Claxton said...

hehehe love it! really enjoyed looking at all your projects and what an amazing photo! Annie #60

Anonymous said...

Dang! I missed you last week and wow do I love that bed runner. Such fab colours! And this week? Bunting and chunky crochet...you always make me happy with your posts. LOL too at the boozy Julia bottle. Bet that makes HER smile...

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (15)

Judys Lace Creations said...

That bunting is so lovely.I love working with small details too.
Judy # 11

Carole said...

How fun...I can tell you so enjoy doing these fabulous buntings...we call banners. Using scraps is a treasure allowing for additional purchases. Busy lady.. love the cowl. Be well Carole # 66

Eliza said...

Hello from Australia, guess what your bunting is the only thing in the office that has not been moved or removed this week. Love the new bunting you are making, total fun by the look of things. Another cowl I am envious that is for sure but hey we are now meant to be getting warmer weather, must make a note to the weather man about that, don't know what has happened. You also find time to do tripping and seeing the sights, such beautiful scenery, Great post this week with excellent projects, don't worry about the photo heavy moment, I am sure you can sort something with Julia so she don't get mad at you LOL Maybe she drank that plonk......

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 66

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Good grief, Jan. You've got me singing along "'we're happy tonight." OK, back to the subject of your blog post. To ME this is (in the lane, snow is) 12/11/13 and 11/12/13 was LAST month. I'm a math person (ring, are you listening), too. Love the photo of the canal. It is gorgeous. Wish Mr. LLJ a happy belated (walking in a winter wonderland) birthday, too. Now, if I could ONLY get that song and vision of a boozy Julia out of my head.

Kim said...

I love your bunting, but yes, the yarn colors are my fave!
Kim #72

Unknown said...

Soul sister, I LOVE that song you opened your blog with! And I am cracking up that there are spirits named after our dear Julia!!! I am at work right now, but seeing the tree applique on your banner has put a fire under me to make a banner right at this moment! It's the prettiest thing ever. Now, I wanted to tell you that if I can make a gingerbread house, you can make a gingerbread house. Years ago I found the easiest recipe and pattern for it and it's the house I make every year and some years I make two or three. I decorate with all kinds of things from Teddy Grahams (who sometimes live in the gingerbread house) to lifesavers candies, marshmallows, candy canes and licorice. I just discovered that this recipe is still online and here's the link: http://www.mrfood.com/How-To/Gingerbread-House-from-Mr-Food. I cut my pattern pieces out of wax paper, then I roll the gingerbread dough on the back of a cookie sheet and lay the wax paper on the dough and cut out the pattern and then bake 10 minutes. I let it just dry hard in the open air for a day or two. Then I lay it flat on a tray and decorate the roof, sides and front. Then let that dry hard. Then I put it all together and I use straight pins to help me and then take them out later and wallah! You can do it girl! (those are my best tips for it) Hugs to you and I will not send any snow your way as it is very pretty, but the streets in my subdivision are horrible!! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #10

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Clever little numbers lady ! ! Love the color of the to be cowl yarn...and another little cute bunting. And the bottle ! adorable. I have a champagne bottle from our wedding a man drilled a hole at the bottom on the side, inserted a small string of clear lights and I have it on my counter and change out the topper seasonally!! This bottle would be cute for Julia...you might be able to find info on you tube I thing they use a glass drill bit with some water as they drill thru the glass. OH..more ideas....and time is ticking away, for Santa and his sleigh. Enjoy.

Jackie said...

What a beautiful photo from your walk....
The bunting is lovely,, and the bottle well that made me laugh
Jackie 40

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi Jan - FABULOUS bunting - I can see why you had fun with it! I've put my gorgeous Scandi bunting on our stairs it looks gorgeous and I think of you every time I pass it (which is often as my craft room is upstairs and the kettle is down!) Thanks for your visit - have a great week. MMx #49

JoZart Designs said...

What super makes there again this week. Love the bunting and the knitting and always, always gorgeous fabric.
You always seem to be ahead of me with visiting or living in the places I mention .... Leed, Lakes, etc.,and I am sure we must have been shoulder to shoulder somewhere without knowing!
Jo x

Unknown said...

Ha ha your bottle made me laugh! Beautiful bunting again and that photo is gorgeous. Worthy of a page on the country file calendar! Hope you are all ok. Have a happy week
Lynda B #36

Darnell said...

Wonderful post, as always, LLJ! Your seamstressing is always flawless; I just love the Chrissie bunting! And the colors of the yarn are favorites of mine! Happy Belated Birthday to your Mister! It was all fine up to there and then you had to go and swell up the Hostee's head with FAME!! Oh, dear, dear. Happy WOYWW! Oh, loved the math trivia!! Thanks for the visit to me! Have a great week!! Hugs, Darnell #22

okienurse said...

Love the math update! You are one busy bee with all the bunting and and knitting and crochet...I always feel downright lazy when I see what you have been up to! Hope Julia gets a taste of that which is named after her...Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment! Hope you are having a terrific holiday season! Vickie #62

Victoria said...

Beautifull..I totally love the bunting..very inspiring creations...so gorgeous and festive..and love the colored knits..striking colors..especially love the turquoise color! Fabulous Julia Bottle..perfect!
Happy creating...

Super Stamp Girl said...

Hi Jan, thanks for the peek of your desk and a few other things. I must say the photo of the Kennett and Avon canal looks beautiful. I don't see the snow there like we have in New England! Hugs and Happy WOYWW!

Caro said...

What wonderful photos. That Christmas bunting is stunning and the bottle made me laugh. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#52)

Bernice said...

Lovely bunting and what beautiful scenery. Thanks for sharing.

Shoshi said...

What a lovely hive of industry this week, Jan! I love the bunting, and your knitting is great, too. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog about my dad - it's a strange time - I feel so full to the brim with Dad, and loads of happy memories, and deeply privileged that we were there at his side to witness his passing and give him some of our strength for his final journey. I am so at peace about him, and we are now planning a lovely celebration for his funeral next Thursday.

As for Shoeshine, I love it!!! Lol! I've been called a few things in my life but never that! Perhaps I should adopt it as a new nickname ROFL!!

If you look carefully at my WOYWW desk pic this week, you will see the precious little pincushion you made for me for the 3rd anniversary swap - I love it so much. There are often times when you need a pin for things other than sewing and it sits on my work surface with some pretty hat pins in it. It's so fun!


Shoshi said...

PS Jan - I meant to say happy WOYWW and add my number, which is 83.


fairy thoughts said...

I liked today's date too wrote it as many times as i could . Love the bunting. If I can do the embroidery ..... So can you

Lisa-Jane said...

LOL! Love that tipple! That bright floral fabric is something else - beautiful. Groovy bunting too. x #44

Nan G said...

Fab buntings and gorgeous knitting there LLJ! Wow to have booze named after you...what an honor for our Julia! :) Thanks for the earlier visit! WOYWW hugs! Nan G #69

Unknown said...

Beautiful bunting, you have so much happening....that bottle is a cracker. ..lol Thanks for visiting and your lovely comment. Hope you have a fab week and happy crafting.. DeDe #5

Mrs.D said...

Hi Jan and thanks for visiting me, sorry I am so late returning, been busy wrapping pressies.
I love that alternative bunting, very pretty, some is very lucky to ge that.
Chris #31

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Love your bunting. Did I tell you about our local radio station (BBC Hereford and Worcester) trying to break the Guinness World Record for the longest continuous line of bunting. The aim was about 3 miles, but in the end they achieved about 6 and a quarter miles, absolutely smashing the existing record. The it was broken up into shorter lengths and exhibited around the two counties before being sold off to raise even more money for Children in Need. I would love to swap seeds with you. I grew a cucumber the year before last and it made a very determined attempt to take over the whole greenhouse, and I was constantly attacking it to keep it under control. I reckon it was the original of the Jack and Beanstalk plant. It did fruit very well, and it was good to have the really fresh fruits that do not cause indigestion. I have got quite a selection of seeds for next year with three different kinds of carrots and at least two different beetroot types, three different tomatoes. I like the idea of using the more heritage types to keep them going and to get good flavour. I am hoping to get to the get together this year if it is held (that and a Workshop with Barbara Gray and a two day retreat with her as well. Hope you get all your bunting and other things finished on time. have a good week. xx Maggie #23

Ginny Maxam said...

Awesome Bunting!! Or as you all say "Brilliant"!! I always enjoy your posts!! Thank you for stopping by earlier, Have a great week, TFS Ginny #16

lisa said...

You look super busy as always, Jan. Glad you had chance to take advantage of the lovely weather we've had lately, well apart from last Thursday when I turned into Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz in the awful wind!!
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Hugs Lisax

CraftygasheadZo said...

Great pictures, love all of your work and you look busy!! I must try and knit again, I used to knit while in bed watching the tv too. But my hands hurt a lot so I stopped. Maybe I'll try again soon!! Thanks for visiting me already, I promise I will post my hair pic once I get a good light to show it up!! I had black and bleach put through the front sections plus I dyed it Ultra Violet before. It looks fab I promise!! Even if it sounds mad and random. Like me, hey?!!! Take care Zo xx 82

Ali H said...

Hi Jan
So glad I wasn't the only sad person to enjoy it being 11/12/13 !! Just got back from London & realised I had written the post but not linked up ! Oh well the old grey cells must have a bit of tinsel clogging them up !! Have a great week Ali #96

Anonymous said...

Ooh where to begin! Stunning photo (and happy belated birthday wishes to your mister); OMG, I almost lost my lunch at the bottle of Julia!!! Talk about a busy life! Love the desk, the bunting and the yarn goodies! I have a couple of balls of variegated JC Brett somewhere, they'd make a great hat! Thanks for the idea! Have a great weekend, we're off to see The nutcracker ballet tomorrow, Winter Storm Electra notwithstanding! Bloody thing is taking a direct aim at us!


Hettie said...

Great bunting there Jan. I have a jumper on the go with the Brett yarn but too busy to finish it¬!
Happy Belated Birthday to Mr LLJ.

sara j said...

Once again, I have literally laughed out loud at your last photo. My Dad used to call it booze too...just sounded funny!!
Your knitting and crocheting is so wonderful....color just gets to me - no matter what the form. And then to add all that lovely texture...mmm, mmm.
I still hold the dream of making a Granny square afghan some day....
And lastly the canal...oh my heavens, how gorgeous....
Yes, always fun to visit. Hope you are enjoying every moment of this wonderful season!!


 WHO PUT THE COLOURS IN THE RAINBOW? Another week has whizzed past and it's been full of crafting, selling, playing keyboards and enjoyi...